Gavin Newsom sent kids to summer camp not enforcing state mask rules

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2021 Jul 28, 10:46am   603 views  6 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

Two of California Gov. Gavin Newsom's children briefly attended a summer camp that was in defiance of the state's COVID-19 guidance that summer camps require children ages 2-11 to wear masks at all times.

The strange saga started Monday when an anti-Newsom school reopening group called attention to photos on social media that showed one of Newsom's sons maskless at a basketball camp with other maskless campers. The state's mask rules for children have been controversial.

"The real problem is Newsom’s own family having mask choice, while he forces a different policy on every other kid in California," the account wrote in a Twitter thread that was widely shared.

Fox News reached out to the governor's office asking for comment on the matter, and received the following statement from communications director Erin Mellon: "The Newsoms were concerned to see unvaccinated children unmasked indoors at a camp their children began attending yesterday. Their kids will no longer be attending the camp."

The story did not end there. A copy of the camp's mask policy that was emailed to parents began to circulate on social media, and clearly stated that, "Masks will not be enforced. Please know that your child is more than welcome to wear a mask during camp."

Several publications, including the Associated Press, then reached back out to the governor's office for comment. The statement was then altered to include the following sentence: "The family reviewed communication from the camp and realized that an email was missed saying the camp would not enforce masking guidance."

After the apparent story change, supporters of the recall smelled some blood in the water that hasn't been detected since the French Laundry incident.

"When you have a political class that consistently breaks its own rules, that's a good sign both the politicians and the rules need to go," tweeted Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, who is one of the many Republicans running to replace Newsom.


Comments 1 - 6 of 6        Search these comments

1   Patrick   2021 Jul 28, 10:51am  

Recall Newsom on Sept 14.
2   mich   2021 Jul 28, 11:07am  

so looking forward to recalling his ass!
3   TechBrosWon   2021 Jul 28, 12:38pm  

Comrade Gavin Nuisance.
4   TechBrosWon   2021 Jul 28, 1:15pm  

Communist rules.

If you help someone who gets hurt in China, you can be held responsible for their medical bills.
In one famous incident a man helped an elderly woman who fell and broke her leg. The Chinese court ruled, "no one would in good conscience help someone unless they felt guilty."
5   TechBrosWon   2021 Jul 28, 1:21pm  

Comrade "Nonsense's" kids helping Californians in need and getting too tired...but not for some propaganda.
6   Patrick   2023 Nov 15, 11:52am  


Yesterday, Representative Kevin Kiley (R-Ca.) successfully passed an amendment that would ban toddler mask mandates in federal programs like Head Start.

Wacky, bright-blue-haired Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) challenged the amendment. (She begins speaking around the 3:20 mark in the clip.) DeLauro cited “evidence-based science” and demanded “options” for “our scientists” to help protect everybody during pandemics. You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. She argued we should “follow the science,” not follow Republicans’ politics or worse, their religious beliefs. She allowed that we all endured “a traumatic experience during covid,” but “we were all trying to find our way forward.” Mistakes were made.

Representative Kiley smartly tore into DeLauro’s hand-waving about “evidence-based science,” demanding that she produce her evidence, or just cite a single study, noting that even the WHO recommended against toddler masking. Unsurprisingly, DeLauro couldn’t do any of that, and she let Kiley’s amendment pass without demanding a recorded vote.

It was terrific progress. Please don’t buy into the cynical complaint that Kiley’s amendment was too little. In online comments, hard-skeptics asked, why only toddlers? Why just masks?

The answer is: politics.

At one point, a majority — including most democrats and many republicans — favored mask mandates. That’s a hard fact that is easy to overlook these days. At the height of pandemic mania, over 50% of Americans wanted everyone breathing through spit collectors. So the path to killing masks is not straightforward. Sure, a dictator could ban masks with the stroke of a pen. But in a democratic republic, reversing course requires an incremental and consensus-building approach.

A toddler mask ban is the most easily-justified type of mask ban: toddlers need to see faces to learn language skills. Only bizarre blue-haired people try arguing with that logic. And after passing the first, most obvious mask ban, the ban can be incrementally expanded. The game is afoot. You just need a place to start.

The democrats have successfully used this incrementalist technique against conservatives for decades. It is how we will beat all jab mandates.

One line to a federal ban on vaccine mandates is drawn directly through mask mandate bans. Of the two, the mask mandate ban is the easier ban for most people to accept. And the logic supporting a ban on mask mandates is ultimately rooted in bodily integrity and personal freedom — just like for vaccines. The one leads to the other.

Think about it this way: back in 2020, when I was fighting mask mandates in court, the communitarian argument I most often faced was masking is not for the wearer, it’s to protect everyone else. I recognized even then, in the late summer of 2020, that the communitarian mask argument was also an argument for mandatory vaccines. The jab is not for the injected, it’s to protect everyone else. So once we beat mask mandates, the foundation will be laid for beating vaccine mandates.

Unlike some of the other proposed legislation in today’s update, the federal toddler mask ban has a good chance of passing. Let’s take the W.

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