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105921   Ceffer   2019 Oct 17, 4:40pm  

They might think Trump Cunt Punch is a drink.
105922   truthhurts   2019 Oct 17, 5:40pm  

krc says
That is frankly why I am pro-life. If abortion was outlawed, then one sex would not have this much control over the other. Right now we let women have the choice to enslave a biological father. Of course - the usual response is "just don't have sex". If abortion would outlawed, I would agree: he should be paying instead of the taxpayer.

So under your logic, a woman who is strongly pro-life must choose to either abort her child or have the child but not get any help from the man who helped put her in that position? Makes no sense.

There's a kid and the kid needs to be taken care of. If the guy doesn't pay child support then the mom goes on welfare and how's that fair the the taxpayer? We certainly had nothing to do with the problem.

Half the people in this thread sound like bitter dads tired of having to pony up for child support. I get that there are some issues with the system, like that custody always defaults to the woman, but boo hoo, take care of your fucking kids.
105923   Bd6r   2019 Oct 17, 6:52pm  

Quigley says
If anyone had any questions about why tech workers shouldn’t vote Democrat anymore... a good reason is that they want to import Chindians to do your jobs!

Tech workers coming from CA have turned Austin bright blue.
105924   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 17, 7:07pm  

6rdB says
Quigley says
If anyone had any questions about why tech workers shouldn’t vote Democrat anymore... a good reason is that they want to import Chindians to do your jobs!

Tech workers coming from CA have turned Austin bright blue.

105925   SoTex   2019 Oct 17, 9:30pm  

truthhurts says
some issues

"Some issues"


He said "Some issues!"...


I recall a recent under statement from somebody else recently: "Some people did something"
105926   krc   2019 Oct 18, 12:13am  

"If the guy doesn't pay child support then the mom goes on welfare and how's that fair the the taxpayer?"

Yes. And that is a big part of the problem. That state is serving as the lender of last resort, essentially. What if there was not this welfare backstop? I bet the illegitimacy rate would decrease - substantially! And lets make no bones about it. Women now are perfectly aware of their power here: the actual abortion rate has dropped dramatically because women have various forms of birth control and they are deciding when to have the child - regardless of "who" it is with. Look at the abortion rates for the past 20 years - massive decline. Illegitimate children are the way that baby mamas can make it in this world when they see that their own independent future looks bleak. Why should a man support a child that he had no interest in having?
105927   truthhurts   2019 Oct 18, 5:37am  

krc says
Why should a man support a child that he had no interest in having?

Because it's the moral thing to do.

krc says
Illegitimate children are the way that baby mamas can make it in this world when they see that their own independent future looks bleak.

Maybe so, but this is even more reason why you should be careful where you are sticking it.

I don't know why I need to explain biology to you, but there's no such thing as an illegitimate child. You stuck your penis voluntarily into a vagina and made a baby, it really happened, it's legit. Now it needs to be taken care of. In a perfect world, you wouldn't need court mandated child support because both parents would work together and figure out a way to pay for it all. But some don't, and so there is a system in place to enforce it and some people are taking advantage of that system and men get screwed.

But just because it's a bad system doesn't take away your responsibility. You can't just say "Oh, well the child support system is unfair so I'm not going to be a responsible adult and pay for my kid".
105928   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 18, 8:02am  

The Best part will be when he invites Putin.

The Rotten son's of bitches Global Punks invited Iran to the last G7 after kicking Russia out. And if you all remember, and don't have your heads shoved so far up Jeff Bezos and Zucker's Ass, will remember Trump vowed to invite Putin to the next one, since the Globalist saw fit to invite Iran. Who at the time during that week was threatening America and our President.

It's going to be glorious, the crying will hurt our ears.
105929   Bd6r   2019 Oct 18, 9:11am  

105930   krc   2019 Oct 18, 10:21am  

"Oh, well the child support system is unfair so I'm not going to be a responsible adult and pay for my kid".

Well, even if a biological father wanted to walk away, they can't. So not sure of the argument here. The state is definitely enforcing child support even with jail time, which also makes zero sense. And, when it is convenient the state will also repudiates a biological father's right as well. For example, if a married wife has a child from an affair, if the married father accepts that child, then most states will terminate the biological father's rights.

I am not questioning the morality here. Yes - you fathered a child, I think you should support it. But, to your point, that is a moral question only. If you look at this from a constitutional protection issue, then this is completely unfair. If you believe it is fair that a woman who "decides" to have a child should be entitled to entrap an unmarried father, then we disagree. Hopefully, you would then agree that the most logical course would be to outlaw abortion so that one sex doesn't have this power over the other. Then, yes, you engage in sex you run a risk with a known consequence and BOTH parties bear that responsibility.

I guess if it is a "bad system" you just put up with it.... Illegitimate children are children born out of wedlock. So - there are "illegitimate" children though it is not a popular word to use anymore as it stigmatizes the biological parents. And we can't have that can we? Only the man needs to bear the social condemnation - as we see by most responses to the original post. No one seems to even question her integrity/ responsibility for birth control / etc... I know if my daughter "got pregnant" without being married, I would tell her it is her decision and she is responsible. If the "boyfriend" wants to chip in, GREAT! But if not, she should deal with it herself and be prepared to support the child on her own.
105931   krc   2019 Oct 18, 10:26am  

Found this interesting article. I guess I am interested in this subject since it seems that only the man bears the ridicule when a baby mama pops out of the woodwork. Whether it is Biden's son, a famous football player, actor, etc... there is never social condemnation against the woman! I always find that interesting and just another manifestation of the matriarchy at work. :)

105932   Ceffer   2019 Oct 18, 2:00pm  


"State Department Concludes Clinton Email Review Says It Found Nearly 600 Security Violations"


Double Triple Agent IHLLary pleaded ignorance! Hilarious.
105933   mell   2019 Oct 18, 2:37pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
I don't! I was just hoping that Trump would turn the golf course into a hunting range filled with RAPEFUGEE! children whom he'd encourage the G7 delegates to shoot with high powered rifles at a premium for their entertainment!

Why not, hire this man! Pretty much every day a rapefugee humiliates an autochthonous resident, like recently in the Netherlands where they made a white dutch guy strip at gunpoint. Of course this video was censored on twatter shortly after it was posted. Many rapefugees behave utterly atrocious and shouldn't be admitted into a civilized country in the first place.
105934   mell   2019 Oct 18, 2:43pm  

Love those cajones! I hope she doesn't get suicided - at least she knows how to defend herself with a weapon as well.
105935   Ceffer   2019 Oct 18, 2:50pm  

Using the usual 180 degree flip LibbyFuck propaganda ploy, this means that IHLlary is admitting to being a Russian agent.
105936   Ceffer   2019 Oct 18, 2:51pm  

If I pretend to have State secrets that the Russians want, can I fool Tulsi into honey trapping me?
105937   RC2006   2019 Oct 18, 2:54pm  

Hillary has to be the worse candidate in the last 100+ years.
105939   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 18, 3:09pm  

discovered nearly 600 security incidents that violated agency policy

What is left unsaid is how many emails imply a ton of other potential violations. It's not like Hillary wanted to operate private server because she intended to commit security violations; that was just a byproduct of a much larger agenda.

How many emails imply:
• non-profit organization fraud
• campaign finance
• meddling in elections (foreign and domestic)
• racketeering
• quid pro Joe quo violations
• tax fraud
• lobbying fraud
• all sorts of process violations (Podesta acting as foreign lobbyist when not being registered as a foreign lobbyist, for example)
105940   Chiromancer   2019 Oct 18, 3:12pm  

OccasionalCortex says

How can it violate the emoluments clause if he isn't charging for profit?

Ha ha, the emoluments clause says nothing about profit, this is a clear violation. But for the sake of conversation if the hotel normally is about 40 % occupied (according to their records) in June, and it suddenly is 100% occupied even at a steep discount Trump is better off. And there won't be a steep discount. But really at this point who cares. The cult will make excuses and everybody else knows he is grifter.
105941   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Oct 18, 3:14pm  

I live in California, so my presidential vote doesn't really count anyway. So... join me in a write-in campaign for Tulsi next November 3rd!
105942   clambo   2019 Oct 18, 3:17pm  

I believe we have open primaries in California so everyone can vote for her probably.
105943   RC2006   2019 Oct 18, 3:30pm  

Checked a few of the political forums that I use to check out before they turned full libtard. I can't even believe they are jumping on the npc meme bs Hilary is right crap. This is all about the industrial military complex and there cronies not liking her antiwar stance.
105944   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Oct 18, 3:33pm  

And just like that Democrats went from Trump Derangement Syndrome to Tulsi Derangment Syndrome lol. I guess we can keep the acronym still.
105945   RC2006   2019 Oct 18, 3:35pm  

I don't like her for her domestic stance but to come out against her for being anti war is disgusting and calling her a Russian tool is insane. Fuck the democrats.
105946   Ceffer   2019 Oct 18, 4:08pm  

Does this mean Tulsi will commit suicide by being impaled in the back by a knobby strap on?
105947   Ceffer   2019 Oct 18, 4:10pm  

So, IHLlary was just too lazy to stagger to her dead drops.
105948   Bd6r   2019 Oct 18, 4:33pm  

Ceffer says
Does this mean Tulsi will commit suicide by being impaled in the back by a knobby strap on?

I hate to admit, but provided that your prediction omits the usual knobby strap on mentions, you might be right. Remember how Patnet predicted Epstein suicide...
As a bare minimum, Tulsi will have trouble being re-elected, or she will be redistricted out of her seat. Remember how the R's retired Ron Paul...
105949   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 18, 4:37pm  

Lol, that's me asking for tulsi's hand :)
105950   Patrick   2019 Oct 18, 5:28pm  

Holy shit, I think I am in love with Tulsi once again.
105951   Fuckyouasshole   2019 Oct 18, 5:49pm  

Annnd she dead
105952   Chiromancer   2019 Oct 18, 6:09pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Office of Profit or Trust und

Ok but that doesn't have to do with Trump profiting from an emolument. It means he gets a salary and that is all he is entitled to recieve for his position. No gifts or grifts.
105954   RC2006   2019 Oct 18, 6:47pm  

Democrats project everything they do onto others they have to be KGB. They act like we are at the peak of the cold war with Russians around every corner Putin must be laughing about it every day.
105955   BayArea   2019 Oct 18, 6:49pm  

105956   Patrick   2019 Oct 18, 6:55pm  

They have to pick some enemy, and the Russians are a convenient distraction from the unspoken truth that Saudi Arabia influences our politicians and suppresses negative media about themselves through the sheer gravitational force of trillions of petro-dollars.

No light or truth can escape from such immense gravitational forces. It's a black hole for truth.

Tulsi somehow has the balls to speak about it, in spite of the risk, and the fact that she technically has no balls:

If there's one thing about Trump I really cannot stand, it's his unquestioning support for the Saudi fucks who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 and got away with it.
105957   EBGuy   2019 Oct 18, 7:34pm  

How was I to know, she was with the Russians too?
Crazy time line. At face value, these people appear to be accusing an actively serving reservist of treason?!
105958   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 18, 7:44pm  

Patrick says
Holy shit, I think I am in love with Tulsi once again.

Shes mine, dick
105959   clambo   2019 Oct 18, 7:58pm  

Tulsi may be 100% correct about Hillary, but she's making statements for effect because she's not yet visible in the polls; she hopes the media will talk about her for a few times every day or so until the primaries.

Nobody likes the Saudis but they have a lot of oil and the world runs on it; if Iran goes nuts and something happens to Saudi Arabia, the effect will be bigger worldwide than Greece defaulting on their bonds.
105960   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 18, 8:32pm  

My Gut feeling about her is starting to prove right. I knew her comeback was a set up and her jumping on the "Fuck Trump impeach the MF'er" band wagon after rejecting early on. Only to be excluded from the Democrat field. They went to her because she's moderate and desirable. I couldn't figure out the angle they were going to play with her, then Hillary attacks her with the Russia nonsense.

The Liberals are some crafty sons of bitches, the game they are running here. Is bombard Tulsi now. Let her take the Russia collusion heat. So the voters can expend their Trump unjust Russia collusion sympathy on Tulsi instead. That is all this is about. They are trying to suck the wind out of Trump's vindication, along with twisting the Biden collusion around and putting it on Trump.

They realize, every front runner now, shot themselves in the foot, and the Establishment under estimated America's willingness to go down the Socialist rabbit hole.
The last debate was the worse thing they could have done, it finished the whole field off. Except for Tulsi. She's now going to be the face of the Democrat party. They will pretend they were never all in on Socialism, and relics like Hillary will continue to blur the line between the injustices She and her Cohorts committed. By projecting them on Trump, and throwing the shade that the voters are growing sympathetic toward Trump over, to Tulsi's way.

It's going to backfire though. I think she'll say some dumb Progie Millennial shit and blow her commie cover.

Patrick says

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