Protests Rage Across Europe as Lockdown, Jab Mandates Start

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2021 Jul 25, 6:35pm   5,574 views  206 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine passport protests erupted across Europe on Saturday, according to media photos and videos.

Thousands upon thousands of demonstrators were seen in London, Dublin, Paris, Rome, Athens, and other cities across Europe, according to footage and news reports.

The demonstrations in France appeared to be the tensest, with riot police firing tear gas as clashes erupted in central Paris.

Police sought to push back demonstrators near the capital’s Gare Saint-Lazare railway station after protesters had knocked over a police motorbike ridden by two officers, news footage showed. Scuffles between police and demonstrators also broke out the Champs-Elysees thoroughfare, where teargas was fired and traffic was halted, it showed.

France’s Interior Ministry said that about 160,000 people partook in the protests on Saturday—sharply up from 114,000 a week before that, reported Reuters.

The reason for the protest, in part, was due to pending legislation in France’s Parliament that would set up a vaccine passport system as well as a vaccination mandate for all healthcare workers. The passport bill would force people to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a negative test result to enter restaurants and other public areas—which critics have described as needlessly draconian.

Protesters railed against the proposed bill, saying, “no to shameful pass” while denigrating French President Emmanuel Macron as a “tyrant.”

“We need to wait a little bit before the French people can decide … I think a part of France is always going to be unwilling and that blackmail and threats won’t work,” protester Ayoub Bouglia, an engineer, told The Associated Press for why he’s demonstrating.

Thousands of Italian demonstrators gathered in Rome, Naples, Verona, and Milan on Saturday, according to videos and photos published online.

In Verona, thousands chanted, “No Green Pass,” referring to Italy’s government decision to implement a vaccine-passport-like system for people to enter local fairs, stadiums, theaters, and other gathering areas.

Also on Saturday, demonstrators in Dublin, Ireland, emphatically called on the government to rescind lockdown and mask measures.

London, England, also drew significant anti-vaccine demonstrations, with protesters waving flags and singing songs.

Some 4,000 people, meanwhile, appeared outside of the Greek parliament in central Athens to protest against mandatory vaccinations, DW and other news agencies reported. Greek authorities used tear gas on some protesters.

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76   Patrick   2021 Sep 1, 5:16pm  

richwicks says
it is our moral responsibility to kill off everybody that pushed this vaccine

It is certainly the government's moral responsibility to try, and then hang, everyone who is proven to have participated in this crime against humanity, starting with Fauci.

If the government will not provide justice, then the government is not legitimate and must be replaced, exactly as the Declaration of Independence states.

But children are innocent until they commit crimes of their own.
77   Patrick   2021 Sep 1, 5:19pm  

DhammaStep says
I'm unable to verify for myself, but supposedly the truckies have begun the blockade in Lostrailia. If true, my thoughts are with those brave truckies, especially now that Aus has a law to do whatever they want to your digital devices...

I hope our truckers do the same.

Please keep us updated if you hear more, @DhammaStep
78   AmericanKulak   2021 Sep 1, 5:21pm  

Patrick says

Rasta Redpill
Aug 29
London cops are using attack dogs against anti-vaccine passport protesters.

Eyes Wide Open
Aug 29
Replying to @RastaRedpill
That makes me so sad. Dogs are amazing when trained to help innocent people.

Aug 30
Cops too...

Nasty video.

Yep. So annoy the functionaries, don't worry about the Head Honcho first.
80   richwicks   2021 Sep 2, 7:09pm  

Shaman says
If the French don’t revolt, then they really are as cucked and a bunch of pussies as we always thought they were.

Come on - if the French are pussies, Americans are the pussy's pussies.

We have LGBTQ nonsense being taught in grade school. Kids are being asked about their "gender preference" in Kindergarten. We've bombed 7 nations in the last 20 years - who supports that? Nobody opposes it. We've been in lockdown for over a year, over a 14 day "flatten the curve" emergency. We allow our press to constantly lie to us. Most Americans continue to use websites that censor them. Tons of Americans allow a fucking telescreen from 1984 to be in their home in the form of Alexa, or Google Home, or just a plain old smart tv. We allow the government to make illegal immigrants "illegal" and don't demand they enforce the law. We allow our current "president" to accept bribes by his crackhead son selling bribes in the form of "art". This is our current president and his son:

original link
We put up with BLATANT hypocrisy.

We are told we are the land of the free and the brave. That's complete bullshit. We allowed an election to be stolen. We allowed George W. Bush get away with lying us into a war, which we know for a FACT he lied us into a war.

Don't criticize the French when you're an American. We're the biggest fucking cucked pussies in the fucking world.
81   AmericanKulak   2021 Sep 2, 9:32pm  

The French get up to plenty of bullshit in Africa, it's just done on a smarter and more limited scale because of the constraints of money. They don't have the world reserve currency.

The French also elected Hollande who promised not to touch worker's pensions, hours, and wages, which he promptly welched on. Macron was a compromise candidate to avoid LePen, really.

Also, France has a long tradition of public dissent displayed in riots and are far more 'expressive' than Americans.

That being said, however, I agree that at this point, Americans are in no position to criticize France.

Not with scores of people in confinement with no bail for some misdemeanors.
82   Patrick   2021 Sep 5, 10:39am  


September 5, 2021
Over 140,000 French citizens protest over vaccine passports
Protesting for the 8th weekend in a row.

They are still at it, God bless them!
83   Onvacation   2021 Sep 5, 11:04am  

Patrick says
But children are innocent until they commit crimes of their own.

Naïve more than innocent, but they should not be judged on the crimes of their parents.
85   Onvacation   2021 Sep 5, 11:15am  

Not a lot of masking going on.
86   Ceffer   2021 Sep 5, 11:21am  

"The Central Banks have decided that our rights are an inconvenience, we are no longer entitled to them, and that they must find a way to remove them."
87   Patrick   2021 Sep 6, 3:31am  


Paris police beat woman who tried to go shopping at the mall without a vaccine passport.
88   AmericanKulak   2021 Sep 6, 10:06am  

89   Patrick   2021 Sep 6, 11:53am  


Vaccine Passports Will Be Imposed on UK This Month: Minister
BY JACK PHILLIPS September 6, 2021

The UK government will proceed with plans to mandate COVID-19 vaccine passports for nightclubs and large venues, the country’s vaccines ministry confirmed on Sept. 5.

This is an enormous "fuck you" to the people, daring them to revolt against whatever non-sensical oppressive laws they come up with.

It has absolutely zero to do with public health.
90   Patrick   2021 Sep 6, 4:27pm  

Projected onto Parliament building:

Lol, good work by someone.

Image is from an email from https://bigbrotherwatch.org.uk/campaigns/stopvaccinepassports/
91   Patrick   2021 Sep 7, 10:26am  


September 6, 2021
UK Vaccines Minister confirms shameful u-turn on vaccine passports
Zahawi promised it wouldn't happen.
95   Patrick   2021 Sep 12, 12:48pm  


Thousands Protest in Turkey Against COVID-19 Vaccine Passports
BY LORENZ DUCHAMPS September 11, 2021

Thousands of people gathered in the Maltepe district of Istanbul on Sept. 11 to protest against COVID-19-related restrictions, including vaccine mandates, saying the restrictions infringe on their rights.

I admire them. It is really dangerous to protest in Turkey.
98   Patrick   2021 Sep 21, 1:56pm  


Vaccine passports: Thousands protest against COVID-19 measures in Montpellier, France
The footage captures protestors taking over the streets of Montpellier to denounce government measures established to combat the spread of COVID-19.

Activists have planned several demonstrations across the country on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 of September.

The purpose of the action is to oppose compulsory vaccination for health care workers and Health Pass, which attests to an individual’s vaccination status, to access public indoor spaces.

The most disruptive gatherings could take place in Paris, where rallies will take over two locations: Place du Marechal Juin and Place du Trocadero, both central parts of the capital.

Participation could reach the tens of thousands.

Has video.
100   Patrick   2021 Sep 29, 2:13pm  


Good News

Epic: Italian Police Stand Down and Stand In Solidarity with Protesters
September 28th 2021, 4:35 pm
Italians are fed up with government’s vaccine passport initiative, Covid lockdowns and restrictions, and mandatory vaccinations.

Footage out of Italy purports to show Italian police taking off their equipment to stand in solidarity with a group of lockdown protesters.

The viral video circulating on social media appears to show a line of cops policing a protest event, before removing their gear to raucous applause.

Italian police stands down and stands in solidarity with protesters pic.twitter.com/dgK9SMGgk8

— McLuhan (@Kukicat7) September 27, 2021
In recent months, Italians have taken to the streets to protest the government’s vaccine passport initiative, Covid lockdowns and restrictions, and mandatory vaccinations.

ITALY protests again about vaccine passports and mandatory vaccines. Passports that will force the unvaccinated out of their lives and jobs.

Hold. Your. Line. Just say no!#NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere pic.twitter.com/SbkD3jW5mz

— Bernie’s Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) September 25, 2021
Milan, Italy. Protests against Covid mandates. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? pic.twitter.com/UrnpJ4M3Wg

— 🇺🇸Lionel🇺🇸 (@LionelMedia) September 25, 2021
Italy: all workers to be vaxed by 10 Oct or lose their jobs. Protests today. pic.twitter.com/7hyxkw5PuD

— Giddywids (@Giddywids) September 26, 2021
#nogreenpass protests in #italy were huge, and the media is still hiding like the cowards they are #NoVaccinePassportAnywhere pic.twitter.com/eHTpMDCeqj

— Campari | Hold the line ⚔️ (@CampariWithSoda) September 26, 2021

101   Patrick   2021 Oct 10, 8:08pm  


level 1
I'm italian. The photo is real. There were estimated to have been 50k-60k people in Piazza del Popolo (newspapers downplayed it to 10k). There were infiltrated people from the far right but they were a small minority; obviously the newspapers couldn't wait to accuse them of all being fascists. The real fascists were the policemen. There are dozens of videos and testimonies of non-violent people being attacked and beaten for no reason. Even women, middle-aged people. Cops often attacked first and sought violence. There were fire hydrants and tear gas. It was the biggest protest ever regarding the no green pass protests. The headquarters of the CGIL (Italian General Confederation of Labor) was also invaded.
102   Patrick   2021 Oct 11, 9:59pm  


Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in Rome and other Italian cities over the weekend to protest against the government’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate—one of the strictest in the world.

Starting on Oct. 15, the country’s “green pass” vaccine requirement will apply to private and public sector workplaces, with both employers and employees risking significant fines if they do not comply. The vaccine passport is already required to enter restaurants, gyms, theaters, and other establishments as well as domestic flights, bus travel, or long-distance train travel.

Some protesters clashed with police as they marched toward Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s office. Police responded by deploying water cannons and tear gas. A group tried to break through police lines to get to Draghi’s office, according to footage and pictures were taken at the event, although footage also showed police swinging batons at the demonstrators.
104   richwicks   2021 Oct 14, 10:55am  

Onvacation says
Patrick says
But children are innocent until they commit crimes of their own.

Naïve more than innocent, but they should not be judged on the crimes of their parents.

When dealing with Nazis you're going to have to use Nazi tactics.

IF, and that's a VERY big if, these vaccines end up decimating the population, we have to consider a severe genetic error in the people who implemented it. I understand children are innocent, or naive, and not responsible for the crimes of their parents, but if their parents were part of an extinction program, we have to drive them to extinction entirely, and the most humane way to do that is forced sterilization of their entire genetic line.

For the safety of the world and future generations, we will have to make the assumption, unpleasant as it is, that it's a genetic predisposition. Sociopathy has quite a bit of evidence to have a genetic root. It's not always expressed, but it's there.

If 100 MILLION+ Americans are dead by 2025, are we to do nothing? Everybody will know somebody that died. Every one of us will.

It will be a struggle to survive at that point, but we have to consider the future.

Again, I'm saying this is a huge if.
105   Patrick   2021 Oct 15, 8:35am  


Take the protest a few weeks ago in the Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, the square traditionally used for trade union rallies. I was there and I can tell you that the crowd came from every sector of society and the demonstration was extremely large even though it was not organized by a trade union or political party. I estimated that there were at least 80,000 protesters, but Italy’s main newspaper, La Repubblica, reported that the police claimed there were only 3,000. Perhaps for fear of seeming to side with anti-vaxxers, the Italian papers are portraying protesters as a sort of unreasonable lunatic fringe, although in my experience they are peaceful and well-informed.

That day in Piazza San Giovanni, a determined young woman appeared on the stage. She was a police officer, but said she had come to speak as a private citizen. ‘When I became a police officer I swore to defend the constitution. I cannot keep silent when the constitution is battered into pieces. These green pass measures are discriminating against my fellow Italians.’ Her speech electrified the crowd, who interrupted her repeatedly with bursts of applause. Nunzia Alessandra Schilirò became, at that moment, the leader the protesters needed.

But just 18 hours after her speech, the minister of the interior, Luciana Lamorgese, issued a statement saying that she was consulting with the head of the Italian police on how to punish what she referred to as a serious act of insubordination. This had the predictable effect of boosting Schilirò’s popularity even more, and she is now the acknowledged face of the green pass protests, much to the rage of our government. ...

During a hearing at the Senate on October 7, the philosopher Giorgio Agamben repeatedly begged members to think carefully before voting in the new decree. ‘It is a political and not a health measure,’ he warned. ‘Most say that the green pass is just a gentle way to induce people to get vaccinated. Instead I would say the contrary. The vaccine is an excuse to oblige the citizens to have this green pass with a QR code and to establish an ever more pervasive system of social control typical of totalitarian regimes.’
106   Patrick   2021 Oct 15, 5:05pm  


italian vaccine passport protests
el gato malo 47 min ago
“unrest in trieste”
as of today, covid vaccine passports are in effect in italy.

all citizens must have a valid "health passport" to enter their workplace. failure to comply will result in suspension from work, fines for businesses.

Why is this not in the corporate media?

107   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 15, 8:33pm  

richwicks says
IF, and that's a VERY big if, these vaccines end up decimating the population, we have to consider a severe genetic error in the people who implemented it. I understand children are innocent, or naive, and not responsible for the crimes of their parents, but if their parents were part of an extinction program, we have to drive them to extinction entirely, and the most humane way to do that is forced sterilization of their entire genetic line.

I don't oppose sterilization if it's applied to the individuals who participated directly in it.

Children, no, since environment is a factor, and they are the product of two genetic sources. You can take somebody with a genetic propensity to alcoholism or addiction, and raise them in a strict teetotaler environment, and they very well might be teetotalers themselves. Also, the kid might have the genes of the father, and not the mother who was the PR rep of Pfizer covering it up, and therefore is being unfairly assigned genetic characteristics. That would be a violation of Anglo-Saxon and Christendom laws and philosophy millennia old.

We can look at the Bitch Madellyn Murray O'Hair, a contemptible, probably psychopathic abusive shew and witch - who was killed by an abused ex-employee. One of her sons turned out to be a Minister, in fact the very son she forced to testify against school prayer. Or David Horowitz, born to two Stalinists, who became one of the earliest anti-SJW activists way back in the 90s, banging the drum about the takeover of Colleges and Universities back then - and of course the GOPe dismissed it as "Just a phase, kids will grow out of it" yet now we reap the whirlwind of their blase attitude. Then again Stephen Pollock, but he lived a problem free life until nearly his end.

I encourage sterilization as a punishment for multiple violent felonies, also, if they happened at different times and places. It's a fantastic way to weed out people with uncontrollable violent traits, since they are extremely likely to pass those genes (or recreate the environment themselves) as parents. Ditto for sex offenders. I'm also open to sterilization for treason and major financial crimes, but the latter tend to be past child rearing age when the events happen.
108   Patrick   2021 Oct 16, 11:20am  


France’s Senate Rejects BS 19 Vaxx Mandates With Overwhelming Majority: 262 Senators Voted Against and 64 Senators Shamefully Voted in Favour
October 16, 2021

Here’s what others had to say:
James Arthur
In France, for all practical purposes, vaccination is already mandatory because of the vaccine passport

ian alexander
Isn’t acquired immunity and/or negative test as good as the vac passport in France?

Féliciano BASTOS
They just refused a compulsory vaccination project but will extend the vaccinal passport until July and plans to establish it in common law

Sorry, but at the same time they extended “health” pass til 07.31.22.
I’m not sure they want to impose mandates yet, cause that would make them responsible.
Also we have a presidential election in april 2022.

Lau Fa
Trust me, we are far from being free in France.
109   Patrick   2021 Oct 25, 6:59pm  


Romania Shuts Down All Vaccinations - Massive
Public Demonstration In Support - Watch


Not sure this is real, but the video of the demonstration is impressive.
110   richwicks   2021 Oct 25, 7:43pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
I don't oppose sterilization if it's applied to the individuals who participated directly in it.

No, life imprisonment and sterilization for them, at minimum.

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
Children, no, since environment is a factor, and they are the product of two genetic sources. You can take somebody with a genetic propensity to alcoholism or addiction, and raise them in a strict teetotaler environment, and they very well might be teetotalers themselves. Also, the kid might have the genes of the father, and not the mother who was the PR rep of Pfizer covering it up, and therefore is being unfairly assigned genetic characteristics. That would be a violation of Anglo-Saxon and Christendom laws and philosophy millennia old.

IF this is an extinction event, and that's a very big if, but if it is, it's a deliberate genocide and would be the greatest crime and conspiracy ever seen on this planet. Any previous crime in all of history would pale in comparison. We cannot afford to allow their genetic code to proliferate if this is what has been done.

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
Or David Horowitz, born to two Stalinists, who became one of the earliest anti-SJW activists way back in the 90s, banging the drum about the takeover of Colleges and Universities back then

David Horowitz is nothing more than a Neocon scumbag. All the Neocons are Stalinists, they haven't changed, they are authoritarians and if they get there by communism or fascism, they could care less. They are power mad.

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
I encourage sterilization as a punishment for multiple violent felonies, also, if they happened at different times and places. It's a fantastic way to weed out people with uncontrollable violent traits, since they are extremely likely to pass those genes (or recreate the environment themselves) as parents. Ditto for sex offenders. I'm also open to sterilization for treason and major financial crimes, but the latter tend to be past child rearing age when the events happen.

I don't think you yet understand the enormity of the POSSIBLE crime.

Again, I do not believe this is what they are doing, but many people suspect this is what they are doing. They are murdering 7.5 billion people with premeditation, and what is left will be a bunch of slaves and servants who are entirely under their control.

If this is what they are actually doing, we can't afford to be nice about it, or egalitarian. We would have to wipe them off the face of the Earth, entirely. What the survivors will have to do will have to be so monstrous, so complete, nobody would dare to even contemplate it again for 1000 years and remember, we have record keeping ability that is unparalleled in all of history.

A short video of you and your family shot today, if it's properly stored (and duplicated multiple times) will be available for your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandson to view in the same image quality he will have then. Perfect audio, perfect video, 1000 years from now.

It will never be forgotten. Language won't change much because there will be references easily obtained.

With our current record keeping abilities, I expect that 300 years from now, current American English and English English will be entirely understandable by the people living then, although it may sound a bit archaic.

History up until this point was dictated by the rulers and the winners. The whole point of making it TRIVIAL to record whatever you like was to break that endless cycle.

The powers that be MAY have realized what has been done right under their noses and may be hitting the panic button. If they are doing this, we have to be prepared to be as ruthless and savage as anything they could ever imagine - after all, they just tried to killed about 16 out of 17 of us. I don't think the aristocracy of Europe is gone.
111   Ceffer   2021 Oct 25, 10:48pm  

I want genes weeded out of the human population until everybody is just a lovable, adorable, face licking Pomeranian human.
112   richwicks   2021 Oct 25, 11:05pm  

Ceffer says
I want genes weeded out of the human population until everybody is just a lovable, adorable, face licking Pomeranian human.


If a billion people die over the VACCINATIONS of a disease that from all appearances was developed in a lab funded by our own government, when we're prevented from using prophylactics that appear to be effective because governors and the CDC prevent them and threaten doctors and pharmacists from making them available, while we have constant unending propaganda promoted against them, what exactly are we to do?

If we do nothing, that's all you're going to have left, a face licking Pomeranian human. Well, boot licking anyhow.

Point is moot anyhow, for a couple of years anyhow. I can't believe that there's really a plan in action to drive most people into the grave. Who would go along with this? The police? The military? Our "news" media? It's going to kill them, their friends, and family too.
113   Patrick   2021 Oct 27, 9:35am  


Woman injured after man drives into anti-vaccination mandate protest
A man was alleged to have argued with protesters, gotten into his vehicle and rammed into the group on the sidewalk.
Oct. 24, 2021, 7:23 AM PDT / Updated Oct. 24, 2021, 8:38 AM PDT
By Doha Madani
A man drove into a protest against vaccination mandates Saturday afternoon in Palmdale, California, injuring at least one person, authorities said.

It is typical of corporate-woke leftists to be violent when their narrative starts to crumble.
114   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 27, 10:00am  

richwicks says
Point is moot anyhow, for a couple of years anyhow. I can't believe that there's really a plan in action to drive most people into the grave. Who would go along with this? The police? The military? Our "news" media? It's going to kill them, their friends, and family too.

I hear you.

My big issue with depopulation theory is that the Ultra-Elite typically enjoy having a large excess of worker bees to keep wages down and it gives them Greater Power Relative to Everybody else.

Same reason they flood the country with illegals - it damages the Middle Class and enhances their Labor Buying Power and well as their Political Power by fragmenting the Majority.
115   Patrick   2021 Oct 30, 6:09pm  


the protests continue
and so does blackout from the media matrix

el gato malo
7 hr ago
all over the world, people have taken to the streets protesting the bio-tyranny and vaccine apartheid of lockdowns and jab mandates.

Holy cow, there are a LOT of people protesting and being entirely ignored by the corrupt corporate-liberal media.

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