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104572   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 26, 12:14am  

Just found this Gem (from the OP article):

Since Trump took over, 85 percent of the DHS “Countering Violent Extremism” have instead targeted Muslims and other minority groups, according to an analysis by the Brennan Center for Justice.

From Wiki:
The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School is a non-partisan[2] law and public policy institute that is sometimes seen as liberal[3][2] or progressive[4]. The organization is named after Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan.

The Brennan Center advocates for a number of progressive public policy positions, including raising the minimum wage, opposing voter ID laws, and calling for public funding of elections.[5][6] The organization opposed the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United v. FEC, which held that the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent political expenditures by nonprofits.[7][8]

The Center's stated mission is to "work to hold our political institutions and laws accountable to the twin American ideals of democracy and equal justice for all."[9] The organization's president is Michael Waldman, former director of speechwriting for President Bill Clinton.
104573   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 26, 12:20am  

Interesting that Salon did not directly link to the map.

I will though:

1. It was compiled just by the NJ Office.
2. It specifically DOES NOT INCLUDE THOSE INFLUENCED OR DIRECTED BY FOREIGN GROUPS. In other words, pro-ISIS, pro-AQ, Hamas, whatever affiliated groups - including merely claiming to be acting in their name - are EXCLUDED from the Map.
3. Hardly a month went by in 2018 where the Trump DOJ didn't arrest Muslim Terrorists, the bulk of whom were Somalians from Minnesota.
4. ALL of the 4 single issue extremists were Anarchists, who are maybe 1% of the population vs. Whites who are 60-70% of the population. Anarchists are therefore more dangerous than Whites.

Just to show how unreliable the stats are, I looked at ESRI's map of terror in 2018, and includes the Parkland Shooting by a Spanish-named Kid (Cruz) who heard voices and tortured animals, is almost certainly schziophrenic, for which no political motive was given, and whose victims were mostly Whites, as "Terrorism in 2018". Check it out for yourself:

But wait, it's worse:
PeaceTech Lab, uses crowdsourced data from Wikipedia to present a chronology of terrorist attacks around the globe.

Now try not to spit your coffee out all of your keyboard:

Wikipedia moderators include experts in the field of global conflict and terrorism,

But once you X that out. The only deadly terrorist attacks even according to notoriously SJW Left biased Wikipedia Editors by White Racists in the US was one in Pittsburg of Jews by a lone whacko, one by a guy against 2 elderly black ladies in a grocery store in Kentucky, and 1 Gay Jew by a Nazi with a history of mental illness.

Not one of these was funded by, organized by, or even in the name of a particular organization - all lone wolves.
104576   CBOEtrader   2019 Aug 26, 12:39am  

HonkpilledMaster says
But wait, it's worse

Sure is. I looked up the first "white supremacist". Turns out, he killed a classmate over a sexual mishap because he is sexually "confused", and his black classmate kissed him.


How would anyone define this as white supremacy?

It's amazing how noone parroting this article and do even 10 minutes of research. Sad.
104577   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 26, 12:54am  

Mark Humphry gives a great example of how the Left "Mischaracterizes" and "Omits" to gin up the numbers like Dr. Mann did with his hockey stick.

Scroll to "A Leftist's Survey"
104578   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Aug 26, 12:56am  

CBOEtrader says

Sure is. I looked up the first "white supremacist". Turns out, he killed a classmate over a sexual mishap because he is sexually "confused", and his black classmate kissed him.


How would anyone define this as white supremacy?

104579   WookieMan   2019 Aug 26, 4:04am  

jazz_music says

Jesus. You realize the nazi flag is photoshopped in, right? Fucking scary times how easy people are manipulated.

Also, no fan of the confederates, but to say they got their asses kicked is hysterical. Have you studied the civil war at all?
104580   WookieMan   2019 Aug 26, 4:37am  

Tim Aurora says
WookieMan says
Obama could barely get the Dow back to prior peak levels in his two terms. Yes, there was a fucked up situation, but his smart people sure did take a long time to figure out what to do. Almost a solid 8 years.

You digress but I can tell you that during the Trump administration the increase in DOW is around 25% which almost equal to the 20% tax break that Trump gave ( tax rate went from 35% to 21% , meaning that the retention rate went from 65% to 78% ). Deficit has again crossed 1 Trillion in a healthy economy. Seems like we again need a democrat President to bail out a GOP President

Stop with the tax cuts man. Any high earning W-2 employee with high property taxes or income taxes got whacked this year, big time in many cases. These are the people that are actually bringing in the tax revenue. CA, IL, NY, NJ, etc. It was intentional. Trump wanted to hit high tax blue states and give tax cuts to the average American. The roadmap is obvious as flies eating shit. He's trying to swing traditionally blue states and keep the economy pumping.

I frankly consider it a handout to the middle class (and yes big corps too) which I can't stand. I'm biased living in IL. I actually have low property taxes somehow, but high income tax. Getting capped at $10K itemizing SALT hurt my tax situation this year 100%. I paid more than previous years. The tax cuts are being funded by limousine liberals for the most part if you truly look at it and think about it.

And stop with the debt. It's never getting paid back. We all know this. It's a management issue at this point to not completely let it runaway. And if it does, it doesn't matter. Our guns are bigger than everyone else combined. Not a cheery outlook, but it's reality.
104581   WookieMan   2019 Aug 26, 4:40am  

Treason??? X plain.

I voted for Obama, but pallets of cash money to Iran is about as treasonous as it gets.
104582   RWSGFY   2019 Aug 26, 8:53am  

Cruel and unusual punishments are unconstitutional.
104583   Ceffer   2019 Aug 26, 9:06am  

Torn apart by polar bears in Greenland while Danish Prime Minister chortles over aquavit and cheroots.
104584   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Aug 26, 9:10am  

You don’t understand business bud.

China is fucking killing us doing what you’d do if you wanted to kill competition. Underprice till competitors out of business, buy up competitors, lastly raise prices when in monopoly.

Trump is doing right thing for America.
104585   HeadSet   2019 Aug 26, 11:41am  

"If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

He was talking about you, Mister "No one knows what Mueller knows" collusion hood-winked one.
104586   Ceffer   2019 Aug 26, 12:27pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Can I pour the lard gravy over Trump before we throw him out of the helicopter?

By all counts, polar bears are not kind hunters. They prefer to eat their prey while alive as long as possible.
104587   Ceffer   2019 Aug 26, 12:35pm  

I think they mostly dress up, march around, and terrorize each other, like those white collar swedo biker gangs. It's quite a fashion event.
104588   EBGuy   2019 Aug 26, 1:43pm  

Extremists killings have gone down since Trump took office. Per the ADL:
2018: 50
2017: 37
2016: 72
2015: 70
104589   Booger   2019 Aug 26, 3:23pm  

104590   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Aug 26, 4:41pm  

You may be right.I worked for myself starting at 21 yrs. old.I had 8 employees & did all the paper work for my employees taxes. As an aside ,I never took orders from someone else,a boss, on how I did things or what I chose to do.
I never bankrupt a casino!

Running a small business or whatever you call it, isn't qualification to more than that. Plenty of businesses that don't know how to compete and never grow beyond their starting size.

I'm not saying your experience is useless, it is helpful. But you really don't understand business and how to win, it's pretty clear. Game of monopoly and underpricing is a pretty strong one.
104591   Ceffer   2019 Aug 26, 5:17pm  

Hmm, 95 percent of everything from the LibbyFucks about Trump is a boldfaced lie or an attempt to misdirect, slander or impugn without justification. Could this be the five percent that isn't? I think I'll waste a lot of valuable time trying to find out.
104592   WookieMan   2019 Aug 26, 5:22pm  

EBGuy says
Extremists killings have gone down since Trump took office. Per the ADL:
2018: 50
2017: 37
2016: 72
2015: 70

But, but.... that's because Trump is a white supremacist, so now they're happy and no longer want to kill.

More kids drown in a pool every month and die versus the entire white supremacist population. Time to bring out the skid steer and fill that fucking pool in.
104593   WookieMan   2019 Aug 26, 5:44pm  

Race to the bottom. The OP video is 100% correct. It's one of the reasons I don't like Trump. BUT, the left can't stop slinging their own mud and doing the same shit. Hypocritical much? "Well your guy does it, so it's okay from my guys to do it...."

Most Americans aren't white nationalist or antifa. We just go to work and like to have some beers on the weekends with friends. These are the people Trump won over. If you think you're better than them, fine, but feel free to use this ladder to get off your high horse....
104594   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Aug 27, 9:43am  

By watching America constantly get fucked by liberals.
104595   BigFrank   2019 Aug 27, 8:46pm  

You've been beating this drum for what now, three years? The MAGA cultists don't give a fuck. Remember, Trump said "I could shoot someone on Fifth ave. and not lose a single voter". He knows that his lemmings have no constitution. No agency. That they stand for nothing. He's not wrong

He could have Putin himself co-sign on his loans and these halfwits would be like "Where's Obamas Birth Certificate tho?"
104596   Patrick   2019 Aug 27, 8:56pm  

Gosh, the economy is still doing great!
104597   Y   2019 Aug 27, 9:15pm  

Reparations are the key.
Imagine having a guilt free summer vacation!!!
104598   BigFrank   2019 Aug 27, 9:19pm  

Patrick says
Gosh, the economy is still doing great!

The economy has been doing great for years. What does that have to do with the Deutsche Bank note that APOFUCK has been going on about for what , three years now? The economy was doing great before Trump took office. The economy was doing great when Obama was President.
104599   rdm   2019 Aug 27, 10:26pm  

Co-signers, smo-finers. How could the stable genius with a net worth of over 10 billion possibly need co -signers on notes of 125 mil. that's simply pocket change. Pshaw, more fake news and TDS!
104600   rdm   2019 Aug 27, 10:30pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Did it involve Michelle

As I recall it had something to do with his relationship with Meat Loaf...
104601   Ceffer   2019 Aug 27, 10:52pm  

At the level the article is at, it nothing more than more TDS agitprop hearsay, as was the whole Mueller thing. What is this, Mueller II, keep the ball in the air pulling into 2020 elections? If this material had actually existed, they would have already have found it.

Do they have pictures of the oligarch's signatures or actual copies of extant, genuine, verified documents? Thought not. All those intelligence agencies foreign and domestic trying to dig it up on Trump, and they couldn't even crack a crummy old bank's informations until now? It's not as if they have compunctions about working within decency or the law. Wow, they really are that klutzy?

This is Press Storm Slander Machine maintenance.
104602   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2019 Aug 28, 3:45am  

The Russian cyborg story is the real scoop.

104603   Ceffer   2019 Aug 28, 8:06am  

They'll have pinatas full of indictments. "Oops, there goes another one! Can't file it now, wouldn't want to appear vindictive or anything. Heh, Heh!"
104604   socal2   2019 Aug 28, 8:41am  

Barr is using his own money - so what is the story?

All the usual Liberal retards on Twitter yesterday were all hyperventilating demanding that Barr resign immediately thinking he was using tax payer's money.
104605   socal2   2019 Aug 28, 8:47am  

BigFrank says
You've been beating this drum for what now, three years? The MAGA cultists don't give a fuck.

The projection from folks on the Left is literally breathtaking.

You all have been 100% wrong on the Russian Collusion shit show for 3 years now. Do you guys think maybe you should stop and show a little bit of introspection on how you let our corrupt Media and Obama hold-overs bamboozle you for 3 years?

Nah! Lawrence Fucking O'Donnell from MSNBC has a "source" telling him something about the Russians and Trump!

Tell us who the Cultists are again......
104606   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Aug 28, 8:53am  

Doubt it’s true.

Because with Obama, Russia took over Crimea. With Trump they are afraid to move an inch.
104607   socal2   2019 Aug 28, 9:03am  

What has been Trump's quid pro quo with the Russians?

- Selling lethal weapons to Ukraine to kill Russians?
- Drilling the shit out our oil and gas reducing the price of oil and hurting the Russian economy?
- Pulling out of the Iran deal?
- Pulling out of the Paris Accords?
- Killing Russians and Iranians in Syria?
- Sanctioning Russian individuals?
104608   rdm   2019 Aug 28, 9:49am  

socal2 says
show a little bit of introspection

You are right Trump is too erratic and addled to conspire with the Russians. I don't think that they thought Americans were dumb enough to elect him, they were just trying to fuck up what little unity we had. They certainly succeeded. They figured that Trump would claim, that the elections were rigged after he lost, which he would have. That Trump would damage the Western alliance and start a trade war with China was beyond their wildest dreams. Putin wins biggly.

But all that said the core of the relationship of Trump and Russia is about money...laundering. Always has been.
104609   Tenpoundbass   2019 Aug 28, 11:02am  

If there was one iota of truth in that, then Deutsche Bank will be liable for leaking information to the press. They have to cooperate with official investigators. They can't go dumping information about their customers to the press.
104610   Bd6r   2019 Aug 28, 11:04am  

Why do you hate Freedom! and FREE! enterprise!!!
104611   Bd6r   2019 Aug 28, 11:07am  

Bribing the BOSS! is a sacrament!
AF you are slipping.

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