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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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112967   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Nov 4, 9:48am  

Who is this turd?^^^^^

I recognize the screen name but no posts in nearly a decade on this account and now a flood of troll posts.
112968   krc   2020 Nov 4, 9:48am  

mell says
Not true, it depends on the margin, if 10s of thousands or lss than 10s of thousands of votes matter, it's actually rather easy, on both sides. Generally though elections have been won by wider margins before 2016 (with the exception of boosh v. gore) so it didn't matter.

Exactly. Fraud of a few thousand votes can easily change the course of a nation. What is fraud? It also includes counting ballots that should be ineligible to be counted as well as direct fraud. Fraud is actually easy and DEM state legislatures made it easier: no signature verification, no post mark needed to determine ballot submission, etc...

This is another reason why it is important to have party control of the state legislatures as well.

But this could be good news long term. Just as democrats lead the way in subverting the electoral process, republicans can and should do the same.
112969   RWSGFY   2020 Nov 4, 9:50am  

Nomograph says
Orchestrated voter fraud is a myth.

Yep. We even have a thread denouncing that very myth: https://patrick.net/post/1335847/2020-10-30-voter-fraud-is-myth
112970   zzyzzx   2020 Nov 4, 9:55am  

Seriously does this even seem possible all new votes and all of them for Biden only:

112971   socal2   2020 Nov 4, 10:00am  

Nomograph says
That would be interesting indeed. Unfortunately, these grand conspiracy theories turn out to be false almost 100% of the time.

Conspiracy theories tend to collapse under the weight of their own complexity.

Yet the majority of Democrats still think Trump is a Russian agent despite 3 years of investigations and impeachment totally absolving him.

Perception is hard to shake.

Everyone will know that Biden and his crack-head son are corrupt beyond all measure.
112972   clambo   2020 Nov 4, 10:07am  

My friend voted by mail.
His signature will be determined by a person in the County building to be his, or it’s thrown out.
WHO works in our County building?
Democrats exclusively, and Mexicans generally.
What could possibly go wrong?
112973   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 4, 10:13am  

Nomograph says
The evidence for widespread election or voter fraud in this election is summarized below:

Here it is:

Not even San Francisco is 100% Biden.
112974   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 4, 10:17am  

krc says
More importantly were the MI rule changes that prevented counting of mail in ballots prior to election day. Why? Because you need to know how much you want to make up.

Exactly, it's not coincidence that the states the Dems knew might be close didn't do what every other state did, which was to count the ballots when they came in and recount them all on election day and put them in the moment the polls closed, officially.

Shit, Florida had a running tally.

Nomograph says
Interesting. What is the source of that graphic? Is if from the Wisconsin election officials? I'm not able to independently verify that.

538, it says right on the bottom. 538 takes the results direct from the state.
112975   mell   2020 Nov 4, 10:23am  

It will be a lame duck presidency either way with the powers so divided.
112976   Onvacation   2020 Nov 4, 10:26am  

Nomograph says
Conspiracy theories tend to collapse under the weight of their own complexity.

Kind of like WTC7.
112977   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Nov 4, 10:26am  

Looks like Biden will win with at least 270.
112978   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 4, 10:28am  

Isn't it amazing that TWO restarted early in the morning and suddenly, this statistical impossibility not only happened in Wisconsin, but in Michigan too!

It's a miracle! Two statistical impossibilities in the same night, both in Democratic States where the vote was going for the Republican Candidate bigly!
112979   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Nov 4, 10:28am  

QAnon is a group that fights pedophilia, that's all it is. Rest is just Democrats trying to make shit up about it to make it look stupid. Reality is that there are pedophiles, and they need to be shot.
112980   Onvacation   2020 Nov 4, 10:30am  

You probably believe in global warming too.
112981   Onvacation   2020 Nov 4, 10:32am  

And Biden never asked the Ukrainians to fire the investigator of his corrupt son.
112982   krc   2020 Nov 4, 10:32am  

Nomograph says
7. Trump era goes down in US history as one of the most unpredictable, bizarre, and most failed presidencies in modern history.

Doubtful. I think history will show that Trump was most representative of the middle class and quite successful in his accomplishments.
1) No wars.
2) Reform of NAFTA. New trade agreements. Not reflexively "free trade" as both parties had been for decades now (since Clinton on DEM party).
3) Removed US from the climate accords that were punishing to the US but conciliatory to China
4) First to push back against China for dumping and other trade issues (IP, etc..).
5) Saw the importance of pushing through judicial nominees at all levels.
6) Efficiency of pro-tump vote/$ spent.
7)Border security and attempt at immigration reform.

Where he failed was coming up with a good Obama care replacement.

Can't wait for the DEMs to destroy the supreme court,. DEMS now saying the supreme court is "too political" but it has always been so. Changing the court depending on who controls the senate and executive (one party) will further erode the myth that the SC is unbiased and a-poilitical.

No one wants to admit it, but many of Trump's policies were old school "left" aka FK, etc..

As to Russian interface - back to old school fear tactics "the russian's are coming!" Haha...
112983   zzyzzx   2020 Nov 4, 10:35am  

Looks like Iwog is back. Your not fooling anyone.
112984   zzyzzx   2020 Nov 4, 10:36am  

112985   Onvacation   2020 Nov 4, 10:38am  

We needed some liberals posting here.
112986   zzyzzx   2020 Nov 4, 10:38am  

112987   clambo   2020 Nov 4, 10:39am  

Nomograph, I’m saying that there is room for mischief and it’s not going to be against Biden voters in my county.

There of course will never be proof for mischief if it’s done well.
112988   zzyzzx   2020 Nov 4, 10:42am  

112989   zzyzzx   2020 Nov 4, 10:45am  

2020's equivalent of a hanging chad!
112990   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Nov 4, 10:49am  

Nomograph says
However, the Muller investigation did conclusively prove attempted Russian influence in our election process. They do this largely by creating fake news articles and inflammatory memes on social media, which certain folks seem to lap up as the gospel truth.

• Yet nobody as pointed to specific memes or os social media activity and said: See, this gave Trump 250k votes.
• Muller investigation (or any other investigation) did not prove that the supposed Russian influence actually benefited Trump. Seriously, why would Russians want Trump elected? Bill and Hillary had already been paid off ("donntations" to Clinton Foundation; $500k "speaking fees") and, presumably, Russia has kept details on file just in case they need some extra blackmail persuasion.
• Hm.... it's somehow Trump's fault about something Russia did in 2015 or 2016? That sounds like Obama's fault.
112991   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 4, 10:52am  

You do realize, that if anything about last night's Somalian Operative Ballot Dump was on the up and up, they would have called Minnesota and Michigan last night?

There are a few red districts still not counted. If the fraud is allowed, and there will be no voting integrity. Im sure Trump can produce 3 million votes, since laws and rules don't apply. Nice of your butt hurt ass to come back around when you think Trump might lose. Nice fantasy, but it wont be that easy. Either we have rules and laws, or the Republicans have to be better at cheating. That's the lesson we learned in 2018. Now we wait and see just how much we have to cheat to beat the Commie Muslim Shit Finger Cheat.

Welcome to the new Democracy Dill Hole! It's as easy as Pie, just look away while we whip up some votes.

What? YOU Think Liberals in Blue States are the only Retards, that can't get their shit together to vote on time, and conduct an election in a timely manner?
You have seen a trailer park haven't you? We've got fuck ups, that can fuck Democrat's shit up Ten Ways to Sunday.
Enjoy the ride!
112992   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Nov 4, 10:53am  

5. Trump refuses to aid in traditional transfer of power activities.

Maybe Trump should repay the "help" he received from the Obama administration.
112993   socal2   2020 Nov 4, 10:53am  

Nomograph says
However, the Muller investigation did conclusively prove attempted Russian influence in our election process. They do this largely by creating fake news articles and inflammatory memes on social media, which certain folks seem to lap up as the gospel truth.

Just imagine if the Russians could corrupt all of our polling showing Trump 10+ points ahead like all the garbage push polls we saw all year!
112994   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Nov 4, 10:53am  

Nomograph says
However, the Muller investigation did conclusively prove attempted Russian influence in our election process. They do this largely by creating fake news articles and inflammatory memes on social media, which certain folks seem to lap up as the gospel truth.

Yes they do, and guess what most of it is? It's all the leftist stuff about Equity and Diversity. BLM (self proclaimed) marxist organization. Guess whose side Russia is promoting this election? Anti police message is coming from propaganda. And who supports that message? Democrats.

Foreign propaganda works, it's all legal, it's perfectly legitimate unfortunately, because spamming propaganda to leftists who then take up the arms is not against the law.
112995   Onvacation   2020 Nov 4, 10:55am  

I mean progressives. It's fun to mock their idiocracy.
112996   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 4, 10:55am  

Also the Barr and Durham report drops and all of the Democrat congress ends up in Jail, as does Biden and Hillary Clinger'on.

You do know Trump is a genius don't you?

Liberals didn't want any legal problems meddling with the election. They didn't say anything about meddling with their election steal.
112997   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 4, 11:00am  

The incumbents never lose election disputes. Never!

It's like possession is 9/10ths of the law. If the Demorats would have won, the election would have been called by 1:30am last night.

Every Democrat that asked me if we would accept the results agreed when I told them, that if Donald is blown out by 1:30am then I would accept it. But if the counts are delayed or they come up with late night 10's and 100's thousands of mystery ballots, that only went to Democrats, then absolutely not. They agreed with that sentiment.

I blame Trump for letting them get away with last election, and not making such a fucking loud stink about it, they would have been gun shy to pull all of the shit they pulled this election.

Fucking Democrats, they can't even win an election out right free and clear, like Obama did twice. They know they lost and the election is being taken over by Commie Muslim but fuckers, that wipe their shit asses with their fucking fingers.
112998   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 4, 11:00am  

Ask Gap Tooth Abrams how election disputes go.

112999   krc   2020 Nov 4, 11:04am  

Nomograph says
Where he failed was providing strong leadership in the face of numerous challenges. Instead, he devolved into victim rants, divisive tweets, and conspiracy theories. He lost the confidence of both Wall Street and Main Street.

Disagree. He was stymied by the media which is all far left - true. But that also motivated his base, so it was a political calculation as well. He has never lost the confidence of either Wall Street or Main Street. He never had the media and the political elites from the beginning. Biden also had the money - so he essentially bought every vote with a high dollar value vs Trump. Hillary spent about 2:1 vs trump. This will be more like 2.5-3:1. And he had to fight polls basically telling his supporters to just give up. How much did that suppress the Trump vote? Probably enough for Biden to sneak in.

Trump is a fighter for sure.

Whatever, though. I think historians are going to look at accomplishments, and he did a lot whether you agree with him or not.

REP is picking up seats in house and likely will hold the Senate. How did Trump loose then? Only through the typical machinations of the left in changing the rules in Sep/Oct legislatively in the states they controlled. REPs did not do the same and are paying for that with a loss in AZ.
113000   WookieMan   2020 Nov 4, 11:04am  

Nomograph says
I was a user here over a decade ago but I left because the site, in my opinion, lost its way. I'm only back for a special guest appearance :)

How did it lose it's way? Any link or fact to back up your opinion would be helpful. The site has changed, but as an old time user I'd be enlighten to know what you think. I think it's fine. Leans more right and I know that people's feelings get hurt by that, but I wouldn't consider that the site "losing its way" as you say. It's just different.
113001   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Nov 4, 11:09am  

clambo says
My friend voted by mail.
His signature will be determined by a person in the County building to be his, or it’s thrown out.
WHO works in our County building?
Democrats exclusively, and Mexicans generally.
What could possibly go wrong?

That's not as bad a Pennsylvania, which passed a law where signatures don't matter at all:
113002   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 4, 11:13am  

Nomograph says
Hmmm, I see an identical jump for Trump earlier in this same graph. Was Trump committing fraud so then Sleep Joe had to one-up him later?

Nope, look at the time - that was in person voting in rural/suburban counties just after work, and Trump was already leading. And it was a blow out in many of them, 15-20%

In the Early Morning, 138k absentee votes, almost all for Biden, was the EXACT NUMBER NECESSARY TO KILL TRUMP'S LEAD

And then, the same Exact Thing happens in Michigan.

There's a term for this by the way, it's called "Smashmouth".

Why Smashmouth? They want the other side to KNOW they committing fuckery and demoralize them - like getting smashed in the mouth. So they don't bother giving trouble the next time and just stay home and collect Buttcoin and bitch on von Mises' website

It's also evidence in my mind that Deep Staters who have previously run political black ops are working with the Dems at the highest levels.
113003   krc   2020 Nov 4, 11:16am  

This is why it is important to control the state legislatures. There is no national constitutional standard for "voting" - it is all up to the dictates of the state government as a power set aside to the states. So, can't change that. When one follows what has been happening legally in MI, WI, PA - the entire goal is to generate ballots that cannot be challenged (hence the removal of signature check, address check, postmark, etc...and so you simply "dump" some filled out ballots in a strong Biden county.) Easy peasy. And, the refusal to count mail in ballots until election day was simply to make sure they know how many ballots to "generate".

Too funny. Just remember the old "left" which was "liberal" no longer exists. We are talking about an authoritarian DEM party that wants to suppress free speech, second amendment rights, and ship jobs overseas to benefit the elites.
113004   mell   2020 Nov 4, 11:18am  

I'm following now https://mielections.us/election/results/2020GEN_CENR.html for MI which seems to be doing slower counting and is refreshing every 10 minutes. Will be interesting to see if they arrive at the same count as the MSM who already report 96% counted in MI. Trump has a 250k lead here currently.
113005   krc   2020 Nov 4, 11:19am  

Nomograph says
That's just my opinion.

Well, if this is IWOG, welcome back. I always enjoyed your posts and thoughts on the economy and real estate in particular!
113006   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 4, 11:19am  

krc says
Too funny. Just remember the old "left" which was "liberal" no longer exists. We are talking about an authoritarian DEM party that wants to suppress free speech, second amendment rights, and ship jobs overseas to benefit the elites.

Their model is the Chinese Communist Party.

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