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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   392,971 views  5,716 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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1893   SoTex   2021 Jun 11, 5:45pm  

Rin says
The original paper from India; it was retracted,

For good reason too. The HIV sites (last I looked in early 2020) didn't appear unusual. You can blast or blat that part and you get the phone book back. Tons of micro-organisms (not just viri) have similar sequences.

They were laughed at by maybe 1000 bioinformaticians.

Perhaps 4 of them IS an issue but I wouldn't call that a smoking gun or anything.

Now then the gcc(n) IS problematic as are multiple +charge AA stuck together (4 I think?). The former tends to cause DNA to break (see: fragile-X syndrome) and so isn't found in nature (for long) and the latter is just energetically unlikely. Those are smoking guns. But that's not what that paper was about. Throwing out the term HIV at the time I thought was just meant to scare people. This isn't HIV we're talking about.
1894   joshuatrio   2021 Jun 11, 6:01pm  

From patriots.win:

The japanese Govt Released Shocking Internal Phizer Documents under a FOIA type request showing where the Nanoparticle Lipids settle in the body Measured at 2 to 48 hours.

The Nanoparticle lipids are a "greasy" molecule that delivers the mRNA instructions into the cell. The body's own cells then produce the harmful spike proteins like a factory once the mRNA blueprint is inserted. So by tracking the concentration of the lipds in the body after the shot (blood , bone marrow , brain, ovaries etc..) we can determine what parts of the body will be inundated with these spike proteins.

The Shocking part is that in the first few hours nanoparticle lipid concentration is most prevalent i the blood , but after 48 hrs the ovaries have 12 times that concentration. After 48 hours the lipid concentration in the blood is only a fraction of what it was in the first hours. So this means that the Lipids and the mRNA they carry SETTLE IN THE OVARIES and turn them into a spike protein factory running wild.

Note the concentrations in different parts of the body at different time intervals, the ovaries are like a Magnet for this poison. it's also interesting that BONE MARROW ends up as the second highest concentrated settling area with only one fourth as much as the ovaries. Testicles were not notably affected.

Link to a helpful article with more info: https://trialsitenews.com/should-you-get-vaccinated/

Direct Link to the Confidential Pfizer PDF file: https://files.catbox.moe/0vwcmj.pdf
1897   Patrick   2021 Jun 11, 7:37pm  


“According to the CDC, healthy kids 18 or younger have a 99.998% rate of recovery from COVID-19 WITHOUT any treatment,” Zelenko told America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS). “There is NO medical necessity for any vaccines. Especially, an experimental and unapproved mRNA injection that has shown to have many dangerous side effects.”

He continued: “Any government or individual that forces or mandates children to get this experimental injection is in direct violation of the Geneva convention’s prohibition against coercive human experimentation.

“These are criminals of the highest order and must be brought to justice for crimes against humanity.”
1899   Patrick   2021 Jun 11, 10:30pm  

The Japanese are smart and have integrity.
1900   Onvacation   2021 Jun 12, 8:16am  

ThreeBays says

From the article:

It almost goes without saying: much can go wrong. Will the vaccines cause blood clots? Allergic reactions? Will they work against emerging new strains of the virus? Uneasiness on those and other points is why Japan’s approval procedures are so slow, say critics – or so thorough, to give it a positive spin. By way of example, the Pfizer serum was still being tested two months after it had been approved in the U.S.

The Japanese sound smart to me. They want to test the experimental biologic agent before they jab everyone.
1901   WookieMan   2021 Jun 12, 9:09am  

Onvacation says
The Japanese sound smart to me. They want to test the experimental biologic agent before they jab everyone.

There really is zero logic in taking any of it in the vast majority of people. We're talking 99%. You won't die from covid. Everyone can argue the topic, but the reality is, that covid is not that lethal at all in the grand scheme of life. Get it if you want, but it's not logical by any measure.
1902   joshuatrio   2021 Jun 12, 10:13am  

Yep. It's totally safe...

1903   WookieMan   2021 Jun 12, 11:32am  

ThreeBays says
What you're missing is the Japanese have less cases because they all wear masks, ar1 more respectful of others around them, and maintain better hygiene than most Americans.

Japanese don't social distance though. Japan is very much an urban place (isn't it the highest density country?). Rarely are they 6' or even 3' apart. They are literally on top of each other. Yet we wear masks and are distanced as Americans and our cases are higher. So yeah, masks don't make a difference. Or is it social distancing that doesn't work? One or both don't work.

Even in hill billy country IL, businesses have hand sanitizer at the door. When I use a public restroom, everyone washes their hands. So not sure the hygiene point. Japanese I believe smoke more as well which isn't good for a respiratory illness. Cultures have differences, but they're all more similar than you've been led to believe.

Either way I haven't tested positive for covid and have been extremely reckless by not "following" the science. Multiple flights, vacations, no mask since May 2020, maskless at restaurants since May 2020, gas stations, grocery stores, etc. Basically I've lived my normal life since May 2020 and nothing.

You're living in fear and that's sad. Covid won't kill you.
1904   Onvacation   2021 Jun 12, 11:35am  

ThreeBays says
And they are jabbing people with the pfizer vax so, took longer to approve

When was it approved? By Whom?

You can keep throwing out bullshit and lies but the fact is all of the "vaccines" are experimental biologic agents that have already killed thousands and maimed tens of thousands of people in the USA alone.
1905   Onvacation   2021 Jun 12, 11:36am  

ThreeBays says
What you're missing is the Japanese have less cases because they all wear masks, ar1 more respectful of others around them, and maintain better hygiene than most Americans.

And they aren't obese.
1906   Onvacation   2021 Jun 12, 11:46am  

The US closing in on 600,000 dead supposedly with COVID-19. Most had one or more comorbidities. Almost 450,000 of the CCP virus dead were over 65. Let me rephrase that; 75% of the CCP's bioweapon's victims were over the age of 65 and 94% of the casualties had one or more deadly health conditions.

Old and fat, is it a wonder why our out of shape geriatric federal government fears the Wuhan?

Nobody wants to die. But a pill or a shot from the doctor is not the key to health.
1907   Patrick   2021 Jun 12, 1:01pm  

ThreeBays says
What you're missing is the Japanese have less cases because they all wear masks, ar1 more respectful of others around them, and maintain better hygiene than most Americans.

Or maybe they just never lied about the numbers to begin with. That's the integrity part.
1908   Rin   2021 Jun 12, 1:40pm  

just_passing_through says

Now then the gcc(n) IS problematic as are multiple +charge AA stuck together (4 I think?). The former tends to cause DNA to break (see: fragile-X syndrome) and so isn't found in nature (for long) and the latter is just energetically unlikely.

The back-to-back nucleotide codons, CGG-CGG, which code for two Arginines, was the thrust of Dr Steven Quay's and Richard Mueller's claim that the species was lab modified.


Quay's work, which seems to be based more upon statistical correlation, doesn't make for a smoking gun just yet.

1909   SoTex   2021 Jun 12, 2:05pm  

Funny... I had a dream last night that I transposed cgg.. I must have gc bias (har har bioinfo joke)
1911   HeadSet   2021 Jun 12, 6:52pm  

Patrick says

An elderly woman in Napa County, California, who had received both Moderna vaccine shots died from COVID-19, county health officials said.

Did she really die of Covid, or more likely died from the jab and the officials are blaming Covid.
1912   Ceffer   2021 Jun 12, 7:12pm  

Like the guy around the corner who 'died of Covid' when Covid wasn't killing anybody and wasn't around anymore. He died of the jab and they called it Covid.
1913   mell   2021 Jun 12, 8:03pm  

ThreeBays says
Patrick says
The only effects the "vaccines" have are fatal blood clots, heart inflammation, and some instant deaths from anaphylaxis.

You down-play the virus that's killed over 600k people and yet post all day about risks of the vaccine. It sounds like you hope the vaccine is bad... after all you've expressed your wish that "libs" would be harmed by the vaccine. In practice it wouldn't be just "libs" but literally a billion people in the world. Pretty sick to be honest.

Nobody is hoping the vaccines are useless and dangerous only, hopefully they provide some sort of protection with all the side effect they come with. But you're confused, what's sick is forcing people to take an unapproved, experimental biological agent for a cold/flu. That's not much different from what Mengele and the Nazis did.
1914   Onvacation   2021 Jun 12, 9:48pm  

ThreeBays says

You down-play the virus that's killed over 600k

Of which 564,000 had one or more comorbidities and 450,000 of these people were past standard retirement age.

We could have, and should have, let these old and sick people shelter in place while the rest of the herd goes on with life.

Not expecting a cogent rebuttal.
1915   Onvacation   2021 Jun 12, 9:52pm  

mell says
what's sick is forcing people to take an unapproved, experimental biological agent for a cold/flu. That's not much different from what Mengele and the Nazis did.

One covid death is a tragedy. Thousands of experimental biologic agent deaths are a statistic.
1916   Ceffer   2021 Jun 12, 9:52pm  

LOL! 'Allegedly killed 600,000!' After taking the bribes to count everything as a Covid death, the reporting entities are now 'revising' their total downward. What are the Covid fraudsters going to do? Ask for the money back?

Italy already revised their numbers to 10 percent of the previous total, filtering out 90 percent of the Covid attributions that were on the vanguard of the panic.

Is there no honor in the world of the bribed?
1917   SoTex   2021 Jun 12, 10:07pm  

ThreeBays says
You down-play the virus that's killed over 600k people

Yet, I still have not heard of anyone I personally know dying from it but had a relative through marriage die only a few hours (3 or 5) after the jab in Daly City. She was fat, very very fat but that's still quite dubious to me! Also of note was the fact that the authorities would not relate it at all to the jab. Died of a heart attack only was the 'official' cause.

Her surviving husband is now out ambling around national parks and posting scenic pictures on Fuckbook. Good for him. He's way too fat as well.
1918   Patrick   2021 Jun 12, 10:15pm  

HeadSet says
Did she really die of Covid, or more likely died from the jab and the officials are blaming Covid.

It could easily have been both: the disease caused specifically by getting the jab and being made open to infection by the virus.

This is called "Antibody Dependent Enhancement" and is exactly what Nobel Prize winner Luc Montaignier was warning about:

Antibody-based drugs and vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are being expedited through preclinical and clinical development. Data from the study of SARS-CoV and other respiratory viruses suggest that anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies could exacerbate COVID-19 through antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).

1919   Patrick   2021 Jun 12, 10:32pm  

Le grand scientifique Luc Montagnier expose les dangers de la vaccination qui fait croire qu’elle lutte contre la pandémie. Or, c’est le contraire, elle la nourrit ! De plus, le virus variant résiste à la vaccination : « les nouveaux variants sont créés par la sélection des anticorps produits par la vaccination ».

« C’est une énorme erreur, c’est une erreur scientifique et une faute médicale inexplicable, l’histoire fera le bilan un jour de tout ça, car c’est effectivement la vaccination qui a créé le variant. »


The great scientist Luc Montagnier exposes the dangers of vaccination which makes it seem that it fights against the pandemic. But it is the opposite, it feeds her ! In addition, the variant virus is resistant to vaccination : "new variants are created by the selection of antibodies produced by vaccination".

"This is a huge mistake, it is a scientific error and an inexplicable medical fault, history will take stock one day of all this, because it was actually vaccination that created the variant."
1921   Rin   2021 Jun 13, 7:39am  

mell says
That's not much different from what Mengele

Except that Mengele was 'allegedly' experimenting on the enemies of his country (which simply makes him a warped Dr Frankenstein) whereas this is more like the Khmer Rouge were everyone is a potential victim, friend or foe.
1922   mell   2021 Jun 13, 8:06am  

Patrick says

Sad, and yet he gets attacked for speaking truth. The marxist vaxxer sheep always argue that it's a small chance and that a person with such comorbodities would be in trouble if they caught covid. What they omit is that the chance of actually catching a symptomatic covid infection was still quite low at the peak, maybe somewhere between 1:10 and 1:500, and is now maybe anywhere between 1:1000 and 1:100000. With appropriate distancing and prophylactic supplementation this risk can be further reduced to close to zero for high risk groups. The chance of being exposed to an experimental biological agent is 100% for those who take the jab, so the occurrence of side effects can actually be much lower and it's still a very bad deal.
1923   WookieMan   2021 Jun 13, 8:55am  

ThreeBays, you keep mention 600k dead now.

Probably more as illegals don't participate in the census. FYI which was done during a pandemic, right after an impeachment attempt based on absolutely nothing. And now the gerrymandering will begin to whoever's benefit.

This pandemic is nothing. Always has been. It's not a right or left thing. It's reality. People nearing deaths door got a flu bug. Younger people that died most likely died from something else they may have not know they had, but under 20 it is almost statistically impossible to die from. Your typical influenza strains would have done them in as well anyway.

A friend of ours had a kid die from a bacterial infection at age 4. Mom was a nurse and spotted the issue right away and the kid still died. Life isn't guaranteed and we'll never be able to control nature. Sad topic, but we've had a user on this very site "supposedly" die from falling down the stairs. Shit can escalate quickly and boom, you're dead.

You being sold a narrative and you've boughten into it. Hence why I question you mentioning 600k deaths. Who cares? Seriously. The entire population of the world won't die of covid. It's a fraction. Much of the world has gotten it. It will ramp up again in the fall/winter. It's a god damn flu bug. Here to stay. I've never gotten a flu shot. I'm not dead. And there's more deadly flu strains still out there.

You've been sold a lie and you bought it.
1924   porkchopXpress   2021 Jun 13, 9:34am  

ThreeBays says
You down-play the virus that's killed over 600k people and yet post all day about risks of the vaccine. It sounds like you hope the vaccine is bad... after all you've expressed your wish that "libs" would be harmed by the vaccine. In practice it wouldn't be just "libs" but literally a billion people in the world. Pretty sick to be honest.
What's sick is the Establishment suppressing safe and effective treatments like Ivermectin for the purpose of forcing an experimental "vaccine" on people. How many of those 600K people could've been otherwise saved? 80%? more? We are witnessing multiple crimes against humanity.
1925   AmericanKulak   2021 Jun 13, 9:43am  

Biden admits that COVID is a System to finance Vaccines.
1926   GNL   2021 Jun 13, 9:50am  

WookieMan says
ThreeBays, you keep mention 600k dead now.

Probably more as illegals don't participate in the census. FYI which was done during a pandemic, right after an impeachment attempt based on absolutely nothing. And now the gerrymandering will begin to whoever's benefit.

This pandemic is nothing. Always has been. It's not a right or left thing. It's reality. People nearing deaths door got a flu bug. Younger people that died most likely died from something else they may have not know they had, but under 20 it is almost statistically impossible to die from. Your typical influenza strains would have done them in as well anyway.

A friend of ours had a kid die from a bacterial infection at age 4. Mom was a nurse and spotted the issue right away and the kid still died. Life isn't guaranteed and we'll never be able to control nature. Sad topic, but we've had a user on this very site "supposedly" die from falling down the stairs. Shit can e...

3 Bays is part of the evil encompassing the world. He is a waste of time.
1927   mell   2021 Jun 13, 10:06am  

Also what's criminal is that - if this were the worst thing ever happening to humanity - instead of making sure those responsible for creating that chimera will be tried and hung, the blame is shifted to the plebs for not taking the experimental biological agent of questionable effectiveness and major side effects without consent. How sick do you have to be to put this burden on kids and adolescents who are not affected by this? go fucking investigate the ccp and immediately pass legislation barring gof research forever under the penalty of death due to crimes against humanity! what.. crickets? Go take a hike.
1928   Onvacation   2021 Jun 13, 10:14am  

mell says
the chance of actually catching a symptomatic covid infection was still quite low at the peak, maybe somewhere between 1:10 and 1:500, and is now maybe anywhere between 1:1000 and 1:100000. With appropriate distancing and prophylactic supplementation this risk can be further reduced to close to zero for high risk groups. The chance of being exposed to an experimental biological agent is 100% for those who take the jab, so the occurrence of side effects can actually be much lower and it's still a very bad deal.

Can you make a logical argument without using racist math?


I didn't think so.
1929   Onvacation   2021 Jun 13, 10:27am  

WookieMan says
mentioning 600k deaths

How many of the 175K over 85 years old would have died anyway? How many of the 275K between 65 and 84 years old would have died anyway? 75% of the CCP virus death toll were people past retirement age. 94% had one or more comorbidities.

The Wuhan was a scam or a dud bioweapon. Now that we are getting more clear on the origins of this corona virus the reason for the overreaction would appear to be because they thought it was a manmade killer. The reason China did not get blamed from the get, besides the fact they own so many politicians, is that the US was involved in the research.

If you think Trump and congress didn't know, you probably think the Russians colluded in the election, whatever that means.
1930   Ceffer   2021 Jun 13, 10:36am  

The Globalist psychopaths have elected vaccines as their magic carpet to world domination. With enforced vaccinations, they can achieve what they want: medical blackmail and extortion, eugenics, social credit scores, elimination of 'undesirable' populations and lightly disguised assassinations, tracking of all people, enforced social isolations, spying in conjunction with modern computer technologies like the show 'Person of Interest', eradication of human rights, all access points to resources monitored and controlled etc. etc., establishment in perpetuity of the exempt dynastic classes.

What's not to like. There was a possible apocryphal quote attributed to Henry Kissinger for the benefit of the Davos/Bilderberg crew that vaccines held the key to population control and economic dominance. It's typical Globalist shadow boxing to present an agenda as altruistic (public health and disease control) to disguise the true agendas of population control and mass population eradications. It is their standard stunt of infiltrating sources of public institutional credibility to bleed them dry to implement deceptive, baleful agendas on a trusting public.
1931   Ceffer   2021 Jun 13, 11:08am  

'First' Covid vaccine postmortem (February?) shows body's organs are all riddled with spike protein mRNA. Thaks for waiting four months to let us know.
1932   Ceffer   2021 Jun 13, 2:49pm  

From the field: my wife talked with a lady she hasn't seen for a long time. The lady is older, and she said her family talked her into getting the jab. The first shot made her tired. The second shot caused a head to foot severe rash that lasted for two months before it started to go away, she couldn't go anywhere.

Internist from Kaiser sent a mushy, gushy letter really pushing the shot with over the top screed. Letter (probably standard from corporate) talked about what a blessing the vaccine is as a guard against 'serious illness'. Says there are only mild reactions 'for two days' in some people but that 'most people' had no reaction at all. Claims that he, his wife, and his four kids have all been 'fully vaccinated'. Maybe he meant 'fully salinated'. Of course, Kaiser is also holding raffles and prizes, too, for those who get the jab.

A vaccine for a disease that has passed through the population ages ago and doesn't kill, with a vaccine that doesn't work, but is a biological experiment, is a 'blessing'.

This shit is getting so depressingly sinister and depraved.

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