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I suspect that the Democratic trolls no longer have a tit for tat offensive
In fact, Trump is the first president in our post-LBJ world who's doing whatever's possible, to minimize the pre-existing land wars in place
If it's "fact", why are there now more troops in the Middle East than when he took office, and why has he continued the mission for tens of thousands of others? There are 200,000 troops deployed overseas today; the United States has military personnel deployed in about 150 Countries, or about 75% of nations in the world.
There are 200,000 troops deployed overseas today
Before I get to Part II, let me start with this ... I was not interested in politics AT ALL, prior to the bitches protesting the elections in Boston and NYC, during Jan of 2017, which in their collective minds, was perhaps worse (?) than the cozen fraud which was the 2000 Florida re-count, costing Al Gore Junior, yes an academic & environmental loser, but not a war wonger like GW Bush and his [ sarcasm on ] dream team [ sarcasm off ] of Cheney & Rumsfeld.
Since then, all I've heard was something I'd known since 1985 and that was that Trump was a sleazebag. Surprise, I'm 40 today and I can recognize ppl calling each other names on a schoolyard. This is no different than tactics used by kids in grade school. We all know Trump's personality; the question is 'is he putting our boys in harm's way?'
The answer to that is no. In fact, Trump is the first president in our post-LBJ world who's doing whatever's possible, to minimize the pre-existing land wars in place, while at the same time, keeping the Pentagon and contractors, fat and happy with money, so that his family isn't assassinated.
So now, we're at the General Soleimani moment, where once again, ppl are acting as if it were some sanctioned assassination in a non-war zone home country ...
No, the good general was in a grey war zone attempting to start another guerilla action. He put himself in harm's way and like anyone else in a similar situation, he payed the price.
The result, a feeble missile volley to which Trump responded with more sanctions.
So my question to the remaining Democrats is... "Where's the Gulf of Tonkin incident here?"
Why is it that for each military crisis, Trump doesn't respond with sending in 200K-500K troops like LBJ before him? Perhaps it's time to admit that in fact, our election process does work and when the country, meaning the entire land mass, not just the urban centers of Boston, NYC, DC, Chicago, LA, & SF actually places its votes, that those votes should count.