VP Debate

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2020 Oct 7, 6:22pm   2,491 views  79 comments

by mell   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

First 20 minutes about Covid. 20 minutes wasted. Fuck these media whores let's talk about the economy instead.

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39   BoomAndBustCycle   2020 Oct 7, 10:45pm  

I still for the life of me don’t understand the concern Republicans have with overturning Roe V Wade, making gay marriage illegal again and making sure corporations continue getting treated like people!

I can get on board with big government vs small government fiscal debates... but apparently socially, Republicans want to be all up in everyone’s business.

I also find laughable that repealing Roe V Wade and outlawing gay marriage again will be good for the Republican Party moving forward. It’s the only leverage they have to keep the evangelicals on board... promising pro-lifers that no more babies will die at the hands of evil democrats.
40   richwicks   2020 Oct 7, 11:29pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
I still for the life of me don’t understand the concern Republicans have with overturning Roe V Wade, making gay marriage illegal again and making sure corporations continue getting treated like people!

Look, the majority of republicans don't want to overturn Roe V. Wade, even when they are against abortion - they aren't against outlawing it. They simply don't care about gay marriage, and neither do gay people - less than 10% of them get married.

I don't know anybody that supported Citizens United - that's what made corporations people when it was convenient.

The first two issues are just "wedge issues" - they are pointless distractions to keep a sense there is a difference between the left and the right at least in the leaderships of those. There isn't. Nobody cares about gay marriage, very few people want to ban abortion - but many (me included) would rather people use better birth control and if somebody chooses to get an abortion, do it as soon as possible. The later it's done, the worse it is to do it.
41   Patrick   2020 Oct 8, 1:03am  

The whole point of the media dividing the public with these wedge issues is to deflect attention away from outsourcing US factories to China.
42   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Oct 8, 4:21am  

Tenpoundbass says
Damn he crushed it!

On smooth transition of power.


that was great!
43   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Oct 8, 4:46am  

Maybe pointing out that Amy Klobuchar and Elzabeth Warren were excluded for consideration for the VP spot becuase of a race based standard applied by Joe, and how Harris seems to benefit not on the basis of merit, but on using her race or sexual favors to gain appointments.
44   WookieMan   2020 Oct 8, 4:57am  

I didn't watch. There's nothing that can change my mind and the only reason to watch would be to bash Democrats at this point. We already know their flaws and they've been pointed out. I know who I'm voting for and I'm onto the next thing at this point.

I feel like these debates need to happen much earlier. I don't think they move the needle at all this late in the game. If you're still undecided right now, you probably shouldn't be allowed to register to vote.
45   ignoreme   2020 Oct 8, 5:13am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
I still for the life of me don’t understand the concern Republicans have with overturning Roe V Wade

Because the courts can’t make up laws. Either we have 3 branches of government or we don’t.

The same judicial crap that gave us Rowe v Wade also gave us citizens United. You can’t be against one without being against the other.
46   ignoreme   2020 Oct 8, 5:27am  

And BTW, citizens United is supported by the constitution a lot better then Rowe v Wade.

Also, we should just get rid of all references to marriage in our laws. Make tax incentives, divorce, inheritance be based 100% on children.

We used to just use being married as a short hand for this, because if you got married you had children. But nowadays with many couples skipping this, I don’t see why they deserve any special protection. Extending these protections to gay couples who are even less likely to have children makes no sense.
47   HeadSet   2020 Oct 8, 7:28am  

Ceffer says
When the fly landed on Pence's head, he should have gone over to Kamala with a can of insecticide and sprayed it up her dress.

What a horrible and wrong thing to say. Kamala was wearing a pantsuit.
48   HeadSet   2020 Oct 8, 7:32am  

Also, we should just get rid of all references to marriage in our laws.

Yes, have a civil union with whomever you like, as a vehicle for inheritance, medical issues, and so on. Marriage is between people and their church.
50   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 8, 8:11am  

Tenpoundbass says
And that Goddamned voice of her's, it's grating.

51   Bd6r   2020 Oct 8, 8:26am  

NoCoupForYou says
Hassids with Trump flags protesting DeBlasio

@NoCoupForYou: do you know how Hasidim voted previously? Is this a change of their support?

And another funny one (unless it is a photoshop):

52   Ceffer   2020 Oct 8, 9:19am  

HeadSet says
Ceffer says
When the fly landed on Pence's head, he should have gone over to Kamala with a can of insecticide and sprayed it up her dress.

What a horrible and wrong thing to say. Kamala was wearing a pantsuit.

Should have sprayed it down her cleavage?
53   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Oct 8, 9:23am  

saw some of it. it was a very one sided moderation.

Kamala was allowed to finish every time. When Kamala did not answer the question (about green new deal)... nothing. But the moderator kept on pressing Mike Pence on everything. Honestly don't think that debate changed anyones opinion on anything. But it was pretty clear how one sided it was.
54   WookieMan   2020 Oct 8, 9:25am  

Ceffer says
Should have sprayed it down her cleavage?

She's not totally unattractive (voice aside) like Hilary was. Not sure why she wouldn't use that more to her advantage in all honesty. The shoulder pads and no cleavage don't get the blood flowing. Harris/Biden need male voters as Biden is a limp dick candidate. As I said, didn't watch, but in hindsight, surprised she didn't up the cleavage game. Opportunity lost.
55   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 8, 9:27am  

To show just how out of touch Demorats are, and their lack of History and understanding of the otherside's politics.

Last night Pence dinged Kamala over Biden plagiarizing Trump's policies.
After the debate all the dimfuck Media could find to ding Pence on was the fly landing on his forehead, which headset called spot on.
What the ignorant Commie bastards failed to catch, that Pence plagiarized Reagan twice without saying "To Quote Ronald Reagan, Kamala you are entitled to your opinions, but your are not entitled to your own facts."

It's petty I know, but it would have had more legs than the petty shit they are picking apart now. I bet they are afraid to bring it up, or their constituency would research Reagan and realize what a great President he was. In Spite of what the Commies have been telling them.
56   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Oct 8, 11:15am  

I subscribed to the free NYT daily fake-news email. This morning:
But there was also a problem with the vice-presidential debate: Pence repeatedly made statements that were either misleading or untrue. ... To be clear, both Pence and Harris also engaged in mild overstatement and rhetorical flourishes at times ... But Pence was far more dishonest.

Then we got a list. Here are some of the gems...

On day one, Joe Biden is going to raise your taxes,” Pence said. This is false: Biden has proposed tax increases only on households making more than $400,000 a year.
No mention of Harris/Biden explicitly stating they intend to overturn the Trump tax cuts, which would, indeed raise taxes on many.

Pence said he and Trump had a plan to “protect pre-existing conditions for every American.” The administration has repeatedly attempted to take health insurance away from Americans, and the number of uninsured people has risen during Trump’s presidency.
The number of uninsured having risen is a misleading statistic. Trump has (unfortunately) not succeeded in killing Obamacare. He has, however, gotten rid of the mandate, so that people which were previously forced to pay for it now have a choice; some have decided to use their money for something else. So the people losing their Obamacare are those that made their own personal decision to use their own money on something else. That's a clear win for personal freedom.

Pence said Trump revered members of the military. ... More recently, Trump has described Americans soldiers killed in war as “losers” and “suckers,” The Atlantic has reported.
Wow! Still flogging that hit-piece based on "anonymous sources" and debunked even by Trump enemies such as Bolton.

Pence said voting by mail created “a massive opportunity for voter fraud.” This contradicts all of the available evidence and history about mail voting.
Hilarious. There's little history on vote-by-mail because it's so obviously problematic that few other countries have even tried it on a country-wide basis. This country already has lax voter registration standards (to put it mildly); vote-by-mail is the best avenue to exploit people who are registered but not eligible.
58   Ceffer   2020 Oct 8, 11:55am  

Debate with turds, wake up with flies.
59   Onvacation   2020 Oct 8, 1:56pm  

Kamala suffers from the "peter principle". Don't promote her further.
60   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 8, 4:00pm  

It was a trained fly brought in by a terd wrangler from the shit farms on the streets of San Francisco.

61   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 8, 4:02pm  

All of my posts were disliked, that means the right people actually looked for them and read them.
I reach them one at a time.
62   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 8, 4:07pm  

Confirmed in the image above from Babylon Bee "evil" in the backdrop of Kamala.

63   Rin   2020 Oct 8, 4:10pm  

Oh no! Flies are reminiscent of the Amityville Horror.

Kamala sent in the demons to scare Pence out of the podium!
65   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 8, 8:40pm  

Dbr6 says
@NoCoupForYou: do you know how Hasidim voted previously? Is this a change of their support?

The Hassids voted moderate Dems in the past, but are moving towards Republicanism. I think getting close to 70% in Presidential now, though in NYC proper they vote for Dems because there are no Republicans to vote for. NYC Rep Dov Hikind is basically a Republican running as a Democrat.
66   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Oct 8, 8:52pm  

Booger says

telemundo is very conservative. liberals think they have hispanics, while hispanics cant stand liberals and their gay shit.
68   HeadSet   2020 Oct 9, 12:03pm  

The Hassids voted moderate Dems in the past, but are moving towards Republicanism.

I think that is because Republicans have moved to where moderate Dems used to be, while the Dems have moved far to the left. Trump himself is actually like an old Union Dem when he acts to bring manufacturing back home and curb illegal immigration. Remember when the AFL-CIO was anti-Communist, and even gave assistance to Solidarity to overthrow a Communist government in Poland.
69   anonymous   2020 Oct 10, 2:44am  

Patrick says
The whole point of the media dividing the public with these wedge issues is to deflect attention away from outsourcing US factories to China.

It was Nixon and Reagan who did that.
70   Patrick   2020 Oct 10, 9:58am  

Nixon started it with his famous trip to China, sure.

But it was really the Democrats who made a religion out of grievance studies, using resentments as a deliberately divisive distraction so that they could suck the cock of global capital for campaign cash.

And they thought they would get away with it forever. They thought they had perfectly corrupted and undermined democracy in the US. But their plan was foiled by the election of Donald Trump.

Democracy isn't dead yet, in spite of the Democrats' best efforts. Even after the election they furiously continued to try to subvert a legitimate election.
71   mell   2020 Oct 10, 10:15am  

Also who gives a fuck who started it, we need to focus on stopping it. Yeah both Dems and Repubs are massively guilty, but in recent years before Trump it has been mainly Democrat driven.
72   Misc   2020 Oct 11, 1:15am  

mell says
Also who gives a fuck who started it, we need to focus on stopping it. Yeah both Dems and Repubs are massively guilty, but in recent years before Trump it has been mainly Democrat driven.

... but further deregulating the Banksters come from all 3 sides the Dems, the Repubs and the Trumpers.
73   HeadSet   2020 Oct 11, 7:48am  

but further deregulating the Banksters come from all 3 sides the Dems, the Repubs and the Trumpers.

Deregulating the bankers is not the problem. The problem is bailout and government loan guarantees. Take away these backstops and the banks would have to be prudent.
74   mell   2020 Oct 11, 9:51am  

HeadSet says
but further deregulating the Banksters come from all 3 sides the Dems, the Repubs and the Trumpers.

Deregulating the bankers is not the problem. The problem is bailout and government loan guarantees. Take away these backstops and the banks would have to be prudent.

Right but one can make the argument that deregulation may make them go too wild in speculation and then they drag everybody down with then when they fail and don't get their expected bailout.
75   HeadSet   2020 Oct 11, 4:24pm  

Right but one can make the argument that deregulation may make them go too wild in speculation and then they drag everybody down with then when they fail and don't get their expected bailout.

True, but then they should be dealt with the way the Resolution Trust Company dealt with the S&L crises ("The Keating 5"). The speculators go bankrupt and have all remaining assets seized. Not the AIG type rescue where "If I take away their million dollar bonuses, they will not cooperate with the bailout."
76   SoTex   2020 Oct 11, 8:26pm  

HeadSet says
curb illegal immigration.

He's fucking Julio César Chávez. Gonzalez.
77   SoTex   2020 Oct 11, 8:27pm  

throwaway3437829 says
It was Nixon and Reagan who did that.

Bullshit, we only had leftist media when they were around. Lincoln killed off over 3K conservative media outlets during the civil war, put them in jail etc., It took over a century for them to come back.
78   SoTex   2020 Oct 11, 8:29pm  

Also: McCarthy was right!

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