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104179   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 30, 4:44pm  

AD says
a home is not affordable if the monthly total housing costs (principal+interest+taxes+insurance+hoa fees+emergency repairs) are 40% more than the household's gross monthly income

Say what?
104180   WookieMan   2019 Jul 30, 4:54pm  

I'd be surprised if most of the "right wingers" here actually consume that much Fox news. Outside of a Chicago Bears game during the fall/winter, I cannot remember the last time I've watched any Fox station, local or national... and I'm not right wing.

Getting hung up on the news source for either side is getting pretty nauseating anyway. These networks have picked a path, they're going down that path to earn revenue and make money. It really has nothing to do with actual news. Hence why I don't watch much of it. None of it is balanced. Much of it is not accurate and is clickbait (viewer bait) and is not worth watching.

These legacy media companies are hanging on by a thread to the boomer demographic that 50% of can even retire in the foreseeable future. But it sells ads because this idea that they have the money. They literally don't and are trying to conserve every dollar now that their health is starting to go. Ratings will plummet for all these networks if they don't figure this out. I'd say that's a good thing as long as a google or facebook doesn't fill the void.
104181   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 30, 4:55pm  

I would love a few "Sirius XM" style websites... offering Youtube/Podcasts for $10-20/month, with moderate ads and a portion of the take being distributed to the more popular hosts.

They would openly publish opaque rules, like "No porn" or "No F words" so content producers wouldn't be victimized by SFBA Tech Assholes.

Sargon, Styx, Crowder, and the rest could move over there.
104182   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 30, 5:00pm  

That being said, it must be a hard transition for the Left to realize they're the oppressive Status Quo.

They really think one news channel whose average viewer is 62 or whatever, makes up for 90% of other media, from CNN to WaPo to NYT to MSNBC to CBS News, is responsible for Trump and the "Rise in White Supremacy" or "Toxic Masculinity" or whatever BS Fad Fearmongering Term they're using.
104183   RC2006   2019 Jul 30, 5:04pm  

TDS is real folks.
104184   AD   2019 Jul 30, 6:14pm  

If a household's gross monthly income is $5,000 then they should not buy a home or rent a home that costs more than $2,000 per month. That is what I was referring to as far as housing costs per month.
104185   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 30, 7:10pm  

AD says
If a household's gross monthly income is $5,000 then they should not buy a home or rent a home that costs more than $2,000 per month. That is what I was referring to as far as housing costs per month.

You should go back and edit it then.
104186   AD   2019 Jul 30, 7:28pm  

Iranian_Oil_Burse says
You should go back and edit it then.

"a home is not affordable if the monthly total housing costs (principal+interest+taxes+insurance+hoa fees+emergency repairs) are 40% more than the household's gross monthly income"

What is it wrong with the original statement above ?
104187   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 30, 7:32pm  

AD says
Iranian_Oil_Burse says
You should go back and edit it then.

"a home is not affordable if the monthly total housing costs (principal+interest+taxes+insurance+hoa fees+emergency repairs) are 40% more than the household's gross monthly income"

What is it wrong with the original statement above ?

"Housing costs more than 40% than the households gross monthly income" literally means they are paying 140% of their gross monthly income. What you wanted to say is "housing costs more than 40% of the households gross monthly income".
104188   Dholliday126   2019 Jul 30, 7:38pm  

If the fed had interest rates at 6% I guarantee there would be no housing crisis.
104189   AD   2019 Jul 30, 8:06pm  

Okay, I apologize as it should have been written as "more than 40% of household gross monthly income".
104190   Hircus   2019 Jul 30, 9:53pm  

RC2006 says
TDS is real folks.

It really is. Today at the office, my liberal coworker who sits next to me had a TDS bout. It was quiet, and we could hear another worker down the hall talking to someone else about the Mueller report, and how it was a big flop etc....

My libby coworker took a real deep breath and exhaled in a shaky, angry, breathe. Just overhearing someone else mention that "his side" failed made him almost lose it. haha

It's sad that he's still blinded, and still thinks russian collusion was real despite the obvious outcome.
104191   gsr   2019 Jul 30, 10:20pm  

RC2006 says
TDS is real folks.

So is TMS (Trump Messiah Syndrome).
104192   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 31, 6:21am  

I wish you inferior idiots would quit yammering about how superior White people are over your low self esteems asses.

Get a Life you Fucking Losers!
104193   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 31, 6:21am  

I wish you inferior idiots would quit yammering about how superior White people are over your low self esteems asses.

Get a Life you Fucking Losers!
104194   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 31, 6:21am  

I wish you inferior idiots would quit yammering about how superior White people are over your low self esteems asses.

Get a Life you Fucking Losers!
104195   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 31, 6:21am  

I wish you inferior idiots would quit yammering about how superior White people are over your low self esteems asses.

Get a Life you Fucking Losers!
104196   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 31, 6:22am  

Is any of this getting through to you low self esteem losers? Well is it?
104198   CBOEtrader   2019 Jul 31, 7:05am  

Jazz why are you fixated on these white supremacists attacks? This is a 1 in 20 million crazy person.

31 murders in chicago happened in July alone, more than many years worth of these freaks.

Per capita, white people commit far less murders and less terrorism.

Ask yourself why you are fixated on these rare incidents. Are you Jewish?

Jewish people are a target worldwide again. White supremacists are one of many concerns for the Jewish community, albeit WS is dwarfed by the others.
104199   Onvacation   2019 Jul 31, 7:11am  

gsr says

So is TMS (Trump Messiah Syndrome).

Trump is no messiah. But it is nice to have a leader working for us instead of himself.
104200   Goran_K   2019 Jul 31, 8:23am  

AD says
If a household's gross monthly income is $5,000 then they should not buy a home or rent a home that costs more than $2,000 per month. That is what I was referring to as far as housing costs per month.

Even then, that seems like its cutting very close financially. Utilities, groceries, car payments? How much is this person investing or putting back into their Roth/401k/etc?
104201   CBOEtrader   2019 Jul 31, 8:25am  

I know young professionals in Chicago who make $75k/yr and rent 1br's for $2600/month.
104202   Goran_K   2019 Jul 31, 8:26am  

CBOEtrader says
I know young professionals in Chicago who make $75k/yr and rent 1br's for $2600/month.

Damn that's rough.
104203   socal2   2019 Jul 31, 8:57am  

CBOEtrader says
I know young professionals in Chicago who make $75k/yr and rent 1br's for $2600/month.

That is $500 more than my mortgage for a 5 bedroom house in Carlsbad, CA with peak ocean views and a phenomenal school district.

Eight years ago, we were renting a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house in Pacific Beach 4 blocks from the ocean for $1,800/month.

I was in the Midwest last week visiting family and was surprised at the high costs of some of the new homes. Granted, these were big (4,500 square foot) homes on a golf course - but a couple of them were nearly $2 million not including HOA and resort fees! Even now, you could get a very nice big home near the ocean in San Diego County for less that that.
104204   komputodo   2019 Jul 31, 9:15am  

RC2006 says
That rat looks homeless.

Why? because he's not white? Dat's raciss..
104205   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jul 31, 10:22am  

Move over uneducated Minorities, Rats are the new protected class.
104206   RC2006   2019 Jul 31, 10:40am  

komputodo says
RC2006 says
That rat looks homeless.

Why? because he's not white? Dat's raciss..

Hair looks dirty and looks drugged out, poor life choices living in a liberal city. Rats by me don't come out during the day they know their place and stay out of site if they step out of line they get killed by black and white cat on patrol.
104207   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Jul 31, 1:11pm  

Annnddd more bi-partisan BS overshadows the real problems yet again.

For those who care, stop popping prescription meds like they're candy, and learn self-defense, including the use of a firearm.

For the rest of you false paradigm losers, continue dancing on victims graves, you sick, pathetic hypocrites.
104208   RWSGFY   2019 Jul 31, 7:36pm  

104209   steverbeaver   2019 Jul 31, 10:14pm  

I bet you believe that owners should be responsible for their dog's actions, right?
104210   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 31, 10:44pm  

So, if you don't let somebody from a totally different neighborhood move into your house, though he has a home however humble of his own, you are going to hell. And of course pay his medical bills, food costs, put him up in a home, even though it distracts from helping other poor people native to the neighborhood.

Long Repeated Leftist Argument that is more stale than re-runs of Happy Days:

104211   Shaman   2019 Aug 1, 5:26am  

Leftists do little else besides covet, steal, and commit adultery.
Loving your neighbor as yourself means that you also love yourself enough to respect your own needs and property. It doesn’t mean you have to give up what you have to anyone else for the asking. It means you should treat others how you would want to be treated. I don’t want people to be forced to give me their money to support my lazy behavior, so I wouldn’t support a policy that gives them MY money to support their lazy behavior!

The only passage relevant to the discussion is this one:
“Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:27‬ ‭ASV‬‬

Which seems to mean two things: take care of the widows and the orphans, (which our society and many many charities do) and don’t go around believing and acting on all the crap people dream up as some sort of “new morality.”
104212   Shaman   2019 Aug 1, 7:20am  

Thingsthatmakeugohmmm says
If you support the separation of children from their families

You mean like when their parents commit criminal acts and go to jail? Or if CPS is called on a family and the kids get taken away until the parents can prove that they aren’t deranged axe murderers? That kind of separation? Happens all the time to Americans. Not even a partisan thing.

Here’s a real example: my sister is divorced from her first husband, and a few years back he made a serious play for full custody. This involved making a call in the evening to CPS to claim that the kids were in danger with my sister and her new husband. Police came to their door and forcibly took the boys, gave them no options, and held the kids in custody for a week before giving them to their dad full time. All based on nothing but a lie. It took almost a year and many thousands in lawyer fees for my sister to navigate the process of getting them back. So there you have it. Child separation happening and society praising it.
104213   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Aug 1, 9:27am  

Thingsthatmakeugohmmm says
I think that Romans 13:8-10 is proof that those whom support tRump's border policies will be going to HELL.

Have you applied this verse to your neighbors? God doesn't care much about your political outlook if you neglect the people you meet everyday.
104214   socal2   2019 Aug 1, 11:29am  

Thingsthatmakeugohmmm says
If you support the separation of children from their families and allow humans to live in inhumane conditions

Your Bonkers Donkey party supports this by encouraging Central and South Americans to sneak into our country by promising them free shit like my dopey Governor in California giving free healthcare to illegals.

Seriously - WTF do you think you are doing with incentives like this?

I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you have good intentions and don't want to see children abused by their parents and coyotes - but your party's policies are causing real harm. Not only to the children who are being used by smugglers, but you are doing lasting harm to countries like Guatemala and Honduras where people are just giving up and fleeing instead of trying to fix their homes.
104215   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 1, 12:12pm  

Thingsthatmakeugohmmm says
If you support the separation of children from their families and allow humans to live in inhumane conditions while spending $750 per night to house them God will know you are breaking his laws.

The reason children are separated from their parents is because ANTI CHILD TRAFFICKING GROUPS asked for it. This policy dates from before Trump for sure, it might go all the way back to Clinton, I don't recall.

Migrants, with no ID of their own, were claiming "kids" that weren't theirs. No just to get fast-track treatment, but also for purposes of stopping Child/Teen Prostitution.

Sometimes it's not Dady Juan or Tio Tito, but Pimp Pepe pretending he's Tio Pepe, who promised the 14-year old girl a modelling career before taking her to an in-call only place in Los Angeles for other Central American Migrants. Note there are plenty more males than females and this has been the case for decades.

30% of children arriving with migrants subject to a DNA test have NO BLOOD RELATIONSHIP.

104216   CBOEtrader   2019 Aug 1, 12:57pm  

Where does the Bible mention the border? OP dodged his own point.

104217   CBOEtrader   2019 Aug 1, 12:59pm  

Thingsthatmakeugohmmm says
If you support the separation of children from their families and allow humans to live in inhumane conditions while spending $750 per night to house them God will know you are breaking his laws.

Ok, build the wall so we don't have to house them, and they aren't incentivized to come live off our public funds.

If you support open borders God will know you are breaking the law.

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