Political Humor Thread

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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,129,432 views  42,154 comments

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1979   HeadSet   2019 Aug 2, 7:24pm  

marcus says

Really Marcus? You think this is profound? That is no different than if it read "One in four Americans is skeptical about Creation Science" or "One in four Americans is skeptical about Flat Earth." This is the stuff of disciples, not science.

I thought you were a teacher, so aren't you the least bit scientifically curious? Like an interest in models that actually predicted what is occurring. Or explanations of how a trace element like CO2 could have such an effect. With the extra (although still trace amount) CO2 added, do plants offset this any by growing faster? How can anyone model the dynamics of two complex fluids like the ocean and atmosphere with any precision? How about sun cycles? One solar flare that is thrown the Earths way has a huge effect. How does one determine that the temps today are the standard for what should be? After all, just 10,000 years ago North America was under ice and North America was populated with several species of mammoths and mastodons, along with hippos, rhinos, horses, giant bears and giant sloths, saber-tooth cats and so many other species, all extinct today. And 10,000 years is a blip in geological time. What about "oxygen depletion?" After all burning hydrocarbons take oxygen out of the air. Burning hydrocarbons also adds water vapor, which is said to be a stronger greenhouse gas than CO2, so why no talk of a "hydro footprint?" (Another poster did source a good science explanation on water vapor, however).

Saying a consensus of scientists supports a theory without looking at the science itself is no different then saying the God of the Bible is true because Harvard Doctors of Divinity
agree. After all, those Doctors of Divinity are far better educated in that subject than you and I.

If you want to support efforts toward renewables and conservation, even climate heretics would join you.. Pollution and resource depletion are real and provable. So why not talk about solutions? Renewables and conservation would also help with any "carbon footprint."

Seems to me the real reason Dems do not want to talk solutions is political. AGW is just supposed to be taken as a matter of faith (part of the Dem canon), and one is supposed to atone for past carbon transgressions by voting Democrat. Voting Dem is sufficient contrition, no need to adjust your lifestyle to be more carbon friendly. This is why any time the topic of solutions is brought up, a good Dem just reverts the discussion back to arguing with deniers.
1981   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 2, 9:33pm  

jazz_music says
These are not decent or honorable people, they will keep the subject on you and harp on you to reveal more.

Speaking of responsibility, please explain how Democrat Run Cities for half a century aren't responsible for the 3rd world conditions they are in?

Especially since most are minority-run by the minority majority there, so RACIST! Doesn't apply. The ethnic enclaves are run by the ethnics and have been for at least a generation, if not 2 or 3. If anything, these cities collect extra revenue by taxing wealthy greenbelters who only go there to work or shop but don't burden the services and pay far more than they receive
1982   HeadSet   2019 Aug 2, 9:40pm  

I'm happy to talk about solutions. It's just unfortunate that so many right wingers in government have been bought by big oil and coal, thus promoting to their faithful supporters and Fox news watchers, doubts about global warming. That puts a bit of a damper on conversations about solutions.

Would you not agree that having a republican controlled federal government that for the most part denies global warming makes discussing solutions more difficult, if not less relevant to many voters ?

Nothing here stops talking about solutions. California has a government that believes in AGW, and California is a big place. Many steps CA could take - Tiered energy pricing, allow no locality or HOA to prohibit clotheslines, allow no locality or HOA to prohibit roof top solar panels, tiered pricing of water, and so on. The "Republican" non -believers excuse sounds like an attempt to steer away from discussing solutions and back to arguing with deniers.
1983   HeadSet   2019 Aug 2, 9:46pm  

So you believe that my acceptance of global warming as fact implies that I'm not scientifically curious ?

Nice dodge. I referring to the blind faith in AGW shown by your memes rather than a science based outlook. I do not know if AGW is real, and neither do you, and even some PhD level atmospheric scientists admit as much. But we do know that pollution and resource depletion are real, and the methods that would address those issues would also abate any carbon footprints.
1985   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 3, 7:17am  

marcus says

That's NOT what it's time for at atll. It's time to tell Nancy Pelosi and Chuck to stop voting to give Shell 2 billion in subsidies.

OK Who else needs to know something?
1986   BayArea   2019 Aug 3, 7:23am  

This thread is proof positive that the left can’t meme, my goodness.
1987   CBOEtrader   2019 Aug 3, 7:34am  

marcus says
It's just unfortunate that so many right wingers in government have been bought by big oil and coal,

This is a lie you've been sold.

First, both sides are bought by big everything, oil/coal included. That's a different topic, albeit appropriate to at least look for the influence of oil/coal.

Second, it is the political representation of global warming that critics are justifiably scared of.

You have been taught that BS like the Paris Accord is akin to accepting that carbon traps heat. You are talking past the critics w/o attempting to understand them, which makes you a useful idiot rather than a friend of science.
1988   CBOEtrader   2019 Aug 3, 7:35am  

marcus says
like Michelle Obama being a dude.

It's funny cause she looks like a dude.
1990   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 3, 9:01am  

Glad to have you back Marcus, I had to put your Alter Ego on Mute.
1991   CBOEtrader   2019 Aug 3, 9:04am  

marcus says

IT's almost as if he really does lie a lot.

Show us the actual quotes/videos. I'll bet you can't, and this meme is a lie.
2001   HeadSet   2019 Aug 3, 12:07pm  

marcus says
BayArea says
This thread is proof positive that the left can’t meme

Isn't that weird ? We don't get that good memes are supposed to be based on lies, like Michelle Obama being a dude.

Agree with you here, Marcus. Plenty of good memes around, but the Michelle as a dude is not one of them. The Michelle as a dude is in the same fact-less category as the Trump Russia and Trump racist memes.
2002   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 4, 2:42pm  

marcus says

Dem Run Cities: ~230
Other 80% of Population: ~20
2003   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 4, 7:27pm  

marcus says

Oh Marcus, for a math teacher, it seems you really don't get numbers sometimes.

Muslims are 1% of the Population. San Ber and Orlando weren't that long ago.

Whites are about 70%+ of the Population. Commit less than 50% of the Murder.

Blacks are 12% of the Population. All by themselves commit something like 48% of all Murders in the US, mostly in Democratic Dominated (for generations) areas.

To be the Equivalent of either Muslim Terrorists, Whites would have to be pulling a San Bernadino - in the name of Christianity or at least a Right WIng cause - every single week. If Whites were just the equal of Black Criminals, our Murder Rate would be over 50 per 100,000.

Whites, Asians, and Jews are vastly superior when it comes to NOT being Terrorists or Murderers.
2007   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 4, 7:48pm  

WHITE SUPREMACY!!1!11!Eleventy
2010   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Aug 4, 8:59pm  

marcus says

Trump Cuck: "B-b-b-but mass knifings in England. check Mate !"

And yet somehow we are still the greatest country on that list. Not to mention that list is not accurate since it doesn't show any numbers for most countries, nor represents multi factored analysis into anything. Basically nice piece of fiction.
2012   Bd6r   2019 Aug 6, 8:54am  

FortWayneIndiana says
And yet somehow we are still the greatest country on that list. Not to mention that list is not accurate since it doesn't show any numbers for most countries, nor represents multi factored analysis into anything. Basically nice piece of fiction.

This picture is not true. Out of top of my head, there was an IRA-style attack in N. Ireland with a couple people shot also this year.
2014   HeadSet   2019 Aug 6, 9:35am  

WaltertheoFlanders says

I believe you meant the Democratic Primaries with the "Super Delegates."
2016   HeadSet   2019 Aug 6, 9:37am  

WaltertheoFlanders says

Or start to manufacture them here, where labor and pollution laws apply. Long term thinking, you know.

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