Political Humor Thread

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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,129,807 views  42,155 comments

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2204   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 16, 11:26am  

I remember when Democrats used to stand for Free Speech!

Now they want to censor video games, the internet, etc.
2205   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Aug 16, 11:30am  

HonkpilledMaster says
I remember when Democrats used to stand for Free Speech!

Now they want to censor video games, the internet, etc.

From what I've noticed lately from Democrats on NPR.

Their view of free speech is just speech that allows faggots to scream about how they like being faggots and do their pride shit, chase kids, etc...
Their view of speech that shouldn't be free, is any speech that criticizes faggots for doing all that above.

That's pretty much it.
2208   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 16, 6:22pm  

Pew Research Values survey:

Republicans unchanged in the almost 25 years between 1994 and 2017; the only issue they became more firmly right was whether enviro laws hurt the economy.

But on almost every question, the Democrats surveyed were far more left than in 1994.

Most of the change wasn't steady over time, but happened during Obama.

2210   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Aug 16, 8:49pm  

marcus says

This is what liberals dream of all day, that explains Epstein too. Lots of sick pervs dreaming of sex with Trump. From TDS to total surrender.
2215   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 17, 8:37am  

Marcus killing us softly

2221   Bd6r   2019 Aug 17, 9:50am  

another version of the same:
2222   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 17, 10:15am  

marcus says
So why aren't you vigorously protesting social security and medicare ?

Social Security is a Savings account you pay into. You should learn about finances and Commie lack there of.

I am not for Medicate. I believe our Healthcare system should be a Utility provided by an Agency that our tax dollars pay for.

That's quite different than Medicare where our government cuts Crooked Liberals checks for Billions of dollars for half ass providing care, to squeeze as much profits out of it as possible. A government Hospital and Government Doctors wouldn't have anything to gain the system.
2223   Onvacation   2019 Aug 17, 2:29pm  

marcus says
communism becasue ignorant.

Can't argue with that.
2229   Booger   2019 Aug 17, 5:01pm  

marcus says

Why would she ?

Should be a picture of Hillary.
2230   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 17, 5:16pm  

I hope Ivanka wasn't hosting Sensitive State Dept. docs on a private server located in a bathroom and run by a non-Security certified contractor.
2231   Booger   2019 Aug 17, 5:45pm  

How would a photo of Hillary fit with an Ivanka quote about not knowing that using personal email for govt business

Hillary was sending classified information on a private, unclassified server. Anyone else doing that would lose their job.
2234   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 17, 7:03pm  

You ever notice the Liberal memes are either over-the-top fear-mongering, repurposed Right Wing Memes, or full of breathless text?

Another thing that is funny: For Relativistic Post-Modernists, they seem to believe the Left, Islam, and Witchcraft Practitioners have a grasp on Capital "T" Truth; everyone else does not.
2235   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 18, 5:44am  

marcus says

That's Joe Biden's Gaffe Lieutenant Dan! Damn near word for word verbatim.

Come on Marcus, you don't get project Joe Biden's fuck ups, and short comings on Trump. We wont let you get away with it, no matter how smart you think it makes you sound.

We choose Truth over Facts
2237   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 18, 7:38am  

marcus says
Universal healthcare - which you used to be for is the kind of thing that gets labeled as socialism.

I have NEVER been for Universal Healthcare. I've never liked the misleading name, that assumes more than you get in the name.
People throw it around like it's a Government healthcare system. But when you look under the hood, it's just another way to frame Insurance. A monopoly Insurance.

Public Option and all of those stupid things is not Government Ran Healthcare.

I have said since my first day here. I would like to see about 2/3rds of the Infantry Military budget, taken away and used on Government Hospitals, and Active personnel.
Where they go to a 2 year basic training for Nursing, then have to work 5 to 10 years before they can private. And 8 year training for Doctors. This way people from all backgrounds can become Doctors without needing to have a Kennedy living in your Zip code.

I have always derided "Universal Healthcare" because people thow it around, but never once tried to actually define it. Being an astute Student of modern politics. That is how we end up with Shit like Obamacare, because everyone assumes by the name of the legislation that it's in our best interests. Obamacare proved I'm right for always suspecting, that some legislation called "Affordable Healthcare" without being able to simple describe how it benefits Every American. Would be a sham.

The Affordable Healthcare Act is only affordable to those that get it Scott Free. The Illegal Aliens, and lazy sorry sacks of shit, that refuse to work, while we support their sorry asses.

I think with a militarized healthcare system. People who don't work and never worked, but use the services. Can be conscripted into a repayment through working in the System some how.

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