by Heraclitusstudent ➕follow (8) 💰tip ignore
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the problem is that noone has looked at from where the deaths are coming. how many suicides, overdoses, and hospital malpractice deaths can we reclassify as CV-19?
I also want to see the graphs for all causes of deaths, and see if those also dropped as virus deaths rose.
We're way to damn advanced not to have this data digitized every hour at minimum in a publicly accessible d-base.
Yup, the whole scamdemic is mostly bullshit.
Such a dangerous virus can't kill a 107 year old woman?
Just like my wife's grandmother that refused to be ventilated. She is in such poor health the flu almost takes her out every year and just like other years she survived covid flu. Instead of looking at death rate of covid maybe we should look at death rate of being on a ventilator for a few weeks.
More liberal voices criticize media's 'panic porn' coronavirus coverage, shaming about outdoor gatherings
Outlets acknowledge outdoor transmission of virus is extremely low, question conventional wisdom on masks
Watch, this September, they're gonna start the mask shit again.
Video shows pallets of ventilators dumped in Miami-Dade landfill
Booger says
Everyone should watch what this retired Pfizer scientist has to say. He sacrificed his social status and standing in the scientific community to break with the narrative. He did this not for personal gain but to give us all a wake up call, in hopes that his children and grandchildren live to see those who perpetrated crimes against humanity in 2020 and 2021 are held accountable. To hear what he has to say is sobering and visceral. And honestly his realistic admission that it may already be to late is what it looks like to see a man who has stared Goliath in the face and know that he cannot beat him on his own. If what he has to say does not cut you to the core, the genocidal maniacs have ...
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