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1. Prehistoric epidemic: Circa 3000 B.C.
2. Plague of Athens: 430 B.C.
3. Antonine Plague: A.D. 165-180
4. Plague of Cyprian: A.D. 250-271
5. Plague of Justinian: A.D. 541-542
6. The Black Death: 1346-1353
7. Cocoliztli epidemic: 1545-1548
8. American Plagues: 16th century
9. Great Plague of London: 1665-1666
10. Great Plague of Marseille: 1720-1723
11. Russian plague: 1770-1772
12. Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic: 1793
13. Flu pandemic: 1889-1890
14. American polio epidemic: 1916
15. Spanish Flu: 1918-1920
16. Asian Flu: 1957-1958
17. AIDS pandemic and epidemic: 1981-present day
18. H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic: 2009-2010
19. West African Ebola epidemic: 2014-2016
20. Zika Virus epidemic: 2015-present day
why some assholes want to put an ethnicity on a virus.
Why suddenly it’s offensive that’s a better question.
Zika - named after the Zika Forest in Uganda
Ebola - named after the Ebola River in Africa
MERS - Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
the Media was perfectly happy calling it Wuhan Virus or Chinese Coronavirus when
Oh no...so many raycist names
I’m guessing Marcus will not respond to this or will dismiss it
realize it, becasue
Most major virus' don't have a countries name and it's not known where they came from.
CovfefeButDeadly saysthe Media was perfectly happy calling it Wuhan Virus or Chinese Coronavirus when
When they wanted to be specific and differentiate it from other corona viruses. Or becasue what was going on in China was a relatively new story. It was information - NEWS- pointing to what's going on in China.
None of those will be used by morons to associate it with an ethnicity.
becasue you assume everyone lies at the drop of a hat like you.
China is not an ethnicity. This opinion is pure ignorance
We had a name or one of a few names, Corona virus , Covid, Covid 19, that we were all using for months, and even recently when it was almost all anyone was talking about, we were all using the same names for this thing.
I already provided over 20 of Article Titles in the US & World Media calling it "Wuhan" or "Chinese" virus until the past few weeks, when they pivoted to Corona virus in order to score SJW points.
marcus says
I don't need to spend the time researching to prove that I know that three weeks ago, everything I read said Corona Virus or Covid-19
The science people and the journalists are the ones that get to put names out there. And then we all start using them.
NoCoupForYou saysI already provided over 20 of Article Titles in the US & World Media calling it "Wuhan" or "Chinese" virus until the past few weeks, when they pivoted to Corona virus in order to score SJW points.
Wuhan is more specific and makes some sense. Some of those articles did say Chinese Corona virus.
I don't need to spend the time researching to prove that I know that three weeks ago, everything I read said Corona Virus or Covid-19. Because I was reading a lot about it on the internet. I will grant you that it is probably also what I put in to the search engine, but it wasn't out of a desire to be politically correct. It was based on the name that I had learned. That started more than 5 weeks ago.
The science people and the journalists are the ones that get to put names out there. And then we all start using them. If there was some political correctness involved in...
What do you do when people punch you in the face? Don’t you want to punch the bastard back twice as hard, or do you defend the bastard for punching you in the face and blame that you deserve it?
More evidence is arriving every day that this was an engineered plague that CHINA started. It should be titled the Chinese CCP VIRUS!
Wuhan is more specific and makes some sense. Some of those articles did say Chinese Corona virus.
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THen I finally figured it out when I saw a headline. It was about defending the idiot and chief the whole time. Oohhhhh.
NOw I get it. It's a Trump Cuck thing.