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The American people said they were not going to take it anymore. They were in the mood to pound the table, break some China and run the rascals in Washington out of town.
The Republic Has Fallen
A republic is simply a public government, as opposed to other governments, like monarchies, that are private. The US government is no longer a republic.
Bill Hennessy
Jun 18
Cato the Elder, a Roman Senator, ended all of his speeches by declaring, “Furthermore, I consider that Carthage must be destroyed,” commonly abbreviated to Cathargo delenda est.
Hold onto that for a moment while I write about something else. ...
What is not debatable is whether we have kept the republic. We have not. And the most obvious evidence the republic is dead is found in the second sentence of the second paragraph above:
Its ministers, however, are not its own unless it nominates them; it is therefore a fundamental principle of this government that the people should nominate their ministers…
Friends, we do not nominate our ministers, and we have not for quite some time. We did not nominate Fauci or Birx or Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates, yet each of them holds more sway over the daily running of our lives than you or I exercise over ourselves. Anthony Fauci killed a million Americans through experimental medical malpractice, and was rewarded, not rebuked. And there is not a damn thing you or I can do it about it.
And Anthony Fauci is but one of the millions of ministers who decide how you live. Ministers who serve at the leisure of, not the president, but the permanent bureaucracy the US government erected over the last century and a quarter. ...
Furthermore, I consider that the bureaucracy must be destroyed.
Officiale delenda est!
(turns and points at Trump) You, sir, are no Tiberius Gracchus.
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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