Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   911,061 views  8,522 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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95   Patrick   2021 Aug 11, 3:11pm  

You know, if relatives of all 50,000 people murdered by Fraudulent Fauci and Pfizer simply carried signs saying:

"The vaccine killed my son with a blood clot" (or whatever relative) outside of every place the jab is offered, it would prevent many deaths and be a powerful force for resistance.
96   Patrick   2021 Aug 11, 3:35pm  


Friday, April 30, 2021

SANTA ANA, Calif. (KABC) -- The Orange County Coroner's office is investigating the death of a woman who died just days after she received her second dose of the Moderna vaccine.

The family says the grandmother was healthy before she got her shot, and that her sudden death came as a shock.

A conversation with staff at the Orange County Coroner's office about Griselda Flores' death, raised red flags for her son Richard Cardenas and the family.

"They made it seem like this was not the first call that they had," Cardenas said.

Assistant Chief Deputy Coroner Brad Olsen says that's right.
97   Patrick   2021 Aug 11, 3:38pm  


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Tim Zook, a 60-year-old X-ray technologist at South Coast Global Medical Center in Santa Ana, got his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine on Jan. 5. A few hours later he had trouble breathing and an upset stomach. He was hospitalized and died four days later.

His cause of death remains under investigation. The Orange County coroner's office says if it determines his death was related to the vaccine, it will notify the OC Health Care Agency.

Zook's family said he had high blood pressure and was slightly overweight, but he was a proponent of the vaccine.
98   Patrick   2021 Aug 11, 3:40pm  


8 April 2021

Neil Astles, 59, a solicitor from Warrington, Cheshire, died on Sunday. He was vaccinated on 17 March.

Pharmacist Alison Astles told the BBC that doctors were "99.9% sure" the clot was due to the jab.

And then the article argues that everyone should still submit to the jab.
99   Patrick   2021 Aug 11, 3:44pm  


Brian Shilhavy reports that a whistleblower working in a nursing home where several residents were injected with the experimental COVID mRNA shots against their will says many of them died a short time later. The report appeared in a video by German Attorney Reiner Fuellmich.

Since that report was published, other whistleblowers in Germany who work in nursing homes have also stepped forward, some with video footage showing residents being held down and vaccinated against their wishes.

Fuellmich, discussing the residents who were previously in good physical health and only suffered from “dementia,” stated: “One of them was a runner, in his late 70s, or WAS a runner, I should say, who was also an opera singer.

“He outran one of the nurses who is in her mid 30s. He was still singing operas on the day that he got vaccinated.

“After he got vaccinated, a couple of days later, he died.
100   Onvacation   2021 Aug 11, 3:48pm  

Patrick says

And then the article argues that everyone should still submit to the jab.

It's a numbers game.

They think that since there is no treatment, the more arms they can get a shot in the more people they can save. If 5 in a 1000 die from the jab but the rest are saved it's worth it.

Or they are psychopathic killers who think humanity and the world is a zero sum game and the more they can kill the more lucre for them.
102   HeadSet   2021 Aug 11, 5:25pm  

Patrick says
“He outran one of the nurses who is in her mid 30s.

Is that the nurse who got pregnant?
104   Patrick   2021 Aug 12, 12:16am  


Mom Whose 14-Year-Old Son Developed Myocarditis After Pfizer Vaccine No Longer Trusts CDC, Public Health Officials
In an interview with The Defender, Emily Jo said when health officials push the vaccines it’s “we’re all in this together,” but when you follow their advice and you’re injured by a vaccine, you’re on your own.
108   Shaman   2021 Aug 12, 7:12am  

Patrick says

There’s no fixing stupid.
And since the jab makes people even stupider than they were, this problem is self-perpetuating.
112   Ceffer   2021 Aug 12, 7:33am  

Covid fake news crisis actor tries to cry and breaks down laughing instead during staged message about Covid dangers:

113   Tenpoundbass   2021 Aug 12, 12:03pm  

Clearly overcome with emotions.

116   Onvacation   2021 Aug 14, 1:21pm  

@Booger When I liked your post above I didn't mean that I liked your post above I just like you sharing it.

Keep up the good work MemeMaster Boog!
118   Patrick   2021 Aug 15, 6:33pm  

The parents of Benjamin Goodman, the 32-year-old New York stagehand who died 24 hours after Johnson & Johnson shot, speak out and try to warn others.

Mr. Goodman was a member of Local One International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, and he worked behind-the-scenes on several NBC and CBS shows.

Mr. Goodman was recently accepted into the Michigan State University MBA program, and planned to enroll this fall. He had planned on getting married on June 25, 2022.

Mr. Goodman received the bioweapon shot against the recommendations of several family members. Here are his parents trying to warn others.

119   Onvacation   2021 Aug 15, 6:53pm  

I found the "death by age and cause" data set yesterday and could not sleep last night.

There were 13,842 "rare deaths" in March 2021. They stopped updating that dataset. In later data sets that number turned into 5,422. That is still a lot of people dying but not the true horror that the jab really is (assuming the jab did cause many of these deaths). AND that was just the beginning of the rare death spike; it tripled before it peaked and started coming down in early June.


I went to bed late but after I realized I could not sleep I stayed up until sunrise and sent the following message to everyone I know that has kids and some that don't:

I downloaded this data from the CDC

The CDC has stopped updating this data set last March just as the Vax rollout was gaining steam.

I graphed some of this data and got some really disturbing results.

First I have graphed the death rates for kids 0 to 4 from Covid and from "rare diseases" (Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)). None of these kids have been vaxxed. Notice a slight rise in deaths from rare disease (the blue line). There were only 10 deaths from Covid (the orange line).

The second chart shows the death rate for youth age 15 to 24. Notice that the deaths from "rare disease" have spiked up for this age cohort. The rare death spike started with the vaccine rollout. I don't know if there is any correlation but this needs to be looked at carefully before we vax any more kids.

Stay safe my friends.


I still have not really slept. I fell asleep this morning long enough to have a weird dream about losing a crown off one of my molars. I tried to replace it but ended up breaking it. I wonder what that means.
120   Onvacation   2021 Aug 15, 6:54pm  

Tell your friends not to let their kids get "vaxxed".
121   AmericanKulak   2021 Aug 15, 6:56pm  

Onvacation says
I found the "death by age and cause" data set yesterday and could not sleep last night.

I'll never forget a few months ago when two BBC Presenters, both in their 40s-50s and good health, who recently celebrated their "2nd shot" on Social Media/Broadcast, both died within days of each other and their 2nd Shot, after a "Short Illness".

Not a heart attack, or undetected late stage cancer, but "Short Illness".

Thinking about that creeps me out.
122   Onvacation   2021 Aug 15, 6:58pm  

Onvacation says

I went to bed late but after I realized I could not sleep I stayed up until sunrise and sent the following message to everyone I know that has kids and some that don't:

And I was trying to be diplomatic as I wanted them to share the message with their friends that have kids.
123   Onvacation   2021 Aug 15, 7:02pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
Not a heart attack, or undetected late stage cancer, but "Short Illness".

I have a lot of friends that have been losing friends and family lately. I don't want to be rude and ask, "Of what? Did they get the vax?".
124   Patrick   2021 Aug 15, 8:37pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
Onvacation says
I found the "death by age and cause" data set yesterday and could not sleep last night.

I'll never forget a few months ago when two BBC Presenters, both in their 40s-50s and good health, who recently celebrated their "2nd shot" on Social Media/Broadcast, both died within days of each other and their 2nd Shot, after a "Short Illness".

Not a heart attack, or undetected late stage cancer, but "Short Illness".

Thinking about that creeps me out.


Do you know their names?

I want to add them to https://patrick.net/post/1340336/2021-07-29-thread-for-vax-deaths-maimings-and-severe
125   AmericanKulak   2021 Aug 15, 9:00pm  

Here is one of them.

The other was another BBC Personality, a woman, in her 40s. She also "Died after a Short Illness" days after getting Jab #2 and a few days around Busby's death. I don't recall her name, I will ask and find out.
127   Patrick   2021 Aug 17, 7:29am  


Angela Marie Wulbrecht jumped at the first chance to get a COVID-19 vaccine, driving three hours from her home in Santa Rosa to a mass-vaccination site on Jan. 19. Twelve minutes after her Moderna shot, she stumbled into the paramedic tent with soaring blood pressure and a racing heartbeat.

So began a calvary of severe fatigue, brain fog, imbalance and other symptoms that are still with her eight months later.

Wulbrecht, 46, had been a nurse for 23 years before the fateful shot. She was healthy, ate a vegan diet and was an accomplished salsa dancer. Since January, she’s had to leave her job and has missed out on many activities with her husband and 12-year-old daughter, Gabriella. She has spent about $35,000 on out-of-pocket medical bills, despite having insurance.
129   Ceffer   2021 Aug 17, 10:47am  

I think 'died after a short illness' can be a hashtag that will unroll tons of vaccine deaths through the MSM.
131   AmericanKulak   2021 Aug 17, 6:35pm  

Karloff says
Are you thinking about 44 year old Lisa Shaw?


YES! Thats the one. Busby and Shaw died within days of getting the 2nd jab and within days of each other. Both were BBC Personalities who died "After a Short Illness" in their 40s and 50s despite Good Health and no chronic conditions.
132   Patrick   2021 Aug 17, 6:44pm  

A BBC radio presenter suffered headaches before passing away from blood clots believed to be related to AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine.

BBC Newcastle radio host Lisa Shaw, 44, tragically died last Friday after having “severe” headaches for about a week after the jab.

We are so sorry and saddened to share with you that after a short illness our beautiful colleague Lisa Shaw has died.

Everyone at the station is devastated and thinking about Lisa’s lovely family. She was a brilliant presenter, a wonderful friend and a loving wife and mum. pic.twitter.com/tw3Lc2YzBW

— BBC Radio Newcastle (@bbcnewcastle) May 23, 2021
According to her family, Shaw was hospitalized for “bleeding in the head” shortly after receiving the vaccine.

“Lisa developed severe headaches a week after receiving her AstraZeneca vaccine and fell seriously ill a few days later,” the family said in a statement.

“She was treated by the Royal Victoria Infirmary’s intensive care team for blood clots and bleeding in her head.”

“Tragically, she passed away, surrounded by her family, on Friday afternoon.”

The UK’s Evening Standard reports people under 40 are being offered alternatives to the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 shots as more instances of fatal blood clots continue to come to light.

News of Shaw’s death comes as another UK resident, British model Stephanie Dubois, also died from a blood clot last week days after receiving AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine.
133   Patrick   2021 Aug 17, 6:46pm  


A BRITISH model who suffered a 'very rare' blood clot has died days after being given the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in Cyprus.

Stephanie Dubois, 39, suffered a “serious thrombotic episode” after being given the jab in the town of Paphos.
134   Patrick   2021 Aug 17, 6:49pm  


A week after getting her first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, she started getting headaches and ended up being taken to Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI) for treatment for blood clots.

He said the treatments initially seemed to work well, but when he went to visit her on a Sunday afternoon she seemed confused and was suffering further headaches.

Doctors diagnosed a bleed on the brain and she was transferred to the hospital's high dependency unit.

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