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110147   Ceffer   2020 Apr 20, 10:36pm  

Thank you for being a one stop shopping center for all the sources of information that are never to be trusted again. Saves a lot of effort.
110148   HeadSet   2020 Apr 21, 7:56am  

Note that Sweden is not on the graph....
110149   WookieMan   2020 Apr 21, 7:59am  

We're all dead. Not sure how I'm even typing. Weird.
110150   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Apr 21, 7:59am  

What do the numbers look like with the assisted living and nursing home fatalities removed?
110151   WookieMan   2020 Apr 21, 8:05am  

willywonka says
What do the numbers look like with the assisted living and nursing home fatalities removed?

Like nothing, but no one wants to admit that. Death is bad, but if you wanna take the positive out of this, the average monthly SS check is ~$1,500 and can go up to $3k. 100k dead would be $150M a month save in SS minimum. That's not including medical which is much higher than the SS cost. Every nursing home death is likely saving $3-4k/mo per person dead. And remember, these are people that weren't producing anything.

I know my position is harsh on this and those with sensitive feels will dislike it. But we need to open up, and if we burn off $3-4k/mo in obligations per death, you can't really argue that's a bad thing.
110152   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Apr 21, 8:07am  

What do the numbers look like with the assisted living and nursing home fatalities removed from the fatality data?
110153   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Apr 21, 8:14am  

WookieMan says
willywonka says
What do the numbers look like with the assisted living and nursing home fatalities removed?

Like nothing, but no one wants to admit that. Death is bad, but if you wanna take the positive out of this, the average monthly SS check is ~$1,500 and can go up to $3k. 100k dead would be $150M a month save in SS minimum. That's not including medical which is much higher than the SS cost. Every nursing home death is likely saving $3-4k/mo per person dead. And remember, these are people that weren't producing anything.

I know my position is harsh on this and those with sensitive feels will dislike it. But we need to open up, and if we burn off $3-4k/mo in obligations per death, you can't really argue that's a bad thing.
It's a new virus, and folks with shit immune systems in bug incubators are going to get picked off. It might be worse than the flu, in that case, as they lack pre-existing immunity and can't develop an adequate immune response before they die, if at all. There will be occasional fatalities in the healthy population, just as with the flu, although COVID-19 is not affecting young kids as much as the flu.

You can't have MD's directing economic policy, it's insane.
110154   socal2   2020 Apr 21, 9:46am  

Dude - the protest was a few days ago.

How could it cause a "spike" in deaths a few days later?

More garbage media.
110155   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Apr 21, 9:57am  

ThreeBays says
Sweden's curve remains exponentially up without sign of peaking.
You are merely describing a rate, and not the outcome.

It is possible that the sick elderly die off quickly, as suggested by Professor Johan Giesecke, and that we wind up with the same number of deaths overall, just takes longer to get there in the lockdown countries. And herd immunity develops more slowly under a lockdown scenario as well.
110156   HeadSet   2020 Apr 21, 10:07am  

Seems like what was needed was to leave the economy open, but protect the elderly.
110157   Y   2020 Apr 21, 10:35am  

Looks like it pays to be 100...
HeadSet says

Seems like what was needed was to leave the economy open, but protect the elderly.
110158   Onvacation   2020 Apr 21, 10:54am  

ThreeBays says
everyone wants the economy to re-open the number is likely to be higher unless governments implement very strict isolation of vulnerable people - for example in the UK those over 70 or with certain high risk conditions have to lock in and get food & medicine delivered.

Why did we not do that from the beginning? Instead we have locked down perfectly healthy people with very little risk of death from this virus. The purpose was to flatten the curve; we smashed it.

Time to get back to work.
110159   RC2006   2020 Apr 21, 11:08am  

Worse case a bit more deaths than bad flu season for the sickly and old. What a clusterfuck the damage that has been done but shutting shit down instead of just taking precautions. Thanks again for fucking the younger generations, and anyone that is productive and needs to work for a living.
110160   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Apr 21, 11:17am  

Remember folks: Primary voting in the Wisconsin Election will not be delayed, it's too risky to our Society.

But shutting down the economy as long as possible simply must be done.


110161   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 21, 11:42am  

Actually I think it depends on how well people with underlying health conditions stay the fuck at home

110162   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Apr 21, 12:12pm  

Yes, but no one wants to take care of granny at home, so they dump her in a bug incubator and demand we all pay the price.
110163   Bd6r   2020 Apr 21, 12:38pm  

ThreeBays says
Elderly care workers need hazmat suits if the outdoors is teeming with virus.

Or they should be closeted inside retirement homes w/extra pay during the pandemic.
110164   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 21, 12:39pm  

ThreeBays says
The elderly are getting the bug even with the full isolation we have.

110165   georgeliberte   2020 Apr 21, 1:41pm  

"‘[E]xtreme religious ideologues’ who question science and promote female subservience and white supremacy.”
110166   Hircus   2020 Apr 21, 1:47pm  

Prof. Elizabeth Bartholet is leading the charge against those who actively resist public schools and she believes that the generation currently being homeschooled is an eventual, if not active, breeding ground for racism, sexism, and isolationism.

Resisting woke101 is illegal. You will produce terrible children that don't conform to the metric of the wokeness comittee.

“Many homeschool precisely because they want to isolate their children from ideas and values central to public education and to our democracy. Many promote racial segregation and female subservience. Many question science. Many are determined to keep their children from exposure to views that might enable autonomous choice about their future lives,” she claims.

Everything raycist, sexist, homophobic etc...

“Homeschooling, she says, not only violates children’s right to a ‘meaningful education’ and their right to be protected from potential child abuse, but may keep them from contributing positively to a democratic society,” the article’s author reports.

Because the only "positive" way to contribute is the woke way, as dictated by woke101 in public schools.

“[S]urveys of homeschoolers show that a majority of such families (by some estimates, up to 90 percent) are driven by conservative Christian beliefs, and seek to remove their children from mainstream culture,” Harvard Magazine warns. “Bartholet notes that some of these parents are ‘extreme religious ideologues’ who question science and promote female subservience and white supremacy.”

Freedom of religion should not be in the constitution, as it conflicts with the wokeness metric.


Of course, this tool loves to list potential negatives of homeschooling, but doesn't dare list any negatives of public school.
110167   Karloff   2020 Apr 21, 2:06pm  

"How dare these people avoid our indoctrination camps!"
110168   Ceffer   2020 Apr 21, 2:30pm  

If these HonkeyFuck children can't learn with vicious, psychotic, hyperactive minorities beating them up every day and screaming in their ears in classes, while receiving a steady drip drip drip of State sponsored propaganda, then they don't deserve to learn.
110169   Bd6r   2020 Apr 21, 2:47pm  

yeah, and some of our left-leaning friends should now tell me why anyone should vote for the party which espouses and promotes such ideas and such idea-bearers
edit: and the womxn in question wants to remove choice that we have because DEMOCRACY, which seems to be an oxymoron
110170   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 21, 3:16pm  

ThreeBays says

People who care for them or live with them bringing it probably.

Wookie is right. Old people are stupidly stubborn as hell.
110171   NDrLoR   2020 Apr 21, 3:34pm  

ThreeBays says
The elderly
are more likely to be sick in the first place and by actuarial averages more likely to die than young people. It's always been that way.
110173   RWSGFY   2020 Apr 21, 6:29pm  

110174   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 21, 6:32pm  

That was a very boring trailer. What’s it about? A broken mechanical pinwheel?

He did better on Guantanamo one.

I was hoping to see reversal of planet of the apes with monkeys dying off and humans ruling it.
110175   Cash   2020 Apr 21, 6:40pm  

Perfect dream movie for Commie, Hopeless God Hating, Baby Killing libatards and demotards...
110176   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 21, 7:00pm  

georgeliberte says

This was funniest part:

“ "Parents are an outdated relic of a patriarchal society," said Dr. Pavlovix. "They are endangering our kids and need to be removed from the home immediately."
110177   NDrLoR   2020 Apr 21, 7:03pm  

OccasionalCortex says
homeschooling is a threat to children’s rights
It is a threat to a black child's right to a worthless "education" steeped in victimhood and pathology.
110178   NDrLoR   2020 Apr 21, 7:07pm  

"An unprecedented number of poorly educated kids arrive at college actually identifying with their biological sex," said Dr. Xindri Pavlovix. "It's a concerning trend. These kids aren't learning the basic difference between biological sex and gender expression or identity. I asked one of my male students what his gender identity and preferred pronouns were, and he just stared at me with a dumb look on his face. Unbelievable!"

"Unbelievable" is right--you wonder if it's only a parody, but with a name like "Dr. Xindri Pavlovix" I'm sure it's dead serious. I use "it's" because it's impossible to determine correct gender from such a name.
110179   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Apr 21, 7:46pm  

If home schooling promotes WS, it means parents are all WS, and therefore education department is not addressing their needs properly.
110180   mostly_reader   2020 Apr 21, 8:16pm  


If you care about accuracy of information that you spread, your bullshit radar should've gone up right there. See, these results are so very different from results of all other (also informal) experiments that you just can't help but wonder. This study doesn't just show "no effect". Instead, it shows more than double increase in mortality (wow!!). That's hard to explain by side effects because hydroxychloroquine is relatively safe (safer than chloroquine at least). Does the drug cooperate with the virus?! It's not clear whether the drug is effective, but harmful to the point of more then doubling death rate?? What's the deal here?

You may have asked yourself all that if you cared about accuracy of information that you spread.

I looked at the study, which immediately clarified things. There's crucial info missing: there's no indication why some patients where on hydroxychloroquine, while others weren't, and their respective conditions. Same hospital system, same protocols, and it wasn't a test for the drug because the analysis is retrospective. Why some patients were on it while others weren't?

My guess: those who were given hydroxychloroquine were in much worse condition to begin with. It was a "grasp-at-straw" situation, which would explain 1) why some people were on it while others weren't 2) higher death rate which doesn't really say much about the drug.

In absence of other information, I'd say: while situation with hydroxychloroquine is not clear, the "study" is indeed a solid garbage material.
110181   WookieMan   2020 Apr 21, 8:52pm  

NDrLoR says
ThreeBays says
The elderly
are more likely to be sick in the first place and by actuarial averages more likely to die than young people. It's always been that way.

That and this....

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
Old people are stupidly stubborn as hell

This isn't hyperbole. I've legit seen electric cart oldies with an oxygen tank in the basket rolling around the grocery store in the last 7 days. This is what we're shutting down for? The one fuck that drags it back to a nursing home or retirement community? Wipes out 70-80% of them in a week. This is where we're at.

I'd just wish some people would admit they just want to politicize this instead of lying out their asses. Crazy how so many people are such pussies because one man won an election. Let's just fucking politicize this 1,000% at this point for the losers that have their dick tucked between their legs.
110182   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Apr 21, 11:11pm  

Curious that you chose not to go with daily new cases which is more reliable and more current (death lags).

Basically as disingenuous as I acuse the msm of being, esp considering nearly every chart posted here has been daily new cases.
110183   Hircus   2020 Apr 21, 11:44pm  

110184   Hircus   2020 Apr 21, 11:49pm  

110185   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Apr 22, 5:26am  

Nonsensical analysis. The virus is supposed to spread so that folks can develop herd immunity. We know that deaths in Sweden are primarily amongst the sick, elderly population. The virus is not going away, Shall we all shelter in place forever?
110186   zzyzzx   2020 Apr 22, 6:22am  


Tissue sales help Kimberly-Clark beat quarterly results

Kimberly-Clark Corp said on Wednesday sales of tissue and toilet paper rose 13% in the first quarter as consumers stocked up in preparation for the coronavirus pandemic, helping the company beat Wall Street estimates for profit and sales.

The company, however, suspended its forecast for the year citing uncertainties caused by the health crisis that has killed at least 177,000 people globally, including over 45,000 in the United States.

Kimberly-Clark makes several pulp-based products, such as Cottonelle toilet paper, Kleenex facial tissue and Kotex feminine hygiene products, a majority of which, were in high demand as consumers stocked up before the lockdowns to curb the spread of the virus.

Volumes increased 14% in its consumer tissue segment with sales of $1.7 billion, the company said. Sales in the personal care business, that includes diapers and feminine hygiene products, rose 6% to $2.4 billion.

"We increased investments in our business and our market positions remain broadly healthy," Chief Executive Officer Mike Hsu said in a statement.

The company's shares rose 2% to $142 in trading before the bell.

Procter & Gamble Co , which also makes Pampers diapers and Charmin toilet papers, said it had seen a rise in demand for cleaning products including detergents and dish soaps as consumers stayed at home and did their laundry and dishes more often.

As demand rose, several supermarkets have limited purchases per customer and reduced hours as they struggle to stock up shelves.

Organic sales of Kimberly-Clark's consumer products, which exclude effects of currency fluctuations and acquisitions, rose 11% in North America.

"A combination of increased consumer demand for our products and strong execution by our teams is reflected in our first quarter results," Hsu said.

Total net sales for the three-months ended March 31 rose about 8% to $5.01 billion. Analysts were expecting sales of $4.89 billion, according to IBES data from Refinitiv.

Excluding one-time items, the company earned $2.13 per share, well above market estimate of $1.98.

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