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105475   richwicks   2019 Oct 5, 12:26am  

mell says
I had this discussion on a business trip.Many Americans somewhat like Trump's policies but they are overpowered by the Overton window (shifted to cultural marxist radical) of "white supremacist" screeching leftoids so they stay quiet or agree with the WS BS out of embarrassment and fear of consequences.

Overton window only defines what you're allowed to bring up, it doesn't limit what people think, and it limits how they can phrase things.

If I say "Trump is a good president because he's not started a new war", here in Silicon Valley - people will be upset because I said "Trump is a good president". I'm violating the Overton window there. If, however, I say "I'd more pleased with Trump than Obama or Bush because either through incompetence of genius, he's managed not to start a new war, and I don't care if he's incompetent at starting a new war or because he's intentionally frustrating attempts", I'm OK - because I've hinted he might be incompetent, I'm alluding to the fact that he's anything but a genius, but the results are what people can agree with. They might secretly think he IS a genius, but they don't have to voice it.
105476   richwicks   2019 Oct 5, 1:07am  

Ceffer says

Because I'm intoxicated and bored, I'm going to comment on this for no real reason.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the younger generation's general distrust of the government. Ironically, what has been holding the entire country back, is the boomer generation that protested the Vietnam war and rioted against the government and even KNEW the government lied them into Vietnam with the release of the Pentagon Papers, which Mike Gravel read into the congressional record using his immunity from prosecution to declassify it as a Congressional member.

This... idiot, generation, have been the most mindless bleating sheep this nation has ever seen. They screwed over their parents, and their kids, and believed every single lie of the government from 1975 onward, no matter how goofy it got. Even when corruption was exposed, like Bush lying us into a war, they did nothing, they accepted it, they told the other generations to shut up.

Everything the psychopaths in that generation did (and they've been running the government since 1992 or so), wasn't just to mock the other generations - it's just pure incompetence on their part. They are really a totally worthless, clueless generation. Hillary Clinton GENUINELY doesn't understand why people wouldn't vote for somebody that voted for the "Authorization to Use Force in Iraq" and became the Butcher of Libya. She ACTUALLY believes it's because "they hate me because I'm a woman". She's so fucking stupid she doesn't realize that anybody that has done any looking into the Clinton foundation, that it's a blatantly obvious pay for play fraud, she doesn't realize that it's blatantly obvious she was selling information on her "private" server, or that her husband was taking bribes from Russia in speeches, as she gave the thumbs up on Uranium One.

The boomer generation MUST have been subject to something that just made them stupid, seriously. The entire generation, with a few exceptions, are a group of sociopathic high functioning retards and they seriously don't recognize that the entire country knows what they did. They were the do nothing generation and as their power wanes, the nation will heal.

I'm in generation X, only scum from my generation is willing to work for the gubermint, and they are kept in positions of lower functionaries - as a result only the stupidest, least competent, least moral, of my generation work for them. Those assholes won't be able to hold it together, if it lasts that long. The USSR collapsed for the same reason. Buckle up buttercup, rough ride ahead.
105477   mell   2019 Oct 5, 3:15am  

richwicks says
mell says
I had this discussion on a business trip.Many Americans somewhat like Trump's policies but they are overpowered by the Overton window (shifted to cultural marxist radical) of "white supremacist" screeching leftoids so they stay quiet or agree with the WS BS out of embarrassment and fear of consequences.

Overton window only defines what you're allowed to bring up, it doesn't limit what people think, and it limits how they can phrase things.

If I say "Trump is a good president because he's not started a new war", here in Silicon Valley - people will be upset because I said "Trump is a good president". I'm violating the Overton window there. If, however, I say "I'd more pleased with Trump than Obama or Bush because either through incompetence of genius, he's managed not to start a new war, and I don't care if he's incompetent at starting a new war or because he's intentionally fru...

Right, the Overton window has shifted to the extreme left. Almost anything is allowed and ok to say against conservatives and Trump currently. Not the other way of course.
105478   richwicks   2019 Oct 5, 3:35am  

mell says
Right, the Overton window has shifted to the extreme left. Almost anything is allowed and ok to say against conservatives and Trump currently. Not the other way of course.

No, we have fake news now, we can openly discuss government corruption, and we can even talk about fake wars like Iraq, Libya, and Syria now.

This was absolutely impossible under Obama. There has been tremendous progress. The window is now much more open, it's not just to "the left". This is the widest I've seen it in my lifetime. The "left" is loosing, and this might surprise you, I was considered solidly left 15 years ago, because I was openly in opposition to the war in Iraq that Bush lied us into. I'm not left, I just have a respect for what I consider to be real, and I despise propaganda, I hate lies.

Stop being played by the fake left/right game. It's government versus us. Trump MIGHT be on our side, but don't be certain of it, and even if he is, don't be certain he will be successful at it. I have hope, but I also have a backup plan. You should as well.

Are you against government corruption and criminality? Fine, I'm with you. We may disagree on politics, but this is the first thing that I think must be addressed. I view my government as a mafia - remove that first, then we can discuss economics.
105479   komputodo   2019 Oct 5, 7:18am  

Tim Aurora says
A narcissist personality like Trump, supported by his cult can continue to rule America with Electoral College and Senate even while the other party is majority.

A clear majority that barely won by 2%...lol
105480   komputodo   2019 Oct 5, 7:23am  

Tim Aurora says
Resistance can be broken by attacking every one relentlessly and lo behold we can have the first American dictator.

So now timmy is afeard that we are going to have a dictator....well fear not, we only have 10 more years anyways till the end of the planet unless of course it ends sooner with NK nukes or WW3.
105481   Reality   2019 Oct 5, 7:48am  

So you think Obama was a dictator because he wasn't impeached?

Are you saying people objecting to Obama presidency were not racist?
105482   WookieMan   2019 Oct 5, 7:58am  

komputodo says
What changes do they expect would happen with pelosi at the helm? How would their life improve? would a couple of more wars in foreign countries improve their lives. Would more welfare improve the lives of the working stiff or the medium wealthy? Would opening the border improve their lives?

Their feelings would be less hurt. That's all this is about. Their actual future and potential economic reality would very likely be in worse shape.

I've said more ridiculous stuff than what Trump did on that bus (grab 'em by the pussy), but the public doesn't know about it so therefore I cannot be judged for a private conversation. I personally think that was the big, pivotal moment, that it was you're either for him or against him, and nothing else matters regardless of the positives he accomplished.

And with social media you have to take sides. I'd bet a lot of people that are negative Trump are just caught up in keeping up or being a part of a social group they're involved with. They may not believe what they post or say, but "have" to because they want to be included in that group still. Social media is a mind fuck if you don't understand that it's a mind fuck. It warps even intelligent people.

It's sad because I think we're nearing a point where the truth just doesn't matter (obviously). Not sure it can be turned around. Seemingly normal and smart people are acting completely foolish over one person that has little influence on probably 80% of the population realistically in any meaningful way.
105483   WookieMan   2019 Oct 5, 8:07am  

Reality says
So you think Obama was a dictator because he wasn't impeached?

Are you saying people objecting to Obama presidency were not racist?

Not sure he knows what he's saying... Maybe I missed it, but nowhere did I see anyone saying we should get rid of impeachment on patnet or anywhere else for that matter. I actually think the crowd here is all for it, but just not for the reasons it's coming up now.

Fact is, Democrats are one rider on a two passenger bike. Their idea to fix things is to throw a stick in the spokes as we're all riding along and hoping they can jump up quicker after they wipe out from the fall. Both parties do this to an extent, but because Trump is so polarizing they're going to take it to the extreme. They can vote no, but the constant barrage of made up bull shit is making them looking like retards.

They keep putting a blade of grass in the spoke thinking it will knock down the bike. They're trying to find a forest with sticks, but I think they're stuck in Iowa...
105484   mell   2019 Oct 5, 8:19am  

richwicks says
mell says
Right, the Overton window has shifted to the extreme left. Almost anything is allowed and ok to say against conservatives and Trump currently. Not the other way of course.

No, we have fake news now, we can openly discuss government corruption, and we can even talk about fake wars like Iraq, Libya, and Syria now.

This was absolutely impossible under Obama. There has been tremendous progress. The window is now much more open, it's not just to "the left". This is the widest I've seen it in my lifetime. The "left" is loosing, and this might surprise you, I was considered solidly left 15 years ago, because I was openly in opposition to the war in Iraq that Bush lied us into. I'm not left, I just have a respect for what I consider to be real, and I despise propaganda, I hate lies.

Stop being played by the fake left/right game. It's government versus us. Trump MIGHT be on ...

I strongly opposed the Iraq war and while Trump made it possible to talk about certain things openly again it highly depends on the area. In the San Francisco Bay area for example many if not most conservatives keep quiet and don't discuss politics openly.
105485   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 5, 9:23am  

richwicks says
When George W. Bush was busy lying the nation into a war over a non existent weapons of mass destruction program, I though the Republicans were a bunch of dirtbag scumbags, especially when it became blatantly obvious that he lied.

ORLY? Even fucking NYT has reported on US soldiers getting poisoned by Iraqi chemical weapons they found stashed in the desert in 2007 but I guess they don't read NYT in Olgino, amirite?
105486   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 5, 9:42am  

Jazz has no idea that Obama, Biden and Soros ends up in jail over the Ukraine scandal, that Trump uncovered.

IN fact, their crimes against Ukraine and the fear that Trump would uncover it, is the number one basis, for the level of TDS that there has been.
This is why they wanted to impeach Trump on his inauguration day.
105487   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 5, 12:03pm  

The best thing of all is this is a taste of the coming demographic shift.

The Dems believed Obama was just the first wave of the coming Socialist takeover of the USA. Between "Minorities" and the decline of formal church membership, etc. they believed they would run the USA and make it at the very least like Sweden for 50 years.

They forgot that Leftists are barren.

They can't process what is happening, and it's a big reason they go for the Russian Collusion. There's no way the INEVITABLE! MARCH! OF HISTORY! has been temporarily halted unless by skulldruggery!
105488   Ceffer   2019 Oct 5, 12:21pm  

I'm sure the LibbyFucks would like to return to their self styled image from a couple of years ago: facile, fashionable, sophisticated, intellectual, altruistic. However, their true colors have been forced on them by their brutal puppet masters and they now come across as the drunken commissar who has raped your daughter and wants to throw you in prison to hide his own crimes. All that Manchurian stage management of the faked Obama era is gone.

I'm sure the Dems aren't thrilled with this turn of image, but marching orders are marching orders.
105489   Ceffer   2019 Oct 5, 12:46pm  

105490   Ceffer   2019 Oct 5, 12:51pm  

Maybe it hasn't come to that yet, and Trump should just send in the French to be rude to them and blow unfiltered cigarette smoke in their faces.
105491   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 5, 12:54pm  

LOL Jazz's timeline skips the 1.3 billion that disappeared from the Russian Oligarch's bank that Obama/Biden deposited all of Ukraines aid into.
Not one penny of any money involved in that whole scandal actually went to the betterment of the Ukraine Government or the people.

Don't be a useful idiot bottom feeding swill maggot, watch "Democrats' Russia"
105492   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 5, 1:15pm  

When Jazz needs amo he goes to the CNN Youtube

Even The National Enquire calls CNN fake news.
105493   Ceffer   2019 Oct 5, 1:24pm  

Actually sounds like a good strategy. The Chinese are probably pissed about all that bribe money they steered to Dianne Feinstein, the Clinton Foundation and the Dems and are ready to inflict the death of a thousand cuts for not getting their money's worth.
105494   Ceffer   2019 Oct 5, 2:03pm  

Have you been promised the warden-ship of a Great Socialist Paradise liquidation camp if you carry the mantle for the propaganda blitz? If not, you need to hold out for better terms.

"Comrade, do you BELIEVE?" "No." "The bill for your execution will be sent to your family, and thank you for your candor!"
105495   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 5, 2:25pm  

jazz_music says

105496   richwicks   2019 Oct 5, 3:25pm  

Don't hate Trump!
Hate the slimy scum that elected him.

Yeah, hate the people in fly over country that do all the necessary work to keep you alive, from growing food, or mining oil and other resources.

Also adore the people that voted for a monster that 1) Voted for the Authorization to Use Force in Iraq and 2) Was the principle person pushing Obama to bomb Libya which is now in civil war and has operating slavery markets. They are the moral superiors of the people that voted for Trump.

Yes, I have to now acknowledge it now, the left is certainly far more insane and stupid today than the right was when they were supporting that fucker George W. Bush and his bullshit war. They were just naive, and gullible, you - you're fucking scum.
105497   richwicks   2019 Oct 5, 3:31pm  

Iranian_Oil_Burse says
richwicks says
When George W. Bush was busy lying the nation into a war over a non existent weapons of mass destruction program, I though the Republicans were a bunch of dirtbag scumbags, especially when it became blatantly obvious that he lied.

ORLY? Even fucking NYT has reported on US soldiers getting poisoned by Iraqi chemical weapons they found stashed in the desert in 2007

Well, point to the article then, and tell me who reported on it. Was the propagandist's, oops, I mean "journalist's" name Judith Miller by any chance?

Yeah, the New York Times, they're really credible, about as credible as Izvestia and Pravda were in 1985.

but I guess they don't read NYT in Olgino, amirite?

Russia? You mean the nation that dropped communism, adopted capitalism, and has greatly improved human rights records year after year, shields Edward Snowden, and isn't bombing 7 nations right now like the United States is?

Russia today is more like the US was in 1950 than the US is. They should be VERY proud of their accomplishments since December 26, 1991.

But the Military Industrial Complex needs a fake enemy so it can continue to consume 1/3rd of all tax revenue on bullshit, like the F35, and you idiots are dumb enough to restart the cold war, so they can continue to bankrupt the nation.
105498   marcus   2019 Oct 5, 5:16pm  

"A lot of people are saying that Trump lies better than any politician they've ever seen."
105499   marcus   2019 Oct 5, 5:19pm  

jazz_music says

I don't see how this has anything to do with all the corrupt stuff democrats have been doing in Ukraine.

Ukraine and Russia are totally independent subjects.
105500   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 5, 5:19pm  

marcus says
A lot of people are saying that Trump lies better than any politician they've ever seen.

Sounds like a Lot of People are lying to you.
105501   marcus   2019 Oct 5, 5:21pm  

I was trying to talk like Trump. Obviously like so many other people that have even the slightest human dignity, I can't pull it off.
105502   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 5, 5:38pm  

He's not supposed to be growing stronger.

But he is.

He's not supposed to be more popular than ever.

But he is.

He's certainly not supposed to be getting handed court victory after court victory as the wall goes up & you can see SpyGate coming.

But it's happening.

— Brian Cates (@drawandstrike) August 26, 2019
105503   Ceffer   2019 Oct 5, 5:43pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Why isn't Trump shooting traitors like Mitt Romney and Warren in the face and disemboweling them on TV?

Why isn't Trump evicting states that voted for the Golden Mu Mu?

He won the election, right?

105505   Ceffer   2019 Oct 5, 6:07pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
n fact, Trump should order Warren and Romney to skull fuck each other to death.

It's good the be THE KING!
105506   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 5, 6:16pm  

Wow, this is just the Jazz channel here.

Pretty much every problem Jazz has here is covered here in this great Sam Harris and Scott Adams dialog:
105507   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 5, 6:17pm  

jazz_music says
Creepy Joe

I'm thinking this might be changed to "Quid Pro Joe," although that's a bit of a tongue twister.
105508   richwicks   2019 Oct 5, 6:22pm  

jazz_music says

What are the 20 democratic probes?

Do you not understand how propaganda works? A claim is made, without supporting evidence, and even when supporting claims are made, they fail either to be truthful or (more often) fail to make sense. I will give you an example of when a propaganda fails to make sense.

You are probably aware of the Ghouta chemical attacks, supposedly carried out by Bashir al-Assad in 2013?

The claim is that he used chemical weapons to murder civilians, the maximum number of deaths is claimed to be around 1,250 people. Assad has a military and an airforce, why use chemical weapons? Assad is also a medical doctor by training and has advisors as all leaders do. Why would they not realize this would invite a US military response? He's clearly not stupid and it's doubtful his advisors are.

Now, did you know a company called Genie Energy signed a deal with Israel in early 2013 to mine the oil resources of the Golan Heights? It is strange they signed it with Israel, because the Golan Heights is Syrian land, occupied by Israel. In order to make this deal pan out, Syria's government had to be cut out of the equation. This provides the motive for which the US would attack Syria. Genie Energy has what is called a "strategic" board of directors - on that board is Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, Robert Woolsey, Jacob Rotschild and a few others.

I know why the US attacked Syria, it's very obvious, you have the motivation, the connections, and obvious propaganda. Notice that isn't investigated. It's not investigated because a mafia is the US government. The US really doesn't have a federal government, it simply has a mafia, and it endlessly produces propaganda.

What are the 20 probes? Given that "Russian Collusion" was one, and it was blatantly false, I have to wonder if there are 20 probes, and even if they are, if they have any basis since the Russian Collusion fiction did not, and that lasted for 2 and 1/2 years.
105509   richwicks   2019 Oct 5, 7:20pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Is Trump losing his grip? Is he losing his capacity to control the minds of even the dimmest, most pathetic Republican hacks?

He controls YOUR mind, not ours.

I find it very interesting that for 3 years people have been foaming at the mouth that the Butcher of Libya who voted for the "Authorization to Use Force in Iraq" (what you know as the 2nd Iraq war) didn't get elected, and how violently opposed people like you are about that.

The establishment that controls the United States today is entirely corrupt, and sociopathic. It's been this way since at least 2000, more probably 1988. If you're not at least 40, you've never seen a responsible, responsive federal government. I'm 47, I have.

Electing Caligula's horse over Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, John McCain, George W. Bush, John Kerry or Al Gore would have been an improvement. The fact that the establishment of both parties, of the intelligence agencies, of the corporate "news" media absolutely despises Trump, is a very good sign, because they are nothing but a group of criminal scum.

Trump may be no different, but at least his enemy is your enemy, although you're too gullible not to recognize it.

By this time into their presidencies, both Obama and Bush Jr. had begun new wars. Notice that's not happened with Trump, despite 3 false flags. Both limpet mine attacks were blatantly obvious false flags, as was the attack on the Saudi oil production facility. We're not at war with Venezuela, nor North Korea. Do you think that would have been the result with the Butcher of Libya?

But you endlessly whine and moan. Let me ask, what are your principles? One of my core principles is don't murder people to steal their stuff. That is all war is, and that is what was notable about our last two, garbage, presidents, that is all they did. Find that weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq yet? Develop some principles. I sometimes wonder if people like you are really this ignorant, or just simply bereft of any morality at all. Ignorance I can accept, the lack of morality I cannot.
105510   Ceffer   2019 Oct 5, 7:39pm  

richwicks says
One of my core principles is don't murder people to steal their stuff.

You old softie. No Caligulan Splendor for you.
105511   Ceffer   2019 Oct 5, 7:41pm  

If it doesn't raise my taxes, I'm all for it.
105512   richwicks   2019 Oct 5, 8:07pm  

Ceffer says
richwicks says
One of my core principles is don't murder people to steal their stuff.

You old softie. No Caligulan Splendor for you.

Caligula was murdered. There is a limit to bread and circuses which today equates to universal basic income, and television.
105513   WookieMan   2019 Oct 6, 10:12am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Past their bed time?

Get this guy a trophy! Hysterical!!!! lol.
105514   Onvacation   2019 Oct 6, 10:21am  

Lots of trolls and sock-puppets out there. Not many are paid.

It's Sunday morning. Give them time to finish their coffee and get back from brunch.

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