The attempt at impeachment is the elites subverting democracy

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2019 Oct 3, 8:26am   2,643 views  74 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Impeachment is a regime counter-attack against a man elected to bring about change. ​And while impeachment is certainly constitutional, it is an elite procedure not a democratic one. The prestige media has passed the first judgment on whether it’s warranted in this case. (It is, they say.)

The Democratic House will investigate and then — inevitably, if they’re not to lose the faith of their own voters — bring articles of impeachment. Ultimately, the Senate will hold the trial (if Mitch McConnell can’t delay it until the election), and Trump will almost certainly be acquitted on a partisan vote. Instead of showing, as the Nixon and Clinton impeachments did, that party isn’t quite everything and some establishment cohesion remains, the failure of the Trump impeachment will deepen the divisions of 2016 and sharpen the question of regime legitimacy. A mistaken premise — overestimation of support for the ruling class and their rules — will lead to the regime losing rather than gaining credibility. This will be most obvious among the activist wing of the Republican party, but the effects won’t stop there.

​The old saying is that if you strike at a king, be sure to kill him. In this case, the regime is striking not a king but at the very idea that an elected official can challenge the establishment. This risks revealing just how weak the country’s ruling class really is: if 40 percent of the country remains with Trump through the ordeal of impeachment, that will show that 40 percent is anti-regime — revolutions are made with less. And that 40 percent would be a floor, not a ceiling; a starting point for a future anti-regime movement.

The moderate path here is the one that eschews impeachment and instead shows that the elite still has faith in elections. Let the voters decide whether they want to defend the ‘norms’ of the regime, and even if they decide not to — by re-electing Trump — the regime will have lost less credibility than it stands to through a failed attempt at impeachment. Legitimacy is bleeding away from American politics and society, and Trump is a symptom not the cause. The cause is the folly of America’s leadership class as a whole. Electing Trump was the public’s way of impeaching that class.

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2   georgeliberte   2019 Oct 3, 9:15am  

Even in case of Impeachment, Pence becomes the President.
Which is why I am suspicious that Pelosi will seek to impeach Pence as well.
3   Patrick   2019 Oct 3, 9:29am  

Tim Aurora says
Otherwise we all run the risk of Trump becoming a dictator

That is the purest bullshit that was ever written.

There is not even the slightest, remotest chance of Trump becoming a dictator. The idea is just another liberal self-justifying fantasy of hate.

The truth is just the opposite: that we have a dictatorship of the liberal elite subverting democracy before our eyes.

Trump was democratically elected, and the elite is attempting to nullify democracy. Very much like the British elite refusing to obey the democratic vote to leave the EU.

Do we have democracy, or do we not? That is the question. Clearly the elite think that the public should not be trusted with democracy. The public might vote in ways which benefit the masses of workers by raising tariffs on products from polluting countries with no worker rights (China) or by blocking the flood of cheap labor from Mexico. Or, in the case of the EU, by limiting the free flow of Saudi-funded Islamic terrorists from the continent into Britain.

The elite are openly showing that they are a dictatorship and that our votes mean nothing.
4   ignoreme   2019 Oct 3, 11:23am  

I’d say that if you can nullify the results of an election with a simple partisan party line vote then you cannot have democracy.

What’s the accusation here? Trump is using the power of the presidency to blackmail other countries into investigating a political rival? Even if that were true, what’s the worst case scenario? The Ukrainians turn over evidence showing that Biden is corrupt? What would be so bad about knowing that Biden is on the dole? It seems like something we should be interested in.

Like every other political investigation into this president it reaks of partisanship and nothing burger. Nobody cares if Democrats do this stuff, but if Trump picks his nose we have a house investigation.

Ultimately, I think it’s all hot air just like all the Hillary victory predictions of 2016. The media at this point is just a mouthpiece for a few billionaires sitting in an echo chamber yelling at you. Americans are savvy to it at this point. Print all the op eds you want about how terrible trump is, nobody who voted for him last time cares about this, and many people who sat out the last election because Hillary was inevitable are energized by all this crap.

At the end of the day, if the Democrats are smart and learned their lesson from 2016, creepy quid pro joe will never be the nominee. Whoever gets the nod, all trump has to do is buy one bill board saying X supports free healthcare for illegals then play golf for the rest of the campaign.
5   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 3, 11:32am  

ignoreme says
Whoever gets the nod, all trump has to do is buy one bill board saying X supports free healthcare for illegals then play golf for the rest of the campaign.

Exactly. And Trump shouldn't even be wanting to take Biden out. Let all the Democrat contestants bludgeon themselves and take ever more ridiculous policy stances. The more the merrier. As a corollary, I'm not really sure Trump intended to hurt Biden — I really think he was collateral damage rooted in Giuliani's attempt to get to the bottom of the dirty dossier.
6   Shaman   2019 Oct 3, 11:38am  

ignoreme says
if the Democrats are smart and learned their lesson from 2016,

Nope and nope! They may be sneaky and underhanded but they aren’t smart, and they don’t learn lessons. They just get enraged when their plans turn to shit.
7   Onvacation   2019 Oct 3, 11:43am  

Patrick says
Do we have democracy, or do we not?

No. We do not. The founders were appalled at the hoi polloi having the ability to vote themselves money from the treasury so they created a representative republic.
8   Onvacation   2019 Oct 3, 11:50am  

jazz_music says
, laws against his enrichment by virtue of his office,

Does that include Hunter Biden getting $50k/ month because his daddy is vp?
9   Onvacation   2019 Oct 3, 1:23pm  

jazz_music says
unless we can force him to stop, Trump will be defacto dictator,

So many people used to be cogent before TDS infection. What is it that makes some people so irrational when it comes to Trump?
10   Onvacation   2019 Oct 3, 1:26pm  

jazz_music says
The Bidens were cleared of such accusations about 4 years ago.

Got a link?

It seems hard to believe that Hunter had qualifications beyond having the VP as daddy.

Does anyone know what qualifies Hunter Biden to sit on the board of a foreign company?
11   Onvacation   2019 Oct 3, 1:30pm  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Onvacation says
Does anyone know what qualifies Hunter Biden to sit on the board of a foreign company?

What are the qualifications to sit on the board of a foreign company?

That's what I'm asking.
12   Onvacation   2019 Oct 3, 1:37pm  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Onvacation says
WaltertheoFlanders says
Onvacation says
Does anyone know what qualifies Hunter Biden to sit on the board of a foreign company?

What are the qualifications to sit on the board of a foreign company?

That's what I'm asking.

No, it's not. You asked what qualified Hunter, not what the qualifications are.

OK . What qualified Hunter?
13   socal2   2019 Oct 3, 1:39pm  

It is delicious watching the Patnet libs flailing around trying to defend Biden's coke-head son.

Anyone with half a brain and an ounce of integrity knows that Hunter Biden was selling access to his father.

"But but but..........the Deep State and the hack Media that has spent the last 3 years trying to overthrow Trump found nothing wrong with Biden's son's arrangement!!!"
14   richwicks   2019 Oct 3, 1:40pm  

Patrick says
Do we have democracy, or do we not?

No, we don't. Isn't it obvious to you yet? When will you realize it? Up until 2016, the worst vermin possible was selected by the parties to run for the president. In 2007, I was at a California straw poll in which Fred Thompson was promoted for 1/2 an hour, but when it became blatantly obvious that everybody was going to vote for Ron Paul, the vote was simply cancelled.

It's been like this for decades. How do you think a rapist like Bill Clinton replaced the ex CIA goon in 1992?

Why do you think our government keeps using tax payer money to bail out the banks, over and over again? Wait, here's one: why are we even at war in Afghanistan? What, precisely, is the mission of that war? Define "victory". Yet, Afghanistan's opium production has gone from 5% of the world's supply in 2001 to 85% today.

We live in a fascist tyranny and have been in once since at least 1988. Our government is nothing more than a mafia.
15   Onvacation   2019 Oct 3, 1:48pm  

WaltertheoFlanders says
what qualifications are required

"1. Candidate Qualifications
In seeking individuals to join the Board of Directors or to fill director vacancies on the Board of Directors, the Committee considers the following to be minimum qualifications that a candidate must possess:

Demonstrated breadth and depth of management and leadership experience, preferably in a senior leadership role in a large or recognized organization;
Financial and/or business acumen or relevant industry or scientific experience;
Integrity and high ethical standards;"

So what qualified Hunter to be a board member of a foreign company?

We all know he was not.
16   richwicks   2019 Oct 3, 2:07pm  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Onvacation says
OK . What qualified Hunter?

Most board probably require one to be breathing.

If you don't know what qualifications are required how can I answer how Hunter was qualified?

Here's a probable qualification - can you speak the language? Let's see, the previous career of Biden was he could use enough coke to get kicked out of the navy and... That's it. That's his whole career. Guess that qualifies him to be on an energy company in a foreign nation that the Obama administration just instigated a coup in..

I can appreciate people wanting to remove Trump, but don't replace him with yet another corrupt piece of shit. We had 28 solid years of that before Trump was elected.
17   Shaman   2019 Oct 3, 2:14pm  

richwicks says
We live in a fascist tyranny and have been in once since at least 1988.

And it’s ANGRY! Very angry! The Beast is flailing about, trying to squirm around and bite the President who is pinning to the floor.
18   richwicks   2019 Oct 3, 2:45pm  

Quigley says
richwicks says
We live in a fascist tyranny and have been in once since at least 1988.

And it’s ANGRY! Very angry! The Beast is flailing about, trying to squirm around and bite the President who is pinning to the floor.

I hope so. We've been headfaked before. That's why we elected a black man with a Muslim sounding name in 2008, precisely because we thought he'd hold the Bush administration accountable. As far as I'm concerned, he turned out to be George W. Bush with a hell of a tan, after a diction class. The Libyan war was a disaster and utterly unnecessary, and so was the Syrian war.

One thing I will say in support of Trump is that he's not started a new war yet, even with 3 false flags to try to initiate a war. That alone makes him a vast improvement over the last two pieces of garbage.
19   RC2006   2019 Oct 3, 4:09pm  

Trump has been the most peaceful presedent in a long time.
20   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 3, 4:11pm  

Liberals declared all out war on America. They are trying hard to clamber power back. It's not about us, it's not about America, it's just about them getting into power and fucking us all. Because those Democrats, are broken people who see the world through the lens of identity politics, they see what others have, and under equality mantra want to take it away. They are really fucked up people.
21   ForcedTQ   2019 Oct 3, 4:12pm  

Again, USA and the many states are NOT nor should they be Democracies. They are constitutional republics, and until we recognize that and start acting as such this type of Bolshevik shit will continue!
22   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 3, 4:39pm  

Patrick says
The elite are openly showing that they are a dictatorship and that our votes mean nothing.

In the UK also. A clear majority voted leave, and then the Parliament of Remoaners refused to call an election, a vote of no confidence, AND it forbade Boris Johnson from doing "no deal". Basically, only out of the EU when it comes to voting, still in with all the important factors, most especially the customs union which prevents the UK from doing ANY deals with non-EU countries without EU permission.

They prefer to screw over their own country than to hurt the global multilateral cult in any way.

The Parliament is both tying Johnson's hands AND refusing to allow new elections. While calling HIM undemocratic and they do their damndest to not deliver Brexit. It's really unbelievable. Speaking of unprecendented, no Opposition party in British history has refused the Government's offer of a vote or no confidence vote. Ever.

In Italy the center-right betrayed Salvini, first thing they did when they formed a unity gov with the center-left is immediately reallow Rapefugees. In fact, it was Salvini's complete stop of human smugglers that caused the government to fall. Yet the center-right swore they would control illegal immigration and rapefugees. Remember all the years the Republicans promised a wall and tougher enforcement - and not a few democrats? They never had any intention of doing so.

All very similar to the US. There was only the illusion of choice between Neoliberal-Neocon Democrat and Neocon-Neoliberal Compassionate Conservative; now there is real choice:

Trumpism vs. Neolib/conism. Brexit vs. Labor-Liberal, etc.

The EU and the Dems and the Media are doing their damndest to subvert the will of people and keep us on a Globaloney Course where the future is determined by appointed bureaucrats to multilateral organizations.

What I love most about Trump is he reveals them for what they REALLY stand for With the NeverTrump Republicans like Kristol, French, Rubin, Flake, Romney, it was tearing the facade of their conservatism off. Remember that McCain had literally just campaigned on eliminating Obamacare weeks earlier, when he waltzed into the Senate and voted no.
23   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 3, 4:48pm  

OccasionalCortex says
There are very real and much more fundamental geopolitical shifts that are anti-globalist in nature that is the root cause. Boris and Trump are the symptoms of all that. And this realization warms my heart.


I also love seeing the Overton window widened.

"You can't SAY that! "
"Because it's uh... Current Year... uh... the current of History... uh... some other flimsy excuse."
24   Hircus   2019 Oct 3, 7:20pm  

I haven't followed the details of Ukraine very closely, so I'm asking:

Does anyone think there's a chance Trump, the god emperor politician who always seems to win via unconvential warfare, masterminded this whole Ukraine shenanigan in order to:
-get dems to pop their impeachment boner, making them make rash decisions
-blueball them via releasing counter info, after their pants are down
-while media coverage is at high levels, let Biden's corruption "accidentally" get discovered.

Accomplishes: Biden gets hit badly, dems look irrational, more credence to "witch hunt" narrative.
25   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 3, 7:25pm  

Hircus says
-get dems to pop their impeachment boner, making them make rash decisions
-blueball them via releasing counter info, after their pants are down
-while media coverage is at high levels, let Biden's corruption "accidentally" get discovered.

That's exactly what happened.

I'd say it's his MO. Usually: Say or let leak a rumor that he said something outrageous, get the Left unhinged, then it comes out the idea isn't so whacked (Space Force) or never happened (shoot Mexicans in the legs)

He's a very stable genius.
26   ignoreme   2019 Oct 3, 7:57pm  

I don’t think Trump is playing 3D chess, I don’t think he’s anything but average intelligence. His advantage is that he’s not a career politician.

Since he doesn’t need this job he can hold
logically consistent positions and in general act like a human being.

Hunter Biden had a no show job making 50k a month in Ukraine. Joe Biden had the Ukraine prosecutor fired. A reasonable person might think something bad went on over there. A reasonable person might make a few phone calls and ask around.

The Democrats, who care about nothing but power, need to act offended and outraged that the president asked the Ukraine PM to look into the Biden situation, while at the same time pretending that VP kids getting 50k per month no show jobs are perfectly normal. It’s an impossible act to keep up without looking insane.
27   SoTex   2019 Oct 3, 8:13pm  

Tim Aurora says
Otherwise we all run the risk of Trump becoming a dictator and getting re-elected without any free and fair election.

This is by far one of the stupidest things I've heard people say on the interwebs and I've seen some stupid shit. Not from you in particular, I've seen this in several places. Stop being stupid people. Just stop.
28   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 3, 8:32pm  

of course, this isn't about Trump. it's about silencing America and the supporters of freedom, democracy, and capitalism. They want to end our way of life, they want to replace us, they aren't even ashamed to admit it. There is a reason they push for disarming, socialism, and all sorts of suicides to eliminate white people birth rate.
29   Y   2019 Oct 3, 10:02pm  

The cat in that bag is that the entire ruling class would be exposed as being on the dole as precedent is set to legalize having foreign dolers expose their bitches...
ignoreme says
What would be so bad about knowing that Biden is on the dole? It seems like something we should be interested in.
30   richwicks   2019 Oct 3, 10:22pm  

jazz_music says
Manufacturing evidence out ofthe desire to survive as a nation against attack from Russia, Trump's ally.

The Bidens were cleared of such accusations about 4 years ago.

And Jeffery Espstein was punished for his child prostitution ring a decade ago. He built a private residence in the prison, that he had to sleep in, while he was outside during the day so he could run his Ponzi scheme.


Because as we all know, just-us is blind!!! And there isn't a two tiered just-us system.

Clearly Biden and his cokehead son that was kicked out of the navy, and was never sent to prison for drug use, that somehow ended up on the board of directors for an energy company in an area which he had absolutely no qualifications for, was cleared, because he was innocent - not because he was the son of the vice president of the United States.


You aren't really this gullible. Stop shilling for criminals just because you hate Trump. Here: Bush Jr. lied us into a war, and is a war criminal and should be executed because he murdered between 100,000 and 1,000,000 Iraqis over a nonexistent weapons of mass destruction program. See? I can do it, you can too. You don't have to be a brainless partisan whore.

Biden is scum. There's plenty of scum in BOTH parties, criticize both, or be a party whore.
31   richwicks   2019 Oct 3, 11:32pm  

ignoreme says
I don’t think Trump is playing 3D chess, I don’t think he’s anything but average intelligence. His advantage is that he’s not a career politician.

Trump doesn't have to play 3d chess when our government is playing tic-tac-toe.. This isn't a complex situation, we have an entirely corrupt government with some pretty stupid but useful idiots at the top. Look at John Brennan, the guy is a semi-moron who thinks the population is as stupid as he is. He's not some smart intelligent man, he's just unbelievably corrupt to the point that the average person doesn't realize a person that is that corrupt can be allowed to exist in society. That describes a good deal of our government - not smart capable men, just men that the average honest decent man can't believe exists.
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 12:37pm  

jazz_music says
No, impeachment is America's way of forcing Trump to move forward with military aid to save Ukraine from falling to Putin.

BONK! Ukraine's Aid - which Trump enlarged to include lethal weapons like Javelin - was delivered as previously scheduled.

Another Media Fib destroyed.
33   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 1:53pm  

Case in Point - UK Lord brags about stopping prorogue, not due to precedent, but to stop No Deal Brexit.

34   richwicks   2019 Oct 4, 2:38pm  

jazz_music says
No, impeachment is America's way of forcing Trump to move forward with military aid to save Ukraine from falling to Putin.

I think it's funny people believe this poppycock. If Russia wanted to take over Ukraine, he could do it in a couple of days, but what is in Ukraine that Putin or Russia would want?

Russia is 17,098,246 km2 - the US is 9,826,675. Guess how big Ukraine is? 603,500 km2

It's pathetic how people like you have been programmed to restart the Cold War, because the MIC isn't making enough money on the bullshit war on terror. Russia is no threat to the United States, it's not expansionist either. It's not bombing the Middle East, north Africa, and western Asia - the United States is. The United States is run by mad men, and it's got a population of idiots, like you.
35   richwicks   2019 Oct 4, 4:46pm  

jazz_music says
Pathetic how many billions are spent to disinform people like you just so your cult members can let you get away with condescending.

What, precisely is "my cult"?

I want to point something out to you. You can literally talk to anybody on the planet. This means you can talk to a Ukrainian if you go through a little bit of effort, and find out what actually happened in Ukraine. Just for the fun of it, I'm going to list everything the US government has lied about, in the last few years.

Ukraine didn't have a revolution, it had a US led coup. It cost 5 billion dollars according to Victoria Nuland, of "fuck the EU" fame. This was primarily to stop the Nordstream II from going through - it's a natural gas pipeline from Russia to Europe going through Ukraine.

Assad wasn't gassing his own people, this was a false flag carried about by a either the US, Israel, Mi6, of a combination of those. This is because Genie Energy signed a deal with Israel in 2013 to mine the oil resources of the Golan Heights which is Syrian land under Israeli occupation. The plan was to blow up Syria so the US could run a pipeline through Syria into Turkey then to the EU. On the "strategic board of directors" of Genie Energy sat Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, Robert Woolsey (ex CIA director), Jacob Rothschild, and a bunch of other government goons.

Remember when Turkey shot down, then murdered a Russian pilot in a Sukhoi Su-24 back in 2015? The pilot ejected, then was machined gunned to death as he parachuted to safety. This ended co-operation between Russia and Turkey with Putin simply demanding an apology. Initially Erdogan refused, and the result was the Russians stopped going to Turkey for vacation, killiing about 20% of Turkey's economy. This also ended the Turkish Stream pipeline from Russia to Turkey to the EU. When Erdogan relented and apologized, Erodgan face a coup (he defeated) two weeks later, and relations between Turkey and the United States cooled.

That's what is actually going on. It's so easy to talk to anybody on the planet today, I don't know how people can't have the slightest curiosity in knowing what is going on, and instead repeat the same stupid propaganda of their pathetic mafia government. You actually believe that Assad, a medical doctor by training, decided to murder a bunch of civilians with the ONE WEAPON that would guarantee the US would bomb Syria, because not only is he stupid, but his advisors are also that stupid, and he did it conveniently 9 months after Genie Energy signed their deal with Israel to mine the oil resources of Syrian land, occupied by Israel. You are either incredible ignorant (that's the most likely one), incredibly gullible, or incredibly stupid. I always have to laugh when some random jackoff thinks they are smarter than the leader of a nation. Would YOU have gassed a bunch of civilians knowing it would get your nation bombed, when you have a military and an airforce under your command? Of course not - but you believe Assad is that dumb. It's just weird people like you even exist.

I figure the US has a decade or two left before the corruption just implodes it. The propagandists, the shills, and the idiots made it inevitable. Rogue nations don't last forever, just ask the British Empire..
36   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 5:45pm  

richwicks says
Assad wasn't gassing his own people, this was a false flag carried about by a either the US, Israel, Mi6, of a combination of those. This is because Genie Energy signed a deal with Israel in 2013 to mine the oil resources of the Golan Heights which is Syrian land under Israeli occupation. The plan was to blow up Syria so the US could run a pipeline through Syria into Turkey then to the EU. On the "strategic board of directors" of Genie Energy sat Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, Robert Woolsey (ex CIA director), Jacob Rothschild, and a bunch of other government goons.

This is incorrect. The Syrians launched countless attacks, including two invasions, from the Golan, mostly inhabited by Druze. The Druze are a gnostic monotheism seperate from Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, and are allied to Israel. Almost all male Druze volunteer for the IDF. Druze have been attempted victims of systematic genocide attempts by Lebanese Shi'a and Syrian Ba'athists, but like all highland people they are fierce fighters. Syrians are not Palestinians nor did any international body annoint the House of Assad as the liberators of Fakestine. The penalty for repeated attacks from the Golan Highlands was to lose that very small piece of territory. Perhaps if Syria pays a $100B indemnity and signs a non-aggression pact it might be restored.

ISIS was a consequence of Obama pulling out of Iraq too fast. The Ba'ath party existed throughout the Levant and included Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. Assad is the Ba'athist of Syria, Hussein was the Ba'athist of Iraq. Assad murdered tens of thousands of Sunnis in Hama in 1982; when ISIS crossed into Syria the Syrian Sunnis themselves joined with ISIS in Revenge.

Assad was saved by the US, Russia, Hezbollah, Iran, and the GCC. The current situation in Syria is who will replace the murderous dictator dynasty of Assad. Naturally, Iran and Hezbollah and to a lesser extent Russia don't want anybody who will be 'soft' on Israel and the Gulf States, but an ally of their own.

Hezbollah, by the way, is an illegally armed political militia that was supposed to disarm over a decade ago but has not. Hopefully the GCC will prevail in arming and strengthening the Lebanese Army from a token force into the army of Lebanon, instead of Hezbollah.
37   richwicks   2019 Oct 4, 5:52pm  

NoCoupForYou says
This is incorrect. The Syrians launched countless attacks, including two invasions, from the Golan, mostly inhabited by Druze. Syrians are not Palestinians nor did any international body annoint the House of Assad as the liberators of Fakestine. The penalty for repeated attacks from the Golan Highlands was to lose that very small piece of territory. Perhaps if Syria pays a $100B indemnity and signs a non-aggression pact it might be restored.

You believe that the US would care a bit if Assad murdered the entire Syrian population? Libya has literal slavery markets today and is still in civil war, and if you remember, the official reason the US bombed Libya was "to prevent a humanitarian crisis".

Grow up.

The Golan wasn't seized by Israel for any security consideration either, it's got a lot of water, and it's got a lot of petroleum. Israel is an expansionist nation, and will in time take over all of the West Bank, and then retake Gaza. The reason this should be obvious to you, is that Israel has the power right now to declare a two state solution, if they wanted one, and whatever was left over would be the defacto Palestinian state. They will never do that, because they will never allow a Palestinian state. They will either drive them out, stick them into reservations, or kill them.

ISIS was a consequence of Obama pulling out of Iraq too fast.

ISIS is simply a terrorist organization controlled by the West. Haven't you noticed it shows up anywhere it's convenient for it to be? It was even in the Philippines when Duterte was getting uppity with the United States. Remember that?


Hezbollah, by the way, is an illegally armed political militia that was supposed to disarm over a decade ago

The second that Hezbollah disarms, Lebanon will lose some property to Israel.
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 5:55pm  

I should also add that the refugee Crisis was begun by Assad, who sought to rid himself of as many of the troublesome Sunni plurality as he could.

Turkey helped as moving Sunni refugees earned them Caliphate Leadership Points, since Erdogan backed ISIS.

They were against Hezbollah (which is Shi'a) and saw the house of Assad as oppressive (1982 Hama) Alawite heretics.

So he printed lots of fake passports, got hard currency selling them BOTH at home and abroad (Eritreans blacker than stovepipes showing up in Austria with Syrian Passports), and got rid of a troublesome, suspect large religious group.

Many "Antioch Apostolic Autocephalus" mini-church (more monks and metropolitans than lay members) Christian groups in Syria and Lebanon cling to the belief that pan-Arabism will save them from Islamic Oppression. "Hey, we're all Arabs". Of course, at the first sign of trouble, it's "Allah Akbar on the Crusaders!"

That's why Lebanon isn't Christian today - about half of them believe they are descendants of the Phoenicians, speak French proudly, wanted IDF help, the other were yelling "Filthy Christ Killers! We are Arabs like our Muslim Brothers. Come, Arab Brothers". Then the PLO and Hezbollah showed up at their camps and shot them all dead while screaming "Allah Akbar!" in brotherly love. The rest fled to Europe, South America, and even Africa, so the chances of Lebanon being a Christian majority were forever killed by Pan-Arabism and bad geopolitical decisions due to Judenhass.

Poor Saad Haddad. A real patriot and a victim of Palestinian-Hezbollah cruelty and violence.
39   richwicks   2019 Oct 4, 6:01pm  

NoCoupForYou says
I should also add that the refugee Crisis was empowered by Assad, who sought to rid himself of as many of the troublesome Sunni plurality as he could.

Isn't it odd that he stopped using chemical weapons when the US stopped bombing him?

Isn't it odd Syrian refugees are returning since Assad is supposedly trying to kill them? Gee, it's almost like they left because they were avoiding a warzone, and weren't affraid of Assad at all..

Israel endlessly produces propaganda, just as the United States does. You can simply observe what happens, and I want to point out again, you can talk to anybody on the planet today, for free. It's easy to do.
40   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 6:05pm  

richwicks says
Isn't it odd that he stopped using chemical weapons when the US stopped bombing him?

The chemical weapons story is a strange one. It's also highly likely some depot was bombed or robbed and the stuff just went off without anybody using it.

Isn't it interesting that Obama used to drop leaflets on ISIS letting them know they were going to bombed in advance.

richwicks says
Isn't it odd Syrian refugees are returning since Assad is supposedly trying to kill them? Gee, it's almost like they left because they were avoiding a warzone, and weren't affraid of Assad at all..

Syrian refugees are returning because European countries, under intense populist pressure, are finally stopping loopholes like this one:

Where the refugees were taking vacations to Syria to distribute their free Euromoney to relatives, before returning to Europe for more free shit.
41   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 4, 6:08pm  

richwicks says
Israel endlessly produces propaganda, just as the United States does. You can simply observe what happens, and I want to point out again, you can talk to anybody on the planet today, for free. It's easy to do.

So does the Bashar the Lion and Vladimir Putin.

You have to read everybody and come up with plausible event chains.

For example, Hassan Nasrallah likes to puff and strut about how Hezbollah is so badass, but spends almost every waking moment moving from one underground bunker to another to evade his enemies.

Assad is not a good guy, and his dad probably did Lockerbie using Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorists, as all European and Israeli intelligence agreed at the time. He let Ghaddafyi claim credit for it . Why? He wanted the pressure and attention on him to exit his Invasion of Lebanon reduced by distraction elsewhere.



Benghazi was certainly Obama WH propaganda, and Secretary of State Clinton's TOTAL BETRAYAL of Ghaddafyi was disgusting.

The man had been cooperating and paid an indemnity and did everything we asked of him. Instead, the Brennan Muslim Brotherhood Symp and Hitlary replaced him with warring factions of Islamists. It's disgusting.

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