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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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104798   HeadSet   2019 Sep 10, 6:41am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Trump says we should lay out on the lawn face up today because it's raining cunts!

If it really were raining cunts, it would be my luck that it would be during the "wrong time of the month."
104799   clambo   2019 Sep 10, 6:52am  

It's pretty funny that they gave Trump shit for relaying a GUESS about where a storm will hit land.

In my 5 years in Florida, they predicted a storm would hit 3 times at a location where it never did; 3 times my friends panicked and bought a bunch of water in bottles and some left the state.

The weather people never got on TV and said "We are making guesses based on some weather data and computer programs; we guessed wrong again, sorry folks."
104800   RWSGFY   2019 Sep 10, 9:06am  

RC2006 says
Need to build underground homeless camps in the deserts so they can stay cool in the day and far from civilization.

California City seems like a perfect place for that.
104801   RWSGFY   2019 Sep 10, 9:07am  

6rdB says
APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
The answer is obvious: inject the homeless with Ebola and ship them to libby districts!

They already are in a libby district, you can save on shipping

And they are already injected with all kinds of lovely infections.
104802   socal2   2019 Sep 10, 10:22am  

Tim Aurora says
1. It was stupid of him to be a weather forecaster, resulting in people in Alabama freaking out and making plans to move.

Since when did Progs from California give a shit about people in Alabama freaking out?

Most normal people who are not obsessed with politics or inflicted with TDS will hear about this story and think: "For real, the Media and Democrats have been complaining 24/7 the last 2 weeks that Trump was overly conservative warning about a Hurricane?"

And if the Hurricane did hit Alabama (as earlier predicted) - you same Sally's would be screaming bloody murder that Trump didn't single handedly evacuate the State. Remember the same Progs blaming Bush for Katrina?
104803   socal2   2019 Sep 10, 10:51am  


I get it that Trump shouldn't give a shit about this petty stuff. But if the Media are going to run with it like it is Watergate, Trump will gleefully punch down and even threaten to fire some of the political appointees in the vast bureaucracy of the Federal Government.

Trump loves this stuff. The media are just throwing him in the briar patch where he thrives and the Media looks more and more ridiculous by the day getting tangled up in this shit.

The Democrats are blowing it. Having the lap-dog Media in their corner was their greatest advantage. But thanks to their 3+ year temper tantrum, the Media has record low credibility now across all parties.
104804   komputodo   2019 Sep 10, 11:09am  

socal2 says
Since when did Progs from California give a shit about people in Alabama freaking out?

tim has always been known for his empathy towards Alabamians...it's one one his most admirable qualities.
104805   Onvacation   2019 Sep 10, 11:12am  

Tim Aurora says
. It would have been over if he had just apologised and let it rest.

If that were his personality Hillary would be president and there would be 2 or 3 new wars.
104806   Onvacation   2019 Sep 10, 11:14am  

Tim Aurora says
His entire administration is now working to prove that Trump was right when he was wrong. This includes threatening people who are trying to do their job.

Do you REALLY believe that?

TDS is tedious.
104807   komputodo   2019 Sep 10, 11:51am  

Onvacation says
Tim Aurora says
His entire administration is now working to prove that Trump was right when he was wrong. This includes threatening people who are trying to do their job.

Do you REALLY believe that?

TDS is tedious.
Onvacation says
TDS is tedious.

Isn't it though...TDS sufferers are like what used to be referred to as an old nagging battle-axe. They just can't will themselves to stop and move on. It's quite amusing to observe as long as you don't have to live or interact with one.
104808   WookieMan   2019 Sep 10, 1:30pm  

Tim Aurora says
Another one gone


And why are you upset over this? You want war? That's what Bolton wants(ed). Bad hire, good decision to fire. Or Trump could have just done what other politicians have in the past and just let 'em do what they want. I still don't understand the OP point and end goal.... You liked Bush? You liked getting entangled in senseless bull shit in other countries?

I'm fine with people hating Trump, it comes with the territory, but the hiring and firing of people should be applauded. You hire a dip shit, you fire them. Don't feel bad about it, move forward. You seem to insinuate that Trump should keep dead weight around like other administrations have in the past (hell, all of history). There's no logic to that point of view.
104809   WookieMan   2019 Sep 10, 1:46pm  

Tim Aurora says
komputodo says
socal2 says
Since when did Progs from California give a shit about people in Alabama freaking out?

tim has always been known for his empathy towards Alabamians...it's one one his most admirable qualities.

You digress by FYI, my daughter is planning to go to college there.

What about Guam? There certainly are terrific universities there, right?
104810   Onvacation   2019 Sep 10, 2:14pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
problem occurred 99% of the way through the test.

That's when most problems occur.
104811   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 10, 2:51pm  

You know it was a good move because:

Mitt Romney ‘Very Unhappy’ with John Bolton’s Firing


OccasionalCortex says
Watch the media do a total 180 on Bolton and start treating him like a 'wise statesman' now. Just because they smell blood between him and Trump...never mind that the blood was all made up by their fellow cohorts in said media.

Fact Check: TRUE
104812   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Sep 10, 2:55pm  

Tim Aurora says
Hillary resigned to run for President and in fact Obama supported her presidential run.

Where's Obama's endorsement of his Vice President?
104813   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Sep 10, 4:40pm  

that's what safety tests are for.
104814   RWSGFY   2019 Sep 10, 5:14pm  

104815   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 10, 7:32pm  

Good I'll be paid off before it kicks in.
104816   Ceffer   2019 Sep 10, 7:35pm  

What did they expect when they named the organizations after a stripper and a good ole boy.
104817   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Sep 10, 7:48pm  

So that means rates go up, prices down to compensate. Right?

They all sell to FR/FN
104818   clambo   2019 Sep 10, 8:26pm  

Definitely another great idea from Donald Trump; the US government and the American taxpayers should never be in the mortgage guarantee business.

Someone who has a clue may understand that the govt. helps you go into debt and then you must stay put and pay the property taxes and support society's needs and govt. pensions.
104819   Dholliday126   2019 Sep 10, 9:05pm  

Lol, prehensile penis.
104820   Patrick   2019 Sep 10, 10:22pm  

the enemy

Why think of Republicans as "the enemy"?

Are they not your fellow citizens? Do they have any points worth listening to?
104821   Patrick   2019 Sep 10, 10:26pm  


Trump really does just keep on doing the right thing. God bless the mofo.

How much prosperity, peace, and freedom from rackets will it take to get through to the "orange man bad" crowd?
104822   rjfont   2019 Sep 11, 2:43am  

The government does not belong in the loan business. When that happens loans are not given out based on the ability of the borrower to repay the loan. Instead it's given out based on who votes for whom. That's a bad way to do business.
104823   Tenpoundbass   2019 Sep 11, 6:26am  

HonkpilledMaster says
Where's Obama's endorsement of his Vice President?

Biden keeps dropping tells that he's being coached by Obama. The phrasing and his choice of words, his petty jabs. "Donald Hump... Freudian Slip!" he's borderline senile, his mind isn't fast enough nor sharp enough to shift gears like that. Had that been an actual slip up, and not written in his speech. He would have never caught it, he never catches any of his gaffes.
"Come on MAN! Come on MAN!" that's Obama's favorite stand by to diminish criticism that Obama can't intelligently debate. That's why Obama did better at town halls, doing def Comedy Jams. When he had to pull it together and address the nation like a President. He was a condescending Jack Ass to over half of the nation while he divided the country with his toxic rhetoric he always got a pass on. If you listen to Biden's message as his momentum grows. It's more and more turning into Obama's platform. Obama is coaching him, Obama has his hand on the hand that has the Emperors thumb at the DNC and Pollsters to make sure they don't give Biden a thumbs down.

Obama is Biden's corner man, every time Biden takes a beating and we think his last gaffe was his final undoing. He comes back with more channeling Obama.
Remember Obama is a petty jive bitch ass, he never does anything with transparency on the up and up. Not even endorse his patsy.

And Obama is doing all of this, not because he loves Biden's sense of leadership. Obama is slated to be his running mate. Just as Hillary is slated to be Warren's running mate.
They want their turns and they are going to ride in half dead corpses to get there.
104825   HeadSet   2019 Sep 11, 7:10am  

And Obama is doing all of this, not because he loves Biden's sense of leadership. Obama is slated to be his running mate.

Obama as Biden's running mate? Is this like Putin-Medvedev taking turns?
104826   clambo   2019 Sep 11, 7:36am  

What do the Trump haters think of Biden's wish to double the Federal Capital Gains tax to 40%?

How is that going to affect your future financial well being?

I of course didn't mention that California also has its own Capital Gains Tax.

If you hate Trump you hate yourself if you have any money.
104827   HeadSet   2019 Sep 11, 7:49am  

Republican State Sen. Dan Bishop defeated Democrat Dan McCready

Republican Greg Murphy also beat Democrat Allen Thomas in a contest to succeed the late Republican Rep. Walter Jones Jr. in the state’s 3rd Congressional District.

This election was touted as a "Referendum" on Trump by the media, as they though the Dem would win. Wonder what they will say now.
104828   ForcedTQ   2019 Sep 11, 10:02am  

Finally, now maybe he will wake the fuck up and stop asking the fed reserve to “lower rates” and instead rescind the damn charter while getting congress to abolish the bill that allowed it.
104829   WookieMan   2019 Sep 11, 10:08am  

Tim Aurora says
HeadSet says
And Obama is doing all of this, not because he loves Biden's sense of leadership. Obama is slated to be his running mate.

Obama as Biden's running mate? Is this like Putin-Medvedev taking turns?

Total Bullshit but we digress from the topic. If you want to talk the ticket start a new thread and we can discuss that there.

Tim, it's a forum. Conversation ebbs and flows. A point was brought up that Obama let people go and/or they resigned. Trump has had people fired and/or resigned. What is the difference? For some reason, because it's Trump, it's a problem.

Here's the deal. I don't know you. But presumably you can run for office and hire and fire whoever you want. My suggestion is to stop complaining and you can just fix what you deem is a problem, Trump. Run for president. Whether it's left or right leaning people, bitching on Patnet ain't solving a thing in your world. You seem to have the solutions to all that is wrong with the country, go ahead and step up and fix it then.
104830   Patrick   2019 Sep 11, 10:13am  

I do find it disturbing that the Federal Reserve is not federal, and has no reserves.

It's a cabal of big banks dedicated to the proposition that no bank in the cabal should be allowed to fail no matter how irresponsibly they lend.
104831   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Sep 11, 10:21am  

There's a good book on this for kids called "Creature from Jekyll Island".


Explains to kids really well how government controls value of currency.
104832   komputodo   2019 Sep 11, 11:19am  

Tim Aurora says
he sold his soul to the devil and hired Russia. 1. He does not get along with smart people
2. He does not know whom to hire
3. He is totally stupid and people just tire of him

Definitely impeachable offenses!.
104833   komputodo   2019 Sep 11, 11:44am  

Tim Aurora says
My goal is to get a Democrat elected and I will work on that including voice my opinion here.

Why does it need to be a democrat? I think most americans would like a great leader, irregardless of the political party.
104834   clambo   2019 Sep 11, 2:27pm  

My "pension" is my own dough invested in stock mutual funds in an IRA, Roth IRA, SEP-IRA, Variable Annuity and taxable accounts.

If you aren't investing in stocks while interest rates are low, maybe you are missing out on having a secure retirement.
104835   Bd6r   2019 Sep 11, 2:42pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Freddie would be turned back into private companies but would be required to pay taxpayers a fee for government protection. It would also open the market up to competitors for the first time.

Excellent and extremely logical.

Lets now wait and see how Media will turn this into ORANGEMANBAD. Any guesses from patnetters?
I propose Talking Point #1 will be TRUMP IS RAYCIST.
104836   Shaman   2019 Sep 11, 2:48pm  

Overt insanity has consequences
104837   mell   2019 Sep 11, 2:56pm  

clambo says
What do the Trump haters think of Biden's wish to double the Federal Capital Gains tax to 40%?

How is that going to affect your future financial well being?

I of course didn't mention that California also has its own Capital Gains Tax.

If you hate Trump you hate yourself if you have any money.

Cap gains is already double-taxation for most ordinary investors. Increasing it to 40% is insane. Fuck Biden. Here's an alternative proprosal. Abolish cap gains up to 500K, 10% 500k-1MM, 20% 1MM, 30% 2MM, 40% 5MM+.

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