Bitcoin o'clock

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2020 Nov 12, 7:47am   27,818 views  605 comments

by Cash   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Crypto that is, blockchain = AI secure SMART contracts displayed on a public open ledger.
Large investors are at the table now while the herd is grazing in other pastures and for the savvy they are opening the door of crypto opportunity.

Past Bitcoin hater changes tune, Economist Nouriel Roubini, also known as “Dr. Doom,” has admitted that bitcoin may be a store of value. Roubini sees a “big revolution” coming in the next three years due to central banks launching their own digital currencies. https://news.bitcoin.com/dr-doom-nouriel-roubini-bitcoin-store-of-value/

Bloomberg 400 billionaire Stan Druckenmiller says he now owns both gold and Bitcoin, and expects Bitcoin to outperform gold. https://blockchain.news/news/billionaire-stan-druckenmiller-bitcoin-gold-btc-risk-return

Legendary investor Bill Miller just went on CNBC and said that every major bank, investment bank or high net-worth firm is going to eventually have some exposure to bitcoin. https://markets.businessinsider.com/currencies/news/bitcoin-price-legendary-investor-bill-miller-resilience-better-every-day-2020-11-1029776469

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461   porkchopXpress   2021 Feb 8, 8:27am  

I just made $8K in the last 24 hours. This is fishing with dynamite.
462   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 8, 8:46am  

porkchopexpress says
I just made $8K in the last 24 hours. This is fishing with dynamite.

Awesome man! Congrats
463   porkchopXpress   2021 Feb 8, 8:52am  

Thanks dude. For people questioning crypto, remember that society questioned the invention of cars or airplanes. You have the opportunity of a lifetime to get in early into a revolutionary investment. There will be ups and downs, but blockchain and crypto is the future.
464   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 8, 8:55am  

porkchopexpress says
Thanks dude. For people questioning crypto, remember that society questioned the invention of cars or airplanes. You have the opportunity of a lifetime to get in early into a revolutionary investment. There will be ups and downs, but blockchain and crypto is the future.

exactly. Some people (WookieMan) like cash and traditional investments that make them maybe 9% annually. 9% is a like a daily thing for crypto. 5,000% - 20,000% gains are normal during a bull run. We play in a different league. Some people are sissy's and rather hate on our success. Fine by me :)
465   WookieMan   2021 Feb 8, 9:00am  

porkchopexpress says
Thanks dude. For people questioning crypto, remember that society questioned the invention of cars or airplanes. You have the opportunity of a lifetime to get in early into a revolutionary investment. There will be ups and downs, but blockchain and crypto is the future.

Cars and airplanes were obvious at the time, even to the commoner. Don't let the rewriting of history fool you. Unless you were making them, even investing in them wasn't going to change your life unless you were there with Henry Ford giving him a couple thousands bucks (hundreds of thousands maybe a million in todays dollar).

The ship has sailed on crypto. Trade it to your hearts delight, but this ain't the automobile or airplane. Really not a good comparison as there literally no physical value to it. It's literally and physically worthless beside what one "thinks" it is worth.

Enron is probably a better comparison. Looked like a great job, great benefits and we all know how that turned out. That's what Bitcoin is. Enjoy the ride while you can. It ends.
466   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 8, 9:06am  


We will be able to make fun of sissy for the next few years if not decade.


Tesla invest 1.5B USD into Bitcoin.

WookieMan had enough cash to buy 100 shares of LUV

Now we see his hate and jealousy. Hilarious!

467   WookieMan   2021 Feb 8, 9:14am  

G36 says
We will be able to make fun of sissy for the next few years if not decade

You and a rope will meet at some point. I'm convinced of that. Derangement is an understatement for you. Starts with a J. No it's not Jello you Bill Cosby lover. It's jealousy. You're jealous someone can make more money in a month than you can in 3. Instead of fighting that, maybe work smarter, just a thought? I know that's difficult for you.

Instead of having a conversation with anyone here, you take a shit on anyone that even questions crypto. Why? You're losing and it's upsetting that people know it. So you lash out. I'm winning and don't need crypto. It pisses you off that I'm not buying. You know that if I don't buy, you'll lose like you always have. And you know you'll lose. I was nice at first, but I want you to lose now. Enjoy!
468   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 8, 9:19am  

I knew she would be off the rocker today with the qudaruple whammy.

1) IL - 12 degrees
2) Tesla buying Bitcoin (1.5B)
3) Tesla accepting Bitcoin
4) and Bitcoin over 42k

lol, just too much to handle for sissy

a little cloudy in Socal today....will be in the low 60's. :)
469   Cash   2021 Feb 8, 3:59pm  

I am making bank left and right all sunshine while doing the monkey dance on the shit mutts heads lmao
470   Cash   2021 Feb 8, 4:00pm  

My next tgt is 48666 ;)
471   WookieMan   2021 Feb 8, 4:02pm  

Cash says
while doing the monkey dance on the shit mutts

Sounds rather gay. You're from CA right? No surprise.

Now that's how you do selective quoting G. You don't change the content like a coward would. You'll learn. Just like you'll learn math at some point and understand the joke. Last hint. You're one brain cell away.
472   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 8, 6:31pm  

WookieMan says
Cash says
while doing the monkey dance on the shit mutts

the joke

Must have been a pretty rough day for sissy....Bitcoin hit 46k.....Tesla announced it bought $1.5B of Bitcoin.....and Tesla accepts Bitcoin as a form of payment....all news that Sissy hates. On top of that another shitty day in IL.

Quadruple whammy for sissy (@WookieMan). No wonder she got so angry :)
473   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 8, 6:32pm  

Cash says
My next tgt is 48666 ;)

Dude, on the way to 50k!!! The "shit mutts" predicted 1.2k.....LMAO
474   WookieMan   2021 Feb 9, 12:27am  

G36 says
On top of that another shitty day in IL.

It was.... a great day. I saved 60% on state income taxes by not living in CA for my income level. Talk about ROI! I'll save more on income taxes living in IL versus CA than you'll make on BTC since November (what date, no answer, you don't own BTC). No investment. No risk. I just make more than what you've gained by living in a location. That is centrally located and allows me to travel for cheap to places better than CA. I'm within 4 hours of wherever I want to go and won't pay 13% on my top end income. It's amazing really. And I'm in a blue state.

Getting fleeced for nice weather is probably one of the dumbest investments I've ever seen or heard of. But hey, keep doing it.
475   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 9, 6:53am  

WookieMan says
G36 says
On top of that another shitty day in IL.

It was....

oh boy, and another shitty day for sissy.

Its gonna be in the 60's here in Socal :)
476   WookieMan   2021 Feb 9, 7:10am  

G36 says
Its gonna be in the 60's here in Socal :)

Another great day here. Actually -6F here currently, but hey, keep thinking I live in Chicago. Got a nice wood fire going, sipping some coffee. It's actually nice when it snows instead of seeing shit brown all day. Not having to worry about water supplies and my government telling me when and how I can use something I pay for.

Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side. Not brown and Orwellian.
477   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 9, 7:12am  

WookieMan says
G36 says
Its gonna be in the 60's here in Socal :)

Another great day

exactly. Almost every day is beautiful here in Socal. Sorry bro. Stay warm today!
478   WookieMan   2021 Feb 9, 7:21am  

G36 says
Almost every day is beautiful here in Socal.

Outside of the shit on the streets. Haven't seen any needles in my travels to Socal, so there's a positive. Lots of gays, the AIDS is probably rampant... oh yeah, it is. But yeah, plenty of shit and harassment by some fucked up people when I've visited your "fine" corner of the country.

I get ZERO of that where I live. You'd be shot if any of that stuff happened here. We're not pussies. We keep our communities clean. Take care of each other. Good on your for letting your back yard become a shitter in the 21st Century. Pioneers from 180 years ago would thank you for allowing them to shit wherever they wanted.
479   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 9, 7:32am  

WookieMan says
G36 says
Almost every day is beautiful here in Socal.

I get ZERO of that where I live

I know..Sry bud....stay warm
480   WookieMan   2021 Feb 9, 9:15am  

G36 says
I get ZERO of that where I live

I know..Sry bud....stay warm

Lol!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 You like shit in your street????? Next level stuff. Can you even read?
481   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 9, 9:50am  

WookieMan says
G36 says
I get ZERO of that where I live

I know..Sry bud....stay warm

Next level>

in the 60's here today. A 10x from your 6degrees in IL
482   WookieMan   2021 Feb 9, 9:56am  

WookieMan says
G36 says
Almost every day is beautiful here in Socal.

Outside of the shit on the streets

No response? Is okay with human feces on the street. This is your "big time" crypto investor. lol. Now I know why these guys use the term shit mutt. Self deprecating. Clever yet stupid because it involves shit and it's in their streets. I might vomit laugh.
483   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 9, 9:58am  

WookieMan says
WookieMan says
G36 says
Almost every day is beautiful here in Socal.

"big time" crypto investor..


"Apple positioned to offer cryptocurrencies: RBC report"

yep, I agree @WookieMan
This is BIG TIME!!!! Not just Tesla but now Apple!!??
484   Cash   2021 Feb 9, 10:25am  

Jim Cramer says it's 'almost irresponsible' for companies not to own bitcoin as the cryptocurrency soars to new highs
The "Mad Money" host said he personally owns bitcoin and advised investors to "own some cash, own some gold, own some bitcoin."
485   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 9, 1:34pm  

Cash says
Jim Cramer says it's 'almost irresponsible' for companies not to own bitcoin as the cryptocurrency soars to new highs
The "Mad Money" host said he personally owns bitcoin and advised investors to "own some cash, own some gold, own some bitcoin."

Nice! Pretty awesome
486   WookieMan   2021 Feb 9, 1:40pm  

Learn to quote correctly G. You're jumbling up your own comments.

Jim Cramer is a windbag entertainer. He knows nothing. Sure he might get some tips, but he personally knows nothing. It's entertainment that companies pay for to have him mention them as a buy. Or a short. I thought this was all common knowledge? I guess not. Read up on the industry. You'll learn.
487   richwicks   2021 Feb 9, 1:47pm  

Jim Cramer is the a harbinger of doom

It will indeed go up, but this is being done as a pump and dump. I didn't know that asshole was still on the air after 2008.
488   WookieMan   2021 Feb 9, 1:57pm  

richwicks says
I didn't know that asshole was still on the air after 2008.

He's an entertainer. He's a puppet of the guys that actually pull the strings. He's paid to lie about investments he knows nothing about and yell it while doing so.

But yes, hall of fame pumper and dumper.
489   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 9, 5:08pm  

Its really Awesome that Jim Cramer pumps Bitcoin now....everyone is jumping on the Bitcoin rocket ship
490   WookieMan   2021 Feb 9, 5:20pm  

G36 says
Its really Awesome that Jim Cramer pumps Bitcoin now....everyone is jumping on the Bitcoin rocket ship

Quoting. More proof you're spam.
491   Patrick   2021 Feb 9, 5:39pm  

"Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.” -- Warren Buffett, nearly the richest guy on earth
492   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 9, 7:01pm  

Patrick says
"Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.” -- Warren Buffett, nearly the richest guy on earth

I couldnt agree more @Patrick
I believe that is exactly what we Bitcoin investors are doing currently. We are greedy and buy crypto while others are fearful.
Take Patnet for instance. Just today somebody wrote, posting Bitcoin news is "DANGEROUS". People are scared of Bitcoin and are scared to invest in it. Good! That means we are not even close to a bubble top!

Once the masses pour into Bitcoin and people like WookieMan, onvcation etc start buying Bitcoin, I will know to run for the hills and sell.
493   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 9, 8:50pm  

WookieMan says
G36 says
Its really Awesome that Jim Cramer pumps Bitcoin now....everyone is jumping on the Bitcoin rocket ship

More proof

yep. more proof the environment is very bullish for Bitcoin.
here the Cramer interview. He's a very knowledgeable veteran when it comes to investing.

Cramer recommends everyone to allocate a few percentages into Bitcoin. Smart advice.

@WookieMan, he didnt mention LUV. Sorry!
494   WookieMan   2021 Feb 10, 5:00am  

G36 says
I will know to run for the hills and sell.

No you won't. It will be too late. The bottom will fall out quicker than you can react. Your pittance of an investment will be wiped out when the whales want their money and know the game is ending. You won't have a choice when that happens. It's coming sooner than you think though.

Remember summer. Rich people actually use the money they gain and don't like having to deal with it while they're enjoying life. You'll learn.
495   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 10, 7:37am  

WookieMan says
G36 says
I will know to run for the hills and sell.

It's coming

Of course...Dumb money (like you) will always rush in at the end...you are a great indicator when the top is near. Thanks Sissy
496   WookieMan   2021 Feb 10, 5:06pm  

G36 says
Of course...Dumb money (like you) will always rush in at the end...you are a great indicator when the top is near.

I won't have $1USD invested in BTC. Ever. I make more than enough money. Don't need to chase. You'll learn.
497   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 10, 8:43pm  

WookieMan says
G36 says
Of course...Dumb money (like you) will always rush in at the end...you are a great indicator when the top is near.

I won't have $1USD invested in BTC.

Exactly!!! That's what the dumb money says and than they buy the top (Fomo in at the end). That's why this indicator is so helpful and it works.
498   Onvacation   2021 Feb 10, 9:19pm  

G36 says
Fomo in at the end

So your FOMO right now will eventually result in Wookie's FOMO at "the end".

Tell us about "the end". Is this when the last greatest fool, maybe Wookie, buys your "coins" at a ridiculously inflated price? Or is the end when all of the central banks of the world finally realize that bitcoin is the currency of the future and spend all of their fiat to buy bitcoin?
499   Onvacation   2021 Feb 10, 9:20pm  

Will people without bitcoin starve?
500   Bitcoin   2021 Feb 11, 6:41am  

Onvacation says
G36 says
Fomo in at the end

Tell us about "the end". Is this when the last greatest fool, maybe Wookie, buys your "coins" at a ridiculously inflated price?

That seems possible. Usually it goes like this:

Smart money>Institutions>retail>dumb money>cycle peak.

no offense, but i would categorize onvacation and wookieman as dumb money.

I love waking up to news like "Bitcoin is up 7%".

It looks like we are seeing 50K Bitcoin soon.

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