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Patrick saysThis does seem to be correct.
Only among hopeless egomaniacs that want to defend their votes.
Patrick saysDramatic improvement in US economy since Trump's election is very good.
Only if you live in fantasy land.
When were in the next recession (god only know what that will be like if we are running deficits over $1trillion defitis going in ), you can explain to us all, why that awesome continuation of Obama's economy was worth those kind of deficits.
If you're lucky a democrat will be President then, and you can just blame them. That way, who knows, maybe you can go the rest of your life lying to yourself.
Why did St. OBAMA! do nothing about these price rises? Perhaps rising prices might be related to his Obamacare at least partially???
And why didn't St. Obama get us something better than Heritage Foundation Romney care???
Why did he let them call it Obamacare when he was pushing single payer plan?
What did the Republicans want us to have for healthcare? ANSWER: even Heritage foundation care was too good for us termites to get. Republican bastards want to kill us if it means FUCKING donations for reelection.
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