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The ultra wealthy rich and powerful have enough money and power for generations. How does killing off half the population improve their lifestyles at all?
we can't forget that we are living under a ruling class that will readily kill us, our family, our children, our grandchildren should they deem them inconvenient,
richwicks sayswe can't forget that we are living under a ruling class that will readily kill us, our family, our children, our grandchildren should they deem them inconvenient,
This is the usual situation in which humanity finds itself. The powerful have always used and abused the lowly. It’s not new and it’s not unusual. Sadly, conservatives aren’t known for opposing this situation. That’s what liberals are good for. But when you get too many people going too left, you get Revolution and that’s a disaster for the ruling class. They will do ANYTHING to prevent losing their power and their wealth.
The ultra wealthy rich and powerful have enough money and power for generations. How does killing off half the population improve their lifestyles at all?
Egptian Pharoah and Chinese Emperors did not live long. Their average life span was much shorter than the average life span of their contemporaries . . . they were overthrown whenever the bureaucratic corps couldn't pretend the ponzi scams any longer, and often had their entire extended families exterminated. European equivalents were Louise XVI and Nicholas II . . . theoretically all-powerful autocrats until they were not!
Ancient monarchs seemed to have lived into their 50s, which was about the same as most wealthier people in the pre-medical days, and generally reigned for about 20 years on average.
Egyptian and Chinese Dynasties lasted many generations and at least a century or two.
That number (50's) only took into account monarchs that died of natural causes. For every Henry VIII (died at 55yo), there was an Edward VI (Henry's successor, died at 16 of possible court intrigue) and a Jane (Edwar's successor, died at 17 of public execution). The average of the 3 would be 29
Also, the description of trade and international trade was very wrong. The court scribes of course had a heavy bias in describing trade as fully government controlled. However, in reality, even prison has smuggling, despite all of today's monitoring technology! How would neighboring kings even know each other if not for private trade routes/ships/caravans? How would the laborers not die of malnourishment / vitamin-deficiency if they only ate the listed items from the administrators? The scribes wrote that way because they were colleagues of the administrators and knew which side of their bread gets buttered. Also, the scribe's emphasis on grain distribution might be an indication that grain was used as a small-denomination currency in the ancient world; receivers were expected to use the grain to trade for all the things they want to eat . . . a little like during the soviet union's collapse, some factories paid workers using vodka. The workers were not expected to live off vodka a...
Shaman saysSo they have engineered a situation where the Leftists and the weak-willed socialists will take the death jab and the conservatives mostly won’t. Also the sickly and the obese and the old (especially useless as they’re not working) will take the jab in very high percentages!
Later, when the commies are mostly dead, the world will again be safe for the nobility. Provided they immediately make things great again for the conservatives who are left. Mollifying us won’t be cheap or easy, but it should be possible. Keep in mind that conservatives are more likely to work with an unfair system than protest it.
First of all, I hear quite often that everybody that has "taken the jab" are certain to die. This is irresponsible, people don't know so making this statement creates hysteria.
Second of all, if this does end up killing the people who have "taken the jab", we can'...
I'm talking about the span of Dynasties. About 100-150 years is pretty average.
This is pushing private resource ownership back in the past, and there is NO evidence for it.
Resources in structured agra societies were owned by the Clerisy/Monarch. So where did the copper to smuggle come from?
We have the official stamped ingots and records of the shipments; we don't have any evidence of widespread independent trade.
Are you aware that all the animals died in the trial? Once they were exposed back to a natural environment. It would be irresponsible to not assume the worst case scenario in a safety analysis.
My point being this: The idea of an ordinary person empowered to own things and trade/produce them largely unmolested was not at the beginning of civilization.
tanked saysAre you aware that all the animals died in the trial? Once they were exposed back to a natural environment. It would be irresponsible to not assume the worst case scenario in a safety analysis.
Yes, I've heard this.
Like I've said over and over, if they are stupid enough to be actually trying to kill people, it will be our absolute moral duty to entirely eradicate them from the human race.
They must know that, but if the almost impossible to conceive event they don't and they've purposely poisoned the population.
There could also be a motive to make conservatives lose jobs, out of resentment at their having elected Trump.
The obvious motivations seem to be profit via systemic corruption of the CDC/FDA/NIH, and the power to restrict life for anyone who does not obey.
People lower down in the hierarchy may be motivated by anxiety reduction, the comforting believe that this is all about the virus and can be solved by obeying the order to submit to the jab.
There could also be a motive to make conservatives lose jobs, out of resentment at their having elected Trump.
I'm not sure we need any more motives than those to explain everything. The conspiracy is pretty much out in the open.
There's a very clear split between liberals and conservatives as to who took the jab. Liberals is 90% took it, non liberals only 24%. If this was meant to punish conservatives then it backfired.
tanked saysThere's a very clear split between liberals and conservatives as to who took the jab. Liberals is 90% took it, non liberals only 24%. If this was meant to punish conservatives then it backfired.
I don't see how it backfired.
it is 76% conservatives who are being forced out of a job by not subjecting their bodies to the unknowns of the jab.
Any companies worth anything will wait until that point before acting.
tanked saysAny companies worth anything will wait until that point before acting.
I agree that any company would be stupid to fire anyone for refusal to take a drug still entirely under EUA and before OSHA even issued any guidelines.
But a guy on this site has been fired already for refusal.
He is a casualty of war but this war has had and will have many other casualties of actual death, and far more on the left.
This is explainable by the would be crime-doers killed before they get a chance to live.
This is eugenics and I do not support abortion nor this method.
But are we not seeing this happening again which would explain their motivation.
Nearly all who take the death jab are not conservatives. Arguably it is an IQ test to take it or not.
Crime will drop dramatically once all the takers of it die. That is likely to be their real motivation once again.