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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   391,760 views  5,707 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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1293   Eric Holder   2021 May 12, 11:56am  

Onvacation says
So, instead of injecting weakened virus to stimulate your immune system like traditional vaccines, the MRNA "programs" your cells to produce pathogens to stimulate your immune systems.

Does anyone think this is a good idea?

Another question is "why?". It's not the speed - other, more traditional vaccines, were developed in approximately the same time frame as the mRNA ones. It's not the cost - the shit is expensive AF. More unknowns wrt long-term effects, same speed, same or bigger cost.... Why?
1294   mell   2021 May 12, 12:18pm  

ThreeBays says
Trump, Biden, Fauci, pretty much everyone in congress is vaccinated. The useless eaters turning into fertilizer seem more likely to be the intellectually chalenged that buy every conspiracy theory that comes across their screen.

It may be fine for old people, there is a certain breakeven point risk/benefit wise if you're over 50, 60 or 70 (depending on your overall health). It's a crime to vaccinate kids and healthy young to middle-aged adults have more risks than benefits from it.
1295   Eric Holder   2021 May 12, 12:41pm  

ThreeBays says
Trump .... is vaccinated.

Not so long ago Trump was "a pathological liar", "not to be trusted on anything". And now you believe he's been vaccinated because he says so? LOL.
1296   Onvacation   2021 May 12, 12:51pm  

ThreeBays says
conspiracy theory

Term created by the CIA to belittle anyone evening QUESTIONING the Warren report or Oswald's incredible marksmanship skill. The newer term is "Flat earther".
1297   Booger   2021 May 12, 12:57pm  

ThreeBays says
Trump, Biden, Fauci, pretty much everyone in congress is vaccinated.

With fake needles, at least some of them.
1298   Patrick   2021 May 12, 1:19pm  

ThreeBays says
Ok I'll make you a deal. 1 in 1000 chance you die. 999 chance in 1000 you get to keep living, no other upside. Good deal?

If not, then why the frick are you arguing that people should gamble their life to covid for nothing?

Again, it's a question of trust. After four years of continuous lies from the media, why would anyone trust a word the media says? Remember "Russian collusion"?

I don't trust that the "vaccine" was developed to help people. I think the virus was deliberately created in order to suppress democracy and basic freedoms in the name of "public health". Not to mention the billions going to vaccine companies or the tech oligarchs.

Daszak is referring to the fact that once you have generated a novel coronavirus that can attack human cells, you can take the spike protein and make it the basis for a vaccine.


So Fauci approved funding to create the CCP Virus in Wuhan, knowing that there were billions, maybe trillions of dollars to be made in selling the public a "vaccine" created by using part of the very same virus. And knowing that the virus could be deployed as a weapon. I believe it was deployed as a weapon against Trump and his excellent economy.

It stinks. From the beginning it stank. I think there is a far higher chance of bad effects from taking the "vaccine" than not taking it.
1299   WookieMan   2021 May 12, 1:36pm  

Patrick says
It stinks. From the beginning it stank. I think there is a far higher chance of bad effects from taking the "vaccine" than not taking it.

It's not even a comparison. Without the vaccine, anyone that gets it won't die. This is data and truth. So if you're not going to die, WTF take something that "potentially" could kill you. The risk is almost zero for most people either way. So why take it or worry about getting the virus?

You'll eventually get covid, vaccine or not. And you almost certainly will live from an infection. This isn't complicated. It's the flu. Why is this so hard for people to understand? (not you Patrick)
1300   ChauvinsKnee   2021 May 12, 1:41pm  

ThreeBays says
Eric Holder says
ThreeBays says
Trump .... is vaccinated.

Not so long ago Trump was "a pathological liar", "not to be trusted on anything". And now you believe he's been vaccinated because he says so? LOL.

Trump IS a pathological liar, but this is a question for your Trumpist friends not for me. Is Trump to be trusted or not?

Why is this not a question for you? Do you believe him or don't you believe him? It seems you do believe him while still claiming he's a liar. Isn't it what fancy people call "cognitive dissonance"?
1301   GNL   2021 May 12, 1:54pm  

mell says
there is a certain breakeven point risk/benefit wise if you're over 50, 60 or 70

I'm 55. Last night I was feeling really shitty. Rising fever, headache, whole body ached, no energy and constant chills. I figured I was likely to have the onset of Covid. I took Ivermectin and today I feel a ton better. Just sharing my recent experience. Take from it what you will. Me? I don't trust the media or the government about ANYTHING. They prove themselves to be liars every time they open their mouths. About 12 months ago, I decided to trust what made sense to me. So far, so good.
1302   porkchopXpress   2021 May 12, 1:56pm  

WineHorror1 says
mell says
there is a certain breakeven point risk/benefit wise if you're over 50, 60 or 70

I'm 55. Last night I was feeling really shitty. Rising fever, headache, whole body ached, no energy and constant chills. I figured I was likely to have the onset of Covid. I took Ivermectin and today I feel a ton better. Just sharing my recent experience. Take from it what you will. Me? I don't trust the media or the government about ANYTHING. They prove themselves to be liars every time they open their mouths. About 12 months ago, I decided to trust what made sense to me. So far, so good.
Thanks for sharing. May I ask where you got your Ivermectin? I stocked up from All Day Chemist online and plan to do the exact same thing as you if I feel any onset of symptoms. How much of a dose did you take?

P.S. I had Covid back in Dec 2020.
1303   Eric Holder   2021 May 12, 2:11pm  

ThreeBays says
ChauvinsKnee says
Why is this not a question for you? Do you believe him or don't you believe him? It seems you do believe him while still claiming he's a liar. Isn't it what fancy people call "cognitive dissonance"?

I can believe he got a shot, and also believe he lied about a lot of things like the big lie. I also listed other people beside Trump. Any other questions?

No more questions: the clinical picture is complete.
1304   Ceffer   2021 May 12, 2:25pm  

If you want to assess 'net truth' as a proportion of truth to convenience puffery, gray or white lies, Trump is probably the most forthright President we have had since Truman.

If you want pure 'black lies', look no further than Biden. Yes, black lies are purposeful misdirections designed to do you harm or lead you to harm.
1305   GNL   2021 May 12, 4:17pm  

porkchopexpress says
Thanks for sharing. May I ask where you got your Ivermectin? I stocked up from All Day Chemist online and plan to do the exact same thing as you if I feel any onset of symptoms. How much of a dose did you take?

P.S. I had Covid back in Dec 2020.

I took half a pill last night around 8pm and the other half around 9am this morning. I'm feeling very good compared to last night.
1306   GNL   2021 May 12, 4:24pm  

porkchopexpress says
May I ask where you got your Ivermectin?

The place I got it from is now a dead link. I've heard ivermectin can be prescribed from www.myfreedoctor.com.
1307   Patrick   2021 May 12, 6:00pm  

ThreeBays says
That's "cognitive dissonance", but there's little point in trying to teach the blind how to see.

Lol, pot and kettle.

The whole reason the elite had to remove Trump with help from the gullible is that Trump was speaking far too many truths about China, illegals, and why.

Sure, Trump has the mien of a con-artist, but he was the best thing that ever happened the current generation of working people. Lowest black unemployment rate EVER. Remember that?

No Islamic terror attacks in the US. Remember that?

Low energy prices. Remember that?

I could go on and on. I'll take Trump over any politi-whore like Biden any day. And you should too.
1308   Eric Holder   2021 May 12, 6:02pm  

Patrick says
Lowest black unemployment rate EVER. Remember that?

No Islamic terror attacks in the US. Remember that?

Low energy prices. Remember that?

Quiet "Palestine". Remember that?
1309   Booger   2021 May 12, 6:36pm  

Patrick says
After four years of continuous lies from the media, why would anyone trust a word the media says?

The mainstream media has been lying to you a lot longer than that.
1310   Patrick   2021 May 12, 6:39pm  

True, but it wasn't quite as obvious or hysterical before Trump.

They were wetting their pants every day and screaming ever more outrageous likes, culminating with the lie that there was an "insurrection" attempt by people taking selfies in the Capitol Building.
1311   porkchopXpress   2021 May 12, 6:40pm  

WineHorror1 says
I took half a pill last night around 8pm and the other half around 9am this morning. I'm feeling very good compared to last night.
How many mg in your pill?
1313   WookieMan   2021 May 13, 2:56am  

ThreeBays says
Trump, Biden, Fauci, pretty much everyone in congress is vaccinated. The useless eaters turning into fertilizer seem more likely to be the intellectually chalenged that buy every conspiracy theory that comes across their screen.

What does it matter who got vaccinated? Assuming users here are telling the truth, multiple have gotten covid. We all know people that have gotten it. It simply isn't dangerous. There's no point in taking a rushed through vaccination. I don't care if someone does, but if you're dead from cancer in 2 years you'll always wonder (well you'd be dead, so there's that). You or I have ZERO clue the long term effects.

There's a reason they're selling it to teenagers now. It's not production improvement. No one wants this thing. So we're now selling it to other countries. If this was a true emergency, we'd be making sure every American got it. We're talking about a virus that kills less than 1% of people and most are old and unhealthy. There's little chance you'll actually get Covid, even with how widespread it is at this point. I can almost promise you I'm probably the most reckless user here between travel and living in a place that only took it serious for a month. Never got it and if I did in January it was..... the flu.

9 out of 10 people that get vaccinated are protecting themselves from a ghost. If you do get covid, it's a week off work, bed rest and you can't smell worst case. Oh the horror. Somehow the flu hasn't existed prior to this virus. No one ever got that...?
1314   GNL   2021 May 13, 4:08am  

porkchopexpress says
WineHorror1 says
I took half a pill last night around 8pm and the other half around 9am this morning. I'm feeling very good compared to last night.
How any mg in your pill?

I took HCQ. 200mg. I also have Ivermectin paste which I have NOT taken. I am VERY SORRY for my miscommunication.
1315   Bitcoin   2021 May 13, 7:46am  

demand for vaccines is going down....they will now pay you to get the vaccine (sport tickets and other incentives related to sports)

"A Shot at Savings

NFL, NASCAR, and MLS: Super Bowl Tickets and More
A vaccine could be your ticket — literally — to the Super Bowl in 2022. Fifty tickets will be up for grabs in a giveaway for vaccinated fans, the NFL has announced. You can also snag a 25% discount at NFLShop.com for receiving your vaccine. Meanwhile, NASCAR will be giving away Daytona 500 tickets, while Major League Soccer will offer vaccinated fans a 30% discount on merchandise and the chance to go to the 2021 MLS All-Star Game. (More of a baseball fan? Some MLB teams are offering ticket deals for vaccinated fans "

1316   zzyzzx   2021 May 13, 8:22am  

Exactly how do I identify as vaccinated to help lift the mask mandate? I mean how the fuck are they tracking it?
1317   RWSGFY   2021 May 13, 8:56am  

zzyzzx says
Exactly how do I identify as vaccinated to help lift the mask mandate?

Wear a cool pin:

1318   Onvacation   2021 May 13, 5:20pm  


"30,000 to 300,000 already killed by the vaccine"
1319   porkchopXpress   2021 May 13, 7:18pm  

Great video. Wow, just wow.
1320   richwicks   2021 May 13, 7:36pm  

WineHorror1 says
porkchopexpress says
May I ask where you got your Ivermectin?

The place I got it from is now a dead link. I've heard ivermectin can be prescribed from www.myfreedoctor.com.


I used to know a PhD vet that worked in pharmacology. Animal drugs are the same, exactly the same, as human drugs. She was very frustrated with her job because all the time drugs would successfully pass animal trials (and all drugs go through trials at SOME point), but they would fail with human trials. There's TONS of drugs available for animals, that aren't suitable for humans.

Be, very careful about the dose if you go that route.

Ivermectin is weird too. Basically it's a one and done. You take a dose, and maybe 6 months later, you take another one.
1321   Patrick   2021 May 13, 7:37pm  

We used to give Ivermectin to our chickens to de-worm them. It takes an incredibly small amount. Micrograms if I remember right.
1322   richwicks   2021 May 13, 7:47pm  

Patrick says
We used to give Ivermectin to our chickens to de-worm them. It takes an incredibly small amount. Micrograms if I remember right.

This is why I'm reluctant to give advice to people trying to get this drug outside the system.

I used it on my dogs for multiple reasons, but it was always measured in doses matching my dog's body weight. It's great killing fleas and ticks (or used to be). Fleas seem to evolve pretty quickly.
1323   porkchopXpress   2021 May 13, 8:05pm  

Well yea, don't take a dose you'd give to a horse. Hopefully that's common sense. You do realize that Ivermectin is used on humans for lice and scabies, right? It's not just animals. In fact, it won Nobel Prize for being such an awesome drug for humans. People just need to buy it online and take human doses...12mg per day.
1324   mell   2021 May 13, 8:09pm  

Onvacation says

Told you about ADE a while ago, so did Denninger. One of the main reasons not to prime a mostly functioning immune system over the top, esp. since strong natural immune reactions to covid infection have been documented causing inflammation and scarring. That's why those patients do well and recover with steroids, i.e. immune suppressants. Giving this shite to kids and adolescents is criminal, we all know kids have strongly reactive immune systems. When I was a kid, 102-106 fever was a normal immune reaction. I remember the worst fever ever as a kid reaching almost 107 degrees for a day and I slipped in and out of consciousness and sleep. My sister had one of those well when she was a kid and was hauled to the hospital where they always give you fever reducers and immune suppressants. Imagine priming a kids immune system with that mrna shit. Totally unnecessary and criminal considering the risks.
1325   GNL   2021 May 13, 8:09pm  

As I understand it, ivermectin has been used millions and millions of times by humans for decades.
1326   mell   2021 May 13, 8:11pm  

WineHorror1 says
As I understand it, ivermectin has been used millions and millions of times by humans for decades.

Correct, it's not an animal drug only, it has been given as parasite prevention and anti-microbial to humans all over Africa and Asia for decades. It's incredibly safe, probably safer than HCQ which is already very safe.
1328   RWSGFY   2021 May 13, 8:31pm  

mell says
Correct, it's not an animal drug only, it has been given as parasite prevention and anti-microbial to humans all over Africa and Asia for decades.

It's ised in US for de-licing kids. Also for treating Rosacea.
1329   GNL   2021 May 13, 8:41pm  

FuckCCP89 says
mell says
Correct, it's not an animal drug only, it has been given as parasite prevention and anti-microbial to humans all over Africa and Asia for decades.

It's ised in US for de-licing kids. Also for treating Rosacea.

So, what is the connection on why it is effective against Covid? Covid is not a parasite.
1330   mell   2021 May 13, 8:52pm  

WineHorror1 says
FuckCCP89 says
mell says
Correct, it's not an animal drug only, it has been given as parasite prevention and anti-microbial to humans all over Africa and Asia for decades.

It's ised in US for de-licing kids. Also for treating Rosacea.

So, what is the connection on why it is effective against Covid? Covid is not a parasite.

They inhibit maturation of proteins which are vital to parasites, as to viruses for replication. This is not new, e.g.

1331   Patrick   2021 May 13, 8:58pm  

HCQ seems to have a coincidental property facilitating zinc transport across the cell membrane. Zinc then interferes with viral replication - but only if it can get inside the cells.

I think HCQ works against malaria in a totally different way. Win-win.
1332   RWSGFY   2021 May 13, 9:49pm  

WineHorror1 says
It's ised in US for de-licing kids. Also for treating Rosacea.

So, what is the connection on why it is effective against Covid? Covid is not a parasite.

No idea, but things like that happen to known drugs. Viagra, for example, was not developed for putting led into limp pencils - that was a side effect.

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