Vax Death Spike

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2021 Jul 13, 11:13am   23,423 views  276 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

I downloaded a csv file from the CDC


I was curious about trends so I then downloaded the last six years of death data from the cdc and concatenated it into one file. I graphed it:

It was obvious that there was quite a spike from the corona virus (Blue Gray line) when I eliminated total deaths from the chart.

At this point I was curious if some of the other causes of death had gone down so I eliminated heart disease, cancer, and covid-19.

This is when I noticed the annual winter spike from flu and pneumonia was gone in 2020-2021. I also noticed the spike in "not elsewhere classified". I zoomed in and got this:

Logic using people can see there is a problem here.

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41   Onvacation   2021 Jul 18, 5:35pm  

The CDC has not updated their weekly death numbers for two weeks now.
42   Patrick   2021 Jul 18, 5:45pm  

43   Onvacation   2021 Jul 18, 5:52pm  

Patrick says
Onvacation says
This classification of death went to 5 or 6 times normal during the jabfest.

I've seen lots of graphs like this before, where the drop at the end is merely incomplete reporting of the most recent data.

You're right!

The last CDC update was on July 3. The one before it was June 26. I graphed "rare deaths" (Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified) for the two releases of data and as you can see from the graph I created that a lot of deaths have been reclassified.
44   Onvacation   2021 Jul 18, 6:02pm  

There are more rare death classifications after the update.

I also noticed a discrepancy in total deaths. In the CDC's earlier release there were a total of 30,763 deaths in the week ending 6/26/2021. In the next weeks release there were 43,397, a difference of over 12,000.

This is disturbing as when I look back the newer release has a bunch more deaths for the last few weeks. Further back in time the discrepancies decrease. It may have something to do with reporting lag.

I got some chores I have to do but I'll do a deeper dive later.

Maybe the CDC lies about classification AND number of dead.
45   GNL   2021 Jul 18, 6:05pm  

Onvacation says
There are more rare death classifications after the update.

I also noticed a discrepancy in total deaths. In the CDC's earlier release there were a total of 30,763 deaths in the week ending 6/26/2021. In the next weeks release there were 43,397, a difference of over 12,000.

This is disturbing as when I look back the newer release has a bunch more deaths for the last few weeks. Further back in time the discrepancies decrease. It may have something to do with reporting lag.

I got some chores I have to do but I'll do a deeper dive later.

Maybe the CDC lies about classification AND number of dead.

So, this is true or false...

"Last Week: there were 1,918 total COVID-19 deaths in the United States.

Last Week: There were 2,092 deaths from the COVID Vaccines — According to the CDC-linked VAERS website.

That means there were 174 more Covid vaccine deaths in the United States last week than Covid deaths in the United States last week.

Why is this not making headlines?"
46   Onvacation   2021 Jul 18, 6:18pm  

WineHorror1 says
So, this is true or false...

"Last Week: there were 1,918 total COVID-19 deaths in the United States.

Last Week: There were 2,092 deaths from the COVID Vaccines — According to the CDC-linked VAERS website.

That means there were 174 more Covid vaccine deaths in the United States last week than Covid deaths in the United States last week.

Why is this not making headlines?"

It's probably even worse.

I am looking at the July 3rd updated numbers and there were only 591 deaths FROM covid (COVID-19 (U071, Underlying Cause of Death) and an additional 725 deaths WITH covid (COVID-19 (U071, Multiple Cause of Death) It may have gone up in the last two weeks but they haven't released the numbers yet.

Deaths from "rare diseases" are 2,500 deaths above their norm for that same week.
47   Onvacation   2021 Jul 18, 6:21pm  

More have probably been dying from the jab than from the Wuhan for a couple months now.
48   Onvacation   2021 Jul 19, 11:13am  

Onvacation says
I also noticed a discrepancy in total deaths. In the CDC's earlier release there were a total of 30,763 deaths in the week ending 6/26/2021. In the next weeks release there were 43,397, a difference of over 12,000.

This is disturbing as when I look back the newer release has a bunch more deaths for the last few weeks. Further back in time the discrepancies decrease. It may have something to do with reporting lag.

I got some chores I have to do but I'll do a deeper dive later.

Maybe the CDC lies about classification AND number of dead.

After a closer look, it looks like reporting lag.

Still waiting for updated numbers from the CDC.
49   Onvacation   2021 Jul 19, 11:17am  

I think we can say the second wave of the Wuhan is over.

I am afraid the new wave will be ADE and will be blamed on unvavved people as only the vaxxed will come down with it.
50   Onvacation   2021 Jul 19, 11:19am  

One good thing about the Wuhan is that nobody dies from the flu or pneumonia anymore.
51   Onvacation   2021 Jul 19, 11:21am  

Notice that the curve of rare deaths matched the curve of vaxxing. Most of the remaining unvaxxed say, "I'm not getting that shit".(period)
52   Patrick   2021 Jul 19, 11:53am  

Onvacation says
Notice that the curve of rare deaths matched the curve of vaxxing. Most of the remaining unvaxxed say, "I'm not getting that shit".(period)

@Onvacation Where do you see this? Which graph, that is.
53   Onvacation   2021 Jul 19, 6:27pm  

Patrick says
Onvacation says
Notice that the curve of rare deaths matched the curve of vaxxing. Most of the remaining unvaxxed say, "I'm not getting that shit".(period)

@Onvacation Where do you see this? Which graph, that is.

This will make it more clear.

Here is the chart of deaths from "Rare" diseases since 2014

When we Zoom in we see that from the man first vaccinated on 12/8/2020 (now dead) and the quick ramp up in jabbing as many as possible as quickly as possible and then the reluctance of the remainder correlates with the spike in "rare disease".

Ay least that's what I see.

Correlation doesn't mean causation.
54   Patrick   2021 Jul 19, 6:37pm  

Thanks, do you have a graph of the total US "vaccinations" per day to overlay on the same timescale?

It would be super interesting if you could see bumps in deaths mirroring bumps in people who submit to the jab.
55   WookieMan   2021 Jul 19, 7:02pm  

Patrick says
Thanks, do you have a graph of the total US "vaccinations" per day to overlay on the same timescale?

It would be super interesting if you could see bumps in deaths mirroring bumps in people who submit to the jab.

I was in a major suburban location today. They have a single 4 spot/seat folding table at a major grocery store pharmacy section. No one was there. Either everyone has gotten this or no one wants it. I think it's the latter. It's a complete waste of resources. People aren't working because they don't have to. It's not deadly. This is a complete shit show.
56   Patrick   2021 Jul 19, 9:22pm  

You're right @WookieMan but there are millions of people infected with TDS who devoutly support this shit show.

They will never forgive or get over Trump's big success with the economy, foreign policy, and restoring American ideals.
57   WookieMan   2021 Jul 20, 7:14am  

Patrick says
They will never forgive or get over Trump's big success with the economy, foreign policy, and restoring American ideals.

I agree. But nothing is stopping people from getting vaccinated if they want it. I should have seen people getting vaccinated. We're shipping our leftovers to foreign nations after taxpayers paid for it, we're giving working people free money, we have tons of unemployed, yet the job openings outpace the people that should be working. 1+1=3,000,000

Even if it was lab created, we should have just let nature do its thing. I don't think anyone on the planet understands the economy right now. This has never happened. You can't shut it down and then print. Some municipalities and states are bringing mask mandates back full well knowing they don't work because of the "Delta" variant. We're destroying entire industries. We've already lost a 50 year old, successful restaurant/bar in my town (the one I want to make a club). We're a service economy and we're destroying even that after fucking over manufacturing decades ago.

I like Trump outside of his Covid response and his demeanor sometimes. But I'm over him at this point. He's being censored. I literally think the media would censor him on TV as well. Literally to the point where maybe they wouldn't let him debate in 2024. Or the Rino's shut him down as well. I don't think it's possible he can run again honestly.

Way too early to make predictions, but as other threads have mentioned I think it will be Desantis. We need younger people in that office. I'd probably vote for him just for his Covid response even though he screwed me out of a vacation at the beginning. I honestly think this will end up in some form of civil war. How that looks who knows. Stolen elections and massive inflation don't end well. We need to get this shit under control.
58   Patrick   2021 Jul 20, 9:57am  

WookieMan says
nothing is stopping people from getting vaccinated if they want it.

Lol, the point is that they demand that you submit to the jab no matter what you want, in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code and the basic right not to be experimented on.
59   Onvacation   2021 Jul 20, 10:14am  

Patrick says
Thanks, do you have a graph of the total US "vaccinations" per day to overlay on the same timescale?

It would be super interesting if you could see bumps in deaths mirroring bumps in people who submit to the jab.

I found this. Unfortunately I could not find the underlying data.

There seems to be a lag between the vax and rare death.
60   Onvacation   2021 Jul 20, 12:00pm  

The scales of the above graphs are magnitudes apart.

If the correlation is causation only one in a thousand that get the jab will die from a rare disease within 8 weeks of injection. Many rare diseases take a while to kill so we will probably see an uptick in rare diseases in the years to come.

Only one in a thousand will die within 2 months of the jab. If everyone in the US was fully vaxxed it will only kill 350,000 versus the millions the actual virus would kill. The cruel calculus of saving human life has forced our government to lie to us.

Flu season is coming. Soon we will see how this inoculation deals with wild corona viruses.
61   Patrick   2021 Jul 20, 12:05pm  

If the jab kills 1 in 1000 then it is about as deadly as Fauci Flu itself - except that the jab also kills young healthy people, while Fauci Flu is only the elderly, obese, and Vitamin D deficient, bumping them off the ledge they are so close to anyway.

The actual virus would never kill millions, and we know for a fact that the Fauci Flu death numbers are greatly exaggerated, including gunshot victims and car accident victims whose blood tested positive with the wildly inaccurate PCR test so that hospitals could collect the bonus for false reporting.

The jab is simply mass murder for profit and power.
62   Onvacation   2021 Jul 20, 1:11pm  

Patrick says

The jab is simply mass murder for profit and power.

Seems to be.

Still have a hard time assigning malice even though I know they're not that stupid.
63   Patrick   2021 Jul 20, 1:16pm  

Human powers of rationalization for their own benefit are limitless.
64   richwicks   2021 Jul 20, 1:19pm  

Onvacation says
Patrick says

The jab is simply mass murder for profit and power.

Seems to be.

Still have a hard time assigning malice even though I know they're not that stupid.

You're having a hard time assigning malice?

This damned technology isn't even being used for animals yet. We're under extreme pressure to take an untested drug. There's a push to believe that if you're NOT vaccinated, you're a threat to somebody that is. The whole point of getting a vaccination is to acquire immunity.

We have Fauci's emails, where he's lied, contradicted himself against public statements, and is working hand in glove with corporate entities. We have to wear masks, DESPITE Fauci being fully aware, they are worthless.

Everything about this is malicious - whether this really is going to kill the people that got the shot? We'll find out in a few years.
65   Onvacation   2021 Jul 20, 3:07pm  

richwicks says
Everything about this is malicious - whether this really is going to kill the people that got the shot? We'll find out in a few years.

It seems to be malicious but maybe it's just selfish?

The Wuhan kills old and fat. Many of our "leaders" are obese and geriatric. They think the virus will completely disappear if everyone is vaxxed. They don't care who dies if they can hold on to power.

Now that I think about it, they don't think killing is malicious if it serves their ends.

HOPEFULLY the vax doesn't kill as many as some are predicting. They were wrong about the Wuhan maybe they're wrong about the jab.

Humans are resilient.
66   WookieMan   2021 Jul 20, 5:33pm  

Onvacation says
Humans are resilient.

Not much else to say. I've met plenty of people found dead from heroin. Not a joke. No heart beat and not breathing. They lived. In some cases no clue how long they'd been out.

That's why suicide is so fucked up. You really, really have to try. Most fail. A friend of my wife, her dad tried I think 6 times in one day. He eventually succeeded in his goal. One of the most fucked up stories I've ever heard. Not interested in rehashing it here. One of the worst stories I've ever heard of. Don't think Hollywood could make it up. My BIL did it with 2 kids. Changed my fucking world permanently.
67   Onvacation   2021 Jul 22, 9:32am  

New data from CDC for week ending 7/10/21

Data for Week ending 7/10/21

Total Deaths: 12,055
Heart disease: 2,635
Cancer: 2,835
From Covid: 233
With Covid: 288
Rare Disease: 770
68   Onvacation   2021 Jul 22, 9:33am  

The CDC is lagging on their data releases.

It looks like they have been updating old data.

I will keep monitoring.
69   Patrick   2021 Jul 22, 10:00am  

Given the drop off in heart disease and cancer, it looks like there are delays in reporting.

So I suspect the vax death spike is still going up rapidly.
70   Onvacation   2021 Jul 22, 10:07am  

Patrick says
Given the drop off in heart disease and cancer, it looks like there are delays in reporting.

That could be, but I suspect they have killed all of those already weakened by cancer and heart disease and they have run out of victims.

The pandemic is over.
71   ajlyg   2021 Jul 22, 4:44pm  

I put together a video about some important connections to Pfizer the media is conveniently missing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh-7cajR4wY
72   Onvacation   2021 Jul 22, 8:35pm  

ajlyg says
I put together a video about some important connections to Pfizer the media is conveniently missing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh-7cajR4wY

Hey @ajlyg you said "I put together..." Is this you?

Or just the reporter?

We need some smart women around here.
73   Onvacation   2021 Aug 5, 7:06pm  

Latest data from CDC

Deaths from Covid: 1,255
Deaths from "Rare" Disease: 2,506
74   Onvacation   2021 Aug 5, 7:11pm  

Notice how Cerebrovascular diseases, Chronic lower respiratory diseases, and diabetes have plummeted?

I will have to look back on previous data I have downloaded from the CDC but it seams as though the numbers have changed significantly. As I recall, previous downloads had covid deaths under 1,000 for a couple of weeks in a row.

I will look, but at this point, what difference does it make? They are obviously lying to us.
75   Onvacation   2021 Aug 5, 7:38pm  

Heart disease and Cancer have also plummeted since the beginning of this month.

The week ending June 5 had 10,930 deaths from cancer and 11,417 deaths from heart disease.

The week ending July 24 had 6,927 deaths from cancer and 6,715 deaths from heart disease.

They had to get those covid deaths from somewhere.
76   Patrick   2021 Aug 5, 9:37pm  

We need mass civil disobedience.
77   Patrick   2021 Aug 5, 10:07pm  

Onvacation says
Latest data from CDC

Deaths from Covid: 1,255
Deaths from "Rare" Disease: 2,506

@Onvacation This graph is very impressive!

Is the vertical axis deaths per week ? If so, maybe you could add that.
78   Onvacation   2021 Aug 5, 10:20pm  

Patrick says

Is the vertical axis deaths per week ?

It is. I was just checking the total deaths for the period 2014 through 2019 and the average overall deaths per week was 51,000. since the Wuhan started it has been about 62,000 per week. That is not surprising since it is a novel MANIPULATED TO KILL virus.

The last posted data was about 32,000 per week.

I got disgusted playing with the data and closed it down for the night.
79   Onvacation   2021 Aug 5, 10:23pm  

If anyone else wants to play with the data it is located here


Click on the "export" button at the top of the page and download your favorite format.
80   Patrick   2021 Aug 6, 1:53pm  

Patrick says
We need mass civil disobedience.

And we need mask civil disobedience.

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