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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   392,091 views  5,707 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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1146   richwicks   2021 May 6, 9:46pm  

Zak says
Onvacation says

When do you think the pandemic will end?

I actually think we are getting pretty close to only having a low background level of cases.

I don't believe the "pandemic" will ever end.

The shutdowns are being done for other reasons, not to prevent the spread of what is quite obviously (to me at least) a minor disease.

It will be September and we'll still be bombarded with propaganda about how we're all about to die. This pandemic only ends when people demand that it ends.

The problem is getting people to realize how viciously the power structure that runs our government deceives us. That's the struggle.
1147   Zak   2021 May 6, 9:47pm  

mell says
I explained my math on that and more - almost all have underlying health conditions which skews the risk for a healthy person to a way too high number,

Don't talk mealy mouthed out the side of your face. Are you saying the 29 that died from the vaccine were all perfectly healthy and had no medical condition? Are you actually claiming to fucking know that!?!? And on top of that, you're saying those 29 people absolutely would not have died from the virus!?!?

Here.. try it out.. "Sorry for calling you a liar. You make a good point, and the data shows I was wrong"

Its pretty easy, and you can stop defending a wrong position on top of it.
1148   Onvacation   2021 May 6, 9:49pm  

In 500 days we went from 2 weeks to flatten the curve to 70% jabbed with the experimental biologic agent and you don't have to wear a mask outdoors any more.

And as soon as they reach that goal they will have to wait until the early adopters get their "update" jabs.
1149   Onvacation   2021 May 6, 9:51pm  


The systematic poisoning of the human race.
1150   Zak   2021 May 6, 9:53pm  

richwicks says
what is quite obviously (to me at least) a minor disease.

I mean, 500k people dead. I get that a bunch of them were old and had other conditions.. But fuck, thats a pretty dismissive blow off of half a million people? I mean, lots of doctors have fucking worked their asses off fighting this.

Yeah, the governmental response was shit, but it's a pretty far stretch to pretend this was all just made up or something. I 100% agree with you that we need to reign in out of control politicians. And as far as pandemic strecthing and restrictions.. Just fucking ignore them (but still respect private property rights if a business doesn't want you maskless)

But if your employer tells you they need a vaccination record tell them to fire you and then sue them.
1151   Zak   2021 May 6, 9:57pm  

Onvacation says

Yeah it's sad, right Onvacation. There's a couple hundred more like that one for the vaccine across all ages. Unfortunately there are over 100x more of these sad stories because of covid in every single age range.
1152   Onvacation   2021 May 6, 9:58pm  

ThreeBays says
Trump really was a douchebag

And there you have it. The real reason for the pandemic. Too many people hated Trump more than they loved America. They were, are, willing to let our economy and culture deteriorate because orange man bad.
1153   Onvacation   2021 May 6, 10:01pm  

Does Biden really think that most Americans wear masks?
1154   Zak   2021 May 6, 10:02pm  

ThreeBays says
Yeah, Trump really was a douchebag downplaying this thing

I actually kind of disagree with this. I think we should have had less lockdowns and remained calm with regard to the economy and especially shutting down small business. The R value transmission rate was so high all we could really do was flatten the curve.. which we did back in 2020, and we should have remained calm and left it at that. Now we have a fucked economy with tons of inflation that went to all the rich motherfucking bankers. We are pretty fucked, we just don't know it yet. Sorry for all the foul language tonight. I really dislike bullshitters calling me a liar.
1155   Robert Sproul   2021 May 6, 10:08pm  

Onvacation says
and fat or unhealthy.

You have to be very old, or very unhealthy, or very, very, unlucky to die of Corona virus.
I lose more respect for the frantic ninnies in this country daily.
There is a higher likelihood of being killed by an alligator on the golf course if you are under 60.
1156   mell   2021 May 6, 10:09pm  

"Among 121 SARS-CoV-2–associated deaths reported to CDC among persons aged <21 years in the United States during February 12–July 31, 2020, 63% occurred in males, 10% of decedents were aged <1 year, 20% were aged 1–9 years, 70% were aged 10–20 years, 45% were Hispanic persons, 29% were non-Hispanic Black (Black) persons, and 4% were non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) persons. Among these 121 decedents, 91 (75%) had an underlying medical condition,* 79"

This is for 0-21, but the percentage of those with underlying conditions for young adults til age 25 at least if not 30 are probably the same, around 75%. That would cut deaths among "healthy" to 1/4, or 500. 2018 around 70 in 100k adults aged 18-29 died that year, or 14k in 20MM population. So if you track deaths over a year or even longer like it's done for Covid (18 months), around 20k ages 18-29 will die during that time frame of all cases combined. How many with the vaccine? A lot. How many of those where the vaccine is suspected to be at least contributing? Very few but possibly enough to make the.vaccination proposal already moot. Worse as Covid has receded due to natural herd immunity acquired from covid and previous CV infections even completely without vaccinations deaths will be less than 10% of 2020. So those 2000 total or 500 deaths of healthy people will turn into 200 (total) or 50 (healthy) deaths with covid in 2021/2022 per year in the young adult age group, so where's the value proposal here? I remain that it's unethical to coerce young and healthy people, esp. minors.
1157   Onvacation   2021 May 6, 10:11pm  

Zak says
I really dislike bullshitters calling me a liar.

Fuck it. Once again nothing got resolved.

One side thinks it is a deadly killer that warrants every man woman and child ultimately be forced to take the jab and wear a mask to protect their fellow man, and the other side thinks it is a bad cold at worse and doesn't want their rights and freedoms trampled on like they have been for the last year.

Science means open public debate not censorship of anything not matching the official narrative.
1158   Zak   2021 May 6, 10:14pm  

One side thinks it is a deadly killer that warrants every man woman and child ultimately be forced to take the jab

can you stop with that? I keep saying over and over it should be a choice. over and over and over. I mean I get that others don't, but how about conversing with people here, rather than fictional others out there?

So if that's the case, isn't there more than just one side or the other? This team against that? Can't it be that we all work together to best figure out how to fight a terrible disease, and have a discourse and debate to pick the best ideas of how we think we should address this thing? And also not trample people's rights?
1159   Zak   2021 May 6, 10:18pm  

Onvacation says
Fuck it. Once again nothing got resolved.

oh i think it's pretty clear that it got resolved. The facts show that the vaccine lowers deaths about 100x across all age ranges. The only thing not resolved is an apology from mell to say sorry for calling me a liar when I put up simple data and math that showed he was wrong.
1160   Onvacation   2021 May 6, 10:19pm  

Zak says
Can't it be that we all work together to best figure out how to fight a terrible disease

We can't even agree that the Wuhan is a terrible disease.
1161   Robert Sproul   2021 May 6, 10:21pm  

Zak says
how to fight a terrible disease

Terrible disease. This thing kills 1 in 400 and they likely have multiple contributing factors. God help us if something like Small Pox ever arrives, with a 30 to 90% mortality rate.
1162   mell   2021 May 6, 10:24pm  

Onvacation says
Zak says
I really dislike bullshitters calling me a liar.

Fuck it. Once again nothing got resolved.

One side thinks it is a deadly killer that warrants every man woman and child ultimately be forced to take the jab and wear a mask to protect their fellow man, and the other side thinks it is a bad cold at worse and doesn't want their rights and freedoms trampled on like they have been for the last year.

Science means open public debate not censorship of anything not matching the official narrative.

@zak didn't call you a liar, but I consider the narrative a lie for the reasons and numbers mentioned. The fatality rate for kids is pretty much zero. They are only required to have measles vaccine (0.2% fatality rate) and a few others to attend public and private school in some states, but not for others, not the flu which is much much more dangerous than covid for kids, so why should we force an experimental covid vaccine, or any covid vaccine on them? We shouldn't.
1163   Zak   2021 May 6, 10:31pm  

mell says
@zak didn't call you a liar,

When someone makes a statement and you say "that's a lie" you're calling them a liar. Go ahead and apologize when you feel ready.

If you disagreed with the numbers you would say "I disagree with those numbers".

When they then give you the numbers that show the reason you are "disagreeing with the numbers" is incorrect, then you:
1) apologize for calling them a liar
2) admit that you were wrong about the data

If your mammy didn't teach you, then I will. this is how we behave when we are adults.

What we don't do is what my 5 year old does "I didn't do that"
Own your behavior and admit when you are wrong. You will be surprised that people are quick to forgive and forget when you show integrity.
1164   mell   2021 May 6, 10:36pm  

Zak says
Onvacation says
Fuck it. Once again nothing got resolved.

oh i think it's pretty clear that it got resolved. The facts show that the vaccine lowers deaths about 100x across all age ranges. The only thing not resolved is an apology from mell to say sorry for calling me a liar when I put up simple data and math that showed he was wrong.

Your math is not calculating the risks from both properly imo. I gave my calculations and reasoning behind them. If you don't want to delve into statistics and probability then your calculation is ok with me. It just doesn't reflect the risk, esp. not going forward now that we achieved herd immunity for decades, not via antibodies, but t cell immunity from infections. No matter, even if you forced every single person to get jabbed, it will go endemic and become a seasonal cold/flu from now on. With similar risk profile as a cold or flu.
1165   Robert Sproul   2021 May 6, 10:44pm  

ThreeBays says
sacrificing the old

That is who has died. The median age of death has been 83. In other words, folks who were fixing to die anyway.
1166   richwicks   2021 May 6, 10:48pm  

Zak says
richwicks says
what is quite obviously (to me at least) a minor disease.

I mean, 500k people dead. I get that a bunch of them were old and had other conditions.. But fuck, thats a pretty dismissive blow off of half a million people?

No, it's not.

There's 330,000,000 people in the United States, approximately. If the AVERAGE longevity was 80 (and it's not, it's less than that), every year, 330,000,000/80 people die. That's 4,125,000.

supposedly 1/2 million people died of sars-cov2-19 - but there were financial incentives for both doctors and beneficiaries to assign the cause of death to sars-cov2-19.

Zak says

Yeah, the governmental response was shit, but it's a pretty far stretch to pretend this was all just made up or something.

Really? Find that weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq yet? Where's that Russian Collusion? Did the United States "stop the humanitarian crisis that Qaddafi was about to cause" by bombing Libya and leaving it in civil war with operating slavery markets?

They lie constantly. You're still in the zone thinking SOMEBODY with some power or authority or notoriety will call them out.

I'm calling them out. It's frighteningly easy to be brainwashed and we're all subject to it, including me.

I suspect this was nothing more than a cover to bailout banks, support businesses that went along to get along with government, and to crush independent businesses and to single people like me out. I had family that escaped Poland just before the Nazi invasion. I have the "I smell a rat" gene in my DNA. We're not being told the truth, that I know for certain.

Our government is no different than any other group of sociopathic assholes in another government.
1167   Zak   2021 May 6, 10:48pm  

You gave some numbers mell says
How many with the vaccine? A lot.

Sorry, no. The number is 29. "A lot" is not a statistic that you compare against.
2125 people in the age range 18-29 died of covid.
29 people have died of the vaccine. Now you can throw out all kinds of other math that you think is right, but if it doesn't reconcile to these numbers, you've made a mistake.

And I'm not talking off by 1 or something. This is a factor of 100x . two orders of magnitude. You already showed you are working with bad data when you said almost none of the 18-29 population is vaccinated. I gave you the link that shows they are vaccinated at similar rates to the general population.

This is how we do science. We post sources and data so we can verify it. We TRY to give people the opportunity to show us how we are WRONG. We don't try to argue without statistics for a position that has been shown to be incorrect. We say "huh, that's strange, I wonder how these calculations I did gave me a number that doesn't agree with the rest of the data consistently."

And when people point out our mistakes we don't call them liars. If we still think we are right, we should be able to show it in simpler and simpler forms, not more and more complicated ones.

These should all be hints to you that you are very fucking wrong.
1168   mell   2021 May 6, 10:50pm  

Zak says
mell says
@zak didn't call you a liar,

When someone makes a statement and you say "that's a lie" you're calling them a liar. Go ahead and apologize when you feel ready.

If you disagreed with the numbers you would say "I disagree with those numbers".

When they then give you the numbers that show the reason you are "disagreeing with the numbers" is incorrect, then you:
1) apologize for calling them a liar
2) admit that you were wrong about the data

If your mammy didn't teach you, then I will. this is how we behave when we are adults.

What we don't do is what my 5 year old does "I didn't do that"
Own your behavior and admit when you are wrong. You will be surprised that people are quick to forgive and forget when you show integrity.

Alright I tried. You don't want to do follow any calculations, you just claim the numbers were contested which they weren't, the calculation and conclusion was. For example what part of the vaers DB only tracks deaths following a few days after the jab vs covid-related (incl. pcr tests and presumed without test) deaths were tracked over 18 months is so hard to understand? Or what part of 75% have underlying health conditions, so the risk for a healthy person is much lower is so hard to follow or model? Or going forward there won't be 2k deaths for that age group, just a fraction of that number, but the risk from the vaccine should hold steady unless it's modified? At least the personal choice is something we all can agree on as minimal common ground.

1169   Zak   2021 May 6, 10:58pm  

richwicks says
Really? Find that weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq yet?

Nope that one was bullshit. But this one.. gasp.. guess what.. yup we found people sick with covid! Yup, sadly, I know some people that died of it. So yeah.. really. its a shitty fucking disease, and yes, it did in fact kill a bunch more people than otherwise would have died.. and yes, that is a significant thing and not something to scoff at. To do so would be to invite the majority of anyone with a soul to dismiss anything further you had to say as the ramblings of a sociopathic narcisist.

You are welcome to question the governmental overreach in response. I'm on your side with that. But the disease and deaths are not a conspiracy. It's sadly actually happening. The overreach is a bunch of scared officials, which is no excuse.
1170   Zak   2021 May 6, 11:03pm  

mell says
You don't want to do follow any calculation

You're not doing calculations. You're dismissing broad swaths of society to fudge your numbers.

"This is for 0-21, but the percentage of those with underlying conditions for young adults til age 25 at least if not 30 are probably the same, around 75%. That would cut deaths among "healthy" to 1/4, or 500."

See that. That's bullshit, not math. You just wrote off your argument for 75% of the population. I'm beginning to think you're just fucking insane and its worthless to even talk to you.
1171   richwicks   2021 May 6, 11:04pm  

Zak says

Sorry, no. The number is 29. "A lot" is not a statistic that you compare against.
2125 people in the age range 18-29 died of covid.
29 people have died of the vaccine.

We can no longer trust the numbers. Our government obviously was inflating the number of deaths of sars-cov2-19, and is minimizing the deaths from the vaccine.

There's is widespread censorship of people that have had adverse effects, their videos and posts are deleted. You'll never see them on "mainstream news".

You simply can't know what actually has happened. You can know there is censorship, promotion of getting the vaccine, a lack of liability of corporations offering the vaccine, and an inability to discuss this with the wider population.

I don't trust a government or its media flunkies that has REPEATEDLY lied to me - I wonder why you do?

The vaccine might very well be beneficial and largely safe, but EVERYTHING the government is doing makes me distrust them. 2 fucking masks? Masks at all? Censorship? I just don't trust these mother fuckers.

If the vaccine is safe and effective, an unvaccinated person poses NO RISK to the vaccinated. So, why is there his demand that everybody become vaccinated? If the vaccine works, and I'm sick, I'm no threat to you if you are vaccinated. Let me be. If we are both unvaccinated, we're taking the same risk.
1172   Onvacation   2021 May 6, 11:31pm  

Since we can't trust the numbers, more anecdotal formally healthy people that took the jab

1173   Onvacation   2021 May 6, 11:33pm  

1174   Zak   2021 May 6, 11:34pm  

lol, I don't trust the government. I just have no evidence that the numbers as reported are significantly wrong.. And lots of evidence that corroborates them. And a whole shit ton of conspiracy theories that while novel, contain no evidence, just fear. To the extent possible, I don't let fear drive my decisions, rather I try to be informed.

You THINK you don't trust the government, but that is foolish naivety. I guarantee that your primary income is in dollars. You work your little tail into the ground for a FIAT representation of NOTHING. And then you bleat about how you don't trust the government. And you tell ME about how I don't know, to prop up your own sense of smugness and distrust of everything. Let me assure you kiddo, I'm far past you on my general mistrust of all things. It's what you can build on and use that is real, not what someone tells you. If you don't trust the government, then you better not drive on the fucking freeway, because the bridge might crumble under you. Those fucking dishonest rascals are probably trying to trick you right now!

But not everything is a lie. If everything was a lie, it would be simple. Why? Because then the opposite of what was said would be the truth, and therefore by defacto every lie would be the truth because through knowing what was false, you would know the truth. So to tell a lie, you must also tell the truth, otherwise there is no point to lie. Therefore the best lie that could be told would be the lie that the truth is a lie. And this is where you are. you now believe the lie that the truth is the lie. And therefore, when it is time for the lie, they will tell you the lie as the truth. And you will believe it is a lie and not the truth, and therefore you will believe the lie. And that is what they want. not for you to believe the truth, but to believe the lie.
1175   Onvacation   2021 May 6, 11:42pm  

Zak says
But not everything is a lie. If everything was a lie, it would be simple. Why? Because then the opposite of what was said would be the truth, and therefore by defacto every lie would be the truth because through knowing what was false, you would know the truth. So to tell a lie, you must also tell the truth, otherwise there is no point to lie. Therefore the best lie that could be told would be the lie that the truth is a lie. And this is where you are. you now believe the lie that the truth is the lie. And therefore, when it is time for the lie, they will tell you the lie as the truth. And you will believe it is a lie and not the truth, and therefore you will believe the lie. And that is what they want. not for you to believe the truth, but to believe the lie.

Translation: you don't know.
1176   Zak   2021 May 6, 11:56pm  

richwicks says
If the vaccine works, and I'm sick, I'm no threat to you if you are vaccinated. Let me be.

If you read my posts, I will let you be, and i will advocate FOR you that everyone else let you be as well.

Let's unpack your childish statement a bit tho, shall we?

Can I also let you be and since you've refused vaccination, our doctors get to refuse to treat you if you get sick? Why not? They're not hurting you, Covid is!

Can I refuse to let you into my business because i don't want you interacting with my other customers who may be unvaccinated? Yeah i sure can! free country after all!

but but, i thought employers weren't allowed to discriminate based on health status? uhh why not? we are going free country here and shit are we not? Its a private business, they aren't hurting you by refusing you service or employment, go do some other job, or get your food elsewhere.

The reality of your naive statement is that its just fucking self centered and ignores all aspects of the fact that you live amongst other people.

I still support your right to make your own decisions, but I'll continue to tell you they are stupid and childish for the reasons you state. Maybe on the other hand, you do have some private concern that you'd rather not let me be privy to, and that is one of the few reasons I still hold back and say you should retain the right to make the choice. I'm not you, will never be you, and shouldn't expect to force you to live the way i think, as long as it reasonably doesn't impact me. If that were the case though, you should shut the fuck up about how your choices don't impact anyone else, because they clearly do.
1177   Zak   2021 May 6, 11:59pm  

Onvacation says
Translation: you don't know.

Is that true or a lie?
1178   Zak   2021 May 7, 12:06am  


ehh.. not that bad really.. just runs the whole ICU out of oxygen... or is this fake news because CNN is the source..??
1180   richwicks   2021 May 7, 12:15am  

Zak says
Let's unpack your childish statement a bit tho, shall we?

Dispense with insults. There's no point in them. If you take issue with a conclusion, do that, alone and save time.

Zak says
Can I also let you be and since you've refused vaccination, our doctors get to refuse to treat you if you get sick? Why not? They're not hurting you, Covid is!

Why would a doctor do this? If they have the vaccine, the are immune to the disease - and if they don't have the vaccine they have the same level of trust in them that I do.

Again, provided the vaccination is effective, the only people are risk are the people who are unvaccinated.

Zak says
Can I refuse to let you into my business because i don't want you interacting with my other customers who may be unvaccinated? Yeah i sure can! free country after all!

My opinion is that you can refuse to allow me into your business for any reason at all, up to and including that I'm white, black, or asian. You're free to subvert your own business.

Zak says
but but, i thought employers weren't allowed to discriminate based on health status? uhh why not? we are going free country here and shit are we not? Its a private business, they aren't hurting you by refusing you service or employment, go do some other job, or get your food elsewhere.

Fine with me.

Zak says
The reality of your naive statement is that its just fucking self centered and ignores all aspects of the fact that you live amongst other people.

Again, I'm pointing out if the vaccination is effective, even if I'm a carrier, I'm not a threat to the vaccinated.

Provided it works.

You've not addressed that.

Zak says
I still support your right to make your own decisions, but I'll continue to tell you they are stupid and childish for the reasons you state.

They aren't stupid, and certainly not childish.

Childishness is having complete faith in an authority. In my opinion, you're mistaking your government for mommy and daddy. Your government is a criminal syndicate that ruthlessly exploits you. Adults recognize this, but there's few of them. I'm tired of living among children.
1181   Zak   2021 May 7, 12:24am  

richwicks says

Again, I'm pointing out if the vaccination is effective, even if I'm a carrier, I'm not a threat to the vaccinated.

Provided it works.

You've not addressed that.

Nor did I say you were. The vaccine isn't recommended for children under 18. Why do you hate children ?
1182   richwicks   2021 May 7, 12:29am  

Zak says
richwicks says

Again, I'm pointing out if the vaccination is effective, even if I'm a carrier, I'm not a threat to the vaccinated.

Provided it works.

You've not addressed that.

Nor did I say you were. The vaccine isn't recommended for children under 18. Why do you hate children ?

I'm trying to have a serious conversation and expect you to do the same. Don't strawman me, or give me disingenuous thinking.

As far as I can (currently) see, there is no legitimate rationale to demand a person to get a vaccination - provided it's effective, and it's it's not effective, then there's no legitimate reason to even get the vaccination.

If the vaccine works, the unvaccinated aren't a threat to the vaccinated since they are immune.
If the vaccine doesn't work, there's no point in taking the vaccine at all.

Where's the error in my reasoning? I could be missing something, but this is something I've been asking for over a year without an answer. If I have an error in my logic and reasoning, please, point it out.
1183   Zak   2021 May 7, 12:34am  

richwicks says
Dispense with insults. There's no point in them.

1) I didn't call you childish, i characterized your statement as childish, meaning it lacks the insight, empathy, and depth of understanding.
You personally may not be childish, but making statements like this would lead me to believe that is more likely to be the case.

2) A doctor might refuse to treat you because they have something better to do for instance. Maybe they feel like taking care of someone who doesn't behave like a blight on society. Maybe the hospital deems your case unprofitable. If it doesn't matter to you how you interact with society, why should it matter to any of the rest of us how we treat you?

3) What does the government have to do with this? Mommy and daddy? wtf? the cdc aggregating a bunch of numbers and me using that as one data source among many to determine that the virus is killing people, and the vaccine seems to be effective puts me in the boat of the government is my mommy and daddy? bwahahahahahahhaahhahaha



I won't harass you anymore.. loll you gave me a good enough laugh that

hehehehe lol omg I keep laughin...

go earn some more dollars.. have a nice life...
1184   Zak   2021 May 7, 12:39am  

richwicks says
I'm trying to have a serious conversation and expect you to do the same.

How can I treat you seriously when you don't think past the end of your sentence?

"As far as I can (currently) see, there is no legitimate rationale to demand a person to get a vaccination"

And we don't "demand" that you get the vaccine. We just show you repeatedly that it is both stupid for yourself, and reckless with regards to several other segments of society for you to not do it. I'm just a guy on the internet, I can "demand" anything, but at the end of the day, I am just communicating with you. No words I type here can change anything other than your mind.
1185   richwicks   2021 May 7, 12:40am  

Zak says
A doctor might refuse to treat you because they have something better to do for instance. Maybe they feel like taking care of someone who doesn't behave like a blight on society.

In what what could I be a "blight on society" if I'm only harming people who are like minded like me?

Zak says
What does the government have to do with this? Mommy and daddy? wtf?

Are you serious?

I'm a year into a lockdown in California over a virus of which I have less than a 1% chance of dying from. I've seen 1/2 dozen businesses close because they weren't allowed to operate, as our government promised them over and over again - that in a few weeks they could open.

But there's no problem with me going to McDonald's or Walmart...

Zak says
I won't harass you anymore.. loll you gave me a good enough laugh that

You're not harassing me. I think you're just disingenuous. I don't see the point in discussion when one of the people is being dishonest about their thinking and opinions.

Zak says
hehehehe lol omg I keep laughin...

I doubt it. I think it's just a dig at me, as you cannot explain any error in my logic.

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