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105884   Hircus   2019 Oct 16, 7:06pm  

NoCoupForYou says


105885   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 16, 7:16pm  

WaltertheoFlanders says
Where is the rule that states they must have a vote to start the inquiry? I've asked and yet no answer. This is because there is no rule. Which means they don't have to vote to start the inquiry.

That right. However... where is the rule that a judge just allow hundreds of subpoenas against Trump to go forward because a single house member wants to harass the president and impede his presidential duties? There is no rule. Therefore, if Pelosi want's to put some weight behind her subpoenas she could do that by going to the judge and arguing that hundreds of house members agree with the action.
105886   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 16, 7:47pm  

Jazz, why isn't the Judiciary committee involved in these Hearings? Judiciary Committee always involved in real impeachments!
105887   krc   2019 Oct 16, 8:13pm  

TrumpingTits says
krc says
All men should simply get cut when they are 16 and then re-attach the tube when they find a woman with whom they WANT a child.

...why don't you sign up to be the beta tester for that program, krc!

Haha... yes ... meant a vasectomy not castration. :) Very reversible apparently.

105888   incredible   2019 Oct 16, 9:42pm  

"The Minority get's subpoena powers, and Trump gets to call witnesses.
Schiff is right, they have to do this in secret or the GOP will cut their sham case apart."

I'm not tracking this... Wouldn't the best witnesses be the ones the WH is barring from cooperation? Are you saying that if they were allowed to testify the case would fall apart? Is the WH trying to stop the Dems from destroying themselves? 4D indeed.
105889   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 16, 9:51pm  

NuttBoxer says

First in drone bombings and killings!
First in imperialism!
First in national debt size!
First in murder(some call "defense") contract spending!
First in number of illegals flooding the country!
First in social services offered to illegals once they arrive!
First in prison population(% and overall)!

Yes, Obama was terrible at draining the swamp.
105890   SoTex   2019 Oct 16, 9:57pm  

Would have solved me a lot of problems in my 20s. Thank gawd that damn Louisiana Fruit Fly miscarried.
105891   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 16, 9:57pm  

Wrapping themselves in a flag...

105892   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 16, 9:59pm  

TrumpingTits says
BTW, if Trump was a real dictator...you'd be taking a REAL dirtnap right about now, dontcha think?

105893   Bd6r   2019 Oct 16, 10:38pm  

clambo says
high tech will continue to complain of a shortage of "qualified candidates" for high tech.

simple solution: pay more and there will be lines of kids entering "high tech" studies, just like with med schools. But that would decrease Gates, Bezos, and Zukerberg PROFITS! by 5%. Simpler to import Indians and/or export work.
105894   Bd6r   2019 Oct 17, 2:55am  

mell says
You got to have a beer with everyone first to get to know them personally and give them a chance. Except for realtors.

Trump is kinda realtor.
And while I do agree with AF that Trump is a fucking cunt, people who try to overthrow an elected PRECEDENT! just because they think someone else (CUNT SQUARED CLINTON) should have been elected, are much bigger fucking cunts than Trump has or ever will be.
105895   Onvacation   2019 Oct 17, 5:54am  

jazz_music says
the process has lacked transparency and all members should have access to the information.

What do you suppose the Democrats are trying to hide?
105896   Onvacation   2019 Oct 17, 6:49am  

WaltertheoFlanders says
OccasionalCortex says
NeverTrumpers can't meme either.

You know you got one that burns their britches when you hear this

No. The "meme" had no basis in fact and was not funny.
105897   Shaman   2019 Oct 17, 7:30am  


If anyone had any questions about why tech workers shouldn’t vote Democrat anymore... a good reason is that they want to import Chindians to do your jobs!
And yes, there are still Republicans who want to do the same thing. But we can primary them, and they can join the rest of the retired “neverTrumpers” in retirement.
105898   Onvacation   2019 Oct 17, 8:10am  

jazz_music says
baron fuckface das GropenFuhrer

Shouldn't it be von gropenfuhrer?

Regardless,Trump has committed no impeachable high crime or misdemeanor.
105899   joshuatrio   2019 Oct 17, 8:23am  

Funny.. This coming out shortly after it was discovered Hunter was making $50k a month off of the Ukrainian company... lol

She saw a good payday - hope she gets it. LOL
105900   Fuckyouasshole   2019 Oct 17, 9:13am  

4 more year. I'd pay good money to watch you after the final polls come in!
105901   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 17, 9:20am  

That would be too much of a TDS sticker.

Debt is Slavery is a much better sticker.
105902   Fuckyouasshole   2019 Oct 17, 9:22am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
You're right.

The book clearly confirms he paid this lady to say this to prove to the world he has an interest in females, has an attention span durable enough for him to commit rape and has the dexterity required to tie a knot.

You forgot to change your accounts, if you are going to comment on your own posts better double check you shill accounts
105903   Fuckyouasshole   2019 Oct 17, 9:57am  

What a piece of shit
105904   Ceffer   2019 Oct 17, 10:09am  

Isn't this sticker misogynist? How about "Whack-a-Mole Trump With A Knobby Strap On!"

Woke Patnet bumper stickers only.
105905   Shaman   2019 Oct 17, 11:25am  

A BOOK!!!!! confirmed that Trump is a rapist?!!? Well then it’s GOT to be true because you can’t publish anything in a !!!BOOK!!! without it being absolutely as true as the BIBLE!!!
105906   krc   2019 Oct 17, 12:17pm  

joshuatrio says
Funny.. This coming out shortly after it was discovered Hunter was making $50k a month off of the Ukrainian company... lol

She saw a good payday - hope she gets it. LOL

Exactly. Cunt. Feel sorry for him even if he is corrupt and had jobs he had no business taking. Of course he is the "piece of shit" but she is an innocent, naive baby-mama. Right.... LOL
105907   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 17, 12:59pm  

OccasionalCortex says
krc says
Of course he is the "piece of shit" but she is an innocent, naive baby-mama. Right.... LOL

If it IS his baby, then what do all the smears you make about here really have to do with this? Either he pays up for supporting the kid or not.

Xactly. It's either him or we as taxpayers. I prefer it to be him. And he can afford it most def.
105908   HeadSet   2019 Oct 17, 1:04pm  

Time for a focus group study!

Or group therapy.
105909   krc   2019 Oct 17, 1:31pm  

Yeah - agree - it is hard to judge peoples motivations, but the timing, etc.. of this seems very suspicious as others noted.

My problem is he has no say. It is simply the degradation of marriage. By saying that because a woman has a child, the male is "on the hook", it is basically conferring to her a marital status that she doesn't deserve. Remember, she can decide to abort. He cannot. She can decide to abandon the baby at a hospital. He cannot. Again, women "want" to say they are equal to men but don't actually really want this. If we were "equal", he should be able to say "I don't agree - if you want to keep it you are going to have to provide". I am not quite at the point where the male should be able to say that she must have an abortion... but give me time.

In marriage, the expectation is that there will be children. And at that point, he would be "on the hook". But "marriage" is that contract.

Again, these are just baby-mama whores getting what they can. Men just don't realize the biological facts: men want sex, women like sex but want children. Of course, I have been told if there were true equality then men would never get married, and would never agree to children... and our society would fade away. Perhaps... :)

Men are forced to be financially responsible for choices only women can make. Furthermore, this is NEVER a 50/50 split of responsibilities and cost - in general mother in unmarried situations is usually awarded fully custody. If the man makes more (she will take time off, make false accusations against the male, etc.), he will pay a correspondingly higher share of the support cost. In some states, the unmarried father has zero visitation rights but is on the hook to provide financial support, or even if we wants to be a father, his unmarried status prevents him from taking that roll (this is state by state legislation).

That is frankly why I am pro-life. If abortion was outlawed, then one sex would not have this much control over the other. Right now we let women have the choice to enslave a biological father. Of course - the usual response is "just don't have sex". If abortion would outlawed, I would agree: he should be paying instead of the taxpayer.
105910   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 17, 1:37pm  

jazz_music says
There is no “court” involved at any point.

(1) A single angry house member issues hundreds of subpoenas in order to harass the president and his cabinet and to obstruct the President's agenda of doing the people's bidding.
(2) Trump and other receivers of subpoenas decline to cooperate with the subpoenas.
(3) Angry house member needs to involve the court system in order to enforce the subpoenas.
(4) Judge sees that it's a single angry house member and sides with Trump.
(5) Angry house member calls a vote to begin impeachment investigation and the vote is a "yeah" for beginning an investigation.
(6) Now judge in (4) sees that the house as a whole is investigating and is more likely to issue enforcement of at least some of the subpoenas.
105911   mell   2019 Oct 17, 2:00pm  

krc says
Again, these are just baby-mama whores getting what they can. Men just don't realize the biological facts: men want sex, women like sex but want children. Of course, I have been told if there were true equality then men would never get married, and would never agree to children... and our society would fade away. Perhaps... :)

Actually I don't think this holds true anymore. Most men do want kids with the right woman and often these days wommyn chose not to have kids and be miserable. The thing is that men like to have kids with stable, nesting, maternal, feminine, hot and nurturing women, not attention-whoring sluts and gold-diggers. There's a severe shortage of marriage material among modern womyn, even more so than a shortage on hot ones. Now Hunter may not be the brightest tool in the shed and this is yet another episode proving it.
105912   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 17, 2:09pm  

On the first day of Bush's second term, Pelosi announced there would be no impeachment.

Keep in mind it's probably provable that Bush knowingly doctored the WMD intel, and may have violated the Geneva Convention, the ban on Cruel and Unusual punishments in the Constitution, or both.

But Leftists want to impeach Trump.

This is all about policy.
105913   Onvacation   2019 Oct 17, 2:19pm  

jazz_music says

You are obviously referring to some other presidents.
105914   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 17, 2:21pm  

1. Obstruction: Exercising constitutionally granted powers, such as to fire the FBI Chief for any or no reason, can't be obstruction.
2. Emoluments Clause: Nonsense. What titles or salaries has Trump received as President without Congressional permission?
3. Conspiring with others: Requires that some other crime was planned or committed.
4. Advocating Violence: Then Clinton, Obama, and Bush are also guilty (Yugoslavia, Libya, and Iraq). Completely farsical crime that exists only in minds of the Left.
5. Pardon Power: Exercising Constitutionally granted powers, such as to pardon anybody for any or no reason, can't be abused as there are NO LIMITS on his power (see #1)
6. Recklessly threatening Nuclear War: Show me where is this a crime. Define "Reckless"? See #4 - a crime that only exists in the mind of the Left
7. Directing Law enforcement to pursue Political Enemies: Every Administration. This was done to Nixon, and just wait until the proof of Obama's malfeasance comes out. The President is required by law to enforce the laws of the USA. Investigating Hunter and Joe Biden for corruption with Ukrainian companies is 100% the purview of POTUS. Abusing FISA, however, is expressly prohibited, as is misleading FISA Court Judges as to source/origin/purpose of warrant requests.
8. Undermining Freedom of the Press: Another Leftist fantasy. Insulting needle moving journalists is not forbidden the POTUS, who retains 1st Amendment rights himself.
9. Enforcing the Immigration Laws is the POTUS' duty. Open borders is not the law, though the Left would like a POTUS who ignores these laws. OBAMA put kids in cages.
10. After a multiyear investigation involving a team mostly consisting of Trump's Deep State enemies, this failed to produce one single recommended charge.

Conclusion: List is 110%Bullshit

105915   krc   2019 Oct 17, 2:38pm  

"ONLY if a guy is stupid to stick it into her w/o protection. Hunter Biden by now is established as clearly being a whole class of stupid that fits that bill."

Agreed. But I know a lot of horror stories as well where one party lied about protection, etc... My advice to any husband going through a divorce with very young children: get a DNA test of your kids right away. I have a friend who did this and found out his youngest child (a year old when she filed) was not his. In fact, DNA testing should be mandatory at birth. If the unknowing "father" raises the child for two years before challenging (Wait! That is not my kid! ) ... well, that is too late. Most states will see that the "married father" is on the hook for child support, not the biological father, because he "acted as the father" for a substantial period of time.

And, that is why I originally said all reproductive males should get a reversible vasectomy. What - you don't think women are conniving enough to pin hole a condom, or pull sperm from a condom and self-inject? Seriously - that is why there is marriage. In marriage only is where sex should happen. But as a society we are past that.

But, please, anyone that says women want to be equal to men is just full of crap.
105916   krc   2019 Oct 17, 2:46pm  

"ONLY if a guy is stupid to stick it into her w/o protection. Hunter Biden by now is established as clearly being a whole class of stupid that fits that bill."

Agreed. But I know a lot of horror stories as well where one party lied about protection, etc... My advice to any husband going through a divorce with very young children: get a DNA test of your kids right away. I have a friend who did this and found out his youngest child (a year old when she filed) was not his. In fact, DNA testing should be mandatory at birth. If the unknowing "father" raises the child for two years before challenging (Wait! That is not my kid! ) ... well, that is too late. Most states will see that the "married father" is on the hook for child support, not the biological father, because he "acted as the father" for a substantial period of time.

Marriage is undermined when one sex is allowed to entrap the other sex and confer "marriage-like" benefits. Men don't get the option of "the right woman".

And, that is why I originally said all reproductive males should get a reversible vasectomy. What - you don't think women are conniving enough to pin hole a condom, or pull sperm from a condom and self-inject? Seriously - that is why there is marriage. In marriage only is where sex should happen. But as a society we are past that.

But, please, anyone that says women want to be equal to men is just full of crap. That is my primary point. Ultimately, the male has the FORCED responsibility, women have the CHOICE.
105917   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Oct 17, 3:08pm  

1. Mandatory Paternity tests protect Men
1b. And children, since they identify potential genetic disorders
2. Ban No-Fault, replace with only Fault and/or Consent. No-Fault might only be allowed in marriages lasting less than 2 years and without children, in which case the parties take out what they brought in and split the rest.
3. Replace Section 8 and AFDC with Unwed Mother's homes with curfews and mandatory birth control.
105918   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 17, 4:04pm  

6rdB says
simple solution: pay more and there will be lines of kids entering "high tech" studies, just like with med schools.

Or don't even pay more. Just move to a lower-cost part of the country. Heck, programmers in silicon valley already make more than most doctors (non-specialists) in most of the rest of the country.
105919   krc   2019 Oct 17, 4:30pm  

"This also dissuades men from having children out of wedlock."

In this case, it doesn't. Women make that decision. Will read the link... thanks.
105920   Ceffer   2019 Oct 17, 4:38pm  

Will there be orders for the Secret Service to pepper Melania's Cuban Gardner Lotharios with Uzi spray on sight?
105921   Ceffer   2019 Oct 17, 4:40pm  

They might think Trump Cunt Punch is a drink.
105922   truthhurts   2019 Oct 17, 5:40pm  

krc says
That is frankly why I am pro-life. If abortion was outlawed, then one sex would not have this much control over the other. Right now we let women have the choice to enslave a biological father. Of course - the usual response is "just don't have sex". If abortion would outlawed, I would agree: he should be paying instead of the taxpayer.

So under your logic, a woman who is strongly pro-life must choose to either abort her child or have the child but not get any help from the man who helped put her in that position? Makes no sense.

There's a kid and the kid needs to be taken care of. If the guy doesn't pay child support then the mom goes on welfare and how's that fair the the taxpayer? We certainly had nothing to do with the problem.

Half the people in this thread sound like bitter dads tired of having to pony up for child support. I get that there are some issues with the system, like that custody always defaults to the woman, but boo hoo, take care of your fucking kids.
105923   Bd6r   2019 Oct 17, 6:52pm  

Quigley says
If anyone had any questions about why tech workers shouldn’t vote Democrat anymore... a good reason is that they want to import Chindians to do your jobs!

Tech workers coming from CA have turned Austin bright blue.

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