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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   177,657 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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106059   WookieMan   2019 Oct 22, 8:34pm  

richwicks says
Hey Patrick, want to meet up? Beer of coffee

Beer of coffee? Lol. Joking aside, thought Patrick was a wine guy.
106060   Rin   2019 Oct 22, 8:37pm  

richwicks says
See if I'm a Rooskie!!!

We have plenty of Rooskies, a.k.a 1st generation Russian-Americans, visa holders, & tourists, right here in Brighton MA.
106061   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 8:44pm  

Rin says
richwicks says
See if I'm a Rooskie!!!

We have plenty of Rooskies, a.k.a 1st generation Russian-Americans, visa holders, & tourists, right here in Brighton MA.

I was a Massahole for a period of time when I worked for Motorola in Mansfield.

There's a few Russians here in Silly-con Valley. I'm actually 1/2 3rd generation Pollack (and yea, that's the correct spelling for a Pole). That side of the family got out just before the Nazis came in, the Poland was abandoned to the USSR. Dumb idiot kids that think that communism is a good idea have literally no idea what it was like. My family used to send care packages in the 1980s to the other half of the family - half the stuff would be stolen before the family got it.

Think your government is filled with thieving fucks now? Wait until it's ONLY the government that exists, and there's absolutely no competition for ANY service.
106062   ignoreme   2019 Oct 22, 8:45pm  

jazz_music says
@truthhurts if all this says to you is TDS then you are indeed sick.

‘There is definite hanky-panky going on, to the world’s financial markets’ detriment. This is abysmal.’

That’s one longtime CME trader’s troubling assessment of what he views as stock-market manipulation the likes of which he hasn’t seen since al Qaeda cashed in before initiating the Sept. 11 attacks.

Omg did an unnamed source say ORANGE MAN BAD! This sounds serious!

Let me know when any investigation turns up any actual evidence that Trump was involved in any insider trading. Until then this is just another nothing burger story.
106063   Ceffer   2019 Oct 22, 8:48pm  

I understand that Trump is also the architect of all epoch destroying meteorite impacts for the next 10,000 years.
106064   Bd6r   2019 Oct 22, 8:57pm  

In these batteries you basically use aluminum as fuel - not too much different than burning gasoline although I suspect that internal combustion engine might be somewhat less efficient than electrical. The question then becomes, what is cost of aluminum relative to gasoline or heating fuel. I do not know which one is cheaper, but producing Al requires a lot of energy for the same reason that these batteries are efficient, that is aluminum- oxygen bonds are very strong.
106065   Rin   2019 Oct 22, 9:02pm  

6rdB says
I do not know which one is cheaper, but producing Al requires a lot of energy for the same reason that these batteries are efficient, that is aluminum- oxygen bonds are very strong.

Which more or less means that they need to be re-processed at some chemical plant than in someone's home which implies that there may not be a viable infrastructure to keep a resident supply of reconditioned batteries lying around for the mass markets.
106066   Bd6r   2019 Oct 22, 9:05pm  

Yes, and since Al2O3 is very common, it may be cheaper to cart spent batteries off to landfill.
106067   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 10:02pm  

Depends on the efficiency of the conversion to electricity, which I bet is low.

You pretty much start out with an Aluminum oxide when you pull it out of the ground. Then you put in a TON of energy (forget the named process), and you get aluminum. Basically, although the "battery" has good energy density, it's got crap for efficiency. News articles always produce this kind of bullshit periodically.

In the 1970s during the so-called "energy crisis", an inventor made an aluminum block interact with water to produce aluminum oxide as a power, and free hydrogen gas. I think it got something like a total of 300 miles before it ran out of fuel. What you ended up with was a bunch of white paste which was the aluminum oxide, which is at least supposedly inert.

The recycle this story every decade or so and it sounds great!! Until you know you realize it's unworkable. Basically, journalists aren't your friend, and they never tell you about an invention first.

Here, heard about the RISC-V architecture? There's a good chance it will be competing (and well) against both ARM and x86 within 3 years. You won't care though, it targets servers first and will probably still be in the alpha stage by 2021.
106068   Chiromancer   2019 Oct 22, 10:15pm  

richwicks says
See if I'm a Rooskie

To paraphrase the Bard: The troll doth protest too much, me thinks. Da?
106069   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 10:24pm  

jazz_music says
richwicks says
You don't even know what left or right wing is. You just use it as a replacement for "Democrat" and "Republican", not realize those parties have no core principles, at all - because "left and right wing sound scary". No wonder so many people ignore you.
You know what, I had enough of your shit.

Goodbye sugarplum

You don't know what left and right is. Nobody does. It's just two terms people use without thinking.

There's no ideology or principles of EITHER. Generally "left" just means "change" and "right" means "don't change". What is left wing in one era is right wing in another.

What? End slavery, and abolish drinking, and let your wife have a job and vote? Good lord, what a left wing whacko - because it WAS. The terms are meaningless going back even 30 years ago.
106070   marcus   2019 Oct 22, 10:29pm  

jazz_music says
Even obvious lies are higher effective at shaping public opinion.

There are a few people on this forum that know this all too well.
106071   richwicks   2019 Oct 22, 10:56pm  

Chiromancer says
richwicks says
See if I'm a Rooskie

To paraphrase the Bard: The troll doth protest too much, me thinks. Da?

Shit, I live right in the same area Patrick does. I don't have a trace of an accent, because... I'm not Russian.

Although I do know a few jokes. In the mid 1980's it was said of the two major Soviet Papers: Izvestia had no news and Pravda had no truth. The joke here is Izvestia is Russian for news, and Pravda is Russian for truth. So really the joke is "News has no news, and Truth has no truth".

That's our media today.
106072   WookieMan   2019 Oct 23, 4:50am  

jazz_music says
OccasionalCortex says
And how is Trump involved in drone strikes the Iranians were behind?

Read the comment. He was addressing the quote from the article AF posted.

After reading the article, you can't help but just skip this line I suppose:

Are the people behind these trades incredibly lucky, or do they have access to information that other people don’t have about, say, Trump’s or Beijing’s latest thinking on the trade war or any other of a number of ways that Trump is able to move the markets through his tweeting or slips of the tongue?

Or this line:

One longtime CME trader who has been watching with disgust says he’s never seen anything quite like these trades, not at least since al-Qaida cashed in before initiating the September 11 attacks.

But hey, it could only be Trump that's involved. He IS "insider" trading. Never foreign manipulation, never... Is it illegal for a sitting President to talk about non-classified things with the public or other private citizens with regards to what is going on? They can investigate all they want and he WILL know someone involved in these trades. If you think there's something, I'm afraid you're massively mistaken.

The impeachment inquiry is going into the basement of the House of Reps. Why? Because it's dead and they know it. So what do they do? Stick their hand back in the toilet and grab more shit with this story. People need to wake up. You're nuts if you trust the entrenched political class. You used to hate them likely and now what they're doing is golden. Makes no sense.
106073   truthhurts   2019 Oct 23, 5:29am  

Okay, so just checking. Still no actual evidence of insider trading? Yep. Okay thanks.
106074   komputodo   2019 Oct 23, 5:51am  

I always rely on vanityfair for financial news
106075   WookieMan   2019 Oct 23, 6:12am  

komputodo says
I always rely on vanityfair for financial news

Lol. The headline is from the CME trader saying he thinks something fishy is going on. And the the author (or Vanityfair editors) places the blame on Trump. I would equally shoot this piece down if it was written about Obama. It's trash.

I wonder how actual, true journalistic pieces are manipulated by editors and headline writers? If there are any real journalist left, it has got to be tough as you know your work is going to be shredded to fit a narrative. You then sit there, WTF? That's not at all what I wrote.
106076   HeadSet   2019 Oct 23, 7:37am  

Yes, some of the "news" articles have so many holes they would not even be good editorials.
106077   CBOEtrader   2019 Oct 23, 9:00am  

106078   clambo   2019 Oct 23, 9:05am  

If Trump is re-elected, I am going to drown myself in Pol Roger and Bollinger hopefully with female company.

He will get revenge on the assholes in the Obama administration who spied on him during the 2016 campaign.

He will get another supreme court justice in there when Ruth shuffles off her mortal coil or strokes out.

The stock market will continue to rock and make us investors more $$.
106079   Fuckyouasshole   2019 Oct 23, 10:22am  

I'll believe it when I plug the thing in and it works as advertised
106080   RWSGFY   2019 Oct 23, 10:27am  

Fuckyouasshole says
I'll believe it when I plug the thing in and it works as advertised

There is nothing to plug in: it's a chemical non-rechargeable battery, like your average AA or D cell. When it's flat - you throw it away and buy a new one.
106081   komputodo   2019 Oct 23, 11:46am  

Don't hold your breath. Why complicate matters and try to power a car with them.........power a few dozen houses first......should be a lot easier......no size or weight restrictions..
106082   Shaman   2019 Oct 23, 12:27pm  

Yah powering a house with this would be at cross purposes. You want a rechargeable battery for that. This would be best for mobile applications like drones or aircraft or automobiles.
106083   richwicks   2019 Oct 23, 12:40pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
The guy is a laugh riot!

Read the memo!

Because this nitwit ^^^^ doesn't know what a link is, nor apparently a date, or an article, or a reference.
106084   komputodo   2019 Oct 23, 1:01pm  

Quigley says
Yah powering a house with this would be at cross purposes. You want a rechargeable battery for that. This would be best for mobile applications like drones or aircraft or automobiles.

How about just to see that it works? Why complicate things.....See how long it lasts..
106085   joshuatrio   2019 Oct 23, 1:15pm  

NYT trying to change Hillary's narrative to Republicans..

106086   richwicks   2019 Oct 23, 1:48pm  

komputodo says
See how long it lasts..

You don't have much faith in engineers, models, or predictions do you?
106087   komputodo   2019 Oct 23, 2:18pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Most people are not thinking ahead. Specifically, I refer to what will happen if Trump wins re-election.

Specifically, I refer to what will happen WHEN Trump wins re-election.
106088   HeadSet   2019 Oct 23, 2:22pm  

richwicks says
komputodo says
See how long it lasts..

You don't have much faith in engineers, models, or predictions do you?

To fair, the tech writers of 8 years ago were certain of self driving cars and air taxis in common use by now.
106089   richwicks   2019 Oct 23, 2:26pm  

HeadSet says
To fair, the tech writers of 8 years ago were certain of self driving cars and air taxis in common use by now.

Oh, that's marketing. Predicting the future is hard. Predicting the energy capacity of a battery, that's just chemistry and a lookup table.
106090   WookieMan   2019 Oct 23, 2:29pm  

richwicks says
Oh, that's marketing. Predicting the future is hard.

And so is engineering a bridge I guess.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I-35W_Mississippi_River_bridge
106091   Shaman   2019 Oct 23, 3:32pm  

komputodo says
Quigley says
Yah powering a house with this would be at cross purposes. You want a rechargeable battery for that. This would be best for mobile applications like drones or aircraft or automobiles.

How about just to see that it works? Why complicate things.....See how long it lasts..

Why not run your microwave at home off a bank of Duracell D batteries? Or a table lamp off a dry cell? It’s a one-use sort of thing.
106092   richwicks   2019 Oct 23, 4:01pm  

WaltertheoFlanders says

There have been no subpoenas. Congress has no judicial authority (that should be pretty obvious) without having to vote on an impeachment inquiry. Pelosi refuses to do that knowing that it will fail, which is why Trump asked her to do it on Twitter. Once the inquiry fails, it ends this impeachment circus.

These "subpoenas" have no legal authority, all of congress knows this being filled with fuckbag lawyers and they just think you're too ignorant to understand their bullshit made up profession of dumb fucking rules and they also know the media will just lie to you.

Now, if these were subpoenas, the people that ignored them can be arrested. Notice they haven't been arrested. I'm tired of having all these people try to make the entire country believe we live in the land of make believe. All this impeachment "hearing" is, is distraction.
106093   Y   2019 Oct 23, 4:04pm  

Let's all take a deep breath here. Without the tv makeup her face could be mistaken for a waxing gibbious moon.
CBOEtrader says
Patrick says
Holy shit, I think I am in love with Tulsi once again.

Shes mine, dick
106094   Tenpoundbass   2019 Oct 23, 4:32pm  

It's not an official impeachment, there is zero legitimacy to anything the Democrats are doing.
106095   richwicks   2019 Oct 23, 4:48pm  

jazz_music says
Unapproved entry of this building is a guaranteed 10 years in federal prison for any normal citizen.

Dude, our last president bombed 7 nations over 8 years, brought back slavery to Libya and created the entire refugee crisis you see in Europe today.

The president before that violated the Geneva conventions the US forced the Axis powers to sign after WWII, and murdered between 100,000 and 1,000,000 Iraqis blatantly lying about why as you can see in the Downing Street Memos.

But NOW you're MAD. Haha. Way to take a moral stance, you courageous American you! Let's uphold this bullshit regime of fucking criminals and stick with decorum!!!
106096   Shaman   2019 Oct 23, 4:49pm  

richwicks says
All this impeachment "hearing" is, is distraction.

Yah I’m super over it. As is the grand majority of the country.
106097   komputodo   2019 Oct 23, 5:52pm  

if dry cell batteries were a new invention, Yes I'd test them out in a controlled situation such as a lamp...instead of waiting to install them in a motorized car where there are too many variables...But that's just me and I'm not highly educated. Today, I'd prove how good my new batteries were by comparison testing them against the best battery that exists now (of equal size) WITH A SIMPLE LAMP and prove that they lasted 5X longer.....But again, That's just how I think. I'm sure it makes no sense...
106098   Dholliday126   2019 Oct 23, 5:53pm  

Those dudes got my vote!

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