Killing the Republic

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2021 Feb 10, 10:26am   1,470 views  12 comments

by REpro   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Tiberius Gracchus was a Roman politician and official in the Second Century BC. Gracchus was a member of the populares, a faction that sided with the plebian – the common people – against the conservative aristocratic patricians who had traditionally held power in Rome. At the time of Gracchus the small independent farmers of the Roman Republic were increasingly feeling economic pressure from the concentration of public lands into giant estates held by aristocrats. Rome, a nation whose strength had also been built on a class of free, independent men was now increasingly owned and controlled by a strata of oligarchs.

Tiberius Gracchus proposed reforms to break up the giant estates and redistribute the land to average Romans. He was vehemently opposed to the aristocrats and made no secret of his intention to destroy their power. He was aggressive. He was loud. He threatened the entire power structure of those who believed the Republic belonged to them.

In 132 BC Tiberius proposed to run for reelection to the office of tribune, a powerful Roman administrative position with the charter to represent the plebians. In doing so, he appeared to violate a tradition that barred an office holder from seeking reelection. The Roman Senate, the epicenter of the power of the oligarchs, was terrified at the prospect that Gracchus would run again and that the reforms he proposed might fundamentally change Rome and bring to an end their control over Rome’s government and society.

Gracchus had to be destroyed by any means necessary. On the pretext that he intended to make himself king he was attacked in a public marketplace and beaten to death by a mob led by Roman Senators and their allies.

“Tiberius tried to save himself by flight. As he was running, he was stopped by one who caught hold of him by the gown; but he threw it off and fled in his undergarment only. And stumbling over those who before had been knocked down, as he was endeavoring to get up again, Publius Satureius, a tribune, one of his colleagues, was observed to give him the first fatal stroke, by hitting him upon the head with the foot of a stool. The second blow was claimed, as though it had been a deed to be proud of, by Lucius Rufus. And the rest there fell above three hundred killed by clubs and staves only, none by an iron weapon”

Gracchus was dead as were a great many of his followers. So was the Roman Republic. It would take a century for Julius Caesar to declare himself dictator for life, but the die was cast. Laws and traditions had been destroyed and would never be resurrected.

The oligarchs who killed Gracchus did not call themselves murderers. They claimed they were defending Rome against a demagogue and saving the Republic from the mob. All they were really doing was preserving their own power.

It has been over 2100 years since Gracchus was assassinated in Rome. Another assassination – this one of Donald Trump – is currently underway in Washington, D.C. The men and women participating may not be carrying clubs. They are every bit as ruthless.

Donald Trump did not incite a mob to storm Capitol Hill. He did not lead an insurrection. He did not advocate violence. He did something infinitely worse. He threatened the ruling class of this nation.

For the first time since perhaps the great populist movement of the late 19th century, average Americans stood up and demanded a fundamental change in the policies of this nation. They said they would no longer stand by as Amazon and Apple grew filthy rich, our factories closed, and the rest of the nation sank into poverty. They said they were tired of being fed a one-sided vision of reality crafted by a corporate media and a Marxist intelligentsia. They said they would no longer fight endless wars that did nothing to enhance American national security but made a giant military-industrial complex incomprehensibly powerful and wealthy.

The American people said they were not going to take it anymore. They were in the mood to pound the table, break some China and run the rascals in Washington out of town.

Trump was not always their most articulate advocate. As President he was not nearly as effective, as many had hoped, in actually draining the Swamp and remaking government. But, he was the first man since at least Ross Perot who actually spoke for them not the Uni-Party, Big Tech and the bureaucratic mandarins in Washington, D.C.

And that is exactly why Trump must “die.” That is why defeating him at the polls was not enough. What is at stake is the continued existence of the oligarchy that controls modern America. Trump, in the White House, or out, represents an existential threat to those who believe they own this country and that you and I should sit down, shut up and do as we are told.

How this sham impeachment proceeding will turn out remains unclear. Perhaps, though, those pushing it should have spent a little more time in history class. They believe they are killing Trump. It may yet turn out what they are really killing is the republic.

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1   rocketjoe79   2021 Feb 10, 10:38am  

This is exactly how I feel.
2   ForcedTQ   2021 Feb 10, 10:45am  

TPTB keep reciting the narrative of "Our Democracy," like they are living in their own country with a different rule book than the United States of America Constitution. They hate the constitutional republic and will do anything to disavow it's existence.
3   Shaman   2021 Feb 10, 10:53am  

Know what kills the Republic? Marxism and totalitarianism and oligarchs with no restrictions on their exercise of power.
But you feminized soy boys are too obsessed with your feelz to see it.
4   Ceffer   2021 Feb 10, 11:01am  

Credibility and moral authority, as corny as those may sound, are necessary for things to hold together. Our government and disgusting politicians whether they have 'won' or not with a rigged election and sociopathic posturing have no credibility and not even a shred of moral authority. A bunch of MSM soap opera puppets with the money of God pretending to be journalists can't give it back. They are nothing but a bunch of lowbrow, criminal, traitors and jackals serving each other and tyrants. If they don't follow the rules and enforce the rules, then nobody has to follow the rules. Do they really think being on a Globalist leash, hi tech or not, is going to come to their rescue?

When justice is 'selective justice' for the preservation of power and privilege, society begins to evolve AROUND the government and to ignore it, refusing to cooperate except in those instances where the government can apply direct, violent force. Violent force is now the only option of our morally bankrupt Federal government.

In the Soviet Union, all credibility was lost. The people stopped paying attention to the government except for lip service, and the economy became a black market economy based on the dollar and a barter economy. All societal forces were geared around avoiding the government, who couldn't control it. The government crippled itself with vain, expensive military projects. The military became a top down demoralized torture chamber. New soldiers were abused sexually and physically, many would become addicted to narcotics after a short time. More than half of the men in the population were dead by 60 from alcoholism and addiction. The entire government was corrupt around its cadres of apparatchiks, who were rapists and bullies. The Soviet Union fell apart.

Likely here we are going to see some of the individual states consolidating themselves against the Federal government. The Federal government and the financial systems it represents have no standing.
5   Patrick   2021 Feb 10, 7:46pm  

I put the text of the article in the original post.
6   KgK one   2021 Feb 10, 8:52pm  

Has anyone read the republic by plato written 300 bc.
Is it a good read ?
Apparently they take passages from it for sat verbal section.
7   Patrick   2021 Feb 10, 8:59pm  

Haven't read it, but now I'm interested.
8   stereotomy   2021 Feb 10, 9:08pm  

I dunno - the CCP managed to lobotomize their population so that "Tank Man" never existed, or was a Western Imperialist FauxNews fantasy.

It has been said that the demise of the human race is rooted in its inability to think long term.

It will be a long, bitter, and hard road. My only regret is that my child will have to suffer through more of it than I will (assuming he lives his full fourscore and ten).
9   Automan Empire   2021 Feb 10, 9:16pm  

(turns and points at Trump) You, sir, are no Tiberius Gracchus.

REpro says
The American people said they were not going to take it anymore. They were in the mood to pound the table, break some China and run the rascals in Washington out of town.

Then when it came time to vote, they collectively decided to go ahead and vote for the red branded face of the oligarch class, which they imagined was both superior and a choice over the blue branded face of the oligarch class. "They claim to be OUR rascals, after all."
10   REpro   2021 Feb 12, 7:49pm  

Who is fighting more? Double standard.
11   Patrick   2022 Jun 19, 7:43pm  


The Republic Has Fallen
A republic is simply a public government, as opposed to other governments, like monarchies, that are private. The US government is no longer a republic.

Bill Hennessy
Jun 18
Cato the Elder, a Roman Senator, ended all of his speeches by declaring, “Furthermore, I consider that Carthage must be destroyed,” commonly abbreviated to Cathargo delenda est.

Hold onto that for a moment while I write about something else. ...

What is not debatable is whether we have kept the republic. We have not. And the most obvious evidence the republic is dead is found in the second sentence of the second paragraph above:

Its ministers, however, are not its own unless it nominates them; it is therefore a fundamental principle of this government that the people should nominate their ministers…

Friends, we do not nominate our ministers, and we have not for quite some time. We did not nominate Fauci or Birx or Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates, yet each of them holds more sway over the daily running of our lives than you or I exercise over ourselves. Anthony Fauci killed a million Americans through experimental medical malpractice, and was rewarded, not rebuked. And there is not a damn thing you or I can do it about it.

And Anthony Fauci is but one of the millions of ministers who decide how you live. Ministers who serve at the leisure of, not the president, but the permanent bureaucracy the US government erected over the last century and a quarter. ...

Furthermore, I consider that the bureaucracy must be destroyed.

Officiale delenda est!
12   AmericanKulak   2022 Jun 19, 8:33pm  

Automan Empire says

(turns and points at Trump) You, sir, are no Tiberius Gracchus.

Neither is the Democratic party. Watch what happens if real estate drops 10-20% nationwide, how they will fall over themselves to help Blackrock and massive Wall Street Investors, esp. in Residential SFH REITs.

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