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I still find Trump cringeworthy at times, but damn, I'll take him any day over Biden or Kamala.
What we really need is a better Trump than Trump. Someone with the right message and principles, but not quite so offensive to the unenlightened half of the country that still thinks the Democrats are on their side.
Someone with the right message and principles, but not quite so offensive to the unenlightened half of the country
True, but for too many voters, a smooth talking liar is what they want. Look how many blatant lies Shiff has been caught telling. Shiff's job description should read "Telling lies to people eager to believe them."
Patrick saysAnd of course https://patrick.net/
How narcissistic. I still think it's funny that Pat has somebody who has put him on ignore.
Even worse, I suspect he put himself on ignore.
Nope, it's not me.
Thanks @richwicks those are good videos.
The Democratic Party has become entirely feminized.
Gayness is not innate. It is an acquired illness, spread for the most by via being molested as a boy by a gay man. There is zero evidence for any genetic basis for being gay, and quite a bit of contrary evidence, like identical twin studies. And it is utterly incompatible with evolution itself. You pretty much have to throw out evolution if you want to believe that something the kills people and prevents reproduction could persist as a genetic trait. Evolution would ruthlessly stamp it out in one generation.
What won WW2 in Europe was the USSR with its 360 divisions including 105,000 T-34 tanks. The British actually lost WW2
how hardened the Internet is.
richwicks sayshow hardened the Internet is.
Hardened? When you get down to it it's a bunch of cables.
Klaus Barbie Schwab has already announced the next Globalist offensives after Covid: false flag internet, hacking and media blackouts, and choking off the farms and foods supplies to reign in submission. If they can't fool us with Covid, cripple us with comm attacks and blackouts, poison us with chemtrails, extort us with weather control, then they will starve us and cut off supply chains. Why does one wonder why 'philanthropist' Gates and the Chinese were buying up all that farmland?
John and Ken on AM 640
Been listening to this guy lately on my long drives
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
exit (main (@ARGV));
sub extractUrls
my ($url) = @_;
my $res = "WTF";
foreach my $l (`wget -O - \"$url\" 2>&1`)
#":[\"History\"],\"name\":\"Epstein… Jeff Epstein\",\"assetUrl\":\"https://media.blubrry.com/martyrmade_podcast/www.martyrmade.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Epstein1.mp3\"
#if ($l =~ /:\\\"(https:\/\/media.blubrry.com.+\.mp3)\\\"/)
if ($l =~ /:\\\"(https:\/\/[^\:\"]+\.mp3)\\\"/)
$res = $1;
return $res;
sub main
my (@urls) = @_;
foreach my $url (@urls)
my $res = extractUrls ($url);
#printf ("%s\n", $res);
system ("wget -q \"$res\"");
return 0;
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