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2021 Apr 5, 5:22pm   13,504 views  177 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

I don't want to debate who killed Kennedy, or who planned and executed 9/11/2001. History might tell the truth someday.

Two planes did not take down 3 steel framed towers. It's clear that the official story is wrong to anyone that has studied Physics. David Chandler, creator of this video used to teach physics.

I don't want to debate it. Oswald did not fire his Italian relic from the book depository without help. He was not a lone gunman. The MIC and intelligence agencies have been subverting our constitution for a long time.

Wars in my lifetime:
The war on poverty
The war on drugs
The war on Terror
The war on the invisible enemy

We must have lost all of these wars for every time one happens the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and we all lose more of our essential liberties so that the government can keep us safe.

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5   Patrick   2021 Apr 5, 7:22pm  

Onvacation says
Sorry for opening this can of worms again.

No problem. Given that I strongly suspect the "plandemic" to be a deliberate tool to oust Trump, impoverish the middle class, and vastly increase the wealth of billionaires, I am also more inclined to now believe that 9/11 was also planned by the same elites.

In the second video, I could see the ejections of materials from windows beneath collapsing floors above as a result of extreme air pressure. I wonder what the things that look like fireworks are in the dust clouds.

But that top video of WTC7 totally looks like every other deliberate building demolition I've even seen video of. Looks way too clean to not have been planned.
6   socal2   2021 Apr 5, 7:48pm  

It takes hundreds of man hours and miles of cable to rig a building for implosion. Let alone massive skyscrapers like the WTC buildings. Let alone trying to do it in secret and hiding everything behind walls and leave no evidence.

Are we to really believe no one saw people setting up all these explosives over the course of weeks and months?

Are we to believe that none of the thousands of people needed to pull off this scandal haven’t leaked to the press in 20 years? Democrats and the Media hated Bush nearly as much as Trump - they would be jumping all over this conspiracy if they thought it was remotely plausible.

I am totally open to believing in government conspiracies and corruption, but come on! This shit beggars belief. Don’t make excuses for Islamists!
7   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 5, 7:57pm  

I went down this rabbit hole years ago and firmly believe this was, no doubt, done by demolition based on engineering and science alone. Now, take into consideration that this then thrust us into war right afterward? This was a massive False Flag.
8   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 5, 8:06pm  

porkchopexpress says
I went down this rabbit hole years ago and firmly believe this was, no doubt, done by demolition based on engineering and science alone. Now, take into consideration that this then thrust us into war right afterward? This was a massive False Flag.

Which would take an enormous amount of resources, money and people to pull off. I know....all those people involved were shortly killed to eliminate the whistleblower risk.
9   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 5, 8:08pm  

socal2 says
I am totally open to believing in government conspiracies and corruption, but come on! This shit beggars belief. Don’t make excuses for Islamists!

I bet they will have a simple solution for this one.....all involved people were just killed shortly after this was pulled off, except 1-2 people at the top. Probably Gates and Hillary.
10   Kepi   2021 Apr 5, 8:11pm  

socal2 says
It takes hundreds of man hours and miles of cable to rig a building for implosion. Let alone massive skyscrapers like the WTC buildings. Let alone trying to do it in secret and hiding everything behind walls and leave no evidence.

Are we to really believe no one saw people setting up all these explosives over the course of weeks and months?

Are we to believe that none of the thousands of people needed to pull off this scandal haven’t leaked to the press in 20 years?

Yes. Your statement is the way I am naturally inclined to think. It makes the most sense. Occam's razor and all that. I still can't quite get past that WTC Building 7 stuff yet. As far as I can tell the building, due to some kind of damage, just wound up having a great big fire in it for a short while.

Maybe we need to build better buildings.

And, maybe we can reevaluate what it takes to implode a building.

I copy here what I posted in another thread.

"One important thing we learned from the 9/11 attacks is what happened to WTC Building 7 (a 47 story building that was NOT hit by an airplane and collapsed completely).

Before that building's collapse we did not know that every company that does building implosions was colossally gouging and ripping people off.

All that time and material spent setting up hundreds or thousands of explosive charges and wiring them to explode in just the correct synchronization. Going around the structure weakening structural support in appropriate places to control the collapse. All a scam. All a racket.

The next time some 47 story building needs to be taken down all that needs to be done is gather up some carpet or whatever else is around in the building that will burn. Throw a little gas or something around if you are in a hurry. Set fire to it. It does not need to be in any specific location. Wait less than a day. And, the building will collapse perfectly into its own footprint."
11   Patrick   2021 Apr 5, 8:14pm  

socal2 says
Media hated Bush

Yet the NY Times totally supported his fraudulent war in Iraq.

When I saw Bush supporting Hillary, I knew they were actually on the same team.
12   socal2   2021 Apr 5, 8:46pm  

Patrick says
socal2 says
Media hated Bush

Yet the NY Times totally supported his fraudulent war in Iraq.

When I saw Bush supporting Hillary, I knew they were actually on the same team.

The NYTimes supported the Iraq War for all of five minutes when emotions were still raw the year after 9/11.

They quickly turned on the war and started pimping Islamist propaganda when they ran Abu Ghraib stories on their front pages for over 40 consecutive days.
13   richwicks   2021 Apr 5, 9:03pm  

Bitcoin says
porkchopexpress says
I went down this rabbit hole years ago and firmly believe this was, no doubt, done by demolition based on engineering and science alone. Now, take into consideration that this then thrust us into war right afterward? This was a massive False Flag.

Which would take an enormous amount of resources, money and people to pull off. I know....all those people involved were shortly killed to eliminate the whistleblower risk.

You don't understand how a conspiracy works. Not all people have to be aware of what they are doing.

When Kennedy was murdered there were MULTIPLE people who had death bed confessions. Do you know why? Because they were working independently, didn't know the other people involved, and were told to shoot at a particular time. They thought they did kill Kennedy. Who actually did the fatal shot? Who knows?

These people involved are not aware of what other people involved are doing. The reason to label it a "conspiracy theory" is so if they ever DO blow they whistle, they won't be believed. That's why you have people like Judy Woods making outrageous claims like "directed energy weapons" were responsible. She may actually believe this, but I doubt it, she is a PhD in engineering, and has no explanation of how such a weapon would work. She's either a dupe or a propagandist. People like her are used to discredit anybody that DOES step forward.

When you later find out that what you were ordered to do turned out to be a horrific crime, and only cutouts gave you orders, and there's a ton of ridiculous bullshit stories about what happened - and you don't fully understand how the crime was pulled off yourself - only your small part in something you didn't realize was going to be a crime (you were just following orders), it's difficult to be a whistleblower.

People who helped overthrow democratic governments for the benefit of US corporations often think they are doing the right thing. They believe the propaganda, they are victims as well. What "whistleblowers" were there for Operation Ajax or PBSuccess - silence is common. Where are the whistleblowers for the Reichstag fire?

I was part of helping create an in information gulag in the United States. I had no idea that corporations would engage in censorship and deplatforming, it was unthinkable to me. My expectation was that the work I did would allow you to communicate to anybody in the world - the precise opposite of what I actually ended up doing. I always pointed out that end-to-end secure communication should be part of the protocol, but strangely my recommendations were ignored. Why isn't email encrypted end to end - it's been around since 1995 but no emailer incorporates it by default. I'm a dupe as well. I'm telling you now though, that all communication you have on a phone or a email is recorded. Does it help to tell you this? Absolutely not. I don't know this for an "absolute fact", I'm saying that it's EASY to record all communications, and not expensive at all - as a result, I guarantee it is done. I'm a cog in the wheel myself and any suggestion I ever gave for privacy was summarily rejected by higher ups.

It's your absolute incredulity that allow the criminals to get away with this.

Facebook just had another "data leak"


These aren't real leaks, Facebook itself is most likely responsible for an intentional "leak". It's an excuse to be able to explain how the government has information on you that they otherwise shouldn't have - but they won't ever say they are from the government and the people that blackmail you or whatever, may not even know they work for the government, they may think they work for the mafia or Facebook.

Knowledge is on a need to know basis by the puppet masters. You just don't see any strings. I do.
14   richwicks   2021 Apr 5, 9:19pm  

socal2 says
The NYTimes supported the Iraq War for all of five minutes when emotions were still raw the year after 9/11.

No Patrick, you don't remember Judith Miller.

The NY Times was used to disseminate propaganda from Ahmed Chalabi which the Bush administration then used to justify the war in Iraq and it was Miller who was the propagandist.


Whether she was a dupe or an active propagandist is immaterial. Her work at the NY Times is why I rejected it as a news source, 15 years ago. There are seriously, honestly, no "news sources" in the United States outside the crackpots and "conspiracy theorists". Alex Jones, whom I entirely do not trust, is a better "news" source than the NY Times is, and he's worthless for "news".
15   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 5, 9:57pm  

richwicks says

Which would take an enormous amount of resources, money and people to pull off. I know....all those people involved were shortly killed to eliminate the whistleblower risk.

You don't understand how a conspiracy works. Not all people have to be aware of what they are doing.

Ah okay, didnt think about that one. So you have 150 people working on this but only 10 know its a conspiracy. So will the 140 maybe make a connection between their orders/actions and the event afterwards? For instance:

Geraldo's boss orders Geraldo to plant explosives in the twin towers on a Sunday night.
First Geraldo thought the order seemed a little bit out of the ordinary but he wasn't too concerned since he got paid overtime.
9/11 happens and Geraldo gets the day off.
Geraldo things to himself, huh, isnt that a co-incidence?
A few months later conspiracy theorists point out that there were explosions and that the airplanes couldn't possible have caused the towers to collapse.
Still Geraldo is still not aware that he had anything to do with this, along with hundreds of others.
16   Onvacation   2021 Apr 5, 10:59pm  

socal2 says
This shit beggars belief. Don’t make excuses for Islamists!

I know. The cognitive dissonance is unbelievable.

I used to ridicule those "911 was an inside job" protesters but then I saw the evidence behind WTC7, the third steel framed skyscraper to collapse from fire on 911.

I don't want to debate it. It is what it is and I might share more evidence but you got to look at it.

You have to jump down a rabbit hole full of disinformation IF you want to find the truth of the 9/11/2001 attacks. While down in wonderland ae911truth.com may be a good guide but avoid Judy Wood and if you get to the no planes and Pinocchio nose you have gone too far.

The official story of crashing jets and office fires causing the complete destruction of three office towers and the longest burning office fire in history is fantastically ridiculous. Look at the science.

Check out some of David Chandlers 911 analysis:

I think all radical Islamists should die in hellfire missile strikes. Unfortunately to get them all you might have to take out some American alphabet agency offices.
17   richwicks   2021 Apr 5, 11:08pm  

Bitcoin says
Geraldo's boss orders Geraldo to plant explosives in the twin towers on a Sunday night.

What makes you think the Geraldo knows it contains explosives? "Just attach this bag in this location. Geraldo."

I cannot say I know how it was done, I'm not a traitor or a terrorist, or a mass murderer. I can only say that what the official story of 9/11 doesn't add up. I don't know what had to happen, I only need to know I'm being deceived. I can attempt to think like a sociopath, but since I'm not one, my thinking is faulty when modelling them and I'm sure it took them more than a few minutes to figure out how to pull it off, I can't figure out their plan in 5 minutes, probably not 5 months.

Remember the security guard in Las Vegas - Jesus Campos? He was "deported" or killed once he did his ONE interview on Ellen.. Nobody knows where he is or even if he's alive.

It's like a company, you are fed kool-aide and believe in whatever bullshit mission you are told you are on. You never know the true mission. When I was doing networking it was to "educate the world" not to make a propaganda system. I can still educate the world but not within a company - they will willingly sellout to a larger corporation. I'm going through two protocols that currently exist, I think I may be able to combine them.
18   Robert Sproul   2021 Apr 6, 6:48am  

I heard a pilot once talk about the near impossibility of flying a plane at speed into the Pentagon. He said that the target at that speed is razor thin and he doesn't know any pilot that could reliably hit it dead on. The Pentagon and Building 3 kind of Jumped the Shark, narrative wise.
19   WookieMan   2021 Apr 6, 7:39am  

Robert Sproul says
I heard a pilot once talk about the near impossibility of flying a plane at speed into the Pentagon. He said that the target at that speed is razor thin and he doesn't know any pilot that could reliably hit it dead on. The Pentagon and Building 3 kind of Jumped the Shark, narrative wise.

I don't know if some Muslim nut bag could do it, but fly into Midway in Chicago. Hitting a building the size of the pentagon is what you have to do or you're on Cicero Ave. Commercial airline pilots could do it no problem.

I do question that that some Arab training on a Cessna 172 or whatever they trained on could do it. There's a lot of holes in the narrative which makes sense to question, but there's also a lot of luck in life. Unless it was part of the plan, there was still the plane that crashed in a field in Pennsylvania or where ever that was. Pentagon may have been luck, but the towers were likely easy targets for anyone with any time in the air.

In passing I've spoken with engineers. They all say it's not impossible what happened with the towers and building 7. They have no bias on the topic, so I tend to believe them. That said, I think it's okay to question the fuck out of something the magnitude of 9/11. Regardless of it being government orchestrated, the reaction still led to a dumb ass war with the wrong country because daddy was still pissed about not fucking up Iraq. I've always thought people that named their kids after them are a bit twisted in the brain.
20   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 6, 8:16am  

richwicks says
Bitcoin says
Geraldo's boss orders Geraldo to plant explosives in the twin towers on a Sunday night.

What makes you think the Geraldo knows it contains explosives? "Just attach this bag in this location. Geraldo."

Because until now I thought imploding a building means to strategically place explosive charges to take out the buildings support structure. But according to you it only took one guy to "attach this bag in this location" to bring down the WTC.

You learn so much by talking to conspiracy theorists. Richwicks, you should share your knowledge with the world, especially with those professional demolition workers that work so hard to prep the buildings with explosive charges. A lot of time, effort and money could be saved by just telling them: Attach this bag in this location. Done!
21   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 6, 8:58am  

The problem is that sheeple who don't earnestly spend the time to research this objectively, become the ones who say "oh boy, get out your tin foil hat...here's a conspiracy theorist". The Establishment, Deep State, CIA, MSM, etc. have done an amazing job of brainwashing enough of the public to squash any minority ideas as conspiracy theories. If you can't attack the message, attack the messenger.

I grew up in a strict religion and went through a significant "red pill" experience to get out of the brainwashing I had experienced my whole life. Once you've been through that once in your life, you realize that you can never blindly trust organized thought ever again. Some of the responses here indicate that those individuals may have never been "red-pilled" in their lives, which is unfortunate.
22   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 6, 9:53am  

porkchopexpress says
I grew up in a strict religion and went through a significant "red pill" experience to get out of the brainwashing I had experienced my whole life. Once you've been through that once in your life, you realize that you can never blindly trust organized thought ever again. Some of the responses here indicate that those individuals may have never been "red-pilled" in their lives, which is unfortunate.

That is def. a very good point. With religious groups it can get gnarly. Some victims never recover from the brainwashing and they are basically zombies that always feel guilty. I had someone that suffered from that in my extended fam. ....it didnt end well.

Conspiracy theories can be fun. And Some people just want to believe it and when you ask some questions they get defensive or the entire thing turns into an even crazier story. Just look at my conversation with richwicks..... WTC was taken down by one bag of explosives and the guy who planted it didnt even know it. I had a good laugh!
23   WookieMan   2021 Apr 6, 9:59am  

porkchopexpress says
have done an amazing job of brainwashing enough of the public to squash any minority ideas as conspiracy theories. If you can't attack the message, attack the messenger.

Always question for sure. I still can't wrap my head around 9/11. Certain days I think it was an inside job, some days I'm like nah.

I look at the smaller things and not the buildings themselves. I've sat in the cockpit of a 737 (can't remember what models crashed on 9/11). Either way, it is quite the feat to get 2-3 EXTRA dudes into a cockpit to REMOVE the captain and first officer from their positions. That and 100+ passengers just are cool with a hi-jacking with the small risk of being cut by a razor blade. No ex-military on the plane or at least someone of physical strength that could overtake them?

The outcome matters, but the stage of events leading up to it are more bizarre. I fly enough, if I see commotion on a plane I get involved. Only happened once or twice, and strangely enough it's women, but I find it hard to believe that every one just sat there besides the Pennsylvania flight. Even then the Muslim shit heads somehow still were able to manipulate the plane and crash it.

Can dispute engineering and demolition tactics until we're out of breath, but what I've mentioned above is by far more strange. Give it a shot and try to pull a 150-250lbs man out of an airplane cockpit. Good luck. You cut and kill them they're dead weight. Obviously no one survived any of the crashes so there will never be proof as to what happened. I think that's where people should be looking.
24   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 6, 10:49am  

WookieMan says
Can dispute engineering and demolition tactics until we're out of breath, but what I've mentioned above is by far more strange.
Right. There are way too many anomalies outside of the science/physics of it all to just accept the company line.
25   HeadSet   2021 Apr 6, 12:39pm  

WookieMan says
That and 100+ passengers just are cool with a hi-jacking with the small risk of being cut by a razor blade. No ex-military on the plane or at least someone of physical strength that could overtake them?

Yes, because up to that time, the word was "cooperate with hi-jackers and eventually all will be released." Do not forget all the hi-jacks to Cuba and by the PLO types that had passengers released safely, and even the DB Cooper bit. But after 9-11, you are correct, anyone who tries to hijack an aircraft will get mobbed, as what happened with the shoe bomber and a couple others.
26   Ceffer   2021 Apr 6, 12:56pm  

I don't dismiss conspiracy theories. I table them until I have time to study them and compare information. Yes, 9/11 was a false flag generated by Bush, Cheney, the dual citizenship neocons, Mossad, and likely the usual suspects of the City of London and MI6 to unleash the American military to wreak havoc in the Middle East.

The WTC was a huge albatross losing money because it was an asbestos liability nightmare. Apparently, charges were set up in place by teams ostensibly inspecting the building, likely disguised as inspectors through the maintenance areas. It was just a little nothing to blow up the building with people inside and create the subsequent public health disaster. The US Corporation of the Foreign City State of Washington DC thanks them for their noble sacrifice.
27   WookieMan   2021 Apr 6, 1:16pm  

HeadSet says
"cooperate with hi-jackers and eventually all will be released."

lol. I was too young at that time. Noticed it a bit as a kid and remember some news clips.

You fuck with a plane I'm on now, good luck walking away unless you're some master mixed martial artist. I'll take the risk even if you are. Kill me, but you ain't killing a plane full of people around me. Maybe the crying baby can be tossed out ;)

This is again why I question 9/11 to an extent. Everything starts with an initial reaction. The initial reaction on 4 planes, regardless of what was going on in the moment with other hi-jacks doesn't make any sense. Maybe terrorist got lucky that day? Hard to believe. Maybe no one was on the planes? How would any of us know unless we knew someone on the plane?

Also, what's the point of hitting 2 office towers and part of the Pentagon is a country with 300M+ people? I look at the why and not the how if that makes sense? Why did a third building collapse is of no consequence to my view point. Why was this even allowed to happen? Maybe ATC was slow to react on the first plane? The 2nd plane? That's very hard to believe. Given the history of hi-jackings it's likely there were code words you could pass off to ATC. It wasn't the 80's anymore.

I don't know. My biggest beef with 9/11 is how you get control of 4 airplanes controlled by people willing to die after training in a tiny Cessna. Maybe one plane, but 4? The Pentagon luck with perfect glide slope into a building and not an airport? No ATC warning until is was way too late? Way too many obvious failures for what is supposed to be the most advance country in the world.

I won't even discuss the buildings until someone can point out these massive flaws. The narrative leading up to buildings collapsing is the part people should be focused on. Figure out the lie there before worrying about structural engineering. There's a reason there is a narrative on the buildings and not the people and plot.
28   socal2   2021 Apr 6, 2:55pm  

WookieMan says
I don't know. My biggest beef with 9/11 is how you get control of 4 airplanes controlled by people willing to die after training in a tiny Cessna.

If shady government operatives can take months and months to successfully rig explosives all throughout the WTC complex without anyone noticing - why the fuck wouldn't they just make it look like massive truck bombs in the parking garage with some other backpack bombs peppered throughout the building? Why would the conspirators create a scheme so complicated and crazy that it required the successful hijacking of 4 airplanes and successfully crashing 3 of the 4 into massive buildings? What would have happened if a couple of the other plane passengers fought back like flight 1993? Would these conspirators then have to sneak back into the WTC to remove all the explosives?

Islamists tried to take down the WTC in 1993 using a truck bomb, hoping that they could implode one tower and have it knock into the other. Was that a black flag operation by the US Government too?

Why was Bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri all taking credit for 9/11 within hours of the attack? Are they all part of the big scheme to let Bush and Haliburton "steal" Iraq's oil?

Look how much work, drilling and effort it takes to rig a much smaller building for implosion. It just beggars belief that this could have been done without ANYONE noticing.

29   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 6, 4:19pm  

socal2 says
why the fuck wouldn't they just make it look like massive truck bombs in the parking garage with some other backpack bombs peppered throughout the building?
Two words...Patriot Act. What's more scary to the American public? Truck bombs or hijacked planes flying into skyscrapers? In fact, you kind of made the point of the "conspiracy theorists". If this was truly contrived by terrorists and not an inside job, it would've been way easier for terrorists to explode truck bombs vs hijacking planes and flying them into buildings.
30   Onvacation   2021 Apr 6, 4:21pm  

socal2 says
Look how much work, drilling and effort it takes to rig a much smaller building for implosion. It just beggars belief that this could have been done without ANYONE noticing.

You're right it couldn't have been explosives that dropped the 57 story steel frame skyscraper WTC7 into a massive twisted pile of cut beams and dust. The government story is that WTC7 fell because several hours of office fires weakened some beams that caused a cascade of failures that had the building falling as you can see in the movie above.

Look at the movie. Planned implosion? Or office fires?

Occams razor! It had to be office fires!
31   Onvacation   2021 Apr 6, 4:22pm  

"You can't wake people pretending to sleep."
32   Patrick   2021 Apr 6, 5:07pm  

socal2 says
Don’t make excuses for Islamists!

No problem there, I am certain that the planes were flown by Saudi Islamic assholes.

I'm just not sure that that's all there is to it.
33   socal2   2021 Apr 6, 5:24pm  

porkchopexpress says
Two words...Patriot Act. What's more scary to the American public? Truck bombs or hijacked planes flying into skyscrapers?

I am pretty sure they still would have been able to get the Patriot Act passed and troops in Afghanistan if they took down the WTC without the airplanes.

Again, what's the point of the planes? It is so massively complicated and needlessly risky if the whole plan was to use explosives to take down the WTC. Did the "insiders" have to secretly remove explosives from the building that flight 93 was supposed to hit?

porkchopexpress says
If this was truly contrived by terrorists and not an inside job, it would've been way easier for terrorists to explode truck bombs vs hijacking planes and flying them into buildings.

Islamists already tried truck bombs at the WTC it in 1993 and it didn't work.
34   socal2   2021 Apr 6, 5:39pm  

Onvacation says
You're right it couldn't have been explosives that dropped the 57 story steel frame skyscraper WTC7 into a massive twisted pile of cut beams and dust. The government story is that WTC7 fell because several hours of office fires weakened some beams that caused a cascade of failures that had the building falling as you can see in the movie above.

Do you have any idea how HEAVY building structures are........especially a building with 110 stories like the WTC?

WTC 2 was hit between the 75th and 85th floors knocking down a massive number of support beams with the initial impact. That puts 35 stories of massive weight above the impact zone that is already blown out with more damage from the fires burning and weakening the remaining support beams. How is it shocking or hard to believe that 35 stories of massive weight will pancake down and destroy the whole building (and damage surrounding buildings like WTC7 when so much of the foundation below was knocked out by the plane impact?
35   Onvacation   2021 Apr 6, 6:22pm  

socal2 says
How is it shocking or hard to believe that 35 stories of massive weight will pancake down and destroy the whole building (and damage surrounding buildings like WTC7 when so much of the foundation below was knocked out by the plane impact?

Go read the official story. It was fires that fell all three towers. Go read the report and tell me you BELIEVE it.

Experts have analyzed the demolitions and there is little doubt that the buildings were intentionally destroyed by explosives.
36   Robert Sproul   2021 Apr 6, 7:15pm  

WookieMan says
but fly into Midway in Chicago. Hitting a building the size of the pentagon is what you have to do or you're on Cicero Ave. Commercial airline pilots could do it no problem.

Who the Hell knows? You have to consider though, planes coming into Midway are coming in at landing speeds, aided by approach radar, with calm experienced pilots trained re: that particular airport.
These fuck-wits were coming in at cruising speed (roughly 600' per second), picking out the target visually. It seems like it would be pretty easy to miss. Instead they hit the 70’ target dead on.
I also find it very odd that there is not one photo of the plane on its approach. Nobody in the vicinity had a damn camera?
37   richwicks   2021 Apr 6, 7:30pm  

Robert Sproul says
I also find it very odd that there is not one photo of the plane on its approach. Nobody in the vicinity had a damn camera?

Surveillance footage from a gas station was found, and then left as classified evidence.

You know how it's easy to determine that the government itself had Kennedy murdered? Because there's still classified files about it. Same way you know that 9/11 was a false flag.
38   socal2   2021 Apr 6, 7:36pm  

Onvacation says
Go read the official story. It was fires that fell all three towers. Go read the report and tell me you BELIEVE it.

Experts have analyzed the demolitions and there is little doubt that the buildings were intentionally destroyed by explosives.

It wasn't just fires that took down the 2 main Trade Towers, it was the impact of the massive commercial airliners destroying several main support beams that were supporting the weight of the stories above.


Also, can you show me any experts who can explain how anyone could rig these massive OCCUPIED buildings without anyone seeing a thing? Not a single person out of the 200,000 daily visitors and 50,000 workers saw a thing out of the ordinary like dudes drilling hundreds of holes into support structures, planting explosives and running miles and miles of cabling?

9/11 conspiracy theories aren't exactly new. You would think we would have some reasonable physical evidence or whistle blowers by now instead of the same crank "experts" making the same claims over the same video for the past 20 years.

Heck - how did they even set off the explosives without direct cabling daisy chained with all the other explosives so the timing would be perfect? Did they run cable and set up detonators a half mile away into some secret building so someone could light the explosives and not get crushed by the falling buildings?
39   PaisleyPattern   2021 Apr 6, 8:28pm  

The official 911 narrative is ridiculous. I spent quite a bit of time looking into it, my opinion is there is no way it happened the way they say it did. Since then, whenever I meet someone who I consider intelligent and thoughtful, I asked them what they think about 911 as a litmus test to see how open minded they are and how much they look into world events.
40   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 6, 8:29pm  

socal2 says
You would think we would have some reasonable physical evidence or whistle blowers by now instead of the same crank "experts" making the same claims over the same video for the past 20 years.

Socal2 you are spot on :) Couldnt have said it better.

It would take an armada of resources and manpower to pull this off. It doesnt matter to the conspiracy theorists that there isnt a single piece of evidence and not a single whistleblower. People just want to believe this crap without any proof. You cant fix that by trying to reason with them. Its like trying to convince a brainwashed, religious cult. Total waste of time but thanks anyways for your comments!
41   Onvacation   2021 Apr 6, 8:45pm  

socal2 says

Also, can you show me any experts who can explain how anyone could rig these massive OCCUPIED buildings without anyone seeing a thing?

Yeah. Google it.

Oh wait, Google is part of the conspiracy. Try duckduckgo.

I don't want to debate the minutiae again. Anyone that has looked at the evidence and accepts the official story is lying, delusional, or suffering from cognitive dissonance at the thought that elements of our our government could be so evil; Some other reason?
42   PaisleyPattern   2021 Apr 6, 8:49pm  

Bitcoin says
socal2 says
You would think we would have some reasonable physical evidence or whistle blowers by now instead of the same crank "experts" making the same claims over the same video for the past 20 years.

Socal2 you are spot on :) Couldnt have said it better.

It would take an armada of resources and manpower to pull this off. It doesnt matter to the conspiracy theorists that there isnt a single piece of evidence and not a single whistleblower. People just want to believe this crap without any proof. You cant fix that by trying to reason with them. Its like trying to convince a brainwashed, religious cult. Total waste of time but thanks anyways for your comments!

Bitcoin, it’s obvious to anyone with some intelligence and an open mind that the narrative is complete bullshit.There is proof, and there are whistleblowers. Unintelligent, loudmouths like you aren’t worth debating with, it’s a complete waste of energy.
43   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 6, 8:55pm  

Hell, there were thousands of whistleblowers saying bad or fraudulent behavior occurred during the 2020 election, but all of that meant NOTHING.

Our government, MSM, Big Tech and most big corporations are fucking corrupt as hell and absolutely conspire to commit crimes and cover them up.
44   PaisleyPattern   2021 Apr 6, 9:01pm  

Any public figure who publicly stated any skepticism of the official 9/11 narrative was promptly discredited and lost their career.

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