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61   HeadSet   2020 Jan 27, 9:26am  

What the devil is in south central Africa?
62   Onvacation   2020 Jan 27, 10:44am  

HeadSet says
What the devil is in south central Africa?

Dung burners.
63   Bd6r   2020 Jan 27, 1:07pm  

CO emissions (extremely deadly, it is carbon monoxide or flue gas), or CO2 emissions?
CO is very indirectly related to global warming
zzyzzx says
65   Booger   2020 Feb 1, 7:39am  

Greta is one pugnacious and very unstable Bolshevik brat.

And one with expert handlers, too.

No way did the Bolshevik brat write all that by herself.

It even seems beyond her negligent parents to put such a manifesto together.

She starts off with her usual and customary obnoxious admonishments, goes after anyone who goes near her name without her royal permission, has the business smarts to register her name even though she is a truant with issues, and tops it all off with the foundation which at 17 she assures all of us is for the benefit of the earth, social stability, etc.

A bit like what Gyorgi Schwarz/George Soros does.
69   WookieMan   2020 Feb 4, 8:11pm  

Greta sails across the North Atlantic on a million dollar cat...
www.youtube.com/embed/frZI857axRs Been watching this channel since about 300k subscribers. I'm done now. Their subscriber total has been halted in its tracks. lol. Dip shit move.
70   CBOEtrader   2020 Feb 5, 3:23pm  

WookieMan says
Greta sails across the North Atlantic on a million dollar cat...
www.youtube.com/embed/frZI857axRs Been watching this channel since about 300k subscribers. I'm done now. Their subscriber total has been halted in its tracks. lol. Dip shit move.

lol yeah I've seen their channel. The wife is crazy hot. She married some rich dude who doesnt work and owns a fucking boat.

Is their sub count down after greta? Is a multi-million boat really a low carbon decision?
73   Onvacation   2020 Feb 13, 9:44am  

Why has Bloomberg been airing so many Trump ads lately?
75   RWSGFY   2020 Feb 13, 2:46pm  

georgeliberte says
To many Global Climate CHange is a proven fact.

Fucking morons: these cliffs in Pasifica are eroding not because of "global warming" but because of all the dambs on the rivers stopping the sand from being washed out to the ocean and deposited on the beaches.
78   Malcolm   2020 Feb 22, 3:36pm  

What is driving Greta and other alarmists.....

79   WookieMan   2020 Feb 23, 11:18am  

CBOEtrader says
lol yeah I've seen their channel. The wife is crazy hot.

Hot for sure, though I'm not digging the bangs on recent episodes. She got balloons though several years back (which is fine, just not my cup of tea - I like natural) and I find her voice offensive for some fucking reason. Usually Aussies accents are attractive to me, I don't like hers at all. Gag ball in order if I had an opportunity to tap that.

And no, that boat emitted more than most people do in a year easily just getting the parts to the factory. It will get spun that it's a sail boat that's wind powered (yes I know this happened in Dec.). Just ignore the diesel generator that was likely running 24/7 on a north Atlantic crossing with no sun (before anyone says they have solar). And then in low wind situation the twin diesel engines being used. Far less would have been emitted flying (per person/capita).

It makes Greta look stupid if she's actually serious about climate change, which we all know she's not.
80   theoakman   2020 Feb 23, 12:08pm  

WookieMan says
CBOEtrader says
lol yeah I've seen their channel. The wife is crazy hot.

Hot for sure, though I'm not digging the bangs on recent episodes. She got balloons though several years back (which is fine, just not my cup of tea - I like natural) and I find her voice offensive for some fucking reason. Usually Aussies accents are attractive to me, I don't like hers at all. Gag ball in order if I had an opportunity to tap that.

And no, that boat emitted more than most people do in a year easily just getting the parts to the factory. It will get spun that it's a sail boat that's wind powered (yes I know this happened in Dec.). Just ignore the diesel generator that was likely running 24/7 on a north Atlantic crossing with no sun (before anyone says they have solar). And then in low wind situation the twin diesel engines being used. Far less would have been emitted flying (per person/capita).

It doesn't matter if she's not. She's completely uneducated. Therefore, her opinion is 100% unimportant.
82   rocketjoe79   2020 Feb 26, 6:22am  

georgeliberte says
To many Global Climate CHange is a proven fact.

Manila has been below sea level for DECADES, long before I visited in 1982 when I was in the Navy. They have pumps and walls to keep things dry. But this makes good press.
83   georgeliberte   2020 Feb 27, 7:29am  

rocketjoe79 ignore (2) 2020 Feb 26, 6:22am ↑ like (0) ↓ dislike (0) quote flag

georgeliberte says

To many Global Climate CHange is a proven fact.

Manila has been below sea level for DECADES, long before I visited in 1982 when I was in the Navy. They have pumps and walls to keep things dry. But this makes good press.

Agreed it makes good press; but, if you view the headlines at SFGate they are all Golbal-Climate-Change-is-proven-based and there seems to be a policy of writing as many such articles as possible. Now if they cans just start Chronovirus due to Golbal-Climate-Change-is-proven, it will be complete.
85   Patrick   2020 Mar 1, 11:29am  


The decline of the yeomanry threatens the future of democracy as we have known it. Faced with growing assaults on their businesses, and in some cases, their communities, they have begun to fight back against many of the policies, notably climate policy, that are widely supported by the oligarchs and the clerisy. A policy to force the rapid replacement of fossil fuels with heavily subsidized renewables requires the development of the kind of largely unaccountable bureaucracies that both employ and empower the clerisy while providing the oligarchs both in the US and Europe with a unique opportunity to cash in on energy “transitions.”

Yes, there's a ton of money to be made by the liberal elite there, at the expense of ordinary people.
86   Tenpoundbass   2020 Mar 1, 11:53am  

Booger says

That's how Joe Cocker wound up a Gimp.
87   HeadSet   2020 Mar 2, 5:08pm  

The following quote is from the Washington Post, the November 2 edition.

“The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot” according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulate at Bergen, Norway.

Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.

“Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones”, the report continued, “while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.”

Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.

“Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coast cities uninhabitable.”

Two things about that article however. It was published in 1922 and you can fact check it on Snopes.

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