American journalism is officially dead. "Reporters" are now activists, overtly biased.

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2021 Apr 10, 10:02pm   135,736 views  1,368 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


The CBS scandal you may have missed because of the 60 Minutes hit job on Ron DeSantis

The news network has published an article advising major companies on ways to "fight" Republican-backed voting laws. The report’s original headline read, “3 ways companies can help fight Georgia's restrictive new voting law.” Naturally, the story itself contains several tips on how businesses can protest Georgia-style legislation.

This is not journalism. This is political advocacy, and it’s all done in service of a traditional beneficiary of the press’s ethical lapses.

Imagine, for a moment, if one of the three major networks published a story advising businesses on how to “fight” ultra-permissive abortion laws. It’d be unthinkable. Yet, here, is CBS doing exactly that sort of politicking, but for bills such as the one passed recently in Georgia.

Perhaps realizing it had strayed headfirst into political advocacy, CBS amended the report’s headline eventually, softening its tone into something decidedly less partisan.

The headline as it appears online now reads, “Activists are calling on big companies to challenge new voting laws. Here's what they're asking for.”

In a way, this is actually worse than the original. At least in the original, CBS had the guts to declare its allegiance outright. The amended version chooses instead to hide behind “activists” to push an obvious political position.

As for the report itself, it remains unchanged. It still outlines various ways in which businesses can “fight” voting laws championed by Republican legislatures. It is still just as partisan as the day it first published.

“Do not donate," the report recommends. "Activists said companies should immediately stop making donations to Barry Fleming and Michael Dugan, the Georgia Republicans who co-sponsored the voting changes."

It continues, naming and shaming major businesses such as Delta and Home Depot for donating to Fleming and Dugan.

"Ending political donations is one of the most immediately impactful steps a company can take to sway lawmakers," the article reads.

The article also says companies can help fight Georgia-style voting laws by producing ads that "help stamp out efforts nationwide to pass voting laws similar to Georgia's," including in Arizona and Texas.

"Activists say it isn't enough for companies to issue tepid public statements in defense of voting rights," the CBS report reads. "Instead, companies should launch television and social media ads that oppose efforts in Georgia, Arizona, Texas and other states considering voter restrictions."

Companies, the story continues, can also support the coercive monstrosity known as the “For the People Act."

"If passed,” the CBS report reads, “the act would create same-day and online voter registration nationwide. It would also require states to overhaul their registration systems. The act seeks to expand absentee voting, limit the states' ability to remove people from voter rolls, increase federal funds for election security and reform the redistricting process.”

Though the CBS article is several days old, you likely missed it amid the network’s other major ethical lapse, when it promoted the lie that Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis rewarded a grocery chain with an “exclusive” deal to distribute coronavirus vaccines as part of a “pay for play” scheme involving political contributions.

If you missed all of this voting law boycott business when it happened, you can be forgiven. After all, CBS’s “report” on DeSantis is possibly the worst political hit job since Dan Rather went on-air with forgeries of former President George W. Bush's National Guard service record.

It’s obviously not a great situation when one media scandal is obscured by a concurrent scandal and all by the same newsroom. If there are adults still left at CBS, now would be a good time to take back control.

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1   Ceffer   2021 Apr 11, 2:03pm  

May the best liar win.
2   mell   2021 Apr 11, 2:18pm  

Link doesn't work, already removed?
4   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Apr 11, 5:26pm  

There hasn’t been news reporting in some time. Millenials are fucking assholes birthed by even bigger assholes (boomers) and willing to cough up individual freedoms and liberties for the sake of their bullshit pseudo religions. Someone said Gen X is the last savior of the US and that is true but damn near hopeless. As the last link to our silent generation parents that lived through the depression, ww2, Korean War, and Vietnam, were apparently the only generation that has the wisdom of second hand knowledge from the past. The boomers were too self centered (IE assholes) to listen to their greatest generation parents and instead tried to dispense of the solid society built out of ww2.

Pathetic, sad, and most unfortunate.
5   mell   2021 Apr 11, 5:32pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
There hasn’t been news reporting in some time. Millenials are fucking assholes birthed by even bigger assholes (boomers) and willing to cough up individual freedoms and liberties for the sake of their bullshit pseudo religions. Someone said Gen X is the last savior of the US and that is true but damn near hopeless. As the last link to our silent generation parents that lived through the depression, ww2, Korean War, and Vietnam, were apparently the only generation that has the wisdom of second hand knowledge from the past. The boomers were too self centered (IE assholes) to listen to their greatest generation parents and instead tried to dispense of the solid society built out of ww2.

Pathetic, sad, and most unfortunate.

A bit dark but lots of truth in there ;)
7   stereotomy   2021 Apr 11, 7:23pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
There hasn’t been news reporting in some time. Millenials are fucking assholes birthed by even bigger assholes (boomers) and willing to cough up individual freedoms and liberties for the sake of their bullshit pseudo religions. Someone said Gen X is the last savior of the US and that is true but damn near hopeless. As the last link to our silent generation parents that lived through the depression, ww2, Korean War, and Vietnam, were apparently the only generation that has the wisdom of second hand knowledge from the past. The boomers were too self centered (IE assholes) to listen to their greatest generation parents and instead tried to dispense of the solid society built out of ww2.

Pathetic, sad, and most unfortunate.

I'm starting to believe the same thing. So much of what was "normal life" back in the day is met with blank stares (a.k.a. is this just the crazy oldster spouting off?) when I try to explain what this country was like when it was still (at least 50%) by the people and for the people.

We are living through not the end, but the beginning of the end. The end will see our grandchildren or great-grandchildren suffer the full consequences.
8   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Apr 11, 7:53pm  

I had the pleasure of meeting a lot of the Greatest as a Teenager in Florida. 90% had a complete positive vibe, good people. Many of their kids were assholes. Some of the Silents were damned good but again, so few of them relative to the generation before and after them, like Gen X.
9   Patrick   2021 Apr 11, 7:57pm  

A lot of those Greatest Generation people had a really hard time when they were young.

I was reading Jackie Gleason's bio, and damn, his father burned all the pictures of himself and left, then his mother got a large carbuncle which Jackie lanced, but then his mother got septicemia and died. He was homeless for a bit before getting into standup comedy.
10   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Apr 11, 8:28pm  

They're all like that: Kirk Douglas (son of a rag dealer), Charles Bronson (Coal Miner at 10 years old), etc.

Really amazing that these people grew up in absolute shit conditions, turned out better than many a spoiled brat.

Appreciation is the key difference.

Enervating luxuries, my man, enervating luxuries.

The idea about the Fremen from Dune being forced to grow up in the Deep Desert after Mau'dib brings water is on to something. Raise teens in the wilds chopping wood and shit, no electric from 12 until 18.
11   PeopleUnited   2021 Apr 11, 8:36pm  

stereotomy says
We are living through not the end, but the beginning of the end. The end will see our grandchildren or great-grandchildren suffer the full consequences.

It is hard to say exactly when the beginning of the end started but normalization of trade with Communist China began in 1980. This seems like the beginning of the end for American manufacturing, and a country dependent on imports is a dependent country.

Don’t worry about your great grandchildren, the current generation won’t recognize their own country in a decades time. But the millennials probably will mostly cheer for the globalists new world order great reset tyranny.
12   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Apr 11, 10:12pm  

MisdemeanorRebel says
They're all like that: Kirk Douglas (son of a rag dealer), Charles Bronson (Coal Miner at 10 years old), etc.

Really amazing that these people grew up in absolute shit conditions, turned out better than many a spoiled brat.

Appreciation is the key difference.

Enervating luxuries, my man, enervating luxuries.

The idea about the Fremen from Dune being forced to grow up in the Deep Desert after Mau'dib brings water is on to something. Raise teens in the wilds chopping wood and shit, no electric from 12 until 18.

Kirk Douglas would be a Republican today.

13   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Apr 11, 10:25pm  

MisdemeanorRebel says
I had the pleasure of meeting a lot of the Greatest as a Teenager in Florida. 90% had a complete positive vibe, good people. Many of their kids were assholes. Some of the Silents were damned good but again, so few of them relative to the generation before and after them, like Gen X.

It kills me. I had so much respect for my great aunts and uncles. I loved talking to them and hearing what they had to say. I only know one millennial that has the same level of curiousity. It’s sad and I’ll go as far as to say, wrong. It’s funny...on a forum related to a hobby I pursue, there’s a guy I’ve interacted with over the past few years but only with hobby related stuff. Turns out he moved away from California about 5-6 years ago. He’s 8 years older than me putting him right on the intersection of the boomers and Gen x. He essentially had the same upbringing as I did and in similar suburbs of LA. And one of his first statements as to why he left California is because it’s not at all the same place he grew up in. This guy who I literally knew nothing about except that we engage in the same hobby....we have the exact same life experience and thoughts. And if wager were not the only ones.

The realization that the US mainstream media is corrupt was not a pleasant one. I’d be much happier with a strait forward media that reported the facts and events. The only thing I think I can do about it is rant about how dishonest they are. It’s bad enough that a very left leaning friend complained about a couple things Newsom did and also complained about our new DA, the extraordinarily evil George Gascon. She actually posted on social media about a couple news articles that were related that she thought was bs. She also didn’t argue when I said there was zero chance that 85% of LA County registered voters and 90% of OC voters voted in the presidential election, and she always argues with me.
In fact, she’s stopped commenting on politics altogether other than to frequently register outrage at Newsom and the LA County Board of supervisors.

Still I’m concerned I’ll just be viewed as the crazy conspiratorial old guy. I’m still in my 40’s so maybe not that old. Maybe.
14   richwicks   2021 Apr 12, 4:09am  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
The realization that the US mainstream media is corrupt was not a pleasant one.

Ha! It's a WONDERFUL one. I've known for 30 years that our media reports complete lies.

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
Still I’m concerned I’ll just be viewed as the crazy conspiratorial old guy. I’m still in my 40’s so maybe not that old. Maybe.

What the bitch of it is, is that you're more right if you're a "conspiratorial nujob" than if you're one of the sheep in the pasture repeating the propaganda of the pigs drowning out everybody else.

You think it's a BAD thing to realize that our "news" is just propaganda? Congratulations, you realize that Santa Claus isn't real. Oh the horror, to finally be an adult.
15   Patrick   2021 Apr 12, 10:29pm  

Scott Adams

Most of our major "news" stories have the coincidental effect of making at least one industry richer.
Floyd trial: News business
Virus: Pharma
China/Iran: Military/industrial complex
Climate: Green businesses
16   Patrick   2021 Apr 22, 11:40am  


NBC News deceptively edited police bodycam footage so their viewers wouldn’t see the knife in 15-year-old Ma’Kiyah Bryant’s hand moments before a Columbus officer shot her dead.

NBC also deceptively edited the 911 call to omit the part where the caller says a girl was “trying to stab us.”

Advertisement - story continues below

NBC anchor Lester Holt began the segment by showing a picture of a smiling Ma’Kiyah Bryant to make her look innocent.

Omitting the fact that the teen was wielding a large knife and attempting to stab someone is willful deception.

Also https://populist.press/girl-in-pink-says-some-important-things-about-what-the-police-did-kills-liberal-narrative/
17   Patrick   2021 Apr 22, 11:48am  


Hero cop saves African-American teen from knife attack

Whew, at least one honest title about the incident.
18   AmericanKulak   2021 Apr 22, 8:30pm  

stereotomy says
We are living through not the end, but the beginning of the end. The end will see our grandchildren or great-grandchildren suffer the full consequences.

That's why we need to fight the future.

We must remember that the internet was supposed to enhance the flow of ideas, not be censored by San Fran Freakos with Liberal Arts Degrees in Multimedia Studies.

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

It kills me. I had so much respect for my great aunts and uncles. I loved talking to them and hearing what they had to say. I only know one millennial that has the same level of curiousity.

I loved hearing stories about WW2, the Great Depression, etc. from my grandparents.

Kids are educated with the perspective that everything old is bad (and EVIL!), everything new is good. Technology, "Social Change", etc.

Has anybody noticed that quite a few male Millennials don't know how to talk to guys? I mean shooting the breeze type shit. "I banged this broad in Bedford" "I got slammed against an old Ford at a Judas Priest concert by security and they took away our case"
19   Patrick   2021 Apr 25, 6:49pm  

Brutally Honest
Replying to @TomBevanRCP
In all fairness though, they were all white, so nobody cares.
20   mich   2021 Apr 25, 8:15pm  

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9xT3LZh_TU good one regarding the media....you can fast forward to 12:00 to Rick Sanchez reporter telling how things have changed.
21   AmericanKulak   2021 Apr 25, 8:53pm  

Patrick says

Brutally Honest
Replying to @TomBevanRCP
In all fairness though, they were all white, so nobody cares.

CHYNA pays well with their Walmart and Amazon Free Trade wealth.
22   Patrick   2021 Apr 27, 1:28pm  


CNN's New "Reporter," Natasha Bertrand, is a Deranged Conspiracy Theorist and Scandal-Plagued CIA Propagandist

In the U.S. corporate media, the surest way to advance is to loyally spread lies and deceit from the U.S. security state. Bertrand is just the latest example.

The most important axiom for understanding how the U.S. corporate media functions is that there is never accountability for those who serve as propagandists for the U.S. security state. The opposite is true: the more aggressively and recklessly you spread CIA narratives or pro-war manipulation, the more rewarded you will be in that world.

The classic case is Jeffrey Goldberg, who wrote one of the most deceitful and destructive articles of his generation: a lengthy New Yorker article in May, 2002 — right as the propagandistic groundwork for the invasion of Iraq was being laid — that claimed Saddam Hussein had formed an alliance with Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. In February, 2003, on the eve of the invasion of Iraq, NPR host Robert Siegel devoted a long segment to this claim. When he asked Goldberg “a man named Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,” Goldberg replied: “He is one of several men who might personify a link between Iraq and al-Qaeda.”

Needless to say, nothing could generate hatred for someone among the American population — just nine months away from the 9/11 attack — more than associating them with bin Laden. Five months after Goldberg's New Yorker article, the U.S. Congress authorized the use of military force to impose regime change on Iraq; ten months later, the U.S. invaded Iraq; and by September, 2003, close to 70% of Americans believed the lie that Saddam had personally participated in the 9/11 attack. ...

Another illustrative mascot for this lucrative career path is NBC's national security correspondent Ken Dilanian. In 2014, his own former paper, The Los Angeles Times, acknowledged his "collaborative” relationship with the CIA. During his stint there, he mimicked false claims from John Brennan's CIA that no innocent people were killed from a 2012 Obama drone strike, only for human rights groups and leaked documents to prove many were.

A FOIA request produced documents published by The Intercept in 2015 that showed Dilanian submitting his "reporting” to the CIA for approval in violation of The LA Times’ own ethical guidelines and then repeating what he was told to say. But again, serving the CIA even with false "reporting” and unethical behavior is a career benefit in corporate media, not an impediment, and Dilanian rapidly fell upward after these embarrassing revelations. ...

On Monday, CNN made clear that this dynamic still drives the corporate media world. The network proudly announced that it had hired Natasha Bertrand away from Politico. In doing so, they added to their stable of former CIA operatives, NSA spies, Pentagon Generals and FBI agents a reporter who has done as much as anyone, if not more so, to advance the scripts of those agencies.

It seems amazing but It does seem to be true that the CIA is dictating what the legacy media reports in the US.
23   Karloff   2021 Apr 27, 2:12pm  

Yuri Bezmenov's KGB role was posing as a journalist when subverting foreign countries.

I would just assume the all legacy media is staffed by subversive agents at this point. Regardless of their actual nature, the constant propaganda is what turned me off of them long ago. Subjecting yourself to a constant stream of lies is no way to spend your time.

"Pravda West" is what I call them.
24   Patrick   2021 Apr 29, 9:58am  


Stormy Daniels, Russian collusion, Impeachment Part I, two scoops of ice cream, Russia bounties, Impeachment Part II: news consumption was sky-high. But when Trump moved back to Mar-a-Lago, he took his ratings with him. ...

The mainstream media built their entire industry around despising Donald Trump. When covering Orange Man Bad’s administration, White House correspondents transformed from formerly serious journalists into unhinged hecklers. But it is their latest transformation back to docile cheerleaders that is even more revealing. ...

This is a team effort after all! Politico actually sent out a memo to its staffers about the border specifically instructing them to ‘avoid referring to the present situation as a crisis, although we may quote others using that language while providing context’. It is stunning to think that these are the same truth-seekers and democracy defenders who just a few years ago were melting down on social media about kids in cages.

The media’s flagrant hypocrisy when covering everything from Joe’s wind-induced stair spills to his radical (and green!) policies is breathtaking. Trump called the press the enemy of the people. They didn’t have to prove him right.

However, there is a silver lining to the decline of giants like the Washington Post and the New York Times. These famed institutions, unwilling to print anything but Biden agitprop, have left a real opening in the market for actual journalism. Enter Substack. The online platform describes itself as ‘a place for independent writing. We make it simple for a writer to start a paid newsletter’.

Bari Weiss is a great example of the type of journalist who thrives on this unconfined platform. Weiss, far too free a thinker for the Gray Lady, resigned because of the Times’s hostile woke culture. Her newsletter on Substack, covering a variety of topics from anti-Semitism to Critical Race Theory, has been incredibly successful. It turns out people are willing to pay for content that isn’t constrained and controlled by ideology. ...

When Peter Alexander or Kaitlan Collins get the rare opportunity to ask Biden a question, they never say anything useful. Even when Joe Biden repeatedly tells reporters he can’t take any more questions or he will ‘get in trouble’, our once cut-throat White House press corps can’t even drum up the courage to ask the obvious follow-up — in trouble with whom?
25   Karloff   2021 Apr 29, 2:51pm  

If you didn't want me staring at your chest, you wouldn't have covered up most of your face.
26   Patrick   2021 Apr 29, 5:32pm  

HunterTits says
I am an equal opportunity problem child whatever site I am on

I like tits too. Just asking you to have more respect for the site and for the other users on it.
27   seesaw   2021 Apr 29, 8:41pm  

CBS has Been slanted to the Left for Decades... nothing new here... it's all the others that are now in lockstep with each other. Heil!
28   Patrick   2021 May 4, 11:28pm  


In modern newsrooms, especially in the last four or five years, the intellectual diversity that I think was normal in a newsroom once upon a time is vanishing, and there is an expectation, especially among younger reporters, that everybody is going to be a team player, that they're going to be devoted to pursuing the same ideological framework.

We've had a lot of controversies within news organizations where one or two reporters will try to report something, and the rest of the newsroom will revolt. We've had episodes in organizations like The Nation where somebody has done a story and the rest of the newsroom will write a letter to the editor. There have been similar episodes at The Intercept and other places.

Reporters feel: if I don't write something that the rest of the newsroom agrees with, I'm going to end up with a problem. That's resulted in a lot of conformity, and an unwillingness to go anywhere near where the perceived line of debate might be. It's also made people unwilling to go near an unpopular opinion. ...

I think in many cases, political correctness has run amok at some of the bigger papers. Notably, there was the Tom Cotton affair, when the senator from Arkansas wrote an op-ed at The New York Times, which caused an internal uprising and got the op-ed editor fired. That's too much. We can't have the thought police intervening to that extent. ...

If you go on the plane on the campaign trail, most of the people on the plane now are graduates of Ivy League universities. They live in rarefied areas of expensive, cosmopolitan neighborhoods. Socially, they see themselves as being the same people as the politicians they're reporting on. That's a terrible situation. I think that it's an underrated problem within modern news media.
29   Patrick   2021 May 5, 9:19am  


Take this parking lot exchange as but one example of the public's complete mistrust in its information gatekeepers, and then try to tell me we haven't arrived at that very point of no return.


Reporter: I have no political agenda, sir. I really don't. No of the people I know does either. We're purely objective journalists.

Citizen: Uh, yeah you are.

Reporter: Truly, truly, sir, from the bottom of my heart. I don't have a political dog in…

Citizen: Ok, ok, what about all the compilation videos where they show thousands of newscasts in every city all reporting and saying the exact same thing?

Reporter: Nobody tells me what to say, sir.

Citizen: But what are those compilation videos on YouTube and Twitter? They got millions and millions of views where every reporter in every city at every station, they say the exact same thing, word for word. How do you explain that?

Reporter: I don't know what you're referring to so I can't really speak to that.

Citizen: Of course you don't.

Reporter: Ok, have a good one. Thank you so much for your time. It was great talking to you.

Citizen: It was great talking to you.

Reporter: Have a good one (pulls mask out and places it over his face and turns to camera)

Citizen: Put your mask on. Look out, the virus is gonna get you. And why do you – you didn't have your mask on the whole time, now you're putting your mask on. Here's a guy, he's been standing here the whole time without his mask, here's his camera dude with no mask on, but here he is, now he's still trying to scare everyone, now he's gonna put his mask on while he reports. Keep spreading that fear, buddy. Keep spreading that fear. Why didn't you have your mask on before? Now he's not talking to me. Why didn't you have your mask on the last 10 minutes?

Reporter: They're asking us to wear it per guidelines for television.

Citizen: Oh! Oh! So you're told what to do?

Reporter looks away and nods dismissively.

Citizen: Exactly, you just told me you weren't told what to do. You told me you could do whatever you want.

Reporter: I said I wasn't told what to say.

Citizen: Oh, so you're just told what to wear.

Reporter: We're trying to set a good example.

Right or wrong, I feel a bit of sympathy for this newsman who had been sent on location to file a report. He's right – company policy requires him, as it requires virtually every other reporter on American soil, to wear a mask, outdoors, completely isolated from anyone else, likely despite already being vaccinated. He's just doing his job.

But that doesn't change the fact that the citizen in this exchange could not have managed to expose the phoniness of modern "objective journalism" any more effectively than he did.

The journalist says they are being told to "set a good example." But of course, that is the last thing they are doing by maintaining a panic-fueling, misinformation-spreading, vaccine-discouraging mask policy outdoors, in flagrant contradiction of CDC guidelines.

It's the same offense that took place at President Biden's recent address to the absurdly sparse gathering of fully-masked, fully-vaccinated lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

It's virtue-signaling, meaningless, patently false propaganda being spread through imagery rather than words. Our news-makers and news-givers are both complicit, and consequently have obliterated any trust the American people once had in them.

That doesn't end well.
30   Patrick   2021 May 7, 10:25am  


Why do journalists keep repeating the same mistake?
The folly of single-source reporting and quiet retractions

It's not a mistake, it's deliberate.

They know that once the lie is out there, they can quietly retract and no one will pay attention to that. Most people will just believe the lie.

A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on
31   Patrick   2021 May 7, 8:00pm  

HunterTits says
they said that everything 'reported' about PV was 100% opinion

And yet strangely on the news pages and not in an Op-Ed.

Let's hope we get an honest judge on this case.
32   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 May 7, 8:19pm  

Sad reality, but only truth I can find is on substack from cancelled writers like Matt Taibi, greenwald, etc...

All media otherwise is bullshit.
33   Patrick   2021 May 8, 10:17am  


I used to think American media was wonderful. As an aspiring young journalist in the UK, and a liberal, I regarded the US press as the platinum standard. ...

That was then. Now I read Tomasky, the recently appointed editor of the new-old New Republic, and chuckle at his slavish parroting of received Democratic party wisdom. I watch Amanpour compare the Trump presidency to Kristallnacht and wonder what happened to that gutsy reporter I used to gawp at. Did I change or did they? ...

But it’s also apparent that the shattering of the media’s economic foundations, the rise of narrative journalism, the attention economy, and the fundamental absurdity of our age has corroded a once great edifice.

The decline really struck me the other day while watching a segment on CNN, in which a grave young Irish chap called Donie O’Sullivan visited an event at the Trump Doral hotel in Miami, where attendees told him lots of silly things about January 6. Donie’s become a big player on the zeitgeisty misinformation beat, which in his case seems primarily to consist of finding the dumbest and most deluded Trump supporters he can and getting them to say dumb and deluded things, thus allowing CNN viewers to feast yet further on the diet of disdain, fear and self-affirmation that nourished them so healthily through the Trump era.

... But those who believe the solution is getting smug young men to draw a red line of truth around our public sphere and shout ‘Misinformation!’ at anyone who crosses it are more interested in partisan gain than healthy debate. The latter has too often become a cloak for the former. The Aspen Institute has recently and apparently with a straight face appointed Prince Harry, the troubled British royal, to its ‘Commission on Information Disorder’.That pretty much sums up the problem. ...

People at the New York Times have told me they’re looking into jobs in political risk, because they no longer want to work at an institution where their editorial direction is dependent on the whims of Twitter. Over time, I realized this shift does give us foreign correspondents a surprising competitive advantage: you and your institution are not attached to any American tribe. Even a very simple piece of reporting, such as taking some phone snaps in the smoldering ruins of downtown Kenosha, as I did during the protests last year, can bring something new to the table. So few others are bothering to do anything that contravenes ‘the narrative’.

Now I’m leaving the big show, canceling my print subscriptions, packing up my DC apartment and chucking away all those unread back issues of the Atlantic. Who knows when I’ll skip over Chris Cuomo to channel flick between Chris Hayes and Tucker Carlson again? I’ll miss so much about this splendid country: its bars, its wide-open spaces, its fried pickles (genius idea, that). But I won’t miss its media.

Ah, this helps explain why we have to read British sites to get a slightly less biased version of events.
34   Patrick   2021 May 8, 4:47pm  

British journalism seems to be dead as well:


A review by UK’s state-funded media house BBC flagged several accounts posting President Trump’s statements on Twitter. Some would say it is rather weird for a supposedly politically neutral global media house to take it upon itself to flag Twitter accounts for merely sharing what Trump said instead of just reporting the news.

In a recent report, covering the removal of the @DJTDesk account, which claimed to have been posting Trump’s statement “on behalf” of his office, the BBC said that a spokesperson for Twitter said that the account was banned for posting content “affiliated with a banned account.”
36   Patrick   2021 May 18, 9:11am  


It’s 2021, and as your new Spectator media columnist I’m here to tell you that the American media is a disaster. It’s not that there aren’t still many exceptionally talented reporters and editors doing good work, against all odds — there are. It’s that the overall scene is being destroyed. Newspapers are on the verge of extinction. Newer, supposedly more agile online-only outlets are shedding staff or shuttering as well. No one has come close to developing a replacement for the funding model that kept journalism humming along nicely until the internet came along and broke everything.

Facebook and Google in particular. Craigslist also deprived most local papers of their classified revenue.

Lol, this guy also has his own obvious hate for anyone who points out the obviously fraudulent election, but let's get to the important parts...

But the vast majority of mainstream outlets are left-leaning, and I’m worried that that side — my side, if I’m being honest — is starting to exhibit certain tendencies I’ve long associated with right-wing media. There is what feels like a heightened sense among many mainstream journalists (particularly younger ones) that they are not only observers but active participants in vital social-justice battles. Knowing this doesn’t require any dramatic leaks of internal chats, or anything like that — they’ll simply tell you. And this attitude leads directly to unjournalistic editorial decisions which degrade public trust in our institution.

The fight over where the line between journalism and activism should lie — or if there should be one at all — has sparked a series of high-profile internal meltdowns at elite journalistic institutions, garnering a massive amount of media coverage (and delighting the right, of course). At the New York Times alone, there was former opinion staffer Bari Weiss’s fiery resignation note, precipitated by what she said was widespread internal bullying and revulsion at any sort of dissent from progressive orthodoxy; the internal revolt that led to the ouster of the highly decorated science reporter Donald McNeil Jr for mentioning the ‘n-word’ on a student trip to Peru; and the resignation of former editorial page editor James Bennet after dozens of staffers claimed a Tom Cotton column calling for the military to be deployed against violent protesters put the lives of black staffers ‘in danger’.

Many of my fellow progressives argue that there’s really nothing to see here. These convulsions within media organizations are simply the result of historically underrepresented people asking to be respected, of a long overdue reckoning after a seeming eternity of white men dominating newsrooms. There’s a kernel of truth here — of course it is the case that until fairly recently, many groups were effectively shut out of media, and that any shift toward sensitivity and inclusivity will bring with it certain tensions — but that also misses the bigger picture. The meltdowns which have occurred in many major media outlets are mostly the result not of ‘traditional’ battles over equitable treatment, but reflect the rise of a very particular set of political, moral and causal claims that are draped in this language but go well beyond it.

It’s one thing to ask that journalists from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds be allowed to do their jobs in peace, free of harassment or innuendo that they are too ‘biased’ to cover their beats, and there’s certainly work to be done on that front. It’s another to argue, apparently in earnest, that merely printing a column expressing a commonly held belief causes danger to one’s colleagues. Yet this attitude is endemic in top-level mainstream outlets. At Vox, for example, a staffer publicly complained to her bosses after Matt Yglesias signed the milquetoast pro-free-speech Harper’s letter (which I signed as well), on the grounds that his doing so made her ‘feel less safe’ at work. This eventually contributed to Yglesias’s own departure for the sunnier, more independent skies of Substack.

These sorts of beliefs are not even particularly popular within mainstream newsrooms, at least if the quiet messages I get are any indication: a Times staffer pointed out to me that the 150 names on a strident letter demanding Times management re-investigate McNeil’s trip to Peru represent a tiny fraction of the paper’s total employees. Rather, they are held mostly by a very passionate vanguard. But that vanguard has managed to exert a surprising amount of influence via its messaging, which repeats, ad nauseam, that if you are against their very specific claims, argot and actions, you are an enemy of justice itself. You don’t get it.
37   Patrick   2021 May 19, 10:16pm  


And think about where we are now—that certainly was not in evidence in the last administration,” she continued, referring to the administration of former President Donald Trump.

“It was truly shocking to me during the 2016 [presidential] campaign to hear and see journalists and newspapers of record… you know, even any attempt or pretense or trying to be objective, and rally behind these political operatives and political organizations, to ensure that this person doesn’t get into office,” Logan added.

Many journalists in their reporting now blur the lines between fact and opinion, Logan said, criticizing reporters who rely on anonymous sources in their pieces—something she argues can be exploited to conceal motivation.

“Sourcing is so important, and today that’s just been completely obliterated for the worst possible reasons to give cover to political operatives and people with political motives, to spread disinformation that harms the profession of journalism,” said Logan. “That is a disgrace to every one of us who call ourselves journalists. Most importantly, it is really harmful to the ability of the American people to understand and know the truth so they can try to make the best possible decisions.”

“They’re not journalists. They’re political assassins, working on behalf of political operatives and propagandists, who do not care one bit about real journalism or honesty or anything like that,” Logan argued.

Logan also suggested that media entities are working hand in hand with Big Tech companies to shape narratives and public discourse.

Companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google have drawn intense scrutiny for perceived political bias and alleged unbalanced moderation of users’ content. Critics say much of the companies’ moderation in the past year has unfairly targeted conservative speech and speech from individuals deemed to be supporters of Trump.

Meanwhile, groups on the other side of the aisle have been taking issue with how social media companies are operating, claiming that the Silicon Valley companies have failed to adequately address misinformation that is being proliferated online.

“What it’s all about is absolute control,” said Logan. “If they control the narratives, they control this flow of information, they control what we report, what we don’t report, how we report it, what we do with it, what people say about it—they manage perception, they distort perception.”
38   Patrick   2021 May 20, 12:59pm  


Here, check out this video of our amazing president test-driving the new electric F-150 and joking with a reporter about running her over if she asks any questions about Israel (so funny):

Oh man! You gotta love the crowd's reaction to that KILLER joke!

Our press is definitely top-tier, aren't they?!?

And my goodness, now that I've seen Joe Biden test-drive the new electric F-150, I think I've completely forgotten about the inflation crisis, the crisis in Israel, the unemployment crisis, the gas crisis, and the crisis at the border.

Wow, what a guy! Driving that electric truck. Such a man. And so funny!

It's also so appropriate when President Biden jokes about murdering members of the press in such a whimsical fashion! No harm no foul!

Everyone knows it was just a harmless joke! Just like how everyone always gave the benefit of the doubt to our last president who also liked to crack jokes! HAHA!
39   Ceffer   2021 May 20, 1:06pm  

Biden wasn't driving the truck. He had a 'play wheel' that he was spinning and turning without any effect on the truck at all. It was another staged press sham, with the truck being controlled by a passenger seat agent who controlled the truck like a driver's ed vehicle. They don't even trust the clown to drive.

I guess some day they will have Biden swimming the Yellow River, like Mao used to pretend to do, to show how healthy and fit he was just before he croaked.
40   Patrick   2021 May 22, 3:48pm  


In 2018, I compiled many of those personality-driven and mental health smears that had been weaponized back then against Chomsky because, at the time, other liberal outlets — such as The New Yorker and New York Magazine — were already using the same mental health and personality-based themes to expel me from the precincts of liberal decency due to my rejection of their Russiagate conspiracy theories, which had turned into a virtual religion, including at The Intercept. Both of those long profiles were devoted to a central theme: I refused to accept what everyone who is sane and mentally healthy could see — that Trump had colluded with Russia and Putin exercised some sort of clandestine control over Trump — because I had rage-based trauma from childhood that I never resolved.

In 2012 and in the years after I frequently described how the same mental health themes were weaponized by liberal establishmentarians against Julian Assange: an incessant focus on the WikiLeaks founder's personality and alleged mental health pathologies to discredit his pioneering work. I've often noted that the reason the Nixon administration ordered a break-in of the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychoanalyst as a response to his disclosure of the Pentagon Papers was because depicting someone as psychologically unwell is the preferred method of power centers to distract attention away from valid critiques and to expel dissidents from their salons. The script which The Intercept and their liberal allies are using against me is an old, stale, and trite one.

All of this, quite obviously, is an attempt to distract attention away from The Intercept’s serious journalistic sins. It is also designed to personalize the anger which their behavior validly provoked onto me, to conceal the fact that numerous journalists across the political spectrum — not just me — reacted with disgust at what they did and what they are still doing.

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