Trump's phone call to Georgia election official

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2021 Jan 4, 8:44am   1,632 views  16 comments

by Automan Empire   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Trump made a call to a Georgia election official that appears to be pressuring him to overturn the election. The call lasted around an hour, was recorded, and is now well disseminated. The content of the call wasn't about specific legal details of alleged fraud and legal/ethical strategies to address voting irregularities. It was flat-out trying to pressure the official to overturn election results.

https://www.google.com/search?q=trump+phone (Choose a source you like for the story)

At what point does a diehard Trump supporter realize they've been operating within a Narcissist's frame and not making rational observations and decisions?

Comments 1 - 16 of 16        Search these comments

1   Onvacation   2021 Jan 4, 9:01am  

Automan Empire says
not making rational observations and decisions?

Did you vote for Biden? If so, why?
2   Automan Empire   2021 Jan 4, 9:41am  

Onvacation says
Did you vote for Biden?

No. Next question.
3   clambo   2021 Jan 4, 9:46am  

If Trump were simply trying to pressure him, he would not have witnesses around and not allowed it to be recorded.

There is a reason for this which we will soon see.

Reminding a bureaucrat that he should remedy mistakes is a step before you have him in an orange jumpsuit.
4   ignoreme   2021 Jan 4, 10:04am  

Automan Empire says
The content of the call wasn't about specific legal details of alleged fraud and legal/ethical strategies to address voting irregularities.

Have you listened to the full call? I know you haven’t because Trump lays out the fraud in the first minute.

Here’s the link to the full transcript.

5   Onvacation   2021 Jan 4, 10:20am  

Automan Empire says
Onvacation says
Did you vote for Biden?

No. Next question.

Did you vote for Trump?
6   Robert Sproul   2021 Jan 4, 10:28am  

ignoreme says
Here’s the link to the full transcript.

This is very informative. How many on the Left have firm, fuming, opinions based on selected snippets played with commentary by Rachel Madcow? Opinions cemented by inflammatory statements by that Watergate tool.
Link sans paywall:
I personally won't give The Cyborg Bezos a fucking nickel.
7   Ceffer   2021 Jan 4, 11:12am  

LOL! Trump refers Raffensperger to Secret Service review for treason for disclosing the contents of confidential Presidential conversation. You think Trump didn't think Raf would fuck himself? Trump dangled the bait and Raf took it.
8   porkchopXpress   2021 Jan 4, 11:47am  

Automan Empire says
Trump made a call to a Georgia election official that appears to be pressuring him to overturn the election. The call lasted around an hour, was recorded, and is now well disseminated. The content of the call wasn't about specific legal details of alleged fraud and legal/ethical strategies to address voting irregularities. It was flat-out trying to pressure the official to overturn election results.

https://www.google.com/search?q=trump+phone (Choose a source you like for the story)

At what point does a diehard Trump supporter realize they've been operating within a Narcissist's frame and not making rational observations and decisions?
Where's the evidence?
9   richwicks   2021 Jan 4, 12:04pm  

Automan Empire says
https://www.google.com/search?q=trump+phone (Choose a source you like for the story)

Who cares about some story by a propagandist?

Listen to the full, unredacted, phone call:


You might want to pay attention in particular when Trump states that all the counts done under those suspicious circumstances when poll watchers were asked to leave because of a water main break, were for Biden - that's 45:30.
10   Patrick   2021 Jan 4, 12:10pm  

Automan Empire says
https://www.google.com/search?q=trump+phone (Choose a source you like for the story)


You mean "choose a source from the ones that Google carefully selected to support anti-Trump hate.

Google is not a credible search engine. It's extremely biased, and deliberately omits sites which challenge what we are told to believe.

It's closely analogous to claiming we have democracy when we are (normally) limited to two candidates who have been carefully selected to act in the interests of Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates etc.
11   ignoreme   2021 Jan 4, 1:01pm  

Patrick says
Google is not a credible source.

It’s so tiring having to read the sources instead of being able to trust the media to properly summarize. This is why the country is so divided. You can’t expect everyone to listen to a one hour phone call to figure out what happened.
12   ignoreme   2021 Jan 4, 1:12pm  

TrumpingTits says
And it wouldn't change anything for Trump anyway.

The December 14 date is just statutory, it’s not in the constitution. If massive fraud were to be proven, a state could invalidate their electors. If enough states were to invalidate then you’d be in a contested election.

This would be easier if the states would invalidate before Jan 6, but even after then, the only date in the constitution is Jan 20.

Of course everything would go to the Supreme Court, but you need states to decertify so there’s something for them to actually decide.

I think Trumps play is to prosecute the secretary of states for certifying an election they know to be fraudulent. This got way easier since the GA dude leaked the confidential call.

Not sure there’s a high chance of this, but I don’t think it’s over.
13   richwicks   2021 Jan 4, 1:36pm  

ignoreme says

It’s so tiring having to read the sources instead of being able to trust the media to properly summarize. This is why the country is so divided. You can’t expect everyone to listen to a one hour phone call to figure out what happened.

No, but you'd expect people to stop trusting blatantly obvious propaganda. I can basically tell who is a moron when they start sending me propaganda and I spend more time explaining that the propaganda is wrong, than it would take for them to find out that propaganda is wrong.

It's very simple - if you cannot comment on an article or you get censored when you do, you're reading propaganda. This is true WITHOUT EXCEPTION.
14   BoomAndBustCycle   2021 Jan 4, 1:38pm  

ignoreme says
Have you listened to the full call? I know you haven’t because Trump lays out the fraud in the first minute.

I listened to the full hour last night and it was the rantings of someone who spends all day reading Donald.win, gateway pundit and golfing instead of doing his job as president. If he really wanted answers he should have flown Air Force one down to Fulton county months ago and inspected the polling stations in person.
15   BoomAndBustCycle   2021 Jan 4, 1:46pm  

ignoreme says
You can’t expect everyone to listen to a one hour phone call to figure out what happened.

I listened to the hour long call last night ... it was an hour of nothing. 90% of the time Trump was talking about how it’s impossible he lost the election cause of every conspiracy theory you read daily on gateway pundit... without any new info.

The first 12 minutes is Trump saying THEY SAID 100 times about everything that’s come up on this site about election fraud. He might even read Pat.net to get this information.
16   Automan Empire   2021 Jan 4, 2:01pm  

Patrick says
You mean "choose a source from the ones that Google carefully selected

Was trying to get ahead of people who sidetrack or bunt the debate by attacking the specific source that was linked while ignoring the facts and merits of the matter at hand. You went full meta and attacked Google while ignoring the facts and merits of the matter at hand.

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