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U.S.—After several successful rounds of trials and a quick overnight approval from the FDA, Pfizer proudly announced they will be releasing a brand new, never-before-seen COVID drug "Pfivermectin."
"It's important to understand that this drug is nothing like Ivermectin, even though Pfivermectin rhymes with Ivermectin and it pretty much does the exact same thing," said Pfizer CEO Hans Pfizer. "Everyone knows Ivermectin is a widely discredited horse drug, and ours is not. Very important distinction there."
Experts say that taking two doses of Pfivermectin every day at the first sign of COVID symptoms could lessen the severity and duration of the infection. Ivermectin will do the same thing, except it may also turn you into a horse and make everyone laugh at you. Not good!
A Pfizer spokesman also confirmed that their drug will be approximately 30,000% more expensive than Ivermectin.
"Don't worry about the cost," said the spokesman. "The government will cover the cost. Besides, that's a small price to pay to not turn into a horse!"
Calling Dr.
When (if) I get my Ivermectin when and if and how much and how often should I take these little pills.
I understand any advise you give me is not from a licensed doctor, (who the fuck wants to listen to those murderous fucks), and will take full responsibility for any decisions I make.
komputodo says
In Mexico...$4 with 4 - 6mg pills
Do you have a purchase link?
Do you have a purchase link?
He drove to Tijuana, methinks.
AUG. 18, 2021 2 weeks ago The battle for ivermectin
You need to read this magazine story. An old-school reporter shines light on a miracle drug and efforts to quash it.
by: Matt Walsh Editor & CEO
We are connecting you this week to an amazing, extraordinary story of a miracle drug that is “the most powerful COVID-19 killer known to science.”
You may have heard of it: ivermectin.
Ivermectin use in Florida
Are doctors and hospitals in Florida using ivermectin to treat COVID-19?
It appears the numbers are few. Doctors repeatedly have told journalist Michael Capuzzo the pressure against its use from the medical establishment and government agencies is unprecedented.
Nonetheless, cardiologist Dr. Bruce Boros, who operates three clinics in the Florida Keys, was among the first Florida physicians to surface as a prescriber of ivermectin.
Boros told the Miami Herald he had prescribed it as early as spring 2020 and that more than a dozen of his COVID-19 patients recovered after taking the drug.
In Broward County, Dr. Jean-Jacques Rajter, a Fort Lauderdale pulmonologist, also began prescribing ivermectin in April 2020 with successful outcomes. Soon after, the five-hospital Broward Health System approved the drug for use, one of the first and few hospital groups in Florida to do so.
When we polled the six hospitals in Sarasota and Manatee counties on whether they are allowing doctors to prescribe ivermectin, three hospitals responded before deadline:
Neither Blake Hospital in Bradenton nor Doctors Hospital in Sarasota, both owned by HCA Healthcare, is allowing the use of ivermectin.
“Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for use in treating COVID-19 and has not been shown effective,” wrote Dr. Mitchell Rubinstein, Blake’s chief medical officer. “The FDA.gov website advises against using ivermectin.” ...
For information on ivermectin
FLCCC.net: The website of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. It is teeming with information about ivermectin and treatments for COVID-19.
Journalists Michael and Teresa Capuzzo have started a new publication on Substack.com called RESCUE, independent reporting on the world’s best COVID-19 doctors and treatments. To get it delivered free to your inbox, contact them at Rescue@substack.com .
Dr. Paul Marik, famous in world medical circles, the second-most published critical care doctor in the history of medicine, told a former colleague of mine and friend, journalist Michael Capuzzo, if ivermectin “were universally distributed at a dose that costs 10 American cents in India and about the cost of a Big Mac in the U.S., ivermectin would save countless lives, crush variants, eliminate the need for endless big pharma booster shots and end the pandemic all over the world.”
That sounds like over-the-top, not-to-be-believed hype. But it’s not.
If you do anything today, or this week, you must read Capuzzo’s story, “The Drug That Cracked COVID,” which was published in the May edition of his and wife Teresa’s Pennsylvania magazine, Mountain Home.
The ivermectin skeptics
Horse dewormer or miracle drug?
September 5, 2021 | 10:58 am
... Pfizer had the first vaccine ready to go before the 2020 election, but selflessly waited until just after the election to make the announcement. They, and the other drug companies in on Operation Warp Speed, have been playing the opening bars of Pink Floyd’s song ‘Money’ nonstop at corporate headquarters ever since. Everyone must be vaccinated, twice (plus boosters) at government (i.e. taxpayer) expense immediately and forever. ...
He showed me a few boxes of ivermectin, told me it was probably an effective therapeutic but it had some serious disadvantages, chief among them is that it was very cheap, and therefore was unsupported by Big Pharma. Consequently, the experts looked down their noses at it, so far down that the politicians, who like the contributions they get from drug companies, basically outlawed its use for COVID. If he prescribed it for COVID, he told me, he could lose his license to practice medicine. ...
Was the recovery propter hoc, because of the ivermectin and other agents, or merely post hoc? Who knows?
But I do know this. It is utterly irresponsible for the establishment media machine to to trash ivermectin categorically. NBC, for example, in reporting Rogan’s diagnosis, screamed that he was taking the ‘widely discredited drug ivermectin’.
Discredited by whom? By St Anthony Fauci, maybe, and Big Pharma, for whom the media acts as PR flaks. ...
The current hostility to ivermectin is of a piece with the earlier hostility to hydroxychloroquine: it was cheap, Donald Trump took it, it must be bad. What really is bad are the proliferating health nazis who are sprouting up like mushrooms — toadstools — everywhere. In some places — Australia, for example, they come bearing the police power of the state and are harassing and incarcerating people for going about their everyday lives. It’s ridiculous. COVID, the original and all its variations thus far, is dangerous to a tiny part of the population. For most of us, it is no more (but also no less) dangerous than the flu. Sure, we should wash our hands and if you are vulnerable you should be take measures to isolate yourselves from risky situations. If I were you, I would also consider stocking up on ivermectin and the other items of Joe Rogan’s cocktail.
Joe Rogan Criticized As 'Anti-Science' For Surviving COVID
Joe Rogan: 'I'm Doing Better But I'm Still A Little Hoarse'
Joe Rogan: 'I'm Doing Better But I'm Still A Little Hoarse'
Pierre Kory Responds to Critics, Hollywood Style
How does this passionate New York City-born liberal like it when he reads The Washington Post headline: “How the right’s ivermectin conspiracy theories led to people buying horse dewormer.” In other words, how does he handle all the horse-#&%@ that has been piled on ivermectin the past couple weeks?
He doesn’t like it. He loves it. “Bring it on!” Kory often tells his 120,000 Twitter followers. Nobody ever debates Kory. Here’s why: Kory’s technical round knockout of Dr. Garegnani.
So he was delighted when Florida newspaper publisher Matt Walsh asked him to respond to a ferocious critic of the newspaper’s ivermectin coverage, a critic with real credentials—a University of Michigan professor—in a Q&A debate. “I’ve never had more fun than answering these questions,” Kory says. “It was like shooting fish in a barrel.” ...
Dr. Pierre Kory responds: 63 positive studies exceed most approved drugs
The most easily quantifiable way to describe the indefensible lack of “approval” for ivermectin in COVID-19 is to note the actual amount of supportive clinical trials evidence in COVID-19, both randomized (31) and observational (32), including more than 26,000 patients with the near majority of all studies finding at least some important benefit with treatment.
Rin's recipe with a horse paste twist:
For example, there are bacteria which are normally found in the mouth region causing no symptoms but when they escape
mell saysFor example, there are bacteria which are normally found in the mouth region causing no symptoms but when they escape
Those are called opportunistic infections.
I'm still positing that sars cov2 is mainly a respiratory virus
Rin's recipe with a horse paste twist:
mell saysFor example, there are bacteria which are normally found in the mouth region causing no symptoms but when they escape
Those are called opportunistic infections.
Not only have my allergies subsided
Right. And there are several streptococcus and other species
I wish I could say that; maybe I will, it's only been about 6 weeks for me so far.
Get to play with Bunsen burners, douse the bench with EtOH and light it ON FIRE! to sterilize the work area
I know of one guy in my lab section, who got kicked out of the group, due to such a stunt in front of the TA.
If you're using Quercetin Dihydrate, drop it, and buy the Quercetin Phytosome.
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And HCQ falls into that same bucket. Even worse - to admit HCQ works would be to admit Trump was right about something.
Liberals would rather that millions die than that Trump be allowed to be right about anything. They hate Trump more than they love their fellow humans.