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1   RWSGFY   2020 Jan 9, 12:32pm  

But only after it launches that sattelite Jerry has promised back in the 70s.
2   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Jan 9, 2:03pm  

This seems like some weird end-run around legal or legislative obstacles. The fundamental problem seems like lack of competition. So the state will get in the game and compete somehow? The only way the state could be competitive is by ignoring or rewriting (for itself) the laws currently constraining others. So why not just fix the constraining laws and let the market work its magic?
3   Shaman   2020 Jan 9, 3:37pm  

That Pharma Bro dude (Martin Skrelli?) made the case for this sort of thing when he bought the generic drug factories and jacked the prices 300%-1200%. Why? Because he could get away with it for a few years and make a lot of money selling drugs that were out of patent but much required by many people. Stuff like diabetes medication and the Epipen which allergic types need on hand to save their life.
I figure the largest downside to this proposal is that the state will fuck it up and the drugs will cost more, or will require tax money to keep operating. Otherwise, it could be a boon for consumers.
4   Hircus   2020 Jan 9, 6:33pm  

Soon CA will require all citizens to take their CA-daily citizen obedience pill that is scientifically proven to reduce crime by reducing toxic masculinity.

It will be a soy extract + other estrogen enhancers that makes you more feminine, likely to cry, and likely to empathize and believe womyn.
5   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Jan 9, 7:04pm  

OccasionalCortex says
The non-partisan Legislative Analyst's Office says the state could have as much as a $7 billion surplus this year.
ALL of which should be going to shore up the pension liabilities the State has.

Hmm... I'm not liking that idea at all. Change the tax code so that any state pension amount above $75k/year is taxed at 50%. The state pensions are obscene and illegitimately negotiated.

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