San Francisco's slide into hell under extreme leftism

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2021 Apr 15, 9:51pm   163,117 views  1,051 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


‘Hey, where are you?” Hannah Ege texted her husband, Sheria Musyoka. He’d left on a morning jog and had been gone for an hour and a half. Hannah was home, taking care of their three-year-old son. She began to freak out. She called and texted and called again. He never answered.

Speeding and drunk — at just shy of eight in the morning — Jerry Lyons barreled through a red light at an intersection in a stolen Ford Explorer. Lyons struck and killed Musyoka, a 26-year-old Dartmouth grad who had moved to San Francisco only ten days earlier with his wife and their son. After clipping Musyoka, Lyons collided with another car, causing an eight-car pileup that sent several other people to the hospital.

The San Francisco police arrested Lyons on multiple charges that morning in February, but this was not the first time he’d been arrested for drunk driving in a stolen car. On December 3, he had been arrested for driving under the influence, driving a stolen vehicle, and driving without a license. Before that, he’d been released from prison after serving time for a grand-theft conviction; in fact, Lyons had been arrested at least seven times in the Bay Area since his release from prison, and his rap sheet goes back a decade. Still, San Francisco’s district attorney, Chesa Boudin, delayed pressing charges against Lyons until a toxicology report confirmed that he had been inebriated, which, more than a month and a half later in January, it did. Lyons then had 14 days to turn himself in to the DA’s office. On the 13th day, he killed Musyoka. While COVID-era difficulties might have accounted for the medical examiner’s slow speed in returning test results, a different DA could have chosen to move forward sooner — taking necessary precautions — and charged Lyons with a DUI based on observable factors alone, such as the results of Lyons’s field sobriety test, his erratic driving in a stolen vehicle, and close scrutiny of his behavior.

Hannah Ege expressed her grief and pain to a local TV news station, railing at the district attorney’s reluctance to lock up repeat offenders. Whom does she blame for her husband’s death? “The DA,” she said. “This freak accident was no freak accident. It was someone who was out in the public who should not have been out in public.”

The Lyons mayhem is not an isolated case in the city by the bay. On New Year’s Eve, a parolee on the run from a robbery — also in a stolen car — sped through a red light, striking and killing two women, 60-year-old Elizabeth Platt and 27-year-old Hanako Abe, who were in the crosswalk. The driver, Troy McAlister, had been released twice by the district attorney in the previous year: the first time because Boudin refuses to pursue three-strike cases, of which McAlister’s was one; the second — as recently as December 20, when the SFPD arrested McAlister for driving a stolen car — because Boudin kicked the case to the state parole officers, who did nothing.

Welcome to San Francisco’s latest idiocy, a new experiment in governance where everything is allowed but nothing is permitted. A paradox, you might say, but take a walk down Market Street, down that great avenue in a great city in a great nation, and note the desolation of the empty streets, the used needles tossed on the sidewalks, and the boarded-up windows on storefronts. Consider that, at various unpredictable times in the last year, it has been illegal — for the sake of public safety during COVID — to run a mom-and-pop corner shop or to serve food at sidewalk cafés. Reflect for a moment that, since time immemorial, it has been illegal to build any new housing, because of the most onerous and confusing zoning laws in the known universe. Mark Zuckerberg can apparently influence national elections by tweaking algorithms, but he is powerless before the planning commission when it comes to building apartments for his employees. The city has banned plastic straws, plastic bags, and McDonald’s Happy Meals with toys. And yet, all the while, drug dealers sell their wares — COVID or no COVID — openly and freely at all hours of the day and night, users shoot up or pop fentanyl in public and defecate on the street, robbers pillage cars and homes with the ease of Visigoth raiders, and the district attorney frees repeat offenders who go on to sow disorder, pain, devastation, and grief. A profound melancholy hangs in the air of this city, punctuated only by the shrieks of a junkie dreaming of demons or by the rat-tat-tat-bam of the occasional firework. (Or was that a gun?) ...

How did it come to this? On January 8, 2020, Mayor London Breed swore in Chesa Boudin as the new district attorney of San Francisco in front of a packed house at the Herbst Theater. Boudin won the election by a nose in a runoff, with oily promises to feel the pain of all parties to a crime, both victims and perpetrators. He made pledges to enact “restorative justice” and prison reform through “decarceration.” U.S. Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor recorded a congratulatory video message, which was played at the swearing-in ceremony for Boudin and the crowd. “Chesa, you have undertaken a remarkable challenge today,” the justice said. “The hope you reflect is a great beacon to many.”

The task before Boudin was already monumental. Before he assumed his office, San Francisco ranked No. 1 in the nation in property crime. On average, thieves broke 60 car windows per day, with impunity. In 2014, California voters approved Proposition 47, a reform measure that reduced many felonies to ticketed misdemeanors, such as theft of less than $950 and hard-drug possession. There were more drug addicts on the streets than there were students in the schools. Tent encampments of homeless people had sprouted in every nook and alley and under every highway overpass. Commuters faced a daily gauntlet in the form of an appalling humanitarian crisis in the streets.

But Boudin immediately refused to take any responsibility for these issues. Among his first acts was to fire seven veteran prosecutors who were not on board with his radical views. (Over 30 prosecutors have left during his tenure because they don’t want to work for him.) Next, Boudin abolished the cash-bail system, so offenders are able to walk free after arrest. He rarely brings a case to trial: Out of the 6,333 cases to land on his desk since taking office, he has gone to trial only 23 times. This is one-tenth the rate of his predecessor, George Gascón, who was hardly tough on crime. Since the killing of George Floyd, there has been a shortage of cops, as officers retire in record numbers. San Francisco has also moved to defund the police, with plans to shift $120 million in law-enforcement funding to restorative-justice programs, housing support, and a guaranteed-income pilot, among other ideas.

To where does Boudin’s “great beacon” point? Over the last year, there have been more deaths from drug overdoses in San Francisco than from COVID-19. Walgreens has closed ten of its drugstores in the city because its shelves were being pillaged freely by shoplifters. According to SFPD’s CompStat, compared with last year, arson has increased 52 percent, motor-vehicle theft is up 21 percent, and burglaries have seen a 59 percent increase. One largely Asian neighborhood, the Richmond district, has reported a 342 percent spike in burglaries this year compared with last. Admittedly, some numbers are down, such as those for larceny and robbery. But police attribute these declines to the pandemic, since there are fewer opportunities for would-be criminals to commit such crimes as people shelter in place. One neighborhood association sent a letter in February to Boudin and Mayor Breed, begging them to restore public safety. The association also posted it on the Internet. “Our neighborhood can’t wait another day,” they wrote. “Our homes are repeatedly broken into and robbed. Our merchants suffer unsustainable losses from theft and smashed windows. Employees are threatened with guns. Residents are robbed at gunpoint on our own streets. The sound of gunshots is no longer unusual.” ...

Now, what rough beast slouches its way towards San Francisco? With a district attorney who won’t prosecute crimes, how long will it be until an anxious Google engineer defends himself from being harassed by a madman? Will envious arsonists light the Salesforce Tower on fire as a jacked-up mob courses through the streets burning and looting the Painted Ladies?

A desperate sun struggles through the fog. There may be one ray of hope. The city has recently approved the effort to recall Chesa Boudin from office. Locals could begin downloading signature-gathering petitions on March 12. If 10 percent of registered voters sign the petition, all voters may get the chance to vote the bum out. But even if they do, it will remain tragic for Musyoka, Platt, Abe, and others like them that the day did not come soon enough.

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84   Onvacation   2021 May 16, 12:58pm  

Booger says
Millennials have cars?

Some. The rest of them have their negative net worth tied up in student loans or credit card debt.
85   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 May 16, 12:58pm  

Ceffer says
The garage door half open thing was specific homeowner's associations, not Cali law

Freaking Nazis.

More than a few residents of such places have told me that their rules forbid hanging laundry. At 30 cents per kw-hr the solar-and-wind-powered clothesline is the bargain of the century.
86   Ceffer   2021 May 16, 1:02pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says
More than a few residents of such places have told me that their rules forbid hanging laundry. At 30 cents per kw-hr the solar-and-wind-powered clothesline is the bargain of the century.

A friend in Santa Cruz got into, amongst other things, a dispute over whether he could have a clothes line outdoors for his underwear. This offended his militant, lesbian next door neighbor.

i told him if he didn't use his clothes line as a sling shot to fire volleys of underwear on the lesbo's yard, he might have gotten somewhere in the dispute.
87   HeadSet   2021 May 16, 2:10pm  

Ceffer says
i told him if he didn't use his clothes line as a sling shot to fire volleys of underwear on the lesbo's yard, he might have gotten somewhere in the dispute.

Why would the Lezbo object to free used men's underwear? After all, she could wring out some testosterone from them, then wear them later.
88   Booger   2021 Jul 30, 12:00pm  


San Francisco: 2021 Crime SURGE / Housing CRASH.
90   WookieMan   2021 Aug 19, 6:11pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says
We could say the same about where you live. But we don't, because we don't presume to be experts on a place we only have the most superficial information about. A handful of vacation days and visiting friends in your state does not make me an expert.

I love old threads. I've visited CA enough and know enough people that live there, and also never claimed to be an expert. Talk to me about IL after you've left the airport if you've even been. I've said the same about where I live.

I don't protect shitty politics, I go after them. If you want to polish a turd because of an Ocean and mountains, fine. But I'm gonna call a spade a spade. CA is a legit beautiful shit hole. There's not much to dispute about that.
91   Patrick   2021 Aug 19, 8:40pm  

The shittiness is rapidly increasing while the natural beauty is constant.

Actually, not even constant. Now it's frequently obscured by smoke.
92   Patrick   2021 Aug 22, 5:55pm  


August 22, 2021
San Francisco mandates vaccination passports for adults and children over 12
Customers of businesses will have to show proof of double vaccination, making San Francisco the number one city in the US making an affront to civil liberties.
93   Blue   2021 Aug 22, 7:44pm  

Does this mandate apply to millions of Afghans arriving to create future alkaida us operations.
94   mell   2021 Aug 23, 8:44am  

Patrick says

How the fuck do they know if a kid is over 12? Do all kids now have to carry papers? Is this nazi Germany? I hope SF drowns in shit and lack of tourism.
95   mell   2021 Aug 23, 8:47am  

WookieMan says
B.A.C.A.H. says
We could say the same about where you live. But we don't, because we don't presume to be experts on a place we only have the most superficial information about. A handful of vacation days and visiting friends in your state does not make me an expert.

I love old threads. I've visited CA enough and know enough people that live there, and also never claimed to be an expert. Talk to me about IL after you've left the airport if you've even been. I've said the same about where I live.

I don't protect shitty politics, I go after them. If you want to polish a turd because of an Ocean and mountains, fine. But I'm gonna call a spade a spade. CA is a legit beautiful shit hole. There's not much to dispute about that.

I was at that estate winery again with massive outdoor kitchens and large pool, the weather in CA can't be beat, food and wine is stellar. I have traveled a fair share and do not believe that there are many (if at all) more beautiful areas. If you have money the majority of rural beauty and luxury is still very much intact in CA and hard to beat. Hopefully the shithole cities will disappear in their own filth of leftoid corrupt politics once Elder is elected.
96   Patrick   2021 Aug 23, 11:10am  

mell says
once Elder is elected

I'm confident he would be in a fair election.

But I'm not confident we will have a fair election.
97   EBGuy   2021 Aug 23, 8:35pm  

Convicted murder pardoned by Governor Cuomo will likely come to San Francisco.
Outgoing NY Governor Andrew Cuomo has been blasted by victims' groups for commuting the murder sentence of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin's dad over an armored car robbery that killed three.
98   Patrick   2021 Aug 23, 11:13pm  

Another reason to stay away from SF.
99   Patrick   2021 Aug 27, 10:54am  


It also looks like the corruption and incompetence has spread to the construction industry in California.

Idiocracy is here.

When that thing falls over, it will symbolize the death of San Francisco in the name of "equity".
100   Ceffer   2021 Aug 27, 4:40pm  

That leaning tower of tech billionaire grandiosity was supposed to be an affluent urban experience rather than a crystal failure in a shit hole.
106   mell   2021 Oct 8, 9:30am  

lol that's actually a great idea - you hook up with some hoodlum and share the loot, promising them sjw protection in case they do get nabbed by the police. It's like a sjw-insurance for looters and you are the insurer.
107   HeadSet   2021 Oct 8, 12:41pm  

The old fashioned word for "LootDash" is "fence."
108   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Oct 8, 2:38pm  

It’s not just SF.

This state is fucked. A lot of my co workers are about to lose their jobs due to vaccine mandates and it’s bullshit. I could give a flying fuck whether or not someone gets the vaccine, but a bunch of idiots elected by a bunch of real idiots shouldn’t be dictating how all of us live.

I’ve got 8 years left to retire and I am gone from this crappy state. Born here, lived my whole life here, and a bunch of assholes who willingly give up their rights are forcing me to leave. Good riddance. I’d advise anyone under age 45 or so to get the hell out of California. It’s an absolute crap hole and getting worse.
109   mell   2021 Oct 8, 3:18pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
It’s not just SF.

This state is fucked. A lot of my co workers are about to lose their jobs due to vaccine mandates and it’s bullshit. I could give a flying fuck whether or not someone gets the vaccine, but a bunch of idiots elected by a bunch of real idiots shouldn’t be dictating how all of us live.

I’ve got 8 years left to retire and I am gone from this crappy state. Born here, lived my whole life here, and a bunch of assholes who willingly give up their rights are forcing me to leave. Good riddance. I’d advise anyone under age 45 or so to get the hell out of California. It’s an absolute crap hole and getting worse.

Planning on exiting in 5-7 years or so due to family matters. Could be sooner. But as I mentioned before, there are still plenty of beautiful places in CA if you disregard the state making you pay taxes through the nose. Wine country, Sonoma county along highway 1, Sea Ranch/Gualala, then Mendocino town and county, parts of Humboldt etc. etc. It will take a while to destroy these beauties, since the armchair leftoids with money flee to those utopias while voting for free reign for the illegals and hoodlums to concentrate in and destroy the bigger cities. Most DAs in small towns are radical law and order types compared to the leftist terrorist DAs running SF or LA. But the exit has to be done and it will be bittersweet.
110   richwicks   2021 Oct 8, 3:30pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
I could give a flying fuck whether or not someone gets the vaccine, but a bunch of idiots elected by a bunch of real idiots shouldn’t be dictating how all of us live.

You cannot validate the vote. This can be made trivial to do. But it's not.

It's because a lot of people "elected" in California, were not elected.

If you want change, you MUST REALIZE that the people placed in power are not elected. You must see the problem to fix it. I can tell you what the problem is, but you won't believe it. The problem is we aren't in a republic. You are told over and over again that this is a democracy, that it's a republic - it's not, we're in a dictatorship. A common propaganda technique is to repeat over and over again a lie until it is accepted as truth. This is one of the lies.

I know this is difficult to believe, but did Obama stop the wars? That's what Hope and Change was all about. Did he even try? He "ended" the Iraq war in 2011 and staffed it with mercenaries. That war is still ongoing.
111   mell   2021 Oct 8, 3:32pm  

richwicks says
FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
I could give a flying fuck whether or not someone gets the vaccine, but a bunch of idiots elected by a bunch of real idiots shouldn’t be dictating how all of us live.

You cannot validate the vote. This can be made trivial to do. But it's not.

It's because a lot of people "elected" in California, were not elected.

If you want change, you MUST REALIZE that the people placed in power are not elected. You must see the problem to fix it. I can tell you what the problem is, but you won't believe it. The problem is we aren't in a republic. You are told over and over again that this is a democracy, that it's a republic - it's not, we're in a dictatorship. A common propaganda technique is to repeat over and over again a lie until it is accepted as truth. This is one of the lies.

I know this is difficult to believe, but did Obama stop t...

I agree with you but I also see quite large pockets of people in CA simply parrotting the leftoid talking points and all they care about is that they're vaxxed and that you are as well - I can totally believe that these people all voted the newscum/xiden ticket all the way.
112   richwicks   2021 Oct 8, 4:21pm  

mell says
I agree with you but I also see quite large pockets of people in CA simply parrotting the leftoid talking points and all they care about is that they're vaxxed and that you are as well - I can totally believe that these people all voted the newscum/xiden ticket all the way.

You can believe that, but you cannot demonstrate that.

I'm originally from NY, upstate NY. The rest of the state would be dancing for joy and buying rounds of beer if NYC sunk into the sea.

It's the same in California, there's the PERCEPTION that SF and LA determine the rules, but I'm in the Bay Area - there's PLENTY OF US, who are disgusted with our government - yes, we in in a minority, but not a tiny minority. The perception in this area is how this area goes is the predominate thinking in the entire area, and that extends to the rest of the state. Likewise, the rest of the state thinks that what is in this minority area controls them.

I am telling you, our "elected representatives" aren't elected. It's absolutely TRIVIAL to verify the votes, but it's made impossible, because who is elected, isn't actually elected.

Count the number of people going into a polling place - that's made impossible. You aren't even allowed to do that. We made technology to expose corruption. 20 years ago "oh, it's too expensive, it's too complicated" - not any more. There will be just excuse after excuse until you are forced to see the situation. Camera costs $10 now and we'll make it cheaper still.

We've not had a fair vote in at least 2 decades.
113   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Oct 8, 5:30pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
I’d advise anyone under age 45 or so to get the hell out of California. It’s an absolute crap hole and getting worse.

Two billion in China and India covet to live in the Bay Area.

Of those, there's more rich people than in the entire population of the US.

The well trodden path is to buy their kids the best educations money can buy in their countries, then buy their kids' grad studies in the US. Next a green card by marriage or by H1 (essentially, marriage to a company) and the tsunami continues.
114   EBGuy   2021 Oct 8, 8:23pm  

Well, this should get interesting, From the author of San Fransicko:

Interest in the book is high. On Monday I recorded interviews with @JordanBPeterson & @RubinReport
Yesterday I recorded a three hour-long interview with @joerogan
And @nytimes has told HarperCollins that it will publish a review of it. pic.twitter.com/iC3tv6YQEo— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) October 8, 2021
115   EBGuy   2021 Oct 8, 8:34pm  

S.F. schools' financial tailspin prompts state to intervene in face of massive shortfall
With a $116 million shortfall increasing the likelihood that the San Francisco school district won’t be able to pay its bills, the California education superintendent is stepping in to address its financial tailspin in a move aimed at avoiding a full state takeover.
Perhaps the board should have been focused on financial matters instead of renaming 44 schools and painting over historic murals.
116   mell   2021 Oct 8, 9:12pm  

richwicks says
mell says
I agree with you but I also see quite large pockets of people in CA simply parrotting the leftoid talking points and all they care about is that they're vaxxed and that you are as well - I can totally believe that these people all voted the newscum/xiden ticket all the way.

You can believe that, but you cannot demonstrate that.

I'm originally from NY, upstate NY. The rest of the state would be dancing for joy and buying rounds of beer if NYC sunk into the sea.

It's the same in California, there's the PERCEPTION that SF and LA determine the rules, but I'm in the Bay Area - there's PLENTY OF US, who are disgusted with our government - yes, we in in a minority, but not a tiny minority. The perception in this area is how this area goes is the predominate thinking in the entire area, and that extends to the rest of the state. Likewise, the rest of the state thinks that what ...

Could very well be.
117   Patrick   2021 Oct 13, 9:34pm  


A new poll paints a stark picture of life in the Bay Area and its residents' discontents.

Joint Venture Silicon Valley, in partnership with the Bay Area News Group, polled 1,610 registered voters across five Bay Area counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara.

A shocking 71% of respondents said the quality of life in the greater Bay Area is worse now compared to five years ago. Fifty-six percent of respondents said they are considering leaving in the next five years — including 53% of respondents who work in the tech sector.
118   Ceffer   2021 Oct 13, 10:21pm  

LOL! I think quite a few of us doom and gloomers were saying such. LA was going to be the vast, smoking crater out of which the bestial cannibal hybrids would crawl.
121   Patrick   2021 Oct 25, 7:26pm  


San Francisco residents are hiring private security to patrol their streets in bid to stay safe, amid crime spike that has left many fearful of going outside during the DAY
122   EBGuy   2021 Oct 25, 7:53pm  

Why a progressive prosecutor just left D.A. Chesa Boudin's office and joined the recall effort
“The D.A.’s office now is a sinking ship,” she said. “It’s like the Titanic, and it’s taking public safety along with it.”
123   HeadSet   2021 Oct 26, 7:01am  

EBGuy says
Why a progressive prosecutor just left D.A. Chesa Boudin's office and joined the recall effort
“The D.A.’s office now is a sinking ship,” she said. “It’s like the Titanic, and it’s taking public safety along with it.”

Less than two years into his tenure, he’s {Boudin} been blamed unfairly for everything from Walgreens closures to long-rampant car break-ins.

This is why the press loses credibility. If you have a policy of not prosecuting shoplifters, it is your fault when stores leave because of rampant shoplifting.

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