"America's Forgotten" Pro Immigration Documentary Maker Flips Her Position on Illegal Immigration in the Face of Reality

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2020 Oct 17, 9:49pm   1,167 views  9 comments

by WillPowers   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Oct 15, 2020

Documentary maker, Namrata Singh Gujral, on her new film, “America’s Forgotten” says she started out making a pro-immigration film, and changed her mind when she really saw what it was like for immigrants to make a very long and arduous journey to get here.

The Daily Caller, Oct 15, 2020:

A [Democratic] director set out to make a documentary favoring illegal immigration and migrant caravans. But after investigating, Namrata Singh Gujral realized that illegal immigration actually harmed everyone involved, the director told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
“I set out to make a film that was going to be very pro-illegal immigration, pro-caravans, pro-migrants, that’s where I started. The film ended up completely different, and I think it was because I stuck with the investigation,” Gujral told the DCNF.
“I was at a crossroads. Do I tell the truth and go ahead and make the film or do I walk away from the film because it doesn’t agree with me or my industry?” Gujral told the DCNF. “I decided to stay truthful to my craft of filmmaking and tell the story as I saw it without bias or preconceived notions.”

Gujral said the turning point for her was when she went to India to search for the grandfather of a girl named Gurupreet Kaur, who died in the Arizona desert while trying to illegally immigrate to the U.S.
Gujral went to the same home and sat in the same marble-floored room where a CNN reporter previously conducted an interview with Gurupreet’s grandfather. She saw no signs of violence or poverty or persecution in the neighborhood.
Gurupreet’s father lived in New York while his asylum case was pending, according to CNN. His lawyer said he was “from a religious minority and he was fleeing persecution,” and a lawyer for her mother said she was also seeking asylum, CNN reported.
Gujral told the DCNF that CNN did not ask about poverty, persecution or violence in the neighborhood “because none of them exist there. Why would a reporter whose job is to report the truth go there and not even question it?”

The CNN report did not provide details regarding the claim that Gurupreet’s father faced religious persecution.
“There’s something more here than meets the eye and what I’m reading in mainstream media, and I just need to follow up with the story more and find the truth for myself,” Gujral told the DCNF.
Gujral said that when Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Michigan Democrat, blamed the Trump administration for separating families at the border, she felt compassion for them. Now, she wonders why “that mother who brought her child through this harrowing experience who really didn’t need to leave where she was because there was no poverty, persecution or violence, should not be held accountable for putting her child through this?”
An illegal immigrant from Mexico, Maria Garcia, came to the U.S. to study, she said in the film. Maria said that she and other women and children were raped and abused by cartel members acting as coyotes, people who smuggle immigrants across the border.

Maria said the cartel promoted a warped version of America where everyone was successful and rich. She said the cartels sold her multiple times until a K-9 at the border was alerted to the car. Border patrol agents found her and another woman in the trunk, she said in the film.
Once she got to the U.S., she said she worked a job for $1.50 an hour, though it would pay an American worker just over $6 an hour. She said she sent her wages back to her family.
“On either side of the fence, illegal immigration is a bad idea, period,” Gujral told the DCNF. She said no one wins except for the “coyotes, the corporations and maybe the politicians.”
Gujral said that Americans need to do more to educate themselves on the issues.

For the FULL article: https://dailycaller.com/2020/10/15/illegal-immigration-documentary-americas-forgotten/

And SEEING THIS DOCUMENTARY will be a good start on THAT EDUCATION for people who still think illegal immigration is just fine and dandy. As Tim Pool says in this podcast, and I paraphrase, In most cases, it is best for immigrants to stay where they are, until a legal pathway to citizenship opens up, which is a lot safer and not fraught with as many dangers. Why subject themselves, their families, their children to make the perilous journey and risk jumping out of the frying pan into the fire perhaps.

Tim Pool Podcast:

Democrats Tries To Make Pro Illegal Immigration Documentary, Learns Truth, Now Will Vote TRUMP
Oct 17, 2020


Comments 1 - 9 of 9        Search these comments

1   AD   2020 Oct 17, 10:41pm  


Its about a demographics war. Just look at not only Arizona (besides the exodus of Democrat voters from California into the state) but also the birthrate of Hispanic children born in Arizona of undocumented parents. Look at Utah now as far as the increase in the Hispanic population.

Manassas, Virginia went through this back around 1999 and Stonewall Jackson High School there went from producing some of the best test scores for math, reading, and writing in the DC suburbs to one of the worst in Virginia over the course of 20 years. The DC suburbs of Northern Virginia was about 58% Republican back in 1999. Now it is about 65% Democrat.

The demographics war via immigration is meant for the Democrats to gain control over at least 2/3's of the states. Once this happens, then a Constitution convention can occur, and there is nothing stopping the one-party state (Democrats) from "fundamentally changing" the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

2   e457   2020 Oct 18, 12:12am  

Few years back I met Indian catholic couple from my hometown Mumbai. while chaperone them around Santa Clara I got to know there story .They had good life back in Mumbai, they were just starting to enjoy post retirement life with friends and family. They had recently acquired sibling sponsored GC & were under enormous family pressure to immigrate. Church network had put them in Santa Clara mission housing, but without their friends and social support system life was miserable. I have seen similar situation with old Indian parents who have immigrated here.. its very difficult & emotional to journey to leave place where build a life for 50+ year and then go start over again as glorified domestic help!

Immigration in USA is wrong on multiple levels one aspect which is not talked about is the whole idea of "wining a golden ticket" a lottery. where benevolent family or employer sponsors you and you should always be indebted and pay your dues!.

as professionals on patnet for good reason H1b get discussed a lot. I was also recipient of H1b from "benevolent" employer and politicians who don't want to fix it or have a objective debate about it. Apart from H1b .. there are issues other professional visa as well for e.g. L1 visa a favorite of "multinational managers" can't find better oxymoron. and professional priest visas eb4 where there are more than 30K GC backlog for South American priest
3   stereotomy   2020 Oct 18, 9:50am  

e457 says
Few years back I met Indian catholic couple from my hometown Mumbai. while chaperone them around Santa Clara I got to know there story .They had good life back in Mumbai, they were just starting to enjoy post retirement life with friends and family. They had recently acquired sibling sponsored GC & were under enormous family pressure to immigrate. Church network had put them in Santa Clara mission housing, but without their friends and social support system life was miserable. I have seen similar situation with old Indian parents who have immigrated here.. its very difficult & emotional to journey to leave place where build a life for 50+ year and then go start over again as glorified domestic help!

Immigration in USA is wrong on multiple levels one aspect which is not talked about is the whole idea of "wining a golden ticket" a lottery. where benevolent family or employer sponsors you and you should always be indebted and pay your dues!.

as professionals on patn...

The current mess that is the U.S. immigration system serves no one. Neither the people of the U.S., nor the the legal or illegal immigrants, who are sold a fraudulent bill of goods. We need an immigration policy that supports the goal of building a better U.S. for everyone, rather than enriching the 0.001%.
4   HeadSet   2020 Oct 18, 1:13pm  

We need an immigration policy that supports the goal of building a better U.S. for everyone

We already have that in place, just need to enforce the laws as written.
5   Robert Sproul   2020 Oct 18, 3:04pm  

HeadSet says
the laws as written.

The Immigration Act of 1965.
Brought to you by the Well Intentioned Folks who can’t Help but Fuck Shit Up.
This article is a decent mea culpa from some of those same kind of folks at The Atlantic.
“In the subsequent half century, the pattern of U.S. immigration changed dramatically. The share of the U.S. population born outside the country tripled and became far more diverse. Seven out of every eight immigrants in 1960 were from Europe; by 2010, nine out of ten were coming from other parts of the world. The 1965 Immigration Act was largely responsible for that shift. No law passed in the 20th century altered the country’s demographic character quite so thoroughly. But its effects were largely inadvertent. The law’s biggest impact on immigration patterns resulted from provisions meant to thwart its ability to change much at all.”

I watched this all play out in real time throughout my adult life. Everybody acted like it was just the way the world worked, nothing to be done.
6   WillPowers   2020 Oct 18, 10:30pm  

ad says

The demographics war via immigration is meant for the Democrats to gain control over at least 2/3's of the states. Once this happens, then a Constitution convention can occur, and there is nothing stopping the one-party state (Democrats) from "fundamentally changing" the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

Republicans must convince immigrants, if the flow of illegal immigration continues under Trump...

SEE Project Veritas video on border, security: https://www.projectveritas.com/investigation/border-security-investigations/

and while Trump has built 341 miles (10/18/20) of the wall, with 516 + miles to go...

SEE: https://www.trumpwall.construction/

...it is clear we must do something with the overwhelming # of illegal immigrants that are already here, which could be as many as 20 million or more...

SEE: https://thehill.com/latino/407848-yale-mit-study-22-million-not-11-million-undocumented-immigrants-in-us

Pew Research low balls on the # of illegals. It estimates the # of illegal immigrants "living in the U.S. in 2018," made "up 13.7% of the nation’s population. This represents a more than fourfold increase since 1960, when 9.7 million immigrants lived in the U.S., accounting for 5.4% of the total U.S. population." Obviously today those numbers are a lot higher and the # of illegals could account for at least 10% of the U.S. population.

SEE: https://www.pewresearch.org/hispanic/2020/08/20/facts-on-u-s-immigrants/

So Republicans need to, in my humble opinion, they need to reach out to the immigrant community and take votes away from the Democrat Party, by exposing it's corruption, prosecuting their criminal behavior for once, have a strong leader, as we do in Trump, who reaches out to all people of every race and tries to make everyone's life better and by doing so takes votes away from the Dems, who do no good for anyone, accept the corporations and China.


Biden campaign slogan.

TRUMP! Four More Years!
7   HeadSet   2020 Oct 19, 11:06am  

So Republicans need to, in my humble opinion, they need to reach out to the immigrant community and take votes away from the Democrat Party,

Legal immigrants are nothing like illegal immigrants. Legal immigrants may even be more anti-illegals than the population at large. Appealing to illegals is insane, since they cannot vote. And if the illegals are fraudulently voting, then it will not matter since these votes will be co-opted by Dems.
8   WillPowers   2020 Oct 20, 4:21pm  

HeadSet says
if the illegals are fraudulently voting, then it will not matter since these votes will be co-opted by Dems.

You may be right, a big waste of time, but I don't believe you can ever thrown it the towel.
These illegals need to be thrown out of the country or converted to our way of thinking.
9   RWSGFY   2020 Oct 21, 11:21am  

WillPowers says
You may be right, a big waste of time, but I don't believe you can ever thrown it the towel.
These illegals need to be thrown out of the country or converted to our way of thinking.

How can they be converted to our way of thinking when we think they should be thrown out?

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