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If we has more supplies, more beds, a better plan then we wouldn't have to social distance to flatten this curve.
why were we not ramping up production of key supplies like facemasks
If we has more supplies, more beds
strategic long term decisions like building new factories,
How many COMMUNIST CHINA/global exports do you own?
Why were we so ill prepared?
This cannot be done in 3 weeks or 3 months.
This hit China about 3 weeks ahead of us.
Perhaps when we turned down the offer of help from the W.H.O. they had more supplies to share for Korea and others ?
Because WHO member laboratories were weeks ahead of the CDC.
I realize certain things we cannot control... but it amazes me that we have so few hospital beds per person in this country, particularly in major metro areas.
it amazes me that we have so few hospital beds per person in this country, particularly in major metro areas.
The public-health-laboratory network was never intended to provide widespread testing in the event of a pandemic. To offer tests to anyone who wanted them, as President Trump did, on March 6th, was always going to require commercial testing facilities to come on line. Still, the three-week delay caused by the C.D.C.’s failure to get working test kits into the hands of the public-health labs came at a crucial time. In the early stages of an outbreak, contact tracing, isolation, and individual quarantines are regularly deployed to contain the spread of a disease. But these tools are useless if suspected cases of a disease cannot be tested. The void created by the C.D.C.’s faulty tests made it impossible for public-health authorities to get an accurate picture of how far and how fast the disease was spreading. In hotspots like Seattle, and probably elsewhere, covid-19 spread undetected for several weeks, which in turn only multiplied the need for more tests. “Once you’re behind the eight ball, it’s very hard to catch up,” Alberto Gutierrez, the former head of the F.D.A. Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health, which regulates tests, told me. “The problem was that containment was not done very well. At this point, we’re looking at exponential growth, and we need to figure out how to meet an exponential demand.”
The public-health-laboratory network was never intended to provide widespread testing in the event of a pandemic. To offer tests to anyone who wanted them, as President Trump did, on March 6th, was always going to require commercial testing facilities to come on line. Still, the three-week delay caused by the C.D.C.’s failure to get working test kits into the hands of the public-health labs came at a crucial time. In the early stages of an outbreak, contact tracing, isolation, and individual quarantines are regularly deployed to contain the spread of a disease. But these tools are useless if suspected cases of a disease cannot be tested. The void created by the C.D.C.’s faulty tests made it impossible for public-health authorities to get an accurate picture of ho...
Except we weren’t behind the eight ball on testing. Hardly anyone tested positive in the US until last week.
The NY slimes also ran a graph supposedly showing how Italy and Korea were testing at large numbers way before us. Yeah, because both had a full blown outbreak in February. We didn’t. We had hardly any people even carrying it in February. Like I told you the NY Slimes is a horribly unreliable publication.
Notice how your article faults President Trump for a supposed three week delay, but then follows up with a line about how critical the early stages of an outbreak are without EVER stating what the beginning of the outbreak in the US was? It’s like a Jedi mind trick on week minded leftists.
The void created by the C.D.C.’s faulty tests made it impossible for public-health authorities to get an accurate picture of how far and how fast the disease was spreading.
Also why were we not ramping up production of key supplies like facemasks, gloves, sanitizer, etc. in advance? This hit China about 3 weeks ahead of us.
Or better yet why not have a strategic reserve stashed away somewhere. Its not like the supplies go bad.
Anyhow I'm just venting. If these lockdowns persist for more than two months we'll all likely see civil disobedience and social unrest. This just isn't normal.
Humans have always been social beings. Skype or Facetime or what have you is all well and good but it's still not the same as real face to face contact. Having that ripped away for "the greater good" is the hardest part.
If we has more supplies, more beds, a better plan then we wouldn't have to social distance to flatten this curve. We'd live normally, let this ramp up exponentially, peak then regress and forge on. Pandemic would burn itself out in weeks rather than stretching out this quasi isolation (state supported with help from the media) for months.
Just my two cents. Stay safe, be well fellow Patnetters.