It amazes me, people will laugh and talk about this around the water cooler at work. Then pretend to feign outrage when Trump says "Grab 'em by the pussy" in a private conversation between two guys, that was illegally taped and leaked.
What in the Fuck is the other cop putting his hand out to refrain the Cop that was protecting his firearm from a violent leftist Terrorist thug for?
We need to get people with fucked up priorities out of law enforcement. When we restore normalcy in America. I will hope the hours and hours of footage will be used to weed out shitty cops that stand with Anarchists and Commies.
I would have knocked that other cop on his Ass too. That other cop should have been on top of that Son of a bitch, shoving his arm behind his back with one hand and grabbing the cuffs with another. Telling his partner, "You knock 'em down, I'm take 'em in!"
Cute, but I am pretty sure soap bubble liquid and wands did not exist 100's of years ago. This is a parody of Rubin style using modern attractive body shapes. Like the old National Lampoon magazine covers that were in the style of Norman Rockwell.