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1   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jan 2, 6:35pm  

Wope! WE got to go back and get him, so we can dump in the Ocean, it's the Obama thing to do.
2   Eric Holder   2020 Jan 2, 7:57pm  

What a spectacular suicide.
3   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Jan 2, 8:07pm  

No red lines? Just action? What is this competence, we are not used to this much at once!
4   Chiromancer   2020 Jan 2, 8:42pm  


It will all be over in a few weeks, the peeps of Iran will welcome us with flowers and love. How could this possibly go wrong? Clearly we are led by a very very Stable Genius.

Oh BTW did ya get the notice to short the stock market? No, well that's too bad, I guess your donation wasn't big enough. Sad
6   RWSGFY   2020 Jan 2, 11:34pm  

Chiromancer says
Oh BTW did ya get the notice to short the stock market?

Is that you, Paul Krugman?
7   Shaman   2020 Jan 3, 6:12am  

Stock market is up 330 points already. Short sellers would have gotten creamed!
8   HeadSet   2020 Jan 3, 6:48am  

Shaman says
Stock market is up 330 points already. Short sellers would have gotten creamed!

That 330 up was yesterdays close. Opening today was down a couple hundred. If one was super quick and placed the short yesterday, one would have been profitable, but once the markets open today they will likely recover.
9   RC2006   2020 Jan 3, 7:18am  

I have mixed feelings about this, I don't want us to be in the middle east. On the other hand our enemies need to know we are not just all talk. I guess we will see where all this goes soon enough.
10   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jan 3, 8:24am  

RC2006 says
I have mixed feelings about this, I don't want us to be in the middle east.

We wont have to be now. But that's exactly what John Kerry was trying to set up. They wanted Trump sucked into an unpopular war, to destroy his popularity. Because they know they can't send articles of impeachment to the Senate or all of the Crooked Sons of Bitches would have all been sunk and their graft and crimes exposed for all to see in the Senate on live TV.

Trump fucked a lot of people in the Ass yesterday. But America wasn't one of them.
11   fdhfoiehfeoi   2020 Jan 3, 8:35am  

Decades of aggression, imperialism, and coups aren't over yet for the MIC.

Warmongers tell me.. When did Iran attack the US States? Setup military bases all around our borders? Drone the shit out of Canada and Mexico? Destabilize the North American Continent?

Those who celebrate killing, deserve to die the same way.
12   socal2   2020 Jan 3, 9:24am  

NuttBoxer says
When did Iran attack the US States? Setup military bases all around our borders? Drone the shit out of Canada and Mexico? Destabilize the North American Continent?

When they took over our embassy in 1979 and held out diplomats hostage for over a year - that was an act of war. My next door neighbor is Persian and had to flee with his family to SoCal when the crazy Islamists took power because he is of the minority Baha'i sect that are persecuted by nutter Muslims.

Iran has set up bases all over the middle east with their terrorist proxies like Hezbollah (Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen) creating sectarian war and instability - so please stop pretending Iran is just peaceably staying within their borders. They are meddling all over the place. They have even branched out to South America where Hezbollah operatives bombed the Jewish center in Argentina killing nearly 100 people.

Lastly, just in the last 6 months:

- Iran has killed thousands of protesters in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon who were protesting against the Mullahs
- Hijacked or blown up foreign flagged oil tankers
- Attacked and destroyed nearly 50% of Saudi Arabia oil refineries (act of war)
- Attacked the US embassy in Iraq
- Supported Palestinian terrorists who fired hundred of rockets into Israel
13   socal2   2020 Jan 3, 9:33am  

Think what could have been if Iran chose to work with us (or at least not fight against us) after we liberated Iraq from Sunni domination in 2003.

Iraq would have been a logical ally with Iran with its majority Shia population. Granted, the majority of Iraq's Shia are not bat-shit crazy like the Iranian Mullahs - but they still would have been a natural ally keeping peace and prosperity between the two neighbors.

From the get go, the US was pushing for democratic representation with Shia majority and had identified several moderates when setting up the new democratic government and Constitution.

But Iran would have none of it, and chose to support the most extremist Shia militias in Iraq and target the American troops that freed millions of Shia from Sunni Baathist domination.

So fuck the Mullahs - they have had every opportunity for peace and prosperity in the Region and squandered it all away because their hatred of America and Jews trumps all.
14   fdhfoiehfeoi   2020 Jan 3, 9:51am  

socal2 says
When they took over our embassy in 1979 and held out diplomats hostage for over a year

Embassy was in the US..? Exactly.

socal2 says
Iran has set up bases all over the middle east

Where is Iran located again..?

socal2 says
- Hijacked or blown up foreign flagged oil tankers

Location of oil tankers at time of capture?

socal2 says
- Attacked and destroyed nearly 50% of Saudi Arabia oil refineries (act of war)

Saudi Arabia, the same country involved in 9/11, and the recent attack on a US Air Base IN THE UNITED STATES?

socal2 says
- Supported Palestinian terrorists who fired hundred of rockets into Israel

You mean the potato guns Palestinians make when Israel blockades them from receiving basic food and medical supplies?

You wouldn't be Jewish by any chance...
15   socal2   2020 Jan 3, 10:00am  

NuttBoxer says
Where is Iran located again..?

Iran is not located in Iraq. Not in Yemen, Not in Syria. Not in Lebanon. Yet Iran has troops fighting in all of these countries.

NuttBoxer says
Location of oil tankers at time of capture?

International waters.

NuttBoxer says
You wouldn't be Jewish by any chance...

Nope. Why would you ask? Does one have to be Jewish to support the existence of Jews to live freely on a potato chip piece of land and not be attacked by all of their nutter Islamist neighbors?

Does one have to be Yazidi to wish that they could live peacefully and not sold into international slavery?

Does one have to be Kurdish to wish they could live peacefully and not targeted by Saddam's Baathists and later ISIS?
17   Shaman   2020 Jan 3, 10:16am  

Iran is a Middle East bully. You don’t placate a bully. This just encourages him to do even more bullying. You smack him in the nose hard and often until he learns to leave you and yours alone. That is all you can do.
18   RWSGFY   2020 Jan 3, 10:56am  

Just to remind who the fucker was and who he was friends with:

How Iranian general plotted out Syrian assault in Moscow

OCTOBER 6, 2015 / 10:23 AM / 4 YEARS AGO

BEIRUT (Reuters) - At a meeting in Moscow in July, a top Iranian general unfurled a map of Syria to explain to his Russian hosts how a series of defeats for President Bashar al-Assad could be turned into victory - with Russia’s help.

Major General Qassem Soleimani’s visit to Moscow was the first step in planning for a Russian military intervention that has reshaped the Syrian war and forged a new Iranian-Russian alliance in support of Assad.

As Russian warplanes bomb rebels from above, the arrival of Iranian special forces for ground operations underscores several months of planning between Assad’s two most important allies, driven by panic at rapid insurgent gains.

Soleimani is the commander of the Quds Force, the elite extra-territorial special forces arm of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, and reports directly to Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Senior regional sources say he has already been overseeing ground operations against insurgents in Syria and is now at the heart of planning for the new Russian- and Iranian-backed offensive.

That expands his regional role as the battlefield commander who has also steered the fight in neighboring Iraq by Iranian-backed Shi’ite militia against Islamic State.

His Moscow meeting outlined the deteriorating situation in Syria, where rebel advances toward the coast were posing a danger to the heartland of Assad’s Alawite sect, where Russia maintains its only Mediterranean naval base in Tartous.

“Soleimani put the map of Syria on the table. The Russians were very alarmed, and felt matters were in steep decline and that there were real dangers to the regime. The Iranians assured them there is still the possibility to reclaim the initiative,” a senior regional official said. “At that time, Soleimani played a role in assuring them that we haven’t lost all the cards.”


Three senior officials in the region say Soleimani’s July trip was preceded by high-level Russian-Iranian contacts that produced political agreement on the need to pump in new support for Assad as his losses accelerated.

Their accounts suggest planning for the intervention began to germinate several months earlier. It means Tehran and Moscow had been discussing ways to prop up Assad by force even as Western officials were describing what they believed was new flexibility in Moscow’s stance on his future.

Before the latest moves, Iran had aided Assad militarily by mobilizing Shi’ite militias to fight alongside the Syrian army, and dispatching Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps officers as advisors. A number of them have been killed.

Russia, an ally of Damascus since the Cold War, had supplied weapons to the Syrian army and shielded Damascus diplomatically from Western attempts to sanction Assad at the United Nations.

Their support did not prevent rebels - some of them backed by Assad’s regional foes - from reducing Assad’s control of Syria to around one fifth of its territory in a four-year-long war estimated to have killed 250,000 people.

The decision for a joint Iranian-Russian military effort in Syria was taken at a meeting between Russia’s foreign minister and Khamenei a few months ago, said a senior official of a country in the region, involved in security matters.

“Soleimani, assigned by Khamenei to run the Iranian side of the operation, traveled to Moscow to discuss details. And he also traveled to Syria several times since then,” the official said.

The Russian government says its Syria deployment came as the result of a formal request from Assad, who himself laid out the problems facing the Syrian military in stark terms in July, saying it faced a manpower problem.

Khamenei also sent a senior envoy to Moscow to meet President Vladimir Putin, another senior regional official said. “Putin told him ‘Okay we will intervene. Send Qassem Soleimani’. He went to explain the map of the theater.”


Russian warplanes, deployed at an airfield in Latakia, began mounting air strikes against rebels in Syria last week.

Moscow says it is targeting Islamic State, but many of Russia’s air strikes have hit other insurgents, including groups backed by Assad’s foreign enemies, notably in the northwest where rebels seized strategically important towns including Jisr al-Shughour earlier this year.

In the biggest deployment of Iranian forces yet, sources told Reuters last week that hundreds of troops have arrived since late September to take part in a major ground offensive planned in the west and northwest.

Around 3,000 fighters from the Iranian-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah have also mobilized for the battle, along with Syrian army troops, said one of the senior regional sources.

The military intervention in Syria is set out in an agreement between Moscow and Tehran that says Russian air strikes will support ground operations by Iranian, Syrian and Lebanese Hezbollah forces, said one of the senior regional sources.

The agreement also included the provision of more sophisticated Russian weapons to the Syrian army, and the establishment of joint operations rooms that would bring those allies together, along with the government of Iraq, which is allied both to Iran and the United States.

One of the operations rooms is in Damascus and another is in Baghdad.

“Soleimani is almost resident in Damascus, or let’s say he goes there a lot and you can find him between meetings with President Assad and visits to the theater of operations like any other soldier,” said one of the senior regional officials.

Syria’s foreign minister said on Monday that the Russian air strikes had been planned for months.

Writing by Tom Perry; Editing by Peter Graff
20   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 3, 11:45am  

NuttBoxer says
You mean the potato guns Palestinians make when Israel blockades them from receiving basic food and medical supplies?

You mean the 100s of tons of food and supplies Israel allows into Gaza despite their Hamas Government launching 100s of unguided rockets at civilian areas every month?

What's wrong with the bigger, badder border with Egypt and Gaza?

Oh yeah - Egypt keeps that border shut tight. Doesn't want Hamas selling arms to Al Qaeda in the Sinai. Egypt-Gaza border is closed 360 days out of 365.

Oh, and when Egypt catches Gazans trying to cross their border wall or row across the water, there is no Tear Gas. It's Rat-ta-tat-tat like this and like that. But all the groaners and moaners "Ignore" the dozens of Gazans killed trying to cross the Egyptian border.
21   zzyzzx   2020 Jan 3, 12:04pm  

Major General Hossein Salami

Will he be replaced by General Provolone?
22   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 3, 12:20pm  

The Democrats and the Demmedia are probably going to try to argue the leader of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Expeditionary Force, Quds Force, isn't a terrorist organization.

Landslide 2020.

Let me not interrupt their mistake.
23   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jan 3, 12:25pm  

They already named a replacement. Remember when Alqeda anounced Al Bagdadi's replacement Trump droned his sorry ass an hour later.
Alqeda has not publicly announced anymore staff changes. Can't stop winning!
27   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 3, 12:54pm  

-Soleimani is dead

-Benghazi 2.0 was stopped

-Dems are siding w/ terrorists again

-Stock market is at a new record high

-Trump + RNC raised $154 Million in Q4

And not a week into 2020 yet.
30   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 3, 1:18pm  

Yo, somebody do a welfare check on Ben Rhodes and John Kerry.
31   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jan 3, 1:41pm  

Heads up Pisstards

1. Soleimani wasn’t “assasinated”,he was killed on the battlefield during active operations.

2. He was in #Iraq in violation of a 2007 UN Security Council travel ban

3. He spent the last few days coordinating imminent attacks against American citizens,allies & personnel.

4. As a result of these actions he was neutralized as an enemy combatant and declared terrorist in accordance with the UN charter Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC).
32   Chiromancer   2020 Jan 3, 1:53pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Stock market is at a new record high


Those that believe they know how this will play out are fools.

The people killed, I shed no tears for.

The problem is how this was done. Why not covertly? You back a country up against a wall in a public display by asassinating one of their leaders and crowing about it. Ask why? You wish for retaliation and an excuse for a wider conflict. Prepare for war? Is that what Trump supporters want? I know the general public has no appetite for war with Iran, especially one obviously triggered by Trump. Persians have long memories.
33   RWSGFY   2020 Jan 3, 1:55pm  

Chiromancer says
You back a country up against a wall in a public display by asassinating one of their leaders and crowing about it. Ask why?

Because the fuckers openly crowed about US being unable to do anything. See the tweet above.
34   RWSGFY   2020 Jan 3, 1:58pm  

Chiromancer says
Persians have long

Good. They should recall what happened in 1979 then. And understand why US didn't want it repeated in 2020 if they have at least an ounce of functioning brains in addition to these long memories.
35   marcus   2020 Jan 3, 2:01pm  

I know what lets do, let's politicize this.

I personally don't have much of an opinion on this. Maybe it was strategically good move. I'm not going to criticize it, as some politicians are.

But I will say this, I believe 100% that if Hillary was President, and did this, Trump would be tweeting that she was doing it for political reasons. I say this with total and complete certainty.

On Twitter, Trump repeatedly accused Obama of wanting War with Iran in 20212 so that he would win the 2012 election. Seems like projection to me.

Again, I'm not criticizing the move, becasue whether it makes sense from a game theory point of view or whatever is far far above my "'pay grade" so to speak. Spare me the arguments why its good, becasue I'm basically saying maybe it is. I don't just know, and can't know.

What I don't like is that it's Trump behind it, becasue everything that intelligent objective observers know about Trump suggests that the politics of it likely enters his calculus more than it should. And that's very scary.

I know I'm going to take flak from those that can't appreciate the nuance of what I'm saying.

36   Rin   2020 Jan 3, 2:04pm  

socal2 says
My next door neighbor is Persian and had to flee with his family to SoCal when the crazy Islamists took power because he is of the minority Baha'i sect that are persecuted by nutter Muslims.

Forget about the Bahai (a bunch of newcomers), these Islamists also persecute Zoroastrians.

If anything, those are the original, true Persians. These were their people, before the Caliphate of Babylon force converted some 90% of the population.

Modern era Iranians should be completely ashamed of that, as it's like admitting that they're complicit with a bunch of Arabic marauders, against their own original population.
37   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 3, 2:14pm  

marcus says
I know what lets do, let's politicize this.


Speaker Pelosi says President Trump carried out the US airstrike that killed a top Iranian commander in Iraq without the consultation of Congress.

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) January 3, 2020

.@brhodes: "We have to understand this cycle of escalation began when Pres Trump left that nuclear agreement over the objections of his intel community & defense dept. & that initiated all the consequences that Pres Trump, Pompeo & others said would be averted by their policy."

— Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) January 3, 2020

As if "Austere Religious Mourners" that Suleimani organized didn't attack our embassy in Baghdad.

What always kept both Democratic and Republican presidents from targeting Soleimani himself was the simple question:

Was the strike worth the likely retaliation, and the potential to pull us into protracted conflict?

— Rep. Elissa Slotkin (@RepSlotkin) January 3, 2020

One sure result of the US strike is that the era of US-Iraq cooperation is over. The US diplomatic & mil presence will end b/c Iraq asks us to depart or our presence is just a target or both. The result will be greater Iranian influence, terrorism, and Iraqi infighting.

— Richard N. Haass (@RichardHaass) January 3, 2020

The Vile Samantha is thankfully out of Powers

This is where having credibility — and having a president who didn’t lie about everything — would be really, really helpful.

— Samantha Power (@SamanthaJPower) January 3, 2020


@JoeBiden statement on killing of Qassem Soleimani: ‘Tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox’. America needs a Commander-in-Chief with no learning curve. The stakes could not be higher.

— Greg Schultz 🥁 (@schultzohio) January 3, 2020
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 3, 2:20pm  

Stop Politicizing!

Here's a huge Shocker:

39   Blue   2020 Jan 3, 2:24pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Stop Politicizing!

Here's a huge Shocker:

No one can stop if Islam is involved.
40   marcus   2020 Jan 3, 2:27pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Stop Politicizing!

There is a distinction between politicizing it as many comments in this thread are (yayyyyTrump !!) , versus someone in government having a well informed opinion about what this leads to, and advocating for what they honestly think is right.

Very hard to know the difference. I'm not claiming to. Although I do believe that critics such as Biden honestly believe that Trump is not qualified to make such decisions. I don't know that he's wrong. Again, the timing combined with what we know of Trump is frightening.

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