Debunking 9/11 Debunking - Let's Get Empirical - Pt.2 of 9

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2021 Jun 4, 11:22pm   1,334 views  9 comments

by WillPowers   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

June 4, 2021

The progressive Matthew Rothschild said enough of conspiracy theories such as “it was an inside job. Members of the Bush administration ordered it, not Osama Bin Laden” or “the twin tower collapse was not a consequence of planes hitting the building and the ensuing collapse, but because of explosives.”

Rothschild concludes, “I’m amazed how many people give credence to these theories.” However, he did not go on to explain the even more unlikely government conspiracy theory:

Dr. David Ray Griffin enumerates these theories, one being that hijackers with knives and box cutters defeated the most sophisticated defense system in history. To hear the whole list of implausible facts watch Part 2 of Debunking 911 Debunking.

He talks more about Rothschild and accuses him of using “conspiracy theory” as terms of abuse when all they are are theories he chooses not to believe.

So a Bush insider headed up the commission overseeing the investigation into 911 and reporting on it. Oh, but I’m sure he was completely objective and unbiased in his report.

In Part 2, Mr. Griffin covers the Popular Mechanics article “Debunking 911 Myths” and soundly shows why their article is flawed.

View the VIDEO on my website: https://inversenews.wordpress.com/2021/06/04/debunking-9-11-debunking-lets-get-empirical-pt-2-of-9/

How do we know the Bush administration wouldn’t sacrifice 3000 American lives on 911 to use as a pretext for war in the middle east? Is that so unthinkable?

The Bush administration ordered the EPA to “lie and say” the air on 9/11 was safe to breath, when it was known not to be, exposing “40 thousand workers” to toxic air, that caused “permanent debilitating diseases,” because they were told it was safe not to wear “protective gear.” As a result of this policy there will be many more deaths from cancer then there were from all the deaths on 9/11.

Mr. Griffin covers the reasons given for why that tragic day couldn’t be an inside job and argues against them successfully.

One point he makes on the 911 Commission is valid and typical of all the arguments he makes to debunk the debunkers. The executive director of the 911 Commission was Philip Zelikow, who wrote a book with Condoleezza Rice “Build a Better World”: https://www.amazon.com/Build-Better-World-Choices-Commonwealth/dp/1538764679

So a Bush administration insider headed up the commission overseeing the investigation into 911 and reporting on it. Oh, but I’m sure he was completely objective and unbiased in his report.

In Part 2, Mr. Griffin covers the Popular Mechanics article “Debunking 911 Myths” and soundly shows why their article is flawed.

SEE the VIDEO at: https://inversenews.wordpress.com/2021/06/04/debunking-9-11-debunking-lets-get-empirical-pt-2-of-9/

Comments 1 - 9 of 9        Search these comments

1   Ceffer   2021 Jun 4, 11:32pm  

WillPowers says
Matthew Rothschild

I think I saw him in the Globalist estate party sequences wearing a COVID bat mask in the movie "Eyes Wide Shut".
2   WillPowers   2021 Jun 5, 4:09pm  

Are you making fun of me?
3   Ceffer   2021 Jun 5, 4:20pm  

Fun of the anti-9/11 commentator misdirecting by calling everybody conspiracy theorists. 'Conspiracy Theorist' is becoming the new anti-propaganda status symbol.
4   richwicks   2021 Jun 5, 5:40pm  

Ceffer says
Fun of the anti-9/11 commentator misdirecting by calling everybody conspiracy theorists. 'Conspiracy Theorist' is becoming the new anti-propaganda status symbol.

Oh, don't be silly!

A man in Afghanistan from bin the binLaden family which are great friends of the Bush family who fought against the Soviets during the USSR/Afghanistan war simply went rogue, found 19 people willing to kill themselves by slipping in through Israeli controlled airport security (in every case), and flew 4 planes to destroyed 4 buildings - one of which wasn't hit.

And they, naturally did this, by flying into Washington DC airspace to hit the defense department of the entire US military, 30 minutes after it was clear there was a terrorist attack, and it was obvious flight 77 had been hijacked.

Then, the next day, the entire binLaden family was flown out of the country while everybody else was grounded.

And just because there was massive shorting of airlines on the stockmarket (which were never claimed), that 5 Israelis were recorded dancing in front of the WTC1&2 celebrating, and the only finite element simulation that has been produced to date is from the University @ Fairbanks - and they could only get a close approximation to the collapse of WTC 7 by severing columns, of COURSE doesn't mean there's anything at all suspicious.

And just because George H. Bush was ex CIA director, and his father was shut down by FDR under the Trading with the Enemy Act - it's all just a bunch of happy coincidences.
5   Ceffer   2021 Jun 5, 5:48pm  

What about Pennsylvania? No genuine airplane fragments in the smoking 'hole', but they found intact perp identification and boxcutters.

"Hey, Charlie, after the guided missile hits the hole, make sure you don't forget to toss in the ID and the boxcutters after things cool down."
6   Onvacation   2021 Jun 5, 6:27pm  

What can we do with this information?
7   Onvacation   2021 Jun 5, 6:58pm  

Every generation has it's Kennedy event.

Something happens and the government could easily investigate and remove all doubt of the truth of the event. Instead they misdirect, and obfuscate. They take years to come out with a report that has some ridiculous explanation that defies logic and physics.

Gulf of Tonkin, JFK, RFK, MLK, Arms for hostages, CIA cocaine and heroin, Kuwaiti babies, dot com bomb, 911, weapons of mass destruction, anthrax, housing bank crash and now all this covid crap. They always have an explanation.

At least we know they are lying.
8   richwicks   2021 Jun 5, 7:54pm  

Onvacation says
At least we know they are lying.

And that believe it or not, is a HUGE improvement.

I'm, tired of being gaslit and having EVERYBODY around me also gaslit.
9   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Sep 29, 11:56pm  

WillPowers says

Are you making fun of me?

I wonder what happened with @WillPowers ?

His last entry in his blog was 6/4/2021.

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