by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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In some cases, like Ferguson, the protestors are actually guilty of committing violence, not counting the cold blooded gunning down of someone in the street.
In some cases, like Ferguson, the protestors are actually guilty of committing violence
jazz_music saysI'm listening to their radio show right now.
The left: making white supremacy relevant again. I'm sure they thank you for your patrionage.
RC2006 saysbetter chance finding unicorn than a few kkk thereThat's why I'm making these posts on White Nationalism and KKK to show you just how wrong you are.
And then I see the same assholes that claim KKK is not a thing commenting the EXACT same talking points I just heard on aryan radio broadcast.
Wake the fuck up people
Yes, KKK is actively recruiting new members like crazy because THEY SEE AN OPPORTUNITY NOW, THE TIME HAS COME.
WookieMan saysI guess up is down and left is right now.So it sucks being fucking wrong about so much when you feel like you are the only one who has a brain.
How about life experience then?
America was the best under the New Deal with strong unions. That was ok and the envy of the world.
That is because the wealthy want EVERY TAX DOLLAR to go to them and not just some of it, sometimes.
There you go, blathering again about shit you know nothing about.
WookieMan saysName and cite one thing that has increased in price from China?You should find your answers
Well they are not going to recruit me or anyone I know.
@patrick I know and appreciate that this is a free speech forum, but this idiot is going to make your site the number one hit for Klu Klux Klan. May wanna purge a few of his posts.
Of course I've been part of organization far worse than kkk I worked for KKR for 6 years.
I have been all over the US and have never seen a kkk person not even in the south. Meanwhile I have ran into all sorts of radical black and brown power types. Do they exist sure there are wannabe nazis (more like cosplayers). Skinheads (haven't seen any in decades) and I am sure there are a few kkk out there somewhere, but their numbers are dwarfed and extremely tiny compared to black and brown power types that the left whole heartedly support.
Remember how crappy White People are?
Pelosi is warning us that Trumpler the Terrible wants to make America White Again, and prevent us from reaping the rewards of diversity, like at Disneyland or downtown Philly.
Go ahead and deny that Trump fanned and exploited not only white nationalism, but xenophobia and misogyny. Go ahead and be that ignorant all you want.
RC2006 saysMaybe Jazz is kkk.I'm not the subject of this post.
You will not be informed about my life at all, ever.
Why don't you speak from your knowledge?
On topic.
The Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish protection group that monitors Klan activity, describes Barker’s Loyal White Knights as the most active Klan group today, but estimates it has no more than 200 members total. The ADL puts total Klan membership nationwide at around 3,000.
The Alabama-based SPLC says there’s no evidence the Klan is returning to the strength of its heyday
The KKK is a real thing. They believe that now is their time, partly because Trump took office and Trump's father was connected to KKK too.
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