Hunter Biden’s sex tape

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2020 Oct 14, 8:40am   10,061 views  221 comments

by Shaman   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Apparently a waterlogged laptop was dropped off at a computer repair shop in Delaware by someone who never came back for it. The FBI seized it but not before the store owner copied the hard drive and gave a copy to Giuliani!
On the drive is an email that shows clearly that Biden met with a guy from the Burisma board right before he pressured the Ukrainian government (by withholding a billion in aid money) to FIRE the special prosecutor who was investigating Burisma for corruption.

Oh and it had a sex tape with Hunter Biden smoking crack and pounding a prostitute!


C’mon man!

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112   BoomAndBustCycle   2020 Oct 23, 11:47pm  

Tenpoundbass says
I have a feeling there's going to be all hell breaking lose tomorrow. Biden's status as a candidate will be in doubt by this time tomorrow.

It’s 24 hours and still nothing been released... they almost always drop big news before the weekend. Must all be bullshit.
113   CBOEtrader   2020 Oct 24, 9:21am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
awaiting moderation

lol did someone censor the afuck?
114   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 24, 9:31am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
It’s 24 hours and still nothing been released... they almost always drop big news before the weekend. Must all be bullshit.

You're gloating over the wrong thing. You're gloating over a two tier Justice system. One that blames Ivanka and Jared for the Corona pandemic in NYC, but sees no issue with all of the Crimes uncovered on Biden, Hillary, Obama, the crooked DOJ under Obama and his now holdovers.

I think you need to face it, that if Hillary can kill 80 connected to her alleged wrong doing, and corruption, either investigating allegations, are were fact witnesses.

Then there's not a bomb big enough to get the DOJ to move.

You're waiting for the wrong shoe to drop. I'm waiting on Judges and DOJ, and FBI people to do the perp walk first, then we'll see the other long over due indictments.

Had it been uncovered back in 2016 that Don Jr. was doing everything they were claiming Donald Trump was doing, in regards to Russia and dirty money. Trump would have been disqualified from running. And would have gotten in legal trouble for not disclosing those connections.

Justice is coming, it might be long and bloody, and looks like a Civil war where most of the people you love and cherish gets killed. Or we can do it the right way, if we all hope and champion or Justice, Legal and Political system works as intended.

Which one you champion is up to you.

But none of this shit will just be swept away and we all return back to normal, should Joe win.
115   ignoreme   2020 Oct 24, 3:48pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
they almost always drop big news before the weekend. Must all be bullshit.

They drop big news that they don’t want people to hear on Friday. People don’t pay attention on the weekend and the story is old by Monday.
116   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 24, 5:29pm  

Steve and Rudy are playing it smart. They saw what happened to Andrew Breitbart. Can't kill them and stop the Chinese from Releasing it. All they can do know is panic, wont do no good killing anyone to stop it.

117   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 24, 5:34pm  

Here's the deal, the Democrats are go to call foul, and say it's Chinese disinformation. But the FBI already has this information and can verify that it is real. And more importantly use it as the Crap Hammer to smash the FBI, DOJ, NSA bad Actors that has had this information for a year now, and watched Trump being abused by a weaponized malicious Congressional Committee hearings. They could have stopped it, combined with Crossfire Hurricane, and the bogus Mueller investigation. Cleaning out the people in Washington that has power to keep covering for criminals, and keeping their cases from coming to light, are all about to go down in flames.
118   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 24, 5:38pm  

This is allegedly the group that is working with Bannon/Rudy. The group that is trying to establish a new freedom/liberation/people's party in China. Bidengate LaptopFromHell
At the end of it - it talks about how compromised government politicians are - around the world. It says “it doesn’t matter what country you come from, what ethnicity or color you are, or what party you belong to. The next person to be abused may be your daughter, wife, sister!!

120   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 24, 6:11pm  

Here's the source of every drop that will be reported, see it here first. Already a lot of uncensored images up there.

121   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 24, 7:11pm  

There's over 10,000 images coming out.

123   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 24, 7:37pm  

Chris Coons daughter is the one from this famous pic:

124   richwicks   2020 Oct 24, 8:36pm  

Tenpoundbass says
There's over 10,000 images coming out.

Come on, that appears to be very photoshopped. There's going to be a ton of fake pictures to try to detract from the real ones. The picture just above this post, that's real.
125   HeadSet   2020 Oct 24, 9:18pm  

Come on, that appears to be very photoshopped.

Very true, but even so, these pictures even if real are just a decoy. The real issue is Joe Biden laundering bribes through his kids. "Hey Biden, take this no show job at Burisma, just give me 10% of the take, and keep the rest." Reminds me of how Bill Clinton decoyed everyone with the Monica affair and distracted any examinations into real crimes, like the tech transfer to China. If everyone goes after the "bad son sex tapes Hunter" no one will go after the Joe Biden Ukrainian, Chinese, and Moscow bribes.
126   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 24, 9:44pm  

Here comes the Ashley Biden Diary.

Taking this one with a grain of salt.

Will be wild if the craziest Q shit turned out to be true.
127   Ceffer   2020 Oct 24, 10:23pm  

Supposedly for years there were senators and congress people who young women employees were told to avoid being alone with at all costs, and Biden was in the top three. The grabbing would start almost right away.

Even mentioning Biden got eye rolls from those in the know. Of course, we have photographic evidence on the public stage that he can't control himself.

It wouldn't be surprising if there were extreme sexual dysfunction in his immediate family when the boundaries are so far gone. Plus, Biden is a full blown sociopath. Involving his own children in sex probably would not have phased him. Nothing much has ever been said about Joe's drug or alcohol use, which certainly would have erased any boundaries since he seems to be a grabber when stone sober. Of course, if Bill Clinton did a couple of tours in rehab due to cocaine abuse, and they kept it secret, who knows?

it just makes Joe the perfect puppet politician, due the political principle of assured mutual blackmail.
129   Ceffer   2020 Oct 24, 11:16pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Taking this one with a grain of salt.

Hunter's a goner for sure, but, yeah, these other things are in the 'reserve judgment' category until proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
130   HeadSet   2020 Oct 25, 7:16am  

Biden is a senile man with a history of corruption who should be in jail and not President. But I see the "sex tapes" moving the national narrative from:

Biden has sold his authority to people in China, Moscow, and Ukraine, while laundering the graft payments through his children.

To This:
Biden is the unfortunate parent of a male Paris Hilton, and Hunter is not running for President.
131   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 25, 9:18am  

HeadSet says
Biden is a senile man with a history of corruption who should be in jail and not President. But I see the "sex tapes" moving the national narrative from:

Biden has sold his authority to people in China, Moscow, and Ukraine, while laundering the graft payments through his children.

To This:
Biden is the unfortunate parent of a male Paris Hilton, and Hunter is not running for President.

Irregardless Joe Biden will never be giving Security Clearance, he's compromised. If this were any other candidate ,not so closely connected Barack Jive Ass Mother Fucker Obama, they would have scrapped the election. Or came up with some emergency candidate replacement act in the Democrat controlled congress.
132   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 25, 9:19am  

I'm just amazed how many people's kids Hunter went after. Here's Milak Obama

133   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 25, 9:20am  

This is his Sister

134   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 25, 9:21am  

This one is his neice

136   HeadSet   2020 Oct 25, 10:02am  

That stuff with Malia Obama is what can get you killed.
137   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 25, 10:07am  

Joe Biden and his first wife, Neilia, had 3 children: Hunter, Beau and Naomi. In 1972, Neilia and Naomi, died in a car accident. Joe eventually married a woman named Jill.
He knew her because she had been Hunter's babysitter at the time of the car accident. THAT seems normal - marry the babysitter. They had a daughter named Ashley. Ashley lives 'a quiet life' and is frequently in and out of rehab for various substance abuse issues.
The sanest, most normal one of the 3 kids, Beau, dies in 2015 from a brain tumor. He was married to Hallie and they had 2 children, a boy and a girl named Natalie, who was 11 yrs old when her dad died.
Enter Hunter in 2015, to "comfort" his brother's widow. Hunter is married to Kathleen since 1993. He starts screwing around with his dead brother's wife in 2015. Kathleen finds out about it and they separate. Hunter moves in with his dead brother's wife and her two kids and they have a grand old time. He's divorced from Kathleen in 2017.
Meanwhile, he starts screwing around with a stripper, while shacking up with his dead brother's wife before his divorce is finalized, and gets the stripper pregnant. Hallie kicks his ass to the curb for this indiscretion in 2018. He denies the stripper's baby is his, tho a paternity test proves otherwise and eventually he marries a woman named Melissa in 2019 after knowing her for 6 days.
Enter the laptop from hell; loaded with emails, text messages, photos, child porn, videos, & other sordid digital images of drug use and rampant weirdness.
Hunter dropped the laptop off in Delaware to get it repaired. He neglects to pay the $85. repair fee and the laptop became the repair shop owner's property for non-payment.
When the owner saw what was on it, he was so disturbed that he contacted the FBI. No response. The DOJ? No response. Eventually, it landed in Giuliani's possession and he turned it over to the Delaware State Police. There's quite a lot of child porn on there; much of it involving children on Hunter's many trips to China.
Millions were paid to Hunter for favors with the US Govt while Joe was VP under Obama.
For 8 years Hunter made the contacts and split the money with his father, referred to as the "Big Guy".
Biden sold out his country and used his meth head son to do it.
Emails were released between Beau's widow, Hallie, and Joe in 2017 and more in 2018 when she and Hunter were still living together. They were casually talking about the continual "sexually inappropriate behavior" she had witnessed from Hunter toward her 14 year old daughter, Natalie, HIS NIECE. No one went to the police and the abuse escalated. Among the pics of Hunter having sex with young Asian children, there were hundreds of pics of a 14 year old girl, mainly topless, and hundreds more of Hunter in sexual poses with her, HIS NIECE.
She was 14 yrs old and HE WAS 48.
No wonder Obama REFUSED to endorse Joe as the DNC candidate until he was the last man standing.
138   Patrick   2020 Oct 25, 10:08am  


U.S.—As the presidential election looms, experts expect more dirty tricks from both major party campaigns. And now officials are warning of a growing plot to influence the election by asking Joe Biden questions.

“There is a plot now to publicly confront Joe Biden with difficult questions he may have a hard time answering,” warned James Moss, who works in intelligence. “We don’t know if this is from homegrown or foreign agents, but they seem to think putting out factual information about Joe Biden could sway the election toward Trump. And everyone has to work hard against that.”
139   HeadSet   2020 Oct 25, 10:21am  

No wonder Obama REFUSED to endorse Joe as the DNC candidate until he was the last man standing.

And if those screenshots from your other post of Hunter with Obama's daughter Malia are true, then I wonder what wrath Obama has for Biden now.
140   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 25, 10:36am  

What is it with people with big schlongs, like fucking everything but the Clam.

142   mell   2020 Oct 25, 11:29am  

Tenpoundbass says
What is it with people with big schlongs, like fucking everything but the Clam.

Many womyn hurt from big dicks, esp. starting after getting married.
143   BayArea   2020 Oct 25, 11:59am  

I’m seeing very little in the media about this.
144   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Oct 25, 12:04pm  

NPR, which covered the Russian Collusion for 4 years and spent weeks on two separate occasions on the Veterans at Normandy anon smear, says this isn't a story.
145   HeadSet   2020 Oct 25, 1:30pm  

BayArea says
I’m seeing very little in the media about this.

Correct. There will be a media blackout until after the election. Then, if Biden wins these stories will suddenly bloom to get Biden to step down for Kamala to be President.
146   SoTex   2020 Oct 25, 5:14pm  

Hunter Biden fucked Malia Obama. ha ha ha ha ha!
147   Ceffer   2020 Oct 25, 7:10pm  

Joe Biden's daughter Ashley is a nymphomaniac who has been having sex with her friends since at least 12 yo and took showers with Daddy. ha ha ha ha ha!

Ashley 'Blazer' LOL!
148   Patrick   2020 Oct 25, 7:22pm  

Tenpoundbass says
What is it with people with big schlongs, like fucking everything but the Clam.

I don't get it either. Feet? Why?
149   HeadSet   2020 Oct 25, 7:24pm  

Ceffer says
Joe Biden's daughter Ashley is a nymphomaniac who has been having sex with her friends since at least 12 yo and took showers with Daddy. ha ha ha ha ha!

I presume that Ashley is Hunter's sister in the pic above that is showing her having sex with her brother.
150   Ceffer   2020 Oct 25, 7:57pm  

There was one pic that showed a pic of Ashley's rings, and they looked the same as in one of the photos of female hand reaching into butt when female and Hunter were laying around naked.

Of course, that might be purely circumstantial.

i guess the Biden family could star in all of those PornHub incest fantasy porns, which seem to be extremely common.
151   Ceffer   2020 Oct 25, 8:03pm  

I guess Trump is a believer that revenge is best served piping hot. However, none of this stuff matters until they get the goods on Joe, himself, and it seems they have it. Then, that doesn't matter unless somebody prosecutes, which these days with Deep (Shallow) State, seems to have an ice cube's chance in hell.

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