Uncle Bernie's tax return

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2020 Mar 3, 9:55pm   2,625 views  13 comments

by noobster   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Will he release it if he gets the nomination?
Will the media make a fuss if he doesn't?

Comments 1 - 13 of 13        Search these comments

1   Ceffer   2020 Mar 3, 10:10pm  

He's counting on five trillion dollars in additional deficits to write off his income.
2   Misc   2020 Mar 3, 11:38pm  

He will release it, and he promises that if he wins he will release Trump's too. --- That will win him a few extra votes right there.
3   WookieMan   2020 Mar 4, 4:19am  

Misc says
He will release it, and he promises that if he wins he will release Trump's too. --- That will win him a few extra votes right there.

It's not required. I don't want to see Bernie's and it's private information. I've never understood this. You have to be somewhat wealthy to run for POTUS. Trump's will just show he pays a low percentage tax wise and probably doesn't make as much as he boasts. Who cares as long as what he does is legal which the IRS already knows.

I don't like Bernie at all, but instead of trying to find the most retarded of all flaws (wealth of a potential POTUS), maybe we could focus on what they've done or will do for the country. Trump likely earned income in a fishy way and we know Bernie did because he's been a fucking lifelong politician. Who gives a shit about any of these peoples taxes?
4   HeadSet   2020 Mar 4, 5:55am  

Will he release it if he gets the nomination?

Bernie will not get the nomination. Bernie will not get the 1991 delegates needed, and if Biden also does not get the 1991 needed, a brokered convention will put Biden as the nominee.
5   komputodo   2020 Mar 4, 7:02am  

noobster says
Will he release it if he gets the nomination?
Will the media make a fuss if he doesn't?

Who the fuck cares? it's all meaningless noise..
6   komputodo   2020 Mar 4, 7:04am  

Misc says
He will release it, and he promises that if he wins he will release Trump's too.

The presidency?....lolol....he won't even be the candidate, let alone win..
7   noobster   2020 Mar 4, 4:23pm  

It's not required. I don't want to see Bernie's and it's private information. I've never understood this.

Agreed, ... was just anticipating the media forgetting to bring it up.
8   AD   2020 Mar 4, 5:20pm  

komputodo says

The presidency?....lolol....he won't even be the candidate,

True. Obama made some calls to Mayor Pete, Senator Kloubachar, etc. that Biden has been crowned by the Democrat Establishment.

They followed his orders and dropped out and made sure they endorsed Biden.

But notice there is less enthusiasm for Quid Pro Quo Joe, and the support for him is more aboutTrump Derangement Syndrome desperation.

That's why I'm concerned Biden is going full-puppet mode and will pull out all the stops like promising open borders, welfare state, gun control, higher taxes, etc.
9   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Mar 4, 5:24pm  

AD says
That's why I'm concerned Biden is going full-puppet mode and will pull out all the stops like promising open borders, welfare state, gun control, higher taxes, etc.

Interesting theory. I'm thinking it might be the exact opposite, with Biden pushing only the most mild and moderate proposals. He could run on just two items: he's not Trump and he has the best chance of beating Trump. Not sure about beating Trump, but that's probably his safest avenue.
10   AD   2020 Mar 4, 5:32pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
Interesting theory. I'm thinking it might be the exact opposite, with Biden pushing only the most mild and moderate proposals. He could run on just two items: he's not Trump and he has the best chance of beating Trump. Not sure about beating Trump, but that's probably his safest avenue.

We can count on him putting on his Amtrak Joe ruse

Just look at his lifetime voting ratings. He's one of the most liberal senators based on rating his votes. Check for starters the American Conservative Union ratings. Biden is rated A+ by anti-gun groups, teachers union, and other progressive groups.

But he's already said many things that makes him far from being the "moderate" he claims to be. He stated he would raise taxes, go after guns, that China is not an adversary or threat, that he would open the border, and lastly which should delight the white liberals here, that he'll nominate Barack Obama to SCOTUS.
11   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 5, 7:34am  

He's repudiated his opposition to Forced Busing.
He's repudiated his Career-long opposition to Public Funded Abortion.
He's been talking about Gun Control non stop.
He's been talking about expanding Obamneycare

Biden will "Be Counting on Beto" on Gun Control. Biden has promised to take all the AR-15s away and "Take Care of the Gun Problem"

12   WookieMan   2020 Mar 5, 7:45am  

Not sure how many of you are into music, the equipment, and attend live concerts/shows. Is it that fucking difficult to get a quality mic and sound system at these things? I can't even focus on the content of your video NoCoup because of the fucking audio a minute into it (no your fault). It happens at all rallies too, even Trump's. It's fucking 2020, this shouldn't be an issue. It's like nails on a chalkboard...
13   WookieMan   2020 Mar 5, 8:04am  

Bernie should invoke Trump's precedent & not release his tax returns.

Holy hell, we agree.

Joking aside precedent isn't law. It's not required so who give two shits if Trump "broke precedent" from the last 5 presidents or whatever it is? IRS shouldn't even fucking exist in the first place, which flies over most peoples heads.

Trump knows this and it makes all the people requesting his tax returns look like dip shits. Did he lie that he'd eventually release them, yes. But who fucking cares, it's not law. Politicians lie about a lot worse things than providing pieces of paper or a PDF of numbers from a division of government that should have never been formed in the first place.

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