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105524   mell   2019 Oct 7, 12:35am  

TDS - there's not a single impeachable offense yet.
105525   marcus   2019 Oct 7, 6:17am  

Patrick says
Gosh, the economy sure boomed under Trump.

Only a continuation of trend in place since 2010 or so. Why do you keep peddling that lie ?

ALso, it the economy is so good, why are we running $trillion plus deficits ?
105526   marcus   2019 Oct 7, 6:19am  

mell says
TDS - there's not a single impeachable offense yet.

105527   richwicks   2019 Oct 7, 7:08am  


"In fast-thawing Siberia, radical climate change is warping the Earth beneath the feet of millions"

" Andrey Danilov eased his motorboat onto the gravel riverbank, where the bones of a woolly mammoth lay scattered on the beach. A putrid odor filled the air - the stench of ancient plants and animals decomposing after millennia entombed in a frozen purgatory."

"It smells like dead bodies," Danilov said.


Paris Accords only fuck up Western nations, of course he endorses it. Never interrupt your competition when they are making a mistake.
105528   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 7, 9:45am  

Nixon resigned because an impeachment would have exposed the moon landing hoax.
105529   Bd6r   2019 Oct 7, 10:09am  

richwicks says
Haha, the US is in it's deathbed.

I have heard this one before. It was the mantra of Soviet leaders for at least fifty years, and is now mantra of Putler the Great regime for twenty years.
105530   mell   2019 Oct 7, 10:28am  

marcus says
mell says
TDS - there's not a single impeachable offense yet.

I didn't give a fuck about Clinton getting head from Monica either, also not an impeachable offense, I think the Republicans spun it that way that he lied under oath which was at least a debatable impeachable offense, nonetheless the whole thing was ridiculous as well. Can't blame Bill for having a little fun in the office.
105531   Eman   2019 Oct 7, 4:37pm  

WTF? Did anyone read the article? Where does any type of UBI mentioned in the article?
105532   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 7, 5:21pm  

E-man says
WTF? Did anyone read the article? Where does any type of UBI mentioned in the article?

Good point!
Some other facts: The UBI experiment in Stockton was only offered to 125 residents. The population of Stockton is 300k. Even if every single resident of Stockton is in a 5-person family, that's 125 families out of 60k families, or 0.2% . I don't think that's going to swing the needle.
105533   Eman   2019 Oct 7, 7:41pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
E-man says
WTF? Did anyone read the article? Where does any type of UBI mentioned in the article?

Good point!
Some other facts: The UBI experiment in Stockton was only offered to 125 residents. The population of Stockton is 300k. Even if every single resident of Stockton is in a 5-person family, that's 125 families out of 60k families, or 0.2% . I don't think that's going to swing the needle.

Apparently someone does. How does 125 families with $500/mo UBI swing a 25% rent increase for a city of 300k people? People will believe what they want to believe.
105534   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 7, 7:58pm  

Yep, and now the Ukrainian Fake Whistleblower is a coup.

I'm so old I remember when the Dems accused Trump of being in cahoots with Russia.

Now he's in cahoots with the Ukraine.
105535   marcus   2019 Oct 7, 8:36pm  

Tim Aurora says
Now Fox news is calling a legitimate investigation, and it may be imperfect, a coup and calling Mueller to be taken out in cuffs is extremely irresponsible and a sign of a fascist government.

This is correct, and any honest patriot should get it.
105536   Hircus   2019 Oct 7, 9:08pm  

Tim Aurora says
Remember when Mueller investigation was called a coup

In hindsight, isn't the term coup somewhat appropriate? The Mueller report bombed hard.

If you were Trump, and so you truly knew when the rumors/charges first came out that it was all BS, what else would you call it?

- You know it's fake
- You know their goal (to remove you from power. ideally they directly take power, but in any case, they will gain power on a relative basis)

I guess I tend to think of a coup as being a blatant attempt at seizing power, instead of a covert subversive attempt like this, but they are pretty similar in the big picture.
105537   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 7, 9:13pm  

It's a coup because the Mueller investigation arose out of the DNC. It became FISA Spygate scandal and the same individuals like Peter Strzok and McCabe that were involved in Spygate were involved in the Mueller Report.

This was a smear operation run out of the DNC, handed over to the FBI via Spygate, then given additional powers via the appointment of Mueller, who probably realized the case was so weak and the trail so damning, he wanted to dump it like a hot potato as soon as possible.

I bet Mueller was strongarmed and berated to keep the investigation going long after he wanted to get the hell away from it.
105538   Hircus   2019 Oct 7, 9:38pm  

marcus says
Tim Aurora says
Now Fox news is calling a legitimate investigation, and it may be imperfect, a coup and calling Mueller to be taken out in cuffs is extremely irresponsible and a sign of a fascist government.

This is correct, and any honest patriot should get it.

Except if you somehow knew that it was not a legitimate investigation (faulty/fake basis, or participants know, or at some point came to realize that it's nothing more than a political hit job) then its appropriate to call it such. Hell, it's your duty to call it like it is.

I supported the investigation at first. Trump + Russia did smell suspicious to me. But as time went on, and hyped up "game changing" evidence kept disappointing, I became suspicious of the media + investigation. But, the fizzled conclusion of the report was the important part. I agree w/ others that maybe Mueller didn't know it was BS when he started on it, but at the end I felt like he was in damage control + my arm was twisted mode.

The creme of the crop of the report was muellers awkward, extremely vague and ambiguous lawyer-speak that left the interpretation open to the public to spin however they want. I smell that as a compromise - mueller wanted out, but dems insisted he give them something that can spin and fire at trump. So, he emphasizes vauge "we cant prosecute a sitting president" and "we did not prove hes innocent" - TOTAL SPIN BAIT STATEMENTS!!!
105540   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 7, 11:34pm  

jazz_music says
You hold a worldview filled with facts that do not jibe with the realities that exist outside of right wing activism.

Yes, the idea that increased supply that outpaces demand lowers the price is unheard of, fringe irrational thinking.
105541   mell   2019 Oct 8, 1:22am  

TDS - the US is not the world police and is allies with the turks as well. Best thing is to withdraw from endless wars. Difficult but ultimately consequential and right move.
105542   Ceffer   2019 Oct 8, 1:51am  

Seize Greenland and move all the Hong Kong refugees to Greenland!
105543   Booger   2019 Oct 8, 4:54am  

105544   WookieMan   2019 Oct 8, 5:20am  

Tim Aurora says
WookieMan says

Not sure he knows what he's saying... Maybe I missed it, but nowhere did I see anyone saying we should get rid of impeachment on patnet or anywhere else for that matter. I actually think the crowd here is all for it, but just not for the reasons it's coming up now.

Trump has again started asking other countries to help in his elections. With him being the president, why wouldn't a country help him to curry favors. That would make the next election a biased one. Impeaching him in the house would at least put a brake to his shenanigans

And? This is new? You don't think Warren, Sanders, Yang, etc. have talked with foreign leaders regarding their primaries and potential presidential runs? You'd be naive to think that these people have not been in discussions with upper level foreign leaders. For fucks sake Obama did a speech in 2008 to 200k people in fucking Germany.... I don't care about Germany. I care about Americans. And I voted for him in that election and was stupid for doing so admittedly.

Outside influences will be a part of every election. The fact that Trump is doing it out in the open seems to be a problem for people. Cool, let's just go back to it all being hidden. He's been exposing the swamp and I think he's finally found the drain. He's doing what EVERY high level politician has been doing for decades and all these fuckers are just squirming now. He's the whistleblower you should be rooting for, he's just doing it out in the open. Showing you what DC politicians have been doing forever.

Threaten impeachment until you're blue in the face. The Democratic candidates are abysmal and you know it so the left is freaking out. Factor in some politicians may get called out for actual crimes and you get to our current state of affairs.

When the vast majority of the media is against a sitting President, who outside of California (where Republicans are disenfranchised) got over 50% of the popular vote, don't you see that as a problem? Then factor in another state like IL. Trump beat the living shit out of Hilary, this is fact. People like myself and others in CA, IL, etc just didn't vote for President because Hilary was anointed (by media biased polls) and we're in notoriously blue states. Because times are good, CA & IL don't look as in shitty shape, but we're one recession away from both states, who continually elect Democrats, from collapse. Even if Trump lost by 10M popular votes from just those two states I'd say who gives a shit. I don't want idiots electing the president.
105545   Onvacation   2019 Oct 8, 5:42am  

jazz_music says
Impeachment applies to Trump

For what?
The criminals are getting real nervous.
105546   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 8, 6:18am  

I don't think it matters what any Democrat thinks about Trump. Especially when they can't be intellectually honest about the cesspool of fraud, deceit and theft the Democrats as much as many Republicans have been doing for the last 30 yeas or more. Trump is the agent of change, not the Guy that started it all. If it took Russia to get him where he is today, so be it. But you know that's not the case, quit lying to yourself. And focus on the scumbags you are content to elect.
105547   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 8, 6:22am  

No he can't!

I do believe the President is the number one authority, well I used to, but never again. Until Trump locks up the scumbags.

As far as I'm concerned Trump has the authority to send paddy wagons to congress and escort quite a few of those slimy bastards to prison to be tried by the Military.

Then if the constituents don't like it, they vote him out, and vote someone in that can pardon them. That's balance!

I don't know what in the fuck all you commie foreign, dick sucker faggot bastards are going on about, with your resist and impeach bullshit. That's not how this thing works!
105548   BigFrank   2019 Oct 8, 7:10am  

Patrick says
jazz_music says

Again, COMPLETELY FALSE. The truth is that it is liberals who are driving DOWN wages for the poor with mass imports of illegal aliens to accomplish it.

That is, when they are not busy eliminating American jobs by exporting them to China.

Why are Republicans so against E Verify then? Do Republicans have no role or responsibility in any of this? How did we get here without Republicans playing along, they have had absolute control over all branches of government for many lengths of time.
105549   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2019 Oct 8, 9:16am  

It is an attempted coup against a sitting president.

What’s irresponsible is the coup and all liberal policies that Dems passed.
105550   fdhfoiehfeoi   2019 Oct 8, 9:50am  

Tim Aurora says
Without Impeachment, a president can run berserk and become a dictator

Specious reasoning. A dictator will just change the rules, fuck the impeachment, and kill whoever voted for it. Without guns a president can become a dictator. Government does not, and never will solve problems.
105551   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 8, 10:08am  

Tim Aurora says
can continue to rule America with Electoral College and Senate

Lol, you mean democratically elected. Oh the TDS spin is amazing!
105552   WookieMan   2019 Oct 8, 10:50am  

Tim Aurora says
You can talk to foreign governments but cannot ask for help to get elected. That is a crime.

So when did this happen? If Biden committed a crime, how is the government supposed to investigate that without the other side going straight to election interference (like they did)? What election is Trump interfering in?

Biden is running for the NOMINATION for the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. There is a distinction there. So again, what illegal activity did Trump perform during the duties as President? He's yet to interfere with an election as Biden is NOT on any a ballot for PRESIDENT in any state yet. You cannot keep making that claim without evidence. The charge cannot even be made anyway..... there's no fucking election right now.

Tim Aurora says
Not sure what does that have to do with asking foreign government for help in election..

You're joking right? You think Germany just opened their doors and were like sure Barack, come speak to our people. We'll facilitate and pay for the resources for a 200k person rally. lol... Events like that cost millions in resources and man hours.

Why did he speak to the German people? He was running for POTUS. If he's not trying to get foreign influences by doing a massive speech in a fucking foreign country, and you can't see that's a problem, then I'm afraid our country might be further down the tubes than I thought. I didn't see it then, but do now. It's okay to be wrong on something and admit it. The left is wrong a lot lately, but too cowardly to admit it.
105553   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 8, 10:56am  

Hillary was going to physically fundraise in Europe in August 2016. Podesta and Palmieri had to spent unbelievable energy telling her it was a bad idea, but the Money!

I believe they sent Nuland, Greg Craig, and some others on her behalf to get the Euro Contributions.

Meanwhile, there was tons of foreign interference in our elections by economic rivals:


Merkel gave millions to the Clinton Foundation, which totally has nothing to do with Hillary running for Office.
105554   BigFrank   2019 Oct 8, 11:28am  

OccasionalCortex says
BigFrank says
Republicans playing along, they have had absolute control over all branches of government for many lengths of time.
Only for two years. That's not a 'long time'.

What is it with TDS infected Contards that make them incapable of criticizing the party they're cucked by? Always the victim, i know, i know. Poor little Contards
105555   Bd6r   2019 Oct 8, 11:30am  

OccasionalCortex says
Only for two years. That's not a 'long time'.

Should have been enough to introduce e-verify.
105556   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 8, 11:32am  

BigFrank says
What is it with TDS infected Contards that make them incapable of criticizing the party they're cucked by? Always the victim, i know, i know. Poor little Contards

Great, so you're for getting rid of affirmative action, and you don't believe it's horribly oppressive to use the bathroom that matches your genitalia?
105557   Bd6r   2019 Oct 8, 11:33am  

BigFrank says
Why are Republicans so against E Verify then?

They are for it when bloviating, but against it when voting or bringing it up for votes.

All of us know what is the reason: the earnings of meat packing, mega farm, and construction industry will decrease by a few percent, thus the TRILLION! DOLLAR! BONUSES! for big R donors will drop, which would be a cruel and unusual punishment.
105558   Onvacation   2019 Oct 8, 11:34am  

jazz_music says
Also you are in denial about the self serving lies, projection and utter petty fantasies that flow from Trump every day.

Can you tell us about one of these, "petty fantasies" that our president flows?
105559   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 8, 11:35am  

OC, OC, get with the program, man.

105560   Onvacation   2019 Oct 8, 11:38am  

Tim Aurora says
Not sure what does that have to do with asking foreign government for help in election..

Corruption. Our president didn't ask for help with the election. He asked for help with corruption.
105561   WookieMan   2019 Oct 8, 12:04pm  

Onvacation says
Tim Aurora says
Not sure what does that have to do with asking foreign government for help in election..

Corruption. Our president didn't ask for help with the election. He asked for help with corruption.

That's just it. How is corruption investigated in the world of the left if it's automatically election interference when there's not actually an election. News to me that a PARTY's primary was an election for POTUS. I guess they thought that with Hilary and Bernie almost fucked that up, lol.

I know I look like a Trump fan boy here to some on the left, but that's simply not the case. Logic still needs to exist. You're not a candidate for President until you have your name on the ballot in one state for the 2020 election. Until then, there is no legal justification for election interference. There's no election at this point. Biden is not running for POTUS right now.
105562   Shaman   2019 Oct 8, 2:04pm  

The problem is that neither party wants to support the plight of the American worker. That is why Trumpian politics are a party of their own. He’s the only one saying “I want YOU to make more money and have more job opportunities and I’m willing to make multiple policy decisions to make that happen!”

What’s amazing is that Democrats are opposing this policy position, while AT THE SAME TIME arguing for $15 minimum wage! Fuck! I mean, do they even have a brain between them? I sincerely believe that the weakest-minded people are liberals today. And the most susceptible to propaganda are Leftists. And what’s funny, is because most of them work at soft-handed jobs from accounting to lawyering and serving tables to education, they think they are smarter and more intelligent than conservatives.
Meanwhile, conservatives make a higher per capita wage doing jobs that are more difficult and dangerous and dirty. We are the engine that drives the actual economy and they are the leeches which suck from it.
And they think they are America.
105563   Onvacation   2019 Oct 8, 2:31pm  

jazz_music says
Look it up.

So you got nothing.

Not one high crime, misdemeanor, blatant lie or "petty fantasy".

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