Prof. Mattias Desmet Explains The Mass Psychosis We Are Seeing Around Us

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2021 Sep 20, 1:02pm   3,012 views  8 comments

by Karloff   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Summarized: People have a free-floating anxiety due to underlying problems in society, economy, family, etc. This anxiety produces pain within the person and they seek to rid themselves of it. Psychological manipulation through the media acts to attach this pain to some target (Covid, Trump, antivaxxers, conservatives, etc) and gives the victims an outlet of sorts. Once they have this target identified for them, it effectively becomes a war to defeat that target by any means necessary. They feel this will alleviate the mental anguish they are experiencing and they will resist all attempts to detach the target from the underlying anxiety so that they do not go back to the painful free-floating anxiety condition. This is why these people cannot be swayed by logic, reason, facts, or statistics.

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1   AmericanKulak   2021 Sep 20, 1:07pm  

There's a whinge in here that supports that notion.

There are still people complaining about the Trump years, oblivious to Biden Disaster.
2   richwicks   2021 Sep 20, 1:12pm  

Karloff says
This anxiety produces pain within the person and they seek to rid themselves of it. Psychological manipulation through the media acts to attach this pain to some target (Covid, Trump, antivaxxers, conservatives, etc) and gives the victims an outlet of sorts. Once they have this target identified for them, it effectively becomes a war to defeat that target by any means necessary.

All you need to do is identify the actual target.

It's our government.
3   Shaman   2021 Sep 20, 2:53pm  

People do crazy things when they’re afraid. A peaceful crowd of airport commuters can become a screaming mob that will callously trample children and old ladies when a bomb explodes.
People who preach egalitarianism quickly become selfish and homicidal when they perceive their neighbors to be a threat to their own lives.
This precise fear is what the media has been endlessly promoting with their Big Lie of the “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.” Biden just gave voice to the incredulous and nonsensical emotional reasoning of this particular fear with his remarks that “we will protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated.” The flavor of a general declaring war was intentional. These people know how to divide us and they’re doing it as hard as they can.
4   mell   2021 Sep 20, 3:39pm  

Shaman says
People do crazy things when they’re afraid. A peaceful crowd of airport commuters can become a screaming mob that will callously trample children and old ladies when a bomb explodes.
People who preach egalitarianism quickly become selfish and homicidal when they perceive their neighbors to be a threat to their own lives.
This precise fear is what the media has been endlessly promoting with their Big Lie of the “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.” Biden just gave voice to the incredulous and nonsensical emotional reasoning of this particular fear with his remarks that “we will protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated.” The flavor of a general declaring war was intentional. These people know how to divide us and they’re doing it as hard as they can.

Fully agreed. Any rational person without anxiety and fear of social isolation would do a quick calculation of the people with !covid! they know and how many of those were vaxxed on how many weren't and swiftly conclude the giant turd lie of the pandemic of the unvaxxed.
5   Patrick   2021 Sep 20, 9:55pm  

@Karloff Thanks for posting this video. It's really brilliant, giving a coherent explanation for a lot of the insanity we are seeing.

I think in the US at least, a great deal of the anger of the vaxxed is people who are in fact still angry and anxious about Trump, who represented a threat to the old corrupt order which benefitted themselves.

So they had all this anxiety which they could not exactly name, but now that they have the virus and the vaxx, they have an explanation and a way out.

And if you threaten the narrative which gives them this way out of their anxiety, they will hate you.
6   Karloff   2021 Sep 20, 11:30pm  

The actual anxiety wasn't initially caused by these issues, although those were used to amplify it and give it a name.

The real underlying reasons are specific to the individual, but I think they are due to the pressures of 21st century life. We've never had a life this easy, but what we see as conveniences are actually the sources of much of our stress. Social media has enthralled so many, and they are slaves to it and their global reputation. People care so much about what others think, they have to work hard to fit in. Get the right house, appliances, counter-tops and cabinets watch the right TV shows so they can discuss them with everyone else in the break room. Wear the right clothes, listen to the right celebrities, be popular. Acceptance is paramount. People will sacrifice so much of their individuality to attain this acceptance. They are afraid to expose it in fear that it will be rejected and they will not fit in, or be cast out. This conflict is difficult for people. They will put themselves in financial peril in order to attain their social standing, which causes more stress.

For most of my life, I viewed these types of behaviors as adolescent at best, and not only didn't care about adhering to them, but viewed those that did as somewhat inferior or worthy of pity. Ignore the media, politicians, and Hollywood, and you're immune to most of this conditioning. I never cared about acceptance, I just tried to be normal enough to not become a target for attack.

In the end, are you a collectivist, yearning to fit in and be part of the group? Or are you an individual who will go about things your own way?
7   Patrick   2021 Sep 20, 11:50pm  

Karloff says
Wear the right clothes, listen to the right celebrities, be popular. Acceptance is paramount.

This might explain why all the FBI agents look like clones, too:

8   Patrick   2024 Aug 27, 3:56pm  


If my criticism is now directed at the Democratic Party, it is because I believe they currently pose the greatest threat in terms of totalitarianism by seamlessly conforming to the technocratic ideology of globalist institutions. As Kennedy said last week when he announced his support for Trump: the Democratic Party used to be against censorship and propaganda, against the ruthlessly commercially driven and deadly over-medicalization of the population; against a monstrous food industry that drives obesity and diabetes to staggering proportions; against the stranglehold of big capital that reduces the ordinary person to the most pressing form of slavery in history. Now, they have become exponents of Big Tech, Big Pharma, a deadly food industry, and Big Finance, and they practice censorship on a scale that Stalin could have only dreamed of ...

In other words, while the term ‘demo-cratic’ suggests that the Democratic Party represents the interests of the people, the very opposite is likely: the Democratic Party represents industries that have the most detrimental impact on the people. The decline of the Democratic Party follows a general mechanism: the institutionalization of a virtue usually deteriorates into the vice that is precisely opposed to the original virtue. According to that psychological mechanism—which I won’t elaborate on here—the police become a threat to the safety of the people (see, for example, the police response during COVID protests and what happens in ‘police states’), the church a threat to morality (perversion and child abuse thrived within institutionalized religion), medicine detrimental to health (a huge percentage of diseases are ‘iatrogenic’) and the university becomes the main producer of misinformation (see replication crisis). ...

But in any case: we are on the threshold of a political shift unlike anything we have seen in recent decades. For the first time in recent history, a political movement is emerging that—whether you support it or not—has the determination to stand firmly against much of the established Big Corporations and Big State. If necessary, to the death.

The effects are already visible: Zuckerberg made unprecedented revelations about undemocratic influence by the Biden administration (during the COVID crisis and during the 2020 elections). In other words: he is about throwing the Biden administration under the bus. He might feel the storm coming: if Trump gets another chance, an investigation will be launched into the censorship and manipulation he was involved in. And the panic over the upcoming Trump-Kennedy duo is accelerating less pleasant aspects of the great totalitarianizing process our society is undergoing: the system is transitioning from the phase of indoctrination and propaganda to the phase of terror (see, among other things, the arrest of Pavel Durov).

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