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109750   EBGuy   2020 Apr 9, 12:21pm  

‘That Is What We Do’: The Power of Passover and Tradition Across Generations
The plague element of the Passover story feels real for the first time — the completely overwhelming feelings of fear, anxiety and despair. As sad as I am to be away from my family, it’s a worthwhile price to pay for having a Passover together next year.
109751   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 9, 12:27pm  

It's satisfying to see all the leftoid fetishes crumbling right in front of our eyes:

- dense cities better than suburbs;
- public transportation better than personal cars;
- travel bans should never be imposed on anyone;
- borders should be absolutely transparent;
- we don't need no stinking manufacturing because we can all learn Java or interior design;
- families are obsolete;
- reusable shopping bags are better than single-use paper ones;
- there should be no copays or deductibles and everybody should feel free to flood the hospitals every time they sneeze or stub their toe (and get a nice hospital infection in return, just like they did in Italy).
109752   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 9, 12:42pm  

Misc says
They realize that quarantining does not eradicate the disease. Vaccines for the flu are about 30% effective (I'm gonna guess the COVID-19 vaccine will be about the same). They also realize that it is absurd to close down the entire economy when there is an outbreak, as sooner or later the disease will reappear in the population.

Seniors are the most immediately at risk. Whereas few under 50, and almost none under 30, have died from the disease. It's those people you want spreading the dead viruses eventually to old folks.

The purpose of the quarantine is to flatten the rate of infection requiring hospitalization, something that few young people need at all but many old people will require.

That's why it makes no sense to close schools and workplaces, but allow seniors to gather and carouse freely. The opposite should be occourring.
109753   AD   2020 Apr 9, 12:57pm  


Above is the link about how HIV has mutated to a much weaker strain.

It is an example how viruses constantly mutate or evolve to weaker strains in order to propagate or replicate without killing off all their hosts.
109754   AD   2020 Apr 9, 1:20pm  

Looks like we may get another reprieve from unbridled decadence, just like we did in 2008 to 2012. That is one silver lining from what is happening now.

It provides an environment which does not encourage dumb economic decisions like buying this $7,000 motorcyle for a price of $29,000.

People think more wisely in terms of arbitrage until they largely forget the past crisis happened.
109755   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Apr 9, 1:53pm  

- reusable shopping bags are better than single-use paper ones;
Personally, I love the "single use" plastic ones. I re-use them as my garbage bags. It completely mystifies me that people buy large, heavy duty garbage bags and then either use a new one (1/4 full) every other day or have a 20-pound stinkbomb in their kitchen after a week of use. However many "single use" grocery bags I bring home from shopping is how many bags I'll need to dispose of the trash.
109756   Ceffer   2020 Apr 9, 2:28pm  

Such pathetic litigation. Where is the re-incarnation of Michael Avenatti when we need him most.
109757   Ceffer   2020 Apr 9, 2:32pm  

The pandemic will die when all the inferior people are dead! Long Live The Pandemic!
109758   BoomAndBustCycle   2020 Apr 9, 2:33pm  

Yep, my sister's mother in law whose a nurse.. got a fever of 103", bad cough a few weeks ago... she never gets sick. Test came back negative and she's feeling better. (Heard false negatives are common for the tests though).
109759   Ceffer   2020 Apr 9, 2:40pm  

My DNA test came back positive for Coronavirus and told me I was officially dead and had been entered into the statistics.
109760   Bd6r   2020 Apr 9, 2:48pm  

Yes, a student who was in my class tested positive. He is now fine, had corona on order of a normal cold severity. A doctor friend of ours also was tested positive 2 weeks ago (60+ yrs old, not a severe case), and I hear that another student whom I know is infected with corona. So 3 in my immediate circle.
109761   richwicks   2020 Apr 9, 3:01pm  

Tim Aurora says
I think the Trump Republican party is entirely "White Party" (and a good % number of them are racist ).

What? Like this guy?


Or how about these ladies?


I get tired of people constantly saying that Trump is racist and his supporters are. They're anti-establishment. They want an end of all these stupid wars. They want the government to actually do something useful. We're tired of stupid wedge issues like gay marriage, and transgendered bathrooms, and non issues like how many genders there are. The Federal government has no business in ANY of these "issues".

Tim Aurora says
And while I have issues with the far left ( many Republicans here promoted Bernie as they did not want to face Biden)

Biden? Are you entirely unaware of his history? Either he will never end up as the nominee (what many people think), or he will never debate Trump. Biden is terribly corrupt, and even if he wasn't, he's entirely inappropriate with young women. On top of that, he was all in for promoting the Iraq War, and he's senile on top of that. He's just another Neocon. I would bet Trump wanted to face off with Biden because he's the next best thing to Hillary Clinton - to beat. He has all the issues the Clinton did.

The only candidates that had a reasonable chance was Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders - but they aren't war whores, or at least presented themselves as not being war whores so the DNC sank them both. I think there's not much chance of Biden winning, but we'll see. How can you stand these corporate politicians? We've only had one clone after another since George W. Bush. Just terribly weak presidents that just take orders. They were terrible.
109762   Shaman   2020 Apr 9, 3:04pm  

Lawyers smelling a class action lawsuit where they reap massive rewards and clients get pennies... all of this with a giant kudos from Democrats everywhere!
109763   theoakman   2020 Apr 9, 3:19pm  

OccasionalCortex says
Well well well...turns out the Germans were outright lying:


link is broken
109764   Tenpoundbass   2020 Apr 9, 3:23pm  

Like the Illuminati the Deep State is not a secret organization with nameless and faceless individuals. The Deep State is just a Spooky word to muddy of their crimes, but is a perfect description for what is the culture in Washington of Uneleceted officials, and Non Government organizations acting as decision makers, usurping actual elected officials.
They are a collection of agenda driven career Government workers, brought in with each President, and are left behind as relics of that administration to preserve and embellish and even weaponize if need be, previous administration's policy.
They can easily be pointed out, they are everyone that's not Trump or a Congressman or Senator, at every Committee hearing you've seen on TV since 2015.

We not need kid our selves either, the GOP is full of them as well. I don' think they are Satanic Evil Commie Fucks though.
109765   EBGuy   2020 Apr 9, 3:32pm  

Population Density of New York state is 416.42/sq mi. They're predicted to peak today.

Population Density of California is 251.3/sq mi. Peak is predicted for next week and is an order of magnitude lower than New York state. Also note that California has twice the population of New York.
109766   WookieMan   2020 Apr 9, 3:33pm  

ThreeBays says
The stay at home order also has that much more impact on flattening NY's curve -- you go from people mingling closely on packed subways to almost not mingling at all.

A good chunk of the country doesn't live this way though and doesn't want to be forced to do things because of a densely populated city is a cesspool. Wuhan is a similar sized city to NYC. We're basing national policy on places where people piss and shit in the street. You can find needles on the sidewalk. We're talking about some of the unhealthiest places to live WITHOUT this virus. Pollution, drugs, disease, etc.

You can't take a model for NYC and overlay it to Monroe, Wisconsin or like sized cities. Lock down the old people, and I'm taking a new stance here, lock down these shit hole cities. No flights in or out for the remainder of April. ZERO. Besides food and life support goods, no vehicle leaves these places without proof of what they are carrying.
109767   Booger   2020 Apr 9, 3:52pm  

109768   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 9, 4:01pm  

Rich fucks who run this nation. Giant fucking club with idiotic priorities at times. Just look at left today at Newsome presser.

People are dying, some leftist fucktard starts asking about helping lgbt youth. Wtf brain dead retards.
109769   Booger   2020 Apr 9, 4:14pm  

Biden Cuts Hole In Mask So He Can Still Sniff People's Hair

109770   Ceffer   2020 Apr 9, 5:32pm  

I love raving, LibbyFuck tortured circular logic that always comes back to OrangeManBad.
109771   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 9, 5:35pm  

Tim Aurora says
Fortwaynemobile says
Rich fucks who run this nation. Giant fucking club with idiotic priorities at times. Just look at left today at Newsome presser.

People are dying, some leftist fucktard starts asking about helping lgbt youth. Wtf brain dead retards.

This is a rant that has nothing to do with the topic. Not sure that I can explain everything in this world and that everything is black and white. The point is that "Deep State" is merely a crutch for this administration to ward of the bureaucratic oversight.

There is deep state. They spent a lot of energy and money, fuck ton of money trying to impeach trump, remova kavanaogh, remove Trumps allies. There is a rich fucks club that Trump will burn to the fucking ground so help him god!!!!
109772   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 9, 5:38pm  

Tim Aurora says
I believe that all this Deep State talk to is to quash any resistance made by bureaucracy to follow the right protocol that opposes the Trump government and use it to incite the far right.The point is that "Deep State" is merely a crutch for this administration to ward of the bureaucratic oversight.

Who votes for bureaucrats? And no, neither Congress nor the President approved not only most policies, but the vast majority of them. Same with the hires.

The buck stops with elected officials, not civil servants.

The term for what you're discussing is bureaucratic resistance.

Another applicable problem is the Revolving Door issue, where high ranking "Civil Servants" switch between the Sector they're Regulated and the Regulatory Agency. This has profound impacts on Medicine, Food, even the Military (Retired Generals using their patronage/mentor networks to get certain contracts approved).

CEOs face similar problems when trying to reform Legacy Companies. "Not invented here! CEO is dumb!" "This is the way we've always done it!"

It's really amazing that TDS is so awful, we're seeing Progressive Democrats speak out in favor of the DC Influence/Corruption system they thought was invariably wrong and even wicked.
109773   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 9, 5:47pm  

Yet another #FakeNews story, apparently.
109774   Tenpoundbass   2020 Apr 9, 6:50pm  

That was beautiful Jazz say it again. (wipes a tear from my eye)
109776   Y   2020 Apr 9, 7:40pm  

Nobodies employed to count...
Anyone know where we're at with unemployment?
109777   Automan Empire   2020 Apr 9, 8:00pm  

I think we're passing "Fucked and far from home" at present.
109778   richwicks   2020 Apr 9, 8:12pm  

jazz_music says
The ‘deep state’ of Trump ranting is both a conspiracy theory to make his cult feel special and it is also a gaslight to keep the real deep state hidden by his obfuscation tactic.


"President Trump is right: The deep state is alive and well. But it is not the sinister, antidemocratic cabal of his fever dreams."

There, now that you've seen it in the propaganda "news", do you realize it does exist?

You wonder why this nation keeps going to war over bullshit? It's because it doesn't matter who you elect. When it DOES matter who you elect you get 3 years of a bogus impeachment effort over some bs report of hookers urinating on beds. Why kind of fool would believe that story? Well, the deep state thinks you're that type of fool, and in some cases, some of you are.
109779   Shaman   2020 Apr 9, 8:42pm  

Tim Aurora says
the "deep state" is a conspiracy theory which suggests that collusion and cronyism exist within the US political system and constitute a hidden government within the legitimately elected government.

Is this seriously up for debate? Hundreds of cases abound where this was precisely the case. It’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s the normal way that business is done!
109780   richwicks   2020 Apr 9, 9:48pm  

jazz_music says
Well, the deep state thinks you're that type of fool, and in some cases, some of you are
Whatever makes you feel special

It doesn't make me feel in particular special. I'm just tired of going along with the cattle. Ever seen that psychology experiment where everybody in the elevator faces the back to see if an unsuspecting rider will fall in line and conform? I won't conform. I trust my intellect over what I'm repeatedly told is false. I trust my own reasoning.

jazz_music says
Whoever holds office pleases the same lobbyists who are accountable to private tyrannies or corporations.

No, the majority of the money of any elected official isn't made by doing their job. It's by being bribed. They are bribed by being given insider information on stocks, by given opportunities to get their kid on some BS job for a foreign company, or getting the credit needed to buy a block of land they can resell to the insider at a huge markup, or doing a BS speech for $50,000 for some bank, or a book deal. There's many ways to do it.

If you play along, you get along. If you don't, your party turns against you and ousts you. You may be redistricted out, or denied funds for your re-election, or you may be more severely targeted if you really are a threat for having convictions.

jazz_music says
Trump is not for any justice, there’s the gaslight.

First, you don't know what gaslighting is. That's when a you're told your crazy for believing something that is completely reasonable or for which you have ample evidence. You're being gaslit when it's denied that the justice system is corrupt, or that Saddam Hussein really did have a weapons of mass destruction program, or when you're told we have a free press, or when you're told we live in a democracy, or when you're told anybody can become president, or when you're told freedom of speech is absolute. These are all lies, constantly fed to you.

Second, I don't know if Trump is for any justice or not, and I don't care. People are fed up with this corruption and are more than happy to throw a monkey-wrench into the works. Now Trump is a very wealthy man, and he's taken a real crap job and appears to have made some serious enemies by merely becoming president. I can't think of any reason a billionaire would want a crap job like being president. I know he can't easily be bribed, he's nearing the end of his life. Maybe he just wants to go down in history as a great man. He's 73 and he's got maybe 20 years left to his life.

He's voiced what people like me have known but have been constantly, unendingly been gaslit over. Our press is propaganda, our justice system is corrupt, our intelligence agencies are corrupt, the leadership of both parties is corrupt. I've known this for 30 years, but if you dared voice it, well, I have my tinfoil hat on too tight and I'm off my meds. It's nice to have somebody in the executive office that actually does tell the truth occasionally and there are 10's of millions of Americans like me, maybe 100's of millions.

Our government is just a criminal syndicate. I'm happy to have somebody in office they can't seem to control and seem to despise. It could be all political theater, but if it is, they made a grave mistake because we know for certain we've been gaslit for years.
109781   marcus   2020 Apr 9, 10:21pm  

jazz_music says
—keep them outraged about guns gays god foreigners

Bingo. They play the moronocracy like a fiddle.
109782   richwicks   2020 Apr 9, 10:32pm  

"A California nursing home was evacuated after its staff didn't show up"

This won't be the only time this happens since Trump RepCons won't protect healthcare workers.
It can happen to sick RepCons.


What kind of logic is this? What makes you think a bunch of health care workers in California are Trump republicans? Do you really have this belief?

Whenever you find anything you think is an outrage, you blame "Trump RepCons". Surely you must see this is shallow thinking on your part.

I see why 49 people currently ignore you.
109783   richwicks   2020 Apr 9, 10:40pm  

marcus says
jazz_music says
—keep them outraged about guns gays god foreigners

Bingo. They play the moronocracy like a fiddle.

The majority of people are outraged over these "issues" because they know it's a distraction.

Do you really think that Obama was elected to give us gay marriage, give everybody a fine of $2000 if they couldn't afford health insurance, and have a talk about transgendered bathrooms when the last meat puppet broke the Geneva Conventions our country forced the Nazi Regime to sign to lie us into a war over a non existent weapons of mass destruction program?

We know we're being dicked around.

The largest voting demographic in the United States is now independent, at 45%.

I'm always amazed with people that talk about how great Obama was, yes, president Re-Bush. How wonderful. What's funny is that after Trump got elected, George W. Bush was being trotted out to all the talk shows as if anybody wanted to see that piece of crap again.
109784   Shaman   2020 Apr 10, 5:38am  

marcus says
jazz_music says
—keep them outraged about guns gays god foreigners

Bingo. They play the moronocracy like a fiddle.

Some people are born to be useful idiots.
109785   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 10, 8:43am  

richwicks says
marcus says
jazz_music says
—keep them outraged about guns gays god foreigners

Bingo. They play the moronocracy like a fiddle.

The majority of people are outraged over these "issues" because they know it's a distraction.

Do you really think that Obama was elected to give us gay marriage, give everybody a fine of $2000 if they couldn't afford health insurance, and have a talk about transgendered bathrooms when the last meat puppet broke the Geneva Conventions our country forced the Nazi Regime to sign to lie us into a war over a non existent weapons of mass destruction program?

We know we're being dicked around.

The largest voting demographic in the United States is now independent, at 45%.

I'm always amazed with people that talk about how great Obama was, yes, president Re-Bush....

Well said
109786   clambo   2020 Apr 10, 8:55am  

I don’t know about the conspiracy he’s talking about, but plenty of people have the CDC is inept theories.

A million dead, then a couple hundred thousand dead, then a hundred thousand dead were all mentioned.

All of the figures mentioned by Fauci et Al were high compared to reality.
109787   Onvacation   2020 Apr 10, 8:59am  

"Pearl Harbour" week is not over. Massive numbers of people are going to die in this "worst week of death" we have yet to experience.
109789   Ceffer   2020 Apr 10, 11:07am  

Fauci: "I hate all these inaccurate conspiracy theories. Truth is, we're fucking you and your so called Constitution and there's NOTHING you can do about it. LOL!"

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