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The Southeast ADA Center, together with Syracuse University, released a disability issues brief titled, The ADA and Face Mask Policies, which contains the following examples of persons who might not be able to wear a face mask:
ATLANTA, GA—The CDC has issued brand new recommendations regarding the wearing of seat belts. Health experts there are now recommending people wear a seat belt, even when outside the car.
"This guidance is especially important if you're in a large group of people at the park or an outdoor event," said Dr. Stiku Pumybum. "Risk of collisions leading to bone breaks or concussions dramatically increase in large groups of people. Billions could die!"
When pressed regarding what gives the CDC authority to comment on seat belt usage, they clarified that these were simply recommendations based on the latest scientific research, for the sake of public health. When further asked how exactly a seat belt that's not anchored to anything can protect anyone, they replied with a statement saying "SHUT UP IT'S SCIENCE!"
The Federal Government has responded with a nationwide seat belt order for all public parks, buildings, and sidewalks.
"I don't know what's so hard about this," said Biden as his aides handed him a juice box and tightened his 5-point harness. "Just wear, the dang seatbelt folks!"
Bob's Quality Seat Belt Company concurred with the CDC findings and confirmed that new "outdoor seatbelts" are now on sale for $59.99.
What a deal!
WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Joe Biden was seen wearing a mask in a climate summit with world leaders, despite his being vaccinated and despite the conference being virtual and held over Zoom. This has made some wonder if Biden even understands how a virus works, but Biden says he’s just being cautious.
“We can’t let our guard down just because we’re vaccinated and alone in a room,” Biden told reporters with a megaphone while standing twenty feet away. “See, there is this little thing called a ‘computer virus.’ Ha, I bet you thought I was some out-of-touch boomer who doesn’t know about computers. Well, for one thing, I’m too old to be a boomer -- I’m the generation before that -- and I’ve used typewriters since I was a kid -- which is a lot like a computer before you attach the TV. So I know all about computers, and they get viruses. Maybe COVID. Who knows? Better to wear a mask around them.”
Doctor Fauci agreed with Biden’s assessment. “We haven’t done any studies about coronaviruses becoming computer viruses and computer viruses transferring to humans,” Fauci said, “so we can’t rule that out. I would stay away from computers as much as possible, and if you are around a computer, put a mask over the part where the fan vents. And as I keep saying, if at all possible, please just lock yourself in a large footlocker in your basement, as that’s the safest way to ride out this pandemic.”
Others aren’t convinced and have made fun of Biden for his seemingly pointless mask-wearing with nicknames such as “Dumb Biden,” “Stupid Biden,” and “Biden -- Not a Smart Man.” Still, Biden persists with his extra caution and was last seen wearing a mask alone in the bathroom while fixing his hair. “Mirror Joe Biden could have COVID, for all I know,” he explained.
Williams said her lack of oxygen is a result of the mask she's been required to wear during competition, under OHA guidelines for outdoor sports.
“In the past, this has never happened,” Williams said. “Then this race that I was wearing a mask, it did happen, which I don't think is a coincidence."
Her coach, Dave Turnbull, echoed that belief Monday morning.
“She just ran a 2:11 in Arizona without a mask on,” Turnbull said. Three seconds faster from my experience isn’t going to cause a kid to hit the track. When you’re in a mask, it certainly does.”
Turnbull said that after 31 years of experience, he’s confident this wasn't a conditioning issue -- it was a mask issue.
Turnbull said that after 31 years of experience, he’s confident this wasn't a conditioning issue -- it was a mask issue.
1. A broader review of existing scientific evidence clearly shows that approved masks with correct certification, and worn in compliance with guidelines, are an effective prevention of COVID-19 transmission.
Be suspicious of anyone who talks to you in absolutes like "masks don't work"
Onvacation saysThreeBays says
Be suspicious of anyone who talks to you in absolutes like "masks don't work"
or, "Masks do work".
"Masks reduce spread" is not an absolute statement :-)
1. A broader review of existing scientific evidence clearly shows that approved masks with correct certification, and worn in compliance with guidelines, are an effective prevention of COVID-19 transmission.
Be suspicious of anyone who talks to you in absolutes like "masks don't work".
for coronavirus droplets transmission of particles of >5 µm."
Leftists LOVE any crisis that requires regulation and obedience (Pandemics, Global Warming).
Rightists DREAM about crisis that increase freedom and reduce regulation (ie Complete breakdown of Gov)
Want to be attractive? Lose the mask
I go maskless. You should too
May 12, 2021 | 10:29 am
Masklessness in public requires courage. It earns the respect and esteem of your fellow commuters — the ones who don’t tut at you or berate you, that is.
There is also the exhilaration of risk. Exhibiting your face in a public space is now a crime. Here in Britain, officers have ‘enforcement powers’, meaning that they can issue fines of $277 for the ‘first offense’.That is twice the penalty for dangerous driving, an act which clearly carries more substantial threats to the public at large. That is relatively cheap compared to New York. In October, the New York State Department of Health announced that ‘individuals who violate [social distancing and mask-wearing rules] are subject to a maximum fine of $1,000 for each violation’. Ouch. In Washington State, refusal to ‘protect the health’ of ‘friends and loved ones’ can result in incarceration. You can, in theory, get 90 days in county jail for a breath of fresh air.
The rules are nonsense and everybody knows it. ...
Removing your mask doesn’t make you universally abhorred. In fact, it endears you to surprisingly large sections of the population. You will be met with wide-eyed admiration from men and women alike. Last week, I was approached suggestively by not one but two members of the opposite sex. Could it be that I have emerged from my lockdown chrysalis a great beauty? Of course not! It’s because these hopeful gentlemen haven’t seen a strange face in full since the halcyon days of early 2020. Try it, I implore you.
Industry experts have warned of residual delays, noting it takes between 15 to 18 days for the fuel to flow the entire length of the pipeline.
Booger saysIndustry experts have warned of residual delays, noting it takes between 15 to 18 days for the fuel to flow the entire length of the pipeline.
That implies that a pipe shutdown at the source has 15-18 days of residual fuel in it. No need to refill the pipe, just add fuel at the source to push along the fuel remaining in the tube.
I don't think it's that simple. You have to consider the inertia needed to start pushing a 1000 miles of liquid through a pipe.
Regardless of the mechanics, I was just pointing out that the pipe is likely not empty and does not need to be refilled for fuel to come out the other end.
Perhaps they are waiting for large breakouts in communities of unvaccinated Trumpists
So now that mask mandates are gone and the guidance is wear a mask if you're not fully vaccinated, people will go around shops and restaurants maskless, pretending to have been vaccinated, i.e. act like scum against society
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