What are the Positives coming out of Corona Virus

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2020 Apr 5, 6:27am   4,881 views  83 comments

by BayArea   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

We are well versed in the negatives of Corona Virus. Are there any positives?

- As Warren Buffet so famously said, “Buy the dip, faggot”. It’s creating stock market buying opportunities.

- China is being even further exposed as a giant piece of shit. It’s forcing the globalists to rethink globalism. This mess will serve to bring back some fraction of jobs back home to the good ‘ol USA. It’s certainly forcing us to rethink the reliance on China for things like medication and surgical masks!

- I’m not spending 8-10hrs in my car commuting. I’m working from home and just about as productive as I was physically going in the office. Roll out of bed, go for a quick jog around the neighborhood, grab a coffee, and at my desk in no time.

- I’m seeing more of my immediate family. This is a positive or negative depending on how you see your family but I’m enjoying seeing my wife and kids more.

- A part of me is actually enjoying seeing life slow down a bit. We were moving so fast, so much traffic, congestion, events, etc etc etc. my calendar was always so constantly full that it was at times overwhelming.

- All the silly BS social stuff is cancelled... kids birthdays, silly holidays, etc.. you know, the stuff you are obligated to go to but go reluctantly lol. I fucking love that part LOL

- Roads are empty! I’ve rediscovered the thrill of driving. It’s amazing. I can go out for a spirited drive and not have to wait and wait and wait for the car in front of me.

I think what the pandemic is making me realize is that I may prefer the slower suburban life compared to the big city bustle at this stage of my life.

What are some unintended benefits of the pandemic that you’ve discovered?

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1   Tenpoundbass   2020 Apr 5, 6:42am  

It's getting Trump reelected
It's allowing America to see the Real Joe Biden
If/When the primaries pick back up, I fully expect Bernie to blow right through all of them. A feat that was considered something he needed a miracle for after the last Super Tuesday.
A Commie Will never be President. the Dumbasscrats are fucked.

It's having the opposite affect the Globalist that planned it, were expecting. It's killing their niche while creating greater opportunities for Nationalist and Populist businesses and commerce. Globalism will take a back seat in every country.

It's going to bring ALL Manufacturing back to America. We will even be making Semiconductors and Chips, we will be processing raw materials and making the components for everything we make. Our supply chain will be state to state. China will be relegated back to making our Cracker Jack toys, Carnival prizes, and give away Schwag.
2   RC2006   2020 Apr 5, 6:58am  

Everything above and:

-Catching up with old friends that way to much time has went by because of hectic busy lives.

-Hoping this shows the value of family and keeping them close, especially with elderly.

-Might make people rethink nursing homes and show quality of life over quantity.

-Slowing down and cooking more at home.

-Showing that overcrowding is bad and people need space.

-Show that people should save for rough times.

-Bring back the notion of the US being a self sufficient.
3   joshuatrio   2020 Apr 5, 7:13am  

All the attention seeking antifa/sjw/tranny/alphabet pronoun people have suddenly lost their voice now that shit actually hit the fan. It's nice not to hear their daily bullshit and protests now that they are stuck at home with mommy and daddy.

I was talking about the virus with some friends the other day and a black lady in our group turned this convo into an anti Trump, pro Obama, racists conversation. Since shit has actually hit the fan, I told her to shut the fuck up as it had nothing to do with Obama or race. She immediately shut her mouth as she realized all that racists bullshit they've been preaching the last 3 years has no room in our society anymore.
4   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 5, 7:23am  

Greta is in hiding.
5   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 5, 7:25am  

SF has banned reusable grocery bags.
6   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Apr 5, 7:57am  

Millions discover mask porn.
7   socal2   2020 Apr 5, 9:29am  

Exposing the fallibility of many of our "expert" class at the WHO, FDA, CDC.

Exposing the fallibility of worst case predictions from models.

Exposing the uselessness of many professions and big chunks of our government bureaucracy.

Trump should have a mighty argument to make this Fall.
8   Tenpoundbass   2020 Apr 5, 9:32am  

The return of $120K median house. Return of building booms, in backwater towns converted into new sprawling cities.
9   Patrick   2020 Apr 5, 9:42am  

An interruption to globalist plans.

The exposure of our pathetic dependence on China for even basic drugs in the US, proving that we need to bring back manufacturing right now.

The lack of jobs for illegals in restaurants and bars. The bankruptcy of many business which employed illegals. Sorry for the many innocent small businesses though.

The happy thought that the elite have actually finally fucked themselves with globalization, and that they have all taken a major financial hit for their crimes, not just the poor.

The reinstatement of some borders in Europe, and the probability that more EU countries will go their own way.

The actual blocking of the hordes of young Arab and African men looking for easy pussy and free government cash in Europe, instead of pretending that these "refugees" cannot be blocked.

That flyover country is not nearly as affected as the liberal coasts which brought this disease to the US.

The clean air and blue sky.

Less traffic, less noise from traffic and planes, more people walking around. They seem to say hello more now too.

A break from the commute.

Less money spent in bars and restaurants. None, except for takeout. More time spent with family. Hearing from old friends.
10   Patrick   2020 Apr 5, 9:47am  

joshuatrio says
All the attention seeking antifa/sjw/tranny/alphabet pronoun people have suddenly lost their voice now that shit actually hit the fan. It's nice not to hear their daily bullshit and protests now that they are stuck at home with mommy and daddy.

I was talking about the virus with some friends the other day and a black lady in our group turned this convo into an anti Trump, pro Obama, racists conversation. Since shit has actually hit the fan, I told her to shut the fuck up as it had nothing to do with Obama or race. She immediately shut her mouth as she realized all that racists bullshit they've been preaching the last 3 years has no room in our society anymore.

Perhaps the greatest gift of all!

This is something bigger than the deliberately divisive bullshit used to distract us from questioning our globalist masters.

It is right and good to tell the haters to shut the fuck up. We have a real problem now, now their imaginary pet problems.
11   Booger   2020 Apr 5, 9:56am  

At least some people are going to figure out that they can't trust the media, and government.
12   BayArea   2020 Apr 5, 10:18am  

I used to think that people who said things like, “media is an enemy of the people” were whack jobs.

Then Trump got elected and I watched the media behave.
13   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 5, 10:21am  

Better government priorities. They are trying to save lives instead of promoting globohomo junk.
14   Patrick   2020 Apr 5, 11:12am  


More handwashing, more consciousness of how lots of things spread disease, especially non-quarantined international flights.

Less handshaking. Never liked it anyway.

More respect for national borders as a way to keep disease out and manufacturing in.
15   theoakman   2020 Apr 5, 11:13am  

Greta is in hiding.

She tried to claim she had the virus...didn't get any traction
16   Patrick   2020 Apr 5, 11:19am  

BayArea says
I used to think that people who said things like, “media is an enemy of the people” were whack jobs.

Then Trump got elected and I watched the media behave.

Yes, but even more so, Trump was elected exactly because of the liberal media hysteria beforehand.

They were (and are) just so filled with blinding HATE to the exclusion of all rational thought that they gave him the headlines, for free, for months on end. That was literally billions in free publicity for Trump.

Trump played it perfectly, with help from Steve Bannon. And gosh, Trump did not kill the economy as they claimed he would, but grew it at a record-breaking clip, proving the media wrong wrong wrong.

Liberal media credibility just keeps sinking further with each new lie and misrepresentation, which everyone can easily see for themselves. The only way not to see it at this point is to remain blinded by hate.

The right thing is for them to give up the hate and admit that Trump is not always wrong no matter how much they hate him. The right thing is to accept and support good Trump policies and suggestions, like lowering our dependence on China for essential drugs.

Let's hope that good people in the media start doing the right thing.
17   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 5, 11:30am  

BayArea says

- All the silly BS social stuff is cancelled... kids birthdays, silly holidays, etc.. you know, the stuff you are obligated to go to but go reluctantly lol. I fucking love that part LOL

Can't wait to look physically old.

As soon as I eat the good food and drinks: "I'm Cold"

"Aw, send grandpa home to bed"

All the culinary benefits of a gathering without having to hang for hours bored shitless.
18   mell   2020 Apr 5, 11:31am  

Patrick says
BayArea says
I used to think that people who said things like, “media is an enemy of the people” were whack jobs.

Then Trump got elected and I watched the media behave.

Yes, but even more so, Trump was elected exactly because of the liberal media hysteria beforehand.

They were (and are) just so filled with blinding HATE to the exclusion of all rational thought that they gave him the headlines, for free, for months on end. That was literally billions in free publicity for Trump.

Trump played it perfectly, with help from Steve Bannon. And gosh, Trump did not kill the economy as they claimed he would, but grew it at a record-breaking clip, proving the media wrong wrong wrong.

Liberal media credibility just keeps sinking further with each new lie and misrepresentation, which everyone can easily see for themselves. The only way not to see it at this point is to remain blin...

This can't be stressed enough. This AM the wife tuned into some news and there was an MSNPC clip about Trump's "failures and downplaying", and then saying "shifting blame to Cuomo". It was vile, unpatriotic leftoid smear. I'm fine with people being in the "the country has fucked this up camp", but then attacking the prez while exonerating some of the worst "mishandled" areas responsible for more than a 1/3rd of total cases is despicable. Also how can they attack Florida's gov for not enacting a statewide SIP mandate when Florida, considering its aging population, doesn't have much of a problem at all and NY/NJ is totally out of control. Seriously they're the enemy of the people, that has been thoroughly proven these last weeks.
19   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 5, 11:35am  

FAP FAP FAP This Thread
20   BayArea   2020 Apr 5, 11:54am  

Patrick says
Less handshaking. Never liked it anyway.

The history on this is it was a way for unknown people to mutually show each other “look, I have no weapon and I am meeting you with peaceful intentions”

I never liked it in modern society either and wish we would do away with. Who needs to shake a bacteria/virus hand these days anyway?
21   clambo   2020 Apr 5, 12:00pm  

The liberal hypocrites are not going to stop complaining and lying and doing dumb shit.

My older brother is a nurse practitioner in the NYC metro area, and he is in a high risk group.
1. Almost 70 2. Asthma 3. Overweight

I just suggested he ask for vacation or unpaid leave, and he said he would be terminated.

He is not sewing people up, so he can be away from work and people won’t die.

He actually values his cash flow more than his own health or life. I’m sorry for him almost.

He’s got plenty of money, he just wants to not be out of work for even a month.

His bosses obviously care more about foreign people and bums than about him.

My self preservation instinct is stronger, I would probably take a leave, get fired, and look for another job later.
22   BayArea   2020 Apr 5, 12:08pm  


If you quit your job now as a medical professional, that’s curtains on your medical career.

My wife is in the medical field, treating corona on the front lines, and coming home to her family after her shifts. It’s been very concerning for us but what choice do we have if she wants to maintain her career?

She’s being careful, taking all the precautions, and hoping for the best.
23   WookieMan   2020 Apr 5, 12:15pm  

BayArea says
Patrick says
Less handshaking. Never liked it anyway.

The history on this is it was a way for unknown people to mutually show each other “look, I have no weapon and I am meeting you with peaceful intentions”

I never liked it in modern society either and wish we would do away with. Who needs to shake a bacteria/virus hand these days anyway?

I'm not a germaphobe at all, really. Handshaking has always been fucked up for me being left handed as my right hand, even unwashed is likely cleaner than my left. The only thing I think about is that the vast majority of the population is right handed. Could this person have just jerked off? What else have they done with that hand? I have no fucking clue? If shaking a hand with a women, how hard do you go? Long list of bullshit with hand shaking.

I hope the handshake goes away. Fist bumps and elbow taps are also gay. Just don't fucking touch me in all honesty.
24   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 5, 12:23pm  

Patrick says
media behave.

Jim Acosta on tv every day has been a god send.

I wonder if the morons realize how horrible they look with stupid gotcha question after gotcha question.

Fucking report. Do investigative journalism. If Trump is full of it, ask him a question that puts him on the record and then ask follow ups where he is forced to account for the bs.

Don’t ask loaded questions based on stupid premises. CNN sucks. Msm sucks.
25   Patrick   2020 Apr 5, 12:28pm  

CovfefeButDeadly says
CNN sucks. Msm sucks.

The MSM have an agenda:

- divide the public by race, sex so that they don't have time to think about the real enemy: globalization
- keep the shipments from China coming in to keep bleeding the US for profit (the Washington Post obviously has the motive to keep Chinese shit coming to the Wapo's owner: Bezos/Amazon)
- keep the illegals coming in to drive down wages for poor Americans
26   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Apr 5, 1:05pm  

Wimps with good immune systems can kick sand in the face of immunosuppressed steroid juicers.
27   clambo   2020 Apr 5, 1:23pm  

For BayArea,

My brother is already getting a pension, his house is paid, he delayed social security, and he got an inheritance in 2017.

I don’t believe that he could not find work if he wanted it, but he may not have to if someone kills him.

My self preservation instinct supersedes everything else but that’s why I disagree with my brother.
28   SoTex   2020 Apr 5, 1:52pm  

BayArea says
My wife is in the medical field, treating corona on the front lines

She's a rock star!
29   SoTex   2020 Apr 5, 1:55pm  

clambo says
My self preservation instinct is stronger

Mine too. My baby sis is charge nurse in an emergency room. Some of the stories she tells me just floor me even before all of this happened. Unlike her, if some gang banger showed up all shot up with body fluids spurting out everywhere I'd just step aside and say something like, "You made some bad choices in life didn't ya?" and let him die.
30   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 5, 4:13pm  

SF has banned reusable grocery bags.

31   BoomAndBustCycle   2020 Apr 5, 4:33pm  

Policy wise Trump hasn’t always been wrong, but his nepotism , narcissism, ego, and divider in chief mentality is not something that will lead to good things for this country. If the stock market doesn’t recover significantly by November and unemployment doesn’t improve you are delusional to think he gets re-elected. Only way he gets re-elected is if we get a V shaped recovery by November... and/or he postpones a free election via Marshall law, which is looking more and more likely.
32   mell   2020 Apr 5, 4:37pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
Policy wise Trump hasn’t always been wrong, but his nepotism , narcissism, ego, and divider in chief mentality is not something that will lead to good things for this country. If the stock market doesn’t recover significantly by November and unemployment doesn’t improve you are delusional to think he gets re-elected. Only way he gets re-elected is if we get a V shaped recovery by November... and/or he postpones a free election via Marshall law, which is looking more and more likely.

The US is peaking right now and Trump will likely get re-elected as we will open up soon again. No need for Marshall law at all.
33   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 5, 6:11pm  

ThreeBays says
mell says
The US is peaking right now

We'll see in a few weeks. It depends on how well we social distance.

Fucking idiots in California...CALIFORNIA!!! Of all places...

Went to Costco....no big deal BUT of all places for 80 year old people to be at 330 on a Sunday afternoon! And not just one.

The the local park was PACKED!!! At least it’s outdoors...but still....

And the the local chain...people old as dirt! What the living hell is wrong with these people. All these stores have designated senior hours. Honestly they are so reckless they may deserve to die.

So we will see. I think people are still openly pessimistic, but if the govt keeps this shutdown going more than a month or so, people are going to break it and the cops won’t be able to stop it.
34   Onvacation   2020 Apr 5, 6:16pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
he postpones a free election via Marshall law, which is looking more and more likely.

Paranoid much?
35   Tenpoundbass   2020 Apr 5, 6:19pm  

I bet Trump already has emails with a lot of very bad people out there, conspiring this whole massive global shutdown. With a road map to a reboot of the New World Order with China taking a lead central role. I bet Fauci's name comes up often. There's an invisible Enemy, Trump likes saying that every time before he calls Fauci up to answer a question.

It's probably going to take another investigation into Trump to beat it out of the Conspirators on Live Cable news. As they willingly brag about their crimes in an effort to take out Trump. And of course they didn't break any laws, because their intentions were to take out Trump, and Media and Congress fully approves.
36   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 5, 6:28pm  

Tim Aurora says
Actually it has exposed Trump who did not listen to his intelligence and for firing CDC pandemic division.

#FakeNews Debunked
The fact is that Trump was looking at Coronavirus during Nancy's Impeachment Hearings.

The Dem House did not take up any business related to the Coronavirus until the end of the first week of February, long after Trump formed the Coronavirus Task Force, and about three weeks since the first US case in Washington State.

37   mell   2020 Apr 5, 6:33pm  

ThreeBays says
mell says
The US is peaking right now

We'll see in a few weeks. It depends on how well we social distance.

No need to wait a few days, may have peaked today. If not next few days. 25k vs 34k new cases.

Tim Aurora says
Actually it has exposed Trump who did not listen to his intelligence and for firing CDC pandemic division.
He now has blood on his hand. MSM was complaining about COVID since February and Trump was listening to FOX who thought it was a HOAX.

Ridiculous. Every year approx. 50k due of the flu in the US alone. If we sheltered in place everybody we could save 90% of those. So is whoever is in charge and not shutting down responsible for the people dying each flu season? This is becoming absurd to blame the prez for a pandemic despite having some of the stricter lockdown rules.
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 5, 8:30pm  

ThreeBays says
mell says
The US is peaking right now

We'll see in a few weeks. It depends on how well we social distance.

Right, the famous Wuhan lockdown. The Chinese were on it like White on Rice. If you believe their numbers, I have a bridge to sell cheap.
39   BoomAndBustCycle   2020 Apr 5, 9:38pm  

Onvacation says
Paranoid much?

Paranoid?! No way... if this pandemic occurred in sept or October I would be damn accurate! You really think people would go to the voting booths in large numbers if Election Day were tomorrow?
40   mell   2020 Apr 5, 10:33pm  

ThreeBays says
mell says
No need to wait a few days, may have peaked today. If not next few days. 25k vs 34k new cases.

Would be good, though confirmed cases could just be affected by ebbs and flows in the testing process.

True, that's why I also try to monitor the backlog. Apparently it has shrunk to a size that would make crazy surges unlikely. We may need a week to solidify this assumption, but the market is liking the first good news.

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