Corona virus (more correctly, Wuhan virus)

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2020 Jan 24, 12:33pm   198,337 views  3,372 comments

by Heraclitusstudent   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone wants to risk a bet on the eventual number of sick people? Dead people?

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2229   Patrick   2021 Apr 6, 10:17pm  


How is it possible that the USA has about 20 percent of the world’s cases of Covid-19 and a similar share of deaths, but just 4.2-percent of the world’s population? ...

You can look at all the data and there is just one explanation for this anomaly (and it’s an extreme one): mass hysteria creating mass psychogenic illness and hysterical contagion brought about by lockdowns and media coverage highlighting and exaggerating the “pandemic.” These are real psychological conditions.

The public has been frightened to its core, resulting in suicides and public freak-outs. Examples abound on the net showing some poor person getting a positive test for Covid-19 and breaking into tears or panicking despite the fact that they felt fine and have no symptoms.

This is further compounded by panicky government shut-downs in much of the country at the behest of the state health departments.

When the WHO reports that these lockdowns and stay-at-home orders won’t solve this problem because of the consequences of suicides, domestic abuse, and murder; much of the media refuses to discuss or promote this and literally promotes lockdowns instead. ...

With Covid, there is no other explanation for the major discrepancies from country to country. The nations with worsening situations have the loudest media sensationalizing the situation. Find a country that is not influenced by modern Western media and the cases and deaths drop. China’s low numbers can be explained by state control of media reporting with calm, not allowing sensationalism. The US and the UK in particular have a much more hysterical and freaked out journalist class prone to exaggerating situations and outright fearmongering.

The severity of the virus from country to country is a reflection of media coverage, not the other way around. This explains how the Swine flu during the Obama administration did not get out of hand. The testing and reporting was stopped.

This thesis may seem radical to some, but there is no other obvious explanation for the ridiculous US numbers. Every explanation has been shallow or cliched involving racism, wealth gaps, health insurance, or Trump.

When this is all over and studied, the truth will come out. The mainstream and corporate media, including most local reporting, has done a disservice to the American public by sensationalizing the pandemic at the expense of serious and honest reporting. And it is literally making people sick.
2231   zzyzzx   2021 Apr 7, 4:13am  

Patrick says
How is it possible that the USA has about 20 percent of the world’s cases of Covid-19 and a similar share of deaths, but just 4.2-percent of the world’s population

The answer was right in front of you::

2232   WookieMan   2021 Apr 7, 5:01am  

Patrick says
This is further compounded by panicky government shut-downs in much of the country at the behest of the state health departments.

Europe is worse. At least Austria. Not by choice, but my family that just got back, they haven't been to a restaurant in over a year there. They can't. When they tested positive government officials visited their apartment almost daily. We have it bad in some states, but it sounds much worse in Austria or even Canada.
2233   Patrick   2021 Apr 7, 8:45am  

And for just about no reason at all.
2234   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 8, 9:06am  

It was also exaggerated here to try and make Trump look bad and lose the election, but that didn't work so that had to cheat about 100 different ways.
2235   Reality   2021 Apr 8, 9:32am  

What if it is a way of wiping the obese and sickly population off the government's payroll? First tell them "body-positive," then introduce a virus that disproportionally kill the obese and/or pretend there is a virus that kills more than what normal cold+flu does to the obsese and sickly so as to introduce a vaccine that disproportionally kills off the obese and sickly while enticing them with donuts!
2236   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 8, 9:38am  

Reality says
What if it is a way of wiping the obese and sickly population off the government's payroll? First tell them "body-positive," then introduce a virus that disproportionally kill the obese and/or pretend there is a virus that kills more than what normal cold+flu does to the obsese and sickly so as to introduce a vaccine that disproportionally kills off the obese and sickly while enticing them with donuts!
Funny you mention that. I've thought the same thing.
2237   zzyzzx   2021 Apr 8, 9:44am  

Reality says
What if it is a way of wiping the obese and sickly population off the government's payroll?

Then they aren't trying hard enough!
2238   WookieMan   2021 Apr 8, 11:14pm  

porkchopexpress says
Reality says
What if it is a way of wiping the obese and sickly population off the government's payroll? First tell them "body-positive," then introduce a virus that disproportionally kill the obese and/or pretend there is a virus that kills more than what normal cold+flu does to the obsese and sickly so as to introduce a vaccine that disproportionally kills off the obese and sickly while enticing them with donuts!
Funny you mention that. I've thought the same thing.

Yeah, theoretically who it's "killing" is wiping out loads of social security recipients. Not sure if there's a net savings though as we just print more debt to support people that are fully capable of producing and working, but haven't been able to. It almost seems like trashing the dollar is intentional at this point.

I don't claim to have knowledge of monetary policy and currency manipulation. But there has to be some end goal to this. I'm trying to figure it out. I feel like there are all these proxy wars (not physically) raging that we just don't know about or understand. Digitally and financially.
2239   Booger   2021 Apr 9, 2:57am  

WookieMan says
But there has to be some end goal to this.

It's to implement "The New Green Deal".
2240   WookieMan   2021 Apr 9, 6:16am  

Booger says
WookieMan says
But there has to be some end goal to this.

It's to implement "The New Green Deal".

Fine. Just implement it then. The Dems should have the votes if it's such a good idea. Since it's mostly about renewable energy my electric rates should go down. Gas should be cheaper as well since it's in less demand.

Buying a Toyota Sequoia this morning, no joke. Replacing a Nissan Armada. Well actually keeping it and getting rid of my beater. My Toyota guy is getting me one $15k off Blue Book. Slightly used. It's a massive deal. It's a manufacturer plated one too and Toyota has those transponders in them to track their employees when they drive them. So it has been babied.

One key in life is to network like a mother fucker. Can save you a shit ton of money over time if you know the right people.
2241   Patrick   2021 Apr 10, 9:36pm  


The media just lies outright about a "surge" in NYC when the exact opposite is happening.

If I were cynical, I'd say the media is just a front for billionaires who have profited immensely from destroying the livelihoods of tens of millions...
2242   Onvacation   2021 Apr 10, 10:21pm  

I hear people are getting the flu again.
2243   Misc   2021 Apr 10, 10:49pm  

Onvacation says
I hear people are getting the flu again.

Don't say that. The media will say it is a novel flu virus and we need to lock down.
2244   mell   2021 Apr 11, 9:02am  

Patrick says


The media just lies outright about a "surge" in NYC when the exact opposite is happening.

If I were cynical, I'd say the media is just a front for billionaires who have profited immensely from destroying the livelihoods of tens of millions...

They're calling everything a surge that is up from previous lows. Of course totally discarding the fact that most curves oscillate while ascending and declining. Basic statistics (if people would know basic math) disproves the narrative but keeping people dumb makes for good fear porn.
2245   Patrick   2021 Apr 11, 9:08am  

mell says
fear porn

Fear porn sells eyeballs to advertisers.

The modern MSM is a blight on humanity, deliberately instilling fear for profit and to please oligarchs.
2247   Patrick   2021 Apr 11, 12:35pm  


This is an excellent idea. Sue the fuckers if they demand violation of your body to remain employed.
2249   Patrick   2021 Apr 12, 12:10pm  

No, the media knows they won't be taken seriously in a red state.

Their audience and their victims are largely in blue states.
2253   WookieMan   2021 Apr 12, 4:29pm  

Booger says

Pretty much sums it up quite nicely.
2255   Patrick   2021 Apr 12, 6:21pm  

You know, The White Rose is meaningful for me. I studied in Munich for a year, and had classes in the same building as the Scholl siblings.


We are once again fighting a great evil: violent leftists funded by global corporations cooperating with China. They have taken over the US government through election fraud and are daily trying to eliminate our rights to free speech and gun ownership.
2260   CBOEtrader   2021 Apr 14, 6:16pm  

Patrick says

pretty sure this is inaccurate. every time ive tried to fact check these claims from either side, the cdc stats did indeed report something like 400000 extra deaths in 2020.

the problem is that noone has looked at from where the deaths are coming. how many suicides, overdoses, and hospital malpractice deaths can we reclassify as CV-19?
2261   Patrick   2021 Apr 14, 8:16pm  

I also want to see the graphs for all causes of deaths, and see if those also dropped as virus deaths rose.
2262   WookieMan   2021 Apr 14, 8:23pm  

CBOEtrader says
the problem is that noone has looked at from where the deaths are coming. how many suicides, overdoses, and hospital malpractice deaths can we reclassify as CV-19?

Patrick says
I also want to see the graphs for all causes of deaths, and see if those also dropped as virus deaths rose.

We won't know for five years or some other convenient time. They can update covid deaths daily and cases, but not other deaths now? We're way to damn advanced not to have this data digitized every hour at minimum in a publicly accessible d-base.
2263   Onvacation   2021 Apr 15, 6:16am  

WookieMan says
We're way to damn advanced not to have this data digitized every hour at minimum in a publicly accessible d-base.

And we should be able to count the votes on election night.
2264   Eric Holder   2021 Apr 15, 10:58am  

Covid Bug:

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