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29   Robert Sproul   2021 Jan 7, 12:01pm  

Pence and the cowering cowards behind him are terrified. Part of the point of the Summer of Urban Chaos was perhaps to show them all what crossing the Globalist Security Cabal looks like.
30   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Jan 7, 12:05pm  


Could would might.

Listen to yourselves.
31   Ceffer   2021 Jan 7, 12:13pm  

joshuatrio says

Simon Parkes gives cross corroboration, also on the Italian connection. Others I won't mention because borderline credible.

Parkes says that the fact that a NATO ally, much less the Vatican, makes for a real international sticky wicket, and also says there are indications that Germany and France could be involved as well. Robert Davis Steele (I know, pedo camps on Mars and JFK Jr. is still alive) believes the real threats to Trump have been quarterbacked not just from CiA, but MI5/6 and England.

Christ, Trump is taking on the loaded cannons of the world it seems. However, they are all aimed at broadsiding and destroying our nation with domestic complicity.

I believe Wood now, no matter what his tone, having moved from skepticism. I just think he is spluttering enraged at the perversion and the perfidy and is poking the dragon.
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 7, 1:25pm  

They were gonna destroy the country anyway, looting it piece by piece and getting their Chinese/Wall Street middleman percentage for organizing and managing it.

"The sooner we get it over with, the better" - Patton
33   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 7, 1:28pm  

May this be true. Cast the die, Trump.

I wonder if what is happening with Facebook, Pelosi and Congressman Cori Bush, etc. is a last ditch attempt to intimidate him into surrendering.

This is really playing out just like Caesar. Asshole Elitist Cato wouldn't even accept Caesar getting Illyria Governorship and a legion that Cicero brokered, he demanded Caesar's head on a plate to crush the populist threat to his optimate clan rule (Republic was just his excuse) and nothing less. He would not allow Caesar to be anything but beheaded so he could never be consul again.

Who will be Pompey? McCrystal? Cartright? He owes Obama a favor.
34   Eric Holder   2021 Jan 7, 1:30pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Congressman Cori Bush

Is this the cunt who called for all GOP congresspeople to be removed? Was she dropped on her head immediately after birth or something?
35   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 7, 1:31pm  

Eric Holder says
Is this the cunt who called for all GOP congresspeople to be removed? Was she dropped on her head immediately after birth or something?

Yep, and wrote it and filed it Jan 5th, before the Peaceful Capitol Building Visit.
36   Eric Holder   2021 Jan 7, 1:45pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Eric Holder says
Is this the cunt who called for all GOP congresspeople to be removed? Was she dropped on her head immediately after birth or something?

Yep, and wrote it and filed it Jan 5th, before the Peaceful Capitol Building Visit.

Dead giveaway.
37   Ceffer   2021 Jan 7, 1:47pm  

Well, we are at civil war for sure. Deep State vs. People Of United States, as it has been for quite some time but is emerging into 'kinetics' as they say.

It does look like the strategy is to place Trump under some bogus house arrest with the screaming chorus of the MSM filled with bullhorn screaming, raging weeping antipathy and invoke Amendment 25 to hobble him before Jan 20.

His staff members may or may not be involved (but may just be standing aside under threat). I'm sure the CIA and FBI have been busy little bees threatening the lives of many politicians, bureaucrats, advisers etc. and their families if they don't comply. Much of the anti-Trump movement is based on fear and blackmail. Nothing personal, just political business as usual.
38   Patrick   2021 Jan 7, 10:12pm  

NoCoupForYou says
I wonder if what is happening with Facebook, Pelosi and Congressman Cori Bush, etc. is a last ditch attempt to intimidate him into surrendering.

I wonder if it's because Trump knows things and they are afraid he will finally say them.

That's why he can't be allowed to have a platform.
39   Onvacation   2021 Jan 7, 10:24pm  

Patrick says
Trump knows things

UFO's? Lizard people? JFK's real killer? The truth of bigfoot?

There are so many conspiracies that the government can easily put to rest. but they don't. I always hoped Trump would, he could, but he hasn't.

It's going on 58 years since Kennedy was assassinated and they still have secret files.
40   Ceffer   2021 Jan 7, 10:33pm  

I guess the bizarreness doesn't stop. Lin Wood doesn't say anything about Trump's concession on his parler feed. He jokes that Hunter needs to fix his teeth before Trump's swearing in later in the month. He has Hunter's laptop and it looks like the x rated stuff. He also jokes that since they are coming after Trump supporters, he'll have to make a getaway and shows a vid of him in an antique car.

Also, his parler linked to this video claiming absolute proof of election tampering through the Leonardo satellites controlled by the Vatican:

I'm still a bit baffled by the somewhat antic nature of Trump's concession speech. I didn't hear Trump use the word concede, or congrats to Biden by name, and even seems to riff a bit on Biden's phony 'healing' message.

Is the concession a head fake? I doubt it at this point, but high strangeness continues. Why concede when there appears to be absolute proof of vote tampering coming in from yesterday? He still has 12 days, and the Dems seem very nervous about letting him stay in office another second.

41   FarmersWon   2021 Jan 7, 10:48pm  

I followed bit this Lin Wood guy and thought he may have some "secret contacts".
But now I see him as self-promotion and utilizing his past reputation as defamation lawyer to exaggerate things.

Overall the Trump's vaunted team has achieved zero and let democrats snatch easy victory from him by fraud.
Either Trump is a actor or incompetent. How do you always talk about voter fraud and not able to tackle it with presidency in your hands.

small probability, He still have TrumpCard, But I won't hold breath for it.
In the end Trump made it possible to "steal elections with impunity".
42   Ceffer   2021 Jan 7, 11:00pm  

The video from the woman outlines that the witness they have actually performed the fraud in Italy through the Leonardo satellites. That would be determinative and would easily secure the election for Trump, even setting the obvious scandal of collusion between figures in the Italian government and the CIA with those bales of money aside. It probably would not even require any further research into the direct ballot stuffing. It doesn't even require an audit of the Dominion machines which they have been protecting and hiding, because they have the records of the traffic from the satellite to servers and back.

The witness she describes seemed to be frightened about what he became involved with and wanted to come clean. She sounds very sincere, and I imagine standards of proof have to be applied, but this seems to be what Rudy the G and Simon Parkes were talking about. The 'missing piece' intermediary between the Dominion machines and the servers in Frankfurt et alia, which they previously did not have.

Was Trump truly just allowing the Congressional actors all the room they needed to suborn the fraud and hang themselves? Is he going to stage an eleventh hour comeback? Weird political Houdini if he does. God, if only he can save us from the criminal madness of these creeps. "Oh, about that speech, I changed my mind!"
43   FarmersWon   2021 Jan 7, 11:04pm  

Ceffer says
The video from the woman outlines that the witness they have actually performed the fraud in Italy through the Leonardo satellites. That would be determinative and would easily secure the election for Trump, even setting the obvious scandal of collusion between figures in the Italian government and the CIA with those bales of money aside. It probably would not even require any further research into the direct ballot stuffing. It doesn't even require an audit of the Dominion machines which they have been protecting and hiding, because they have the records of the traffic from the satellite to servers and back.

The witness she describes seemed to be frightened about what he became involved with and wanted to come clean. She sounds very sincere, and I imagine standards of proof have to be applied, but this seems to be what Rudy the G and Simon Parkes were talking about. The 'missing piece' intermediary between the Dominion machines and the servers in Frankfurt et alia, which th...

I want the "legal winner" to win, whosoever it is.
Based on all the drama until now, Following must happen:
1) If Trump team lying about election fraud, They must go to jail.
2) If Dem lying, Biden and his crime syndicate go to jail.

If nobody goes to jail like for last 20 years, All are actors making fool of us.
What happened to trump sending Hillary to jail?
44   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 7, 11:13pm  

Onvacation says

There are so many conspiracies that the government can easily put to rest. but they don't. I always hoped Trump would, he could, but he hasn't.


Check out Gimbal.wmv and wait till the end when the top-shaped thing rotates effortlessly while speeding like hell into the wind.
45   Ceffer   2021 Jan 7, 11:14pm  

If you listen to her, she says that Trump knew about the 'Italian Connection' on Christmas because she told him. That dog knew this all along? What's going on? She didn't have the defined documents until yesterday the 6th while they were counting those electoral votes.


I think Lin Wood is purposely torturing the Bidens at this point. Good.
47   Onvacation   2021 Jan 8, 6:31am  

election2020 says
If nobody goes to jail like for last 20 years, All are actors making fool of us.
What happened to trump sending Hillary to jail?

48   Ceffer   2021 Jan 8, 1:59pm  

Speaker Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have declared that language in Congress needs to change to reflect new values. The term 'irrefutable proof' will hereby be changed to 'no proof at all'.
49   ThatGuy   2021 Jan 8, 8:50pm  

Actual Libertarian Here, I'm not saying or thinking this. Its the media. This is an advertisement and you're eating it hook, line and sinker. Stop putting words in our mouths.Tenpoundbass says

50   Patrick   2021 Jan 8, 11:00pm  

Ceffer says

@Ceffer where did you get this?
51   Ceffer   2021 Jan 8, 11:34pm  

Patrick says
@Ceffer where did you get this?

I believe it's a screen shot from the video posted above.

is another link.

I gather this video is why they are shutting down Parler and Trump's access to media. It basically cements the election fraud in no uncertain terms, and makes anybody who knew about the fraud, including the members of the Senate, guilty of treason if they continued to vote the electors in favor of Biden. It also appears to be what is putting them all in panic mode to get Trump out by any means ASAP. They did not have this information link confirmed until Jan 6. as the missing piece of the voting machine scandal.

Also, it implicates Obama, the American embassy in Rome, specific CIA agents as well as MI6 and Italian politicians all who participated as far back as Obama's administration in several election cycles, not just the recent POTUS election. Also implications that a couple of the NATO 'allies' were involved.

She also said seventeen states, not just the swing states. That means we might also get some answers about the voting machines in California. I would imagine eventually it could overturn many elections over many years. If it could clean up California, that would be nice.

Robert Davis Steele states that Soros is an agent of the Royal Family and MI6, who he thinks are predominately responsible for much of this.
52   Ceffer   2021 Jan 9, 1:59am  

Another video about it, with excerpts from above. Don't think they can suppress this any more, it's out there too much:
53   Robert Sproul   2021 Jan 9, 8:42am  

I wonder if all these people are all straight crazy?
They are certainly making me crazy.
54   RWSGFY   2021 Jan 9, 9:55am  

Robert Sproul says
I wonder if all these people are all straight crazy?

Most prob.
57   Ceffer   2021 Jan 9, 11:34am  

So many people were voting for Trump, they had to write new algorithms on the fly. It's also why the fraud process became so obvious. Poll workers could see the glithches, and the sharp upticks could be graphed.
60   porkchopXpress   2021 Jan 10, 6:06pm  

I'm not sure what to think about Tom. Highly respectable career but he's old as dirt
61   Ceffer   2021 Jan 10, 6:08pm  

Parler and Lin Wood back up for now.
63   richwicks   2021 Jan 10, 6:20pm  

just_passing_through says
Tom is still popping off:


Let's see if I can post the video:

original link

We can hope for the end of this corruption, but it's a mistake to have faith in it.
64   Onvacation   2021 Jan 13, 4:44pm  

Ceffer says

How far down the rabbit hole did you find that one?
65   porkchopXpress   2021 Jan 13, 5:05pm  

My dump this morning formed a "Q" in the toilet. What that means?
66   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 13, 5:11pm  

Other than reposting some fraud explainers from weeks ago, Lin has been quiet.

He's on gouthub or whatever it's called.
67   Ceffer   2021 Jan 13, 5:40pm  

I've never followed Q. It seemed to be too much wink, wink, nod, nod kind of stuff. I just follow some because a lot of reporters point to it. Q predicted that Trump would be banned from Social Media.

Current conspiracy theory is that Q was a government group of generals and sympathetic government insiders who knew the truth about Kennedy's assassination, but didn't feel positioned or empowered enough to act against the bad players.

Supposedly they claim this group has been ongoing. They claim that Trump wasn't just a businessman who bopped out of the blue to run for President, they asked him to run with specific reason to use executive action against the swamp creatures.

When Trump said he was going to drain the swamp he meant it and apparently had this backing. It makes sense, because it hard to imagine some business guy acting as Lone Ranger in this regard, there must have been a support structure.

Whether it plays out to drain the swamp is anybody's guess, there are rumblings either way. I can't imagine the swamp and the Deep (Shallow) State acting in a more vile, depraved manner than they already have. Acting desperately like cornered rats seems to be the order of the day. These are people you would move 20 miles away from if they moved in next door, much less holding the reigns of political power.

Indicators that another game is on are the blackouts in Pakistan, Vatican, Ontario and Berlin. I wonder if Space Force hasn't been deployed there somehow. The Vatican blackout lasting a couple of days, with gunfire heard, followed the revelation that they were the 'missing link' in the Leonardo satellite stuff for the election fraud. Most definitely there was an invasive ops in play there.

I am with rich wicks, in that I follow these trends tentatively, for brain occupation as much as anything, but I have no idea if they represent reality or not.

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